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Wild oxen are principally found in the marshy forests of Poland, among the Carpathian Mountains in Lithuania, and also in several parts of Asia. It is also said that cross or breed of wild cattle, (probably the only remains of that species in England), is yet left in Lord Tankerville's park, at Chillingham, near Berwickupon-Tweed. Their colour is invariably white, with the muzzle black; and the whole inside of the ear, and about one-third of the outside, from the tip downwards, red. Their horns are white, with black tips, remarkably fine, and bent downwards. The weight of the oxen is from thirty-five to fifty-five stone; and of the cows, from twenty-five to thirty-five, fourteen pound to the stone. Their flesh is said to be finely marbled, and of a peculiarly excellent flavour.

When these animals perceive any person approaching, they set off in full gallop, and at the distance of two or three hundred yards wheel round, and come boldly up again, tossing their heads in a menacing manner; they then stop suddenly at the distance of forty or fifty yards, and look wildly at the object of their surprise; but on the least motion they will turn round and gallop off with equal speed, but to a shorter distance, forming a smaller circle, and again returning with a more threatening aspect than before, they approach much nearer probably within thirty yards, when they make another stand, and again gallop off. This they repeat several times, shortening their distance, and advancing nearer, till they come within a few yards, when it is advisable to leave them, as in a few turns more they would probably make an attack.

The ancient mode of killing these animals was very singular. On notice being given that a wild bull would be killed on a certain day, the inhabitants of the

neighbourhood assembled, sometimes to the number of a hundred horsemen, and four or five hundred foot, all armed with guns or other weapons. Those on foot stood upon the walls, or got into the trees, while the horsemen drove off a bull from the rest of the herd, until he stood at bay, when they dismounted and fired. Sometimes on these occasions twenty or thirty shots have been fired before the animal was subdued; in which case the bleeding victim grew desperately furious from the smarting of his wounds, and the shouts of savage exultation echoing from every side.

But from the numerous accidents which happened, this dangerous practice has been disused of late years. It has been remarked, that when an individual of this species happens to be wounded, or is grown weak and feeble through age or sickness, the rest of the herd sit upon it and gore it to death.

The oxen of India are generally small, with short blunt horns, and humps on their shoulders. They are used in drawing chariots and other carriages, and will perform a journey of twelve or fourteen leagues a-day. Their ordinary pace is a brisk, but remarkably easy trot. Instead of a bit, a ring is passed through the cartilage of their nostrils, to which is fastened a cord that serves as a bridle. Those belonging to nabobs, and other great men, have their horns gilded, and are richly decorated with embroidered trappings.

The skin of the ox is made into several kinds of leather; the hair is valuable in various manufactures; the horns are wrought into boxes, combs, knife-handles, drinking-vessels, &c.; the bones afford a cheap and excellent substitute for ivory; glue is made of the cartilages, gristles, and the finer pieces of cuttings and parings of the hides; the sinews are converted into a fine kind of thread, used by saddlers and others; the

feet yield an oil of great utility in preparing and softening leather; and the importance of the suet, fat, and tallow, is well known.


THIS is a Scotch breed of cattle, chiefly of a black colour, with thick hides, much hair, and frequently large horns. They fatten well, and frequently attain a great size. The name of Kyloe is said to be derived from their having crossed the Kyles, or ferries, with which the highlands of Scotland abound.


Most authors confound these distempers together; but whether they be the same, and only differ in the degrees of the malignity, I cannot determine; but commonly the same remedies are proposed for both, though the Gorget sometimes appears in the head, and sometimes in the hinder parts. When it is in the head, it is known by the swelling of the eyelids, blisters on the tongue, &c.; when in the mane, by drooping and heaviness, panting of the heart, hanging down of the head, costiveness of the body, &c.; and when behind, he will be very stiff, and his guts rumble.

If blisters be on the tongue, take them off with a sharp knife, and slit the tongue underneath an inch

long, but not deep, and an infectious water will run out; then wash with vinegar. If it be in the mane, or behind, let blood in the neck-vein; and for either of these distempers give the following drink, or that which is mentioned hereafter for the Murrain, which have been recommended much by those who have often experienced them.


Take polypody of the oak and burdock-leaves, of each a handful; for want of the leaves, take the same quantity of the roots, shred them small, and put them into a pint of milk and boil them; let them cool, strain it, and give it to the cow.

For the head-gorget, give powder of senugreek, turmerick, liquorice, anniseed, of each one ounce; of long pepper, half an ounce; beat all to a powder, boil it in a quart of ale, giving it blood-warm.


For the signs of it see above.

For the cure, take unslacked lime, coriander-seed, marjorum, and garlic; beat all to powder, and sprinkle it on coals, letting the fume of it go up the beast's nostrils, it will bring away a great deal of the infectious humour.

Take plantain, rue, southern-wood, shepherdspurse, smallage, coleworts, of each a handful; bruise them, and with a handful of hen's dung, lay them in steep in a pint of old wash eight hours; strain the liquor, and add a quart of ale to it; put it on the

fire, consuming it to one half, and put into it an ounce of treacle, a spoonful of juice of garlic, half an ounce of anniseed, and the like quantity of liquorice, and give it lukewarm.


This is a distemper that breeds in the end of the cattle's tails, like unto an eating canker, which will cause them to grow lean, and so weak in their backs, that they cannot rise when down, and sometimes will make their teeth loose. You may know them by the hair being eaten off where the worm lies, and you may, by feeling with your finger, find some of the joints eaten asunder.

To cure it, take foot, rue, stamped salt, and butter, and mix them well together, and apply it to the tail, having first slit the inside of it about two or three inches long, just above where the joint fails, and rub her teeth with juice of oranges, or juice of sanvygrass you may likewise give her the following drink for inward distempers.


If you cannot find out what the disease is, take a quart of ale, wormwood, rue, and rosemary, of each a handful; bruise it in a mortar, boil it, and strain it, adding to it two spoonsful of juice of garlic, and as much London treacle; mix all well together, and give it lukewarm.

To know if any distemper is growing upon them, view the top of their noses in the morning, and

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