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my memory and it is pretty hard to remember how many papers you publish in a newspaper plant.

Q. Your best recollection?

A. I think about four editions.

Q. Four sepcial editions with this?

A. Yes; they came out at irregular times. They were handled in this way, Judge: We carried this ad, not this ad, but this political matter only in a regular edition and then it would be saved out and laid on a table and when we had enough accumulated for a special, or what we call a "Home folks edition," we would print the political matter in the home folks edition and sent it out and therefore it would come at irregular intervals.

Q. Then the regular advertising might have appeared in your regular issues upon more than four occasions, but the four editions which you refer to now were special editions, is that true?

A. Yes; and some of the matter carried in the special editions were not carried in the regular editions. For instance, we might put some printed matter in the way of the accomplishment of Governor Hunt and the matter was all set up so we would simply run that in our special edition, but that was job work that was handled for the Democratic committee.

Q. That was not in the paper except as in the special edition? A. That is the way I remember it.

Q. Now, in how many editions or numbers of your paper, not special, I am not speaking now of special editions, did you carry free advertisements for Governor Hunt and Senator Cameron.

A. I don't know. I would have to investigate to answer that and I doubt if the manager would be table to know. Whenever we had a space that was available and we could use it, why, we would take advantage of that space and use it for Governor Hunt or Senator Cameron.

Q. I shall ask you to furnish that information. Did you furnish

A. May I take a note of that, please?

Q. You may do so.

A. Now, you wanted, Senator, the amount of free

Q. Advertising, first the space and then the price at your usual rate, given both to Governor Hunt and Senator Cameron.

A. I want to say, Senator, that neither Governor Hunt or Senator Cameron has requested this. Anything that I have done is voluntary on our part and on our contribution to the cause.

Q. That does not modify my request.

A. No; that is right, but I don't want to make it appear that they were around seeking advertising from us for nothing, because neither one has ever done that.

Q. Now, did you have any advertising for Senator Cameron in your regular or your special editions in which there were no advertisements for Governor Hunt. Perhaps my question isn't clear. Did you link the two together always, or did you have some special advertising for Senator Cameron at times when you did not advertise free for Governor Hunt?

A. You mean blocked up as a commercial ad, Senator, or do you mean just regular campaign material? Yes; a great deal for Senator

Cameron. I think I carried more matter for Senator Cameron than I did for Governor Hunt.

Q. What was the general character of the matter that you carried for Senator Cameron?

A. Political discussions, editorials, and reprinting of letters and telegrams and political matter of a general nature.

Q. What would be the value of the space, including your special editions which your paper has given to Senator Cameron in the primaries and during the general primary campaign and general election down to this minute?

A. You mean the unpaid part, Senator, or the total values?

Q. Was any paid?

A. Well, there was some paid and some unpaid matter from the various candidates.

Q. I am speaking of Senator Cameron.

A. Well, I would have to investigate it to know. I don't know. Q. Have you never figured the amount in value, your contribution in printing space for advertisements for Senator Cameron was? A. No, I never have; no.

Q. How many special editions have been issued of your paper carrying advertisements for and in behalf of Senator Cameron? A. I think four.

Q. Only four?

A. Four; that is my memory.

Q. Have you a copy here of one of those special editions; if not, hast anybody?

Judge LYMAN. Yes.

A. This is one of what we call "Home folks edition," Senator. Q. Thank you. You have handed the chairman a paper called the Daily Arizona Silver Belt, printed in Miami, Ariz., Saturday evening, October 30, 1926, consisting of

A. Eight pages.

Q. Eight pages. That is devoted almost entirely, is it not, to Mr. Cameron?

A. To the two candidates; yes, sir.

Q. I said to Mr. Cameron.

A. No; I don't-not entirely; no, Judge.

Q. Examine the first page and the second page and the third page and one-half the fourth page, and all of the fifth page, and the latter half of the sixth page, and half of the seventh page and of the eighth page, and I will ask you if that, if the pages that I have stated and the fractions of pages are not devoted to Senator Cameron and his candidacy. I am making no criticism; I am just trying to get the facts.

A. Some of this is news there; some of this we consider news. This was gotten up in our regular newspaper and put over in this. It has reference to Senator Cameron's political situation.

Q. Yes; all right. You call it news!

A. Yes; some of it certainly is news. Will Irwin's article exposed; it is an exposure with this affidavit from Edgar Mills.

Q. I am just asking you whether you call it news.

A. Yes; some of it I do call news.

Q. Relating to Senator Cameron?

my memory and it is pretty hard to remember how many papers you publish in a newspaper plant.

Q. Your best recollection?

A. I think about four editions.

Q. Four sepcial editions with this?

A. Yes; they came out at irregular times. They were handiel in this way, Judge: We carried this ad, not this ad, but this political matter only in a regular edition and then it would be saved out and laid on a table and when we had enough accumulatel for a special, or what we call a "Home folks edition," we woud print the political matter in the home folks edition and sent it out and therefore it would come at irregular intervals.

Q. Then the regular advertising might have appeared in your regular issues upon more than four occasions, but the four editions which you refer to now were special editions, is that true?

A. Yes; and some of the matter carried in the special editions were not carried in the regular editions. For instance, we might put some printed matter in the way of the accomplishment of Governor Hunt and the matter was all set up so we would simply run that in our special edition, but that was job work that was handled for the Democratic committee.

Q. That was not in the paper except as in the special edition? A. That is the way I remember it.

Q. Now, in how many editions or numbers of your paper. not special, I am not speaking now of special editions, did you carry free advertisements for Governor Hunt and Senator Cameron.

