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made into a ball with treacle or honey. Should the purging come on spontaneously, and the disorder not relieved by it, use opium or catechu to stop it. After which give

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made into a ball with treacle or honey, and administered twice a day. But should the throat be too sore to allow of the use of the ball, give the following draught:

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dissolved in six or seven ounces of water; to which add of

Simple Oxymel

4 ounces,

given twice or three times a day, as the judgment directs.

Cordials must be abstained from in this disease, as they only serve to increase the inflammation. Keep the horse well clothed, and procure green food if possible. Bran mashes may be likewise given. When the breathing indicates any inflammatory symptoms on the lungs, a blister to the chest will afford relief.

Malignant and putrid epidemics of this kind have occasionally visited different countries; particularly one in Italy, in 1712, and circumstantially narrated by Lancisi. Osmer speaks of a distemper which he says was prevalent during no less a space than fifty years, and that very frequently the svmptoms were very malignant in their natures.


THIS is a cutaneous disease, the skin being covered with a pimpled eruption, and accompanied with great tenderness and an incessant itching. When once assured that a horse is afflicted with it, too great carc cannot be taken that its contagious qualities may not extend to others. Not unfrequently has the disease been contracted by transferring the hand from a mangy horse to the healthy one; and it should not be forgotten that it may be propagated by means of the harness and trappings. Before the efficacy of chloride of lime, in dispelling the danger of contagion, became known, some careful farmers have thrown down their stables to prevent the possibility of infection. The mangy horse should have a brush and curry-comb distinct from the others, which ought to be burnt when the animal is cured: the clothing ought likewise to be well soaked in water, mixed with a fortieth part of the saturated solution of chloride of lime, and undergo a thorough washing with soap.

Causes.-Poverty, and want of cleanliness, are frequently the sources whence this disease springs, Horses allowed to range the road-sides, where grass is very scarce, and those which are allowed to eat much straw instead of good and wholesome nourishing food, become lean and thin; the digestive organs are weakened, and the constitution begins to fail, and the Mange is the consequence: not unfrequently, a defective perspiration produces it.

Symptoms. It generally shows itself first at the root of the hair of the mane and tail, by a vast quantity of

scurf being gathered about those parts, and even before any eruption has commenced. When the horse is scratched or examined, on which occasion the short hair at the root frequently comes out, it may be looked upon as suspicious, which a few days will develope, by the appearance of spots of a watery nature on the body, and these shortly turn into scabby patches, devoid of hair.

Treatment.-When the condition of the horse is good, it will hasten the cure to bleed; but if the animal be poor and ill-conditioned, nutritive food ought to be immediately administered; which, as debility is overcome, will materially advance the cure. The following alterative may be used:-

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This is best administered in a mash nightly. Ointments and washes of various kinds are used by different persons. With the above medicine, it will be found efficacious to use the following ointment :

Flowers of Sulphur

White Hellebore

Hog's Lard

to which you may add a little oil.

- 8 ounces,

3 ounces,

1 pound,

This may be rubbed over the parts affected every second or third day; and if the horse be well groomed and taken care of, at the same time exercised moderately, the cure will be speedy.

The following is given by Blaine as a most efficacious ointment :

Finely powdered Arsenic
Flowers of Sulphur
Barbadoes Tar

Train Oil

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and says," This was long my favourite form of Mange remedy; and next to sulphur there is no individual application so effective as terebinthinated. Mr. Percival speaks in high terms of tar and train oil: therefore, if sulphur be a specific, and tar little less so; and if in the mixture these do not interfere with each other, (and they do not); if a stimulant be useful, which tar is, then surely it is prudent to unite these benefits; and if so, the veterinarian cannot find a better remedy than this ointment.”

Lotions have been applied with success, which some prefer as not being so dirty a process.

Corrosive Sublimate
Spirit of Wine

2 drachms,

3 ounces,

to which, when perfectly dissolved by rubbing in the mortar, must be added three pints of a decoction from tobacco.

In the application of ointments, the scurf and scabs ought to be first removed by aid of the comb or brush, which will materially assist the unguent in penetrating the affected parts; and when mercury is resorted to both externally and internally, the mouth must be frequently looked to.

In very obstinate cases, the following may be tried :

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which must be made into a soft ointment, by the addition of turpentine.

It must be borne in mind that the Mange will be more speedily cured, by the ointments being well rubbed in, than by carelessly daubing it on. A brush may not be inaptly used for the purpose.


THESE are tumours found occasionally on different parts of the body. They seldom give any pain, and are very slow in growth; but are no more ornamental to the horse, than to the hands of a human being; cases of their producing lameness are very rare, and their birth is generally spontaneous. Many methods are resorted to in order to get rid of them. Occasionally they are cut off, and the root touched with caustic; at other times when cut, they are seared with a red-hot iron; and, indeed, unless some steps are taken, they spring up again. Where the knife cannot be used, the following ointment will serve to kill them— Sal Ammoniac 1 drachm, Powdered Savin Hog's Lard

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4 drachms,

5 drachms,

this must be applied every day. Gibson, speaking on the subject, says,—

"I was once concerned in the case of a very fine horse that had a large wen on the lower part of his neck, near the windpipe, which was cut off with a sharp instrument. It grew from a small beginning, not bigger than a walnut, to the bulk of a middle sized melon, without pain or inflammation; but at last it became troublesome, and affected the motion of the shoulders. This substance was then cut off, and it appeared to be no other than a mass of fungous flesh, a little variegated in its colour, and probably proceeding from a rupture of some very small twigs of the jugular arteries, which being enlarged by a continual afflux of the blood, caused so great an effusion of blood from the several orifices, that it was with difficulty stopped by the application of cautery."

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