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phrase, a blaspheming of the king himself; setting him forth for a prince perjured in the great and solemn oath of his coronation, which is as it were the knot of the diadem; a prince that should be a violator and infringer of the liberties, laws, and customs of the kingdom; a mark for an Henry the 4th; a match for a Richard the 28. The second is a slander and falsification, and wresting of the law of the land gross and palpable: it is truly said by a civilian, tortura legum pessima, the torture of laws is more than the torture of men. The third is a slander and false charge of the

rum arbitrium, that can with all his distinctions fasten or carp upon the act, but that there was free-will in it.-I conclude therefore, my lords, that this was a true and pure benevolence; not an imposition called a benevolence, which the statute speaks of; as you shall hear by one of my fellows. There is a great difference, I tell you, though Pilate would not see it, between rex Judæorum,' andse dicens ' regem Judæorum.' And there is a great difference between a benevolence and an exaction called a benevolence, which the duke of Buckingham speaks of in his oration to the city; and defineth it to be not what the sub-parliament, that they had denied to give to ject of his good-will would give, but what the king of his good-will would take. But this, I say, was a benevolence wherein every man had a prince's prerogative, a negative voice; and this word, excuse moy, was a plea peremptory. And therefore I do wonder how Mr. I. S. could foul or trouble so clear a fountain. Certainly it was but his own bitterness and unsound humours. Now to the particular charge. Amongst other countries, these letters of the lords came to the justices of D-shire, who signified the contents thereof, and gave directions and appointments for meetings concerning the business, to several towns and places within that county and amongst the rest, notice was given unto the town of A. The mayor of A. conceiving that this Mr. I. S. being a principal person, and a dweller in that town, was a man likely to give both money and good example, dealt with him to know his mind. He intend ing, as it seems, to play prizes, would give no answer to the mayor in private, but would take time. The next day then being an appointment of the justices to meet, he takes occasion, or pretends occasion to be absent, because he would bring his papers upon the stage and thereupon takes pen in hand, and instead of excusing himself, sits down and contriveth a seditious and libellous accusation against the king and state, which your lordships shall now hear, and sends it to the mayor and withal, because the feather of his quill might fly abroad, he gives authority to the mayor to impart it to the justices, if he so thought good. And now, my lords, because I will not mistake or mis-repeat, you shall hear the Seditious Libel in the proper terms and words there f.[Here the papers were read.] My lords, I know this paper offends your ears much, and the ears of any good subject; and sorry I am that the times should produce offences of this nature: but since they do, I would be more sorry they should be passed without severe punishment: non tradite factum,' as the verse says, altered a little, aut si tradatis, facti quoque tradite pœnam.' If any man bave a mind to discourse of the fact, let him likewise discourse of the punishment of the fact.

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In this writing, my lords, there appears a monster with four heads, of the progeny of him that is the father of lyes, and takes his name from slander. The first is a wicked and seditious slander: or, if I shall use the scripture

the king; a point of notorious untruth. And
the last is a slander and taunting of an infinite
number of the king's loving subjects, that have
given towards this benevolence and free con-
tribution; charging them as accessary and co-
adjutors to the king's perjury. Nay you leave
us not there, but you take upon you a pontifical
habit, and couple your slander with a curse;
but thanks be to God we have learned suffici-
ently out of the scripture, that as the bird flies
away, so the causeless curse shall not come.
For the first of these, which concerns the king,
I have taken to myself the opening and ag-
gravation thereof; the other three I have dis-
tributed to my fellows. My lords, I cannot
but enter into this part with some wonder and
astonishment, how it should come into the
heart of a subject of England to vapour forth
such a wicked and venomous slander against
the king, whose goodness and grace is compara-
ble, if not incomparable, unto any of the kings
his progenitors. This therefore gives me a just
and necessary occasion to do two things: the
one, to make some representation of his ma-
jesty; such as truly he is found to be in his go-
vernment, which Mr. I. S. chargeth with viola-
tion of laws and liberties: the other, to search
and open the depth of Mr. I. S. his offence.
Both which I will do briefly; because the one,
I cannot expres sufficiently; and the other, Í
will not press too far. My lords, I mean to
make no panegyric or laudative; the king de-
lights not in it, neither am I fit for it: but if it
were but a counsellor or nobleman, whose name
had suffered, and were to receive some kind of
reparation in this high court, I would do him
that duty as not to pass his merits and just
attributes, especially such as are limited with
the present case, in silence: for it is fit to burn
incense where evil odours have been cast and,
raised.' Is it so that king James shall be said
to be a violator of the liberties, laws, and
customs of his kingdoms? Or is he not rather a
noble and constant protector and conservator
of them all? I conceive this consisteth in
maintaining religion and the true church; in
maintaining the laws of the kingdom, which is
the subject's birth-right; in temperate use of
the prerogative; in due and free administration
of justice, and conservation of the peace of the
land. For religion, we must ever acknowledge
in the first place, that we have a king that is
the principal conservator of true religion through

