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pared and laid with marl or any such matters as are proper for such use, a coat or layer of litter being spread out upon them so that the urine may be taken up and retained in such a way as to promote the forming it into manure; but it is, probably, a far better and more beneficial practice to have them fastened up in the divisions of such sheds as have been described above, especially in the nights and while eating their food; for notwithstanding there may be some saving of labour in the simple yard method, there are in the former the advantages of the manure being better, and that of the animals being kept in more quietness as well as being less interrupted and inconvenienced in consuming their fodder. In either of these modes the cattle should, however, be so separated and divided as that those of the same ages and sizes may be foddered and kept together in distinct divisions of such sheds or yards, in order that the smaller and weaker may not ever be injured or incommoded by the larger or more powerful, as is always the case when both sorts are kept and fed together loose in the same place.

In regard to the divisions, in the simple shed manner, and that of the shed and yard plan, some have found oxen and cows to do well in those of seven feet in width, each division containing two such animals fastened to the sides by their necks, being thereby prevented from injuring or incommoding each other in the time of eating their food. For smaller stock, six feet may answer very well, and perhaps less in some



It is a necessary part of this practice to raise and provide such green and other crops of the grass herbage, root and top, and other such sorts, that can be well and properly employed; especially those which have been already noticed, and a sufficiently full and ample quantity in proportion to the number of the animals, and to secure a proper succession of them, which is so requisite and material in this method of proceeding. For the most early use and application, there should be a due extent of lucerne crop on the deeper and more rich sorts of land, and of the winter and other tare on the stronger and better sorts of loamy land, in a proper state of preparation and condition for their full growth; the latter being sown so as to come in at different times in such early foddering of the cattle; and the former sown broadcast, or drilled in rows at six inches distance, in order to be more abundantly productive, and to bear the early cutting more perfectly: the first crop of winter tares should succeed the early cut lucerne, the later put in crops of the same tare kind succeeding that; after which the rye-grass and red clover on the mellow loams will be ready in most cases, to which another crop of the winter tare and the second cut of lucerne will succeed; when still later, these being finished, the spring tare crop may be in readiness, and be followed by the third cutting of lucerne, cow-grass, and white clover, with sain-foin on the chalky grounds, when the rich natural grass will be in a proper state for being cut if required. At different times in the more early parts of such foddering and keeping, the roots and

tops of the common Swedish turnips may be occasionally used in small quantities with much advantage; and in the later periods those of the carrot, parsnip, beet, and some other such kinds, will produce the utmost benefit from the practice.

There are other plants and crops, as those of the cabbage and cauliflower kind, that might be used in this way with much propriety, and perhaps advantage; but from the number which have been mentioned above, it is probable that they will seldom, and in but certain situations, be wanted; and with so many others of the cut natural grasses, will rarely, if ever, be much required, though they may be beneficially made use of in this manner wherever it is necessary to employ them.


Much in this practice depends on properly supplying the stock with their food and other matters. One important regulation is, never to suffer them to have too much food given them at one time of foddering, as whenever this is the case, the heat of the season inducing many grassy matters quickly to ferment and take on in some degree of putrid taint, they become wholly rejected, or only very slightly picked among, and a waste is caused that may be, by properly allowancing them, wholly avoided. Besides, it cannot be doubted but that by having such sorts of fodder given more frequently, and consequently in a more fresh state, the cattle will thrive in a better manner, and more expeditiously, as well as the least possible loss in food sustained.

As stock feeders in this way are commonly inclined to over feed, it is quite necessary to be attentive at all times to their conduct in this respect, as much of the advantage of the practice rests on it. In supplying the daily food great attention is also necessary. It should never on any account be suffered to remain for any length of time closely packed together in the carts or other conveyances, but be immediately spread out in its proper situations before the stock; and in order to save time and trouble, the best and most ready method would be to have the sizes of the carts or other contrivances for carrying it, adapted to the exact consumption of the stock, calculating for two or three fodderings, that the whole, or at least a certain part of it, may be at once readily and conveniently distributed to the cribs or racks of the houses or yards where the cattle are kept.

Where the supply of the day is collected at one time, the carts or other contrivances should be provided with a number of light open frame divisions, according to the number of fodderings, in order that too much grassy matter be prevented from being packed too closely together, and that the several different portions may be thus more conveniently distributed out to the stock. It is material too, that the crops to be used in the soiling practice should not be suffered to advance too far in their growth before they are used, as by proper attention to this point they may be consumed by the cattle with more regularity, and with the least possible waste.

It is further particularly necessary to the perfect success of this practice, that the cattle themselves be kept quite clean and free from every sort of filth and nastiness, as well as their cribs, racks, boxes, or mangers, and other places; that there be plenty

of good water for them to drink whenever they may be so disposed; that their food be given to them as above without the least possible delay or injury; and that they be either wholly turned out into the yards constantly after eating their fodderings, or have the open air for some hours every day in the summer months in the cool of the evenings, and in the midday when the season becomes more cold. Advantages would also be produced in the condition and growth of the beasts, as well as in the increase of some of the products afforded by them, by having the different sorts of such keep properly varied and employed in alternation with each other.


ALL bodies endowed with life, and with spontaneous motion, are called animals. These are all capable of reproducing their life; some, by the union of the two sexes, produce small living creatures; others lay eggs, which require a due temperature to produce young; some multiply without conjunction of sexes; and others are reproduced when cut in pieces, like the roots of plants.

All animals are fed on vegetables, either directly, or by the intervention of other animals. No one part of their substance is derived from any other source except water. The small quantity of salt used by man, and some other animals, is only necessary as a seasoning or stimulus to the stomach.

As the animal, then, is derived from the vegetable matter, we accordingly find that the former is capable

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