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ABSENCE of seamen without leave, punishment for, 36, 162.
forfeiture for, 109, 163, 164.

when it amounts to desertion, 64, 165.

occasioned by the power of a foreign country, 107.
ACT (5 and 6 Wm. IV. c. 19) repealed, 156.

for reduction in supply of provisions, 134, 168.
for neglecting to make payment in due time, 135, 167.
for not complying with order of a Justice of the Peace to
pay wages immediately, 135, 169.

for not giving to seaman a certificate of service and dis-
charge, 135, 168.

ADMIRALTY, Court of, jurisdiction of the, 141.

no master to carry to sea any seaman without the required,
except in certain vessels under eighty tons, 9, 13,
156, 160.

nor without having obtained from every such seaman his
register ticket, 10, 13, 157, 160

not to be entered into with a seaman producing a cancelled
register ticket, 8, 179.

particulars of the, 9, 14, 157.

between master and seamen, form of, for foreign voyages,

10, 157, 216.

for fishing voyages on the coast of the United Kingdom,
coasting voyages, and ships proceeding to Jersey,

AGREEMENT, continued.

Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, and Man, or to any place
on the Continent of Europe between the river Elbe
and Brest, 10, 27, 159, 217.

difference between the two forms of, 11.

printed forms of, should be compared with forms in
the schedule, 13.

to be signed at the port or place where the seaman shall
be shipped, and not at sea, 9, 18, 157.

in the presence of a witness, 9, 17, 157.

to be read over and explained to every seaman in the
presence of the witness before such seaman shall
execute the same, 9, 17, 157, 160.

to be signed by all the crew except apprentices, 14, 17.
by engineers and firemen, 14.

by medical officers and pursers, 15.

by persons on trial voyages, 15.

by persons who agree to work their passage home, 15.
quantity of provisions each seaman is to receive per day
to be specified in the, 9, 16, 157.

to specify what wages each seaman is to receive, 15,

to state the date when made with every man, 16, 49, 157.
the number and date of ship's register, 16.

the number of every seaman's register ticket, 16.

should be signed in duplicate, 16, 37.

by the master in the first instance, 16.

to describe intended voyage and the places at which it
is intended the ship shall touch; or, if that cannot be
done, the nature of the voyage, 18, 26, 157.

description of voyage "to India or elsewhere" insufficient
in, 18.

intention to return to Cowes for orders, as to the port of
delivery, ought to have been stated in, 18, 25.

special clauses in, 27.

should not contain any stipulation contrary to the Act,
13, 14, 27, 161.

AGREEMENT, continued.

should not stipulate that all the seamen shall be liable to
forfeiture in case of embezzlement, 14, 113.

may provide for half wages in the Baltic trade if the ship
be ice bound, 28.

not to contain any stipulation of forfeiture for entering the
Navy, 29, 201.

cannot deprive seamen of their right to wages in the case

of freight earned by ships subsequently lost, nor of
any right or claim to salvage or reward for salvage
services, 29, 161.

nor of his lien upon the ship nor of any remedy for the
recovery of wages, 142, 161.

copies of, made evidence, 30, 141, 161, 179.

need not be produced by seamen claiming wages, 30, 141,


to be produced to commander of any of Her Majesty's
ships requiring a sight thereof, 42, 67, 205.

also to Consuls and Vice-consuls, the Registrar of
Merchant Seamen, and chief Officers of Customs,
42, 206.

who are to be allowed to take copies thereof, 43, 206.
to be delivered to Consul or Vice-consul at any foreign

port, or to Collector or Comptroller of Customs at
any port in a British colony, where the ship shall
remain forty-eight hours, within forty-eight hours of
her arrival (except in the case of packets for passen-
gers in the course of their voyage), with an account
of the apprentices on board at the foot thereof, 43,

so delivered to be returned to master before his departure,
44, 204.

sanction or certificate of Consul or Vice-consul, or other

functionaries, or, in their absence, of two merchants,
to be endorsed on, when any seaman shall be dis-
charged or left behind, or shall desert in foreign
parts, 45, 197.

AGREEMENT, continued.

sanction of Consul or Vice-consul, to be endorsed on, in
case a seaman be hired at a foreign port, 49, 205.
certificate of a seaman entering the Navy to be endorsed
on, by the officer of Her Majesty's ship, 67, 202.
the original or a copy thereof, with the endorsements
thereon, to be deposited with Officers of Customs,
95, 97, 98, 158, 159, 160.

in case of pleasure yachts to be transmitted direct to
Registrar of Seamen, 150, 184.

APPLICATION of forfeitures, 151, 212.


to be furnished with register ticket, 35, 176.
indentures of parish, to be executed by, and assigned with
consent of, two Justices, 186, 188.

indentures and assignments of, to be registered, 5, 176,
192, 193, 194.

to attend personally at the time of such registry, 35, 177,
192, 193.

penalty on master or owner neglecting to register inden-
ture or assignment of, or neglecting to deliver a
counterpart, 35, 194.

regulations respecting the binding of parish, 35, 185,


master to deliver to the Registrar or Officers of Customs
counterparts of indentures of persons not being parish
apprentices, 35, 194.

not required to sign agreement, 13, 14, 156.

not to be liable to payment for any hospital or institution,
36, 194.

indentures and assignments of, exempt from stamp duty,
36, 194.

indentures and assignments of, to be produced to officers
of Her Majesty's ships, 42, 205.

to Consuls and Vice-consuls, Registrar of Seamen,
and Officers of Customs, 42, 206.

copies of, to be allowed to be taken, 43, 206.

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