the christian world. He hath maintained it not only with sceptre and sword, but likewise by his pen; wherein also he is potent. He hath awaked and re-authorized the whole party of the reformed religion throughout Europe; which through the insolency and divers artifices and inchantments of the adverse part, was grown a little dull and dejected: he hath summoned the fraternity of kings to enfranchise themselves from the usurpation of the see of Rome: he hath made himself a mark of contradiction for it. Neither can I omit, when I speak of religion, to remember that excellent act of his majesty, which though it were done in a foreign country, yet the church of God is one, and the contagion of these things will soon pass seas and lands: I mean, in his constant and holy proceeding against the heretic Vor-tius, whom, being ready to enter into the chair and there to have authorized one of the most pestilent and heathenish heresies that ever was begun, his majesty by his constant opposition dismounted and pulled down. And I am persuaded there sits in this court one whom God doth the rather bless for being his majesty's instrument in that service. I cannot remember religion and the church, but I must think of the seed-plots of the same, which are the universities. His majesty, as for learning amongst kings he is incomparable in his person; so likewise hath he been in his government a benign or benevolent planet towards learning: by whose influence those nurseries and gardens of learning, the universities, were never more in flower nor fruit. For the maintaining of the laws, which is the hedge and feuce about the liberty of the subject, I may truly affirm it was never in better repair. He doth concur with the votes of the nobles, nolumus leges Anglice 'mutare.' He is an enemy of innovation. Neither doth the universality of his own knowledge carry him to neglect or pass over the very forms of the laws of the land. Neither was there ever king, I am persuaded, that did consult so oft with his judges, as my lords that sit here know well. The judges are a kind of council of the king's by oath and ancient institution; but he useth them so indeed; he confers regularly with them upon their returns from their visitations and circuits: he gives them liberty both to inform him, and to debate matters with him; and in the fall and conclusion commonly relies on their opinions. As for the use of the prerogative, it runs within the ancient channels and banks. Some things that were conceived to be in some proclamations, commissions, and patents, as overflows, have been by his wisdom and care reduced; whereby, no doubt, the main channel of his prerogative is so much the stronger. For evermore overflows do hurt the channel. As for administration of justice between party and party, I pray observe these points. There is no news of great seal or signet that flies abroad for countenance or delay of causes; protections rarely granted, and only upon great ground, or by cousent. My lords here of the council

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and the king himself meddle not, as hath been used in former times, with matters of meum and tuum, except they have apparent mixture with matters of estate, but leave them to the king's courts of law or equity. And for mercy and grace, without which there is no standing before justice, we see, the king now hath reigned twelve years in his white robe, without almost any aspersion of the crimson dye of blood. There sits my lord Hobart, that served attorney seven years. I served with him. We were so happy, as there passed not through our hands any one arraignment for treason; and but one for any capital offence, which was that of the lord Sanquhar; the noblest piece of justice, one of them, that ever came forth in any king's time. As for penal laws, which lie as snares upon the subjects, and which were as a nemo scit to king Henry 7; it yields a revenue that will scarce pay for the parchment of the king's records at Westminster. And lastly for peace, we see manifestly his majesty bears some resemblance of that great name, a prince of peace: he hath preserved his subjects during his reign in peace, both within and without. For the peace with states abroad, we have it usque ad satietatem : and for peace in the lawyers phrase, which count trespasses, and forces, and riots, to be contra pacem; let me give your lordships this token or taste, that this court, where they should appear, had never less to do. And certainly there is no better sign of omnia bene, than when this court is in a still. But, my lords, this is a sea of matter; and therefore I must give it over, and conclude, that there was never king reigned in this nation that did better keep covenant in preserving the liberties and procuring the good of his people: so that I must needs say for the subjects of England,