A. I don't know. I would have to investigate to answer that and I doubt if the manager would be table to know. Whenever we had a space that was available and we could use it, why, we would take advantage of that space and use it for Governor Hunt or Senator Cameron.

Q. I shall ask you to furnish that information. Did you fur nish

A. May I take a note of that, please?

Q. You may do so.

A. Now, you wanted, Senator, the amount of free

Q. Advertising, first the space and then the price at your usual rate, given both to Governor Hunt and Senator Ĉameron.

A. I want to say, Senator, that neither Governor Hunt or Senator Cameron has requested this. Anything that I have done is voluntary on our part and on our contribution to the cause.

Q. That does not modify my request.

A. No; that is right, but I don't want to make it appear that they were around seeking advertising from us for nothing, because neither one has ever done that.

Q. Now, did you have any advertising for Senator Cameron in your regular or your special editions in which there were no adver tisements for Governor Hunt. Perhaps my question isn't clear. D you link the two together always, or did you have some special ad vertising for Senator Cameron at times when you did not advertise free for Governor Hunt?

A. You mean blocked up as a commercial ad, Senator, or do you mean just regular campaign material? Yes; a great deal for Senator

Cameron. I think I carried more matter for Senator Cameron than I did for Governor Hunt.

Q. What was the general character of the matter that you carried for Senator Cameron?

A. Political discussions, editorials, and reprinting of letters and telegrams and political matter of a general nature.

Q. What would be the value of the space, including your special editions which your paper has given to Senator Cameron in the primaries and during the general primary campaign and general election down to this minute?

A. You mean the unpaid part, Senator, or the total values?

Q. Was any paid?

A. Well, there was some paid and some unpaid matter from the various candidates.

Q. I am speaking of Senator Cameron.

A. Well, I would have to investigate it to know. I don't know.
Q. Have you never figured the amount in value, your contribution
in printing space for advertisements for Senator Cameron was?
A. No, I never have; no.

Q. How many special editions have been issued of your paper carrying advertisements for and in behalf of Senator Cameron? A. I think four.

Q. Only four?

A. Four; that is my memory.

Q. Have you a copy here of one of those special editions; if not, has anybody?

Judge LYMAN. Yes.

A. This is one of what we call "Home folks edition," Senator.

Q. Thank you. You have handed the chairman a paper called the Daily Arizona Silver Belt, printed in Miami, Ariz., Saturday evening, October 30, 1926, consisting of

A. Eight pages.

Q. Eight pages. That is devoted almost entirely, is it not, to Mr. Cameron?

A. To the two candidates; yes, sir.

Q. I said to Mr. Cameron.

A. No; I don't-not entirely; no, Judge.

Q. Examine the first page and the second page and the third page and one-half the fourth page, and all of the fifth page, and the latter half of the sixth page, and half of the seventh page and of the eighth page, and I will ask you if that, if the pages that I have stated and the fractions of pages are not devoted to Senator Cameron and his candidacy. I am making no criticism; I am just trying to get the


A. Some of this is news there; some of this we consider news. This was gotten up in our regular newspaper and put over in this. It has reference to Senator Cameron's political situation.

Q. Yes: all right. You call it news?

A. Yes; some of it certainly is news. Will Irwin's article exposed; it is an exposure with this affidavit from Edgar Mills.

Q. I am just asking you whether you call it news.

A. Yes; some of it I do call news.

Q. Relating to Senator Cameron?

A. Yes.

Q. That is the first page. Now, the second page is the same? A. Yes; the second is practically all news of that same nature. Q. Relating to the same Cameron, to Senator Cameron?

A. Yes, sir; and the third page is the same.

Q. Proceed.

A. Except on the third page, we have one, two, three, practically three columns of editorial matter, I should judge; political matter; three columns of political editorial matter on page 3. I judge it to be that.

Q. You recall that I asked only for half of the page for Senator Cameron. I am right in that regard?

A. And on page 4

Q. Be as prompt as you can.

A. I am trying to answer it quite accurately; it is all I can do. Page 4 is practically all editorial, and page 5 is a continuation of page 1, news of a Cameron nature. Page 6-half of it is devoted to Governor Hunt's campaign and half to Senator Cameron's campaign. Page 7 is half Senator Cameron and half Governor Hunt, and page 8 is news and editorial matter concerning Senator Cameron.

Q. In fact, the whole paper is devoted, then, to Senator Cameron's candidacy?

A. No; I would not say that. I would say that probably about 75 per cent, Senator; 60 to 75 per cent.

Q. How many papers were there in each issue?

A. They varied.

Q. The first issue how many?

A. Well, I don't know how many there were in that particular issue; I would not say that.

Q. Well, I want the facts. Have you got it?

A. I can give you the total number of papers published in all of the issues of the special editions.

Q. Assuming there were only four, if you had the information as the the papers published, how is it that you are not equally certain as to the number of editions?

A. Because they ran one into the other; that is why.

Q. What do you mean by that?

A. Well, we would get up an issue and probably repeat that edition somewhere else.

Q. At some other time?

A. Yes; that is why. For instance, I would not run them all off the same day; I would probably run off a few at one time and a few at another time. The total is the best way to get at it. The total number of papers printed was 52,600.

Q. Was that total amount of 52,600 in four editions the same?
A. It depends on what you classify as an edition, Senator.
Q. What do you denominate an edition?


A. I would say an edition is the papers that carried one particular set and group of matter. I might get it out, part of it to-day and part of it to-morrow, or a part of it two or three days later. see, our facilities for printing are limited to our equipment, and it takes considerable time, sometimes 10, 15, or 20 hours to get it out. Q. Have you printed the same matter in more than one place? A. Yes.

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