O fortunatos nimium sua si bona nôrint ;' as no doubt they do both know and acknowledge it; whatsoever a few turbulent discourses may, through the lenity of the time, take boldness to speak. And as for this particular, touching the Benevolence, wherein Mr. I. S. doth assign this breach of covenant, I leave it to others to tell you what the king may do, or what other kings have done; but I have told you what our king and my lords have done: which, I say and say again, is so far from introducing a new precedent, as it doth rather correct, and mollify, and qualify former precedents. Now, Mr. I. S. let me tell you your fault in few words: for that I am persuaded you see it already, though I woo no man's repentance; but I shall, as much as in me is, cherish it where I find it. Your offence hath three parts knit together: your slander, your menace, and your comparison. For your slander, it is no less than that the king is perjured in his coronation oath. No greater offence than perjury; no greater oath than that of a coronation. I leave it; it is too great to aggravate. Your menace, that if there were a Bullingbroke, or I cannot tell what, there were matter for him, is a very seditious passage. You know well, that how

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soever Henry 4's act, by a secret providence of God, prevailed, yet it was but an usurpation; and if it were possible for such a one to be this day, wherewith it seems your dreams are troubled, I do not doubt, his end would be upon the block; and that he would sooner have the ravens sit upon his head at London-bridge, than the crown at Westminster. And it is not your interlacing of your God forbid,' that will salve these seditious speeches: neither could it be a forewarning, because the matter was past and not revocable, but a very stirring up and incensing of the people. If I should say to you, for example, if these times were like some former times, of king Henry 8, or some other times which God forbid, Mr. I. S. it would cost you your life;' I am sure you would not think this to be a gentle warning, but rather that I incensed the court against you. And for your comparison with Richard 2, I see, you follow the example of them that brought him upon the stage, and into print, in Elizaqueen beth's time, a most prudent and admirable queen. But let me intreat you, that when you will speak of queen Elizabeth or king James, you would compare them to king Henry 7, or King Edward 1, or some other parallels, to which they are alike. And this I would wish both you and all to take heed of, how you speak seditious matter in parables, or by tropes or examples. There is a thing in an indictment called an inuendo; you must beware how you beckon or make signs upon the king in a dangerous sense. But I will contain myself and press this no farther. I may hold you for tur; bulent or presumptuous; but I hope you are not disloyal: you are graciously and mercifully dealt with. And therefore having now opened to my lords, and, as I think, to your own heart and conscience, the principal part of your offence, which concerns the king, I leave the rest, which concerns the law, parliament, and the subjects that have given, to Mr. Serjeant and Mr. Solicitor.

The following passages relating to this case are extracted from lord Bacon's works, Birch's edition.

To the King, reporting the state of lord chancellor Ellesmere's health.

I found him [the lord Chancellor] in bed, but his spirits fresh and good, speaking stoutly, and without being spent or weary; and both willing and beginning of himself to speak, but wholly of your majesty's business: wherein I cannot forget to relate this particular; that he wished that his sentencing of O. S. at the day appointed might be his last work, to conclude his services, and express his affection towards your majesty. I told him, I knew your majesty would be very desirous of his presence that day, so it might be without prejudice: but otherwise your 'majesty esteemed a servant more than a service, especially such a servant. Jan. 29, 1614. Old Style.

To the King touching Peacham's business, &c. For Mr. St. John, your majesty knoweth, the

day draweth on; and my lord chancellor's recovery, the season, and his age, promising not to be too hasty. I spake with him on Sunday at what time I found him in bed, but his spirits strong, and not spent or wearied, and spake wholly of your business, leading me from one matter to another; and wished and seemed to hope, that he might attend the day for O. S. and it were, as he said, to be his last work to conclude his services, and express his affection towards your majesty. I presumed to say to him, that I knew your ntajesty would be exceeding desirous of his being present that day, so as that it might be without prejudice to his continuance; but that otherwise your majesty esteemed a servant more than a service, especially such a servant. Surely in mine opinion your majesty were better put off the day than want his presence, considering the cause of the putting off is so notorious; and then the capital and the criminal may come together the next term. FR. BACON. Jan. 31, 1614. O. S. To the King, touching my Lord Chancellor's amendment, &c.

He [the Lord Chancellor] had sent also to my lord treasurer, to desire him to come to him about that time. His lordship came; and, not to trouble your majesty with circumstances, both their lordships concluded, myself present and concurring, that it could be no prejudice to your majesty's service to put off the day for Mr. St. John till the next term: the rather, because there are seven of your privy-council, which are at least numerus and part of the court, which are by infirmity like to be absent; that is, my lord chancellor, my lord admiral, my lord of Shrewsbury, my lord of Exeter, my lord Zouch, my lord Stanhope, and Mr. chancellor of the dutchy; wherefore they agreed to hold a council to-morrow in the afternoon for that purpose. It is true, that I was always of opinion that it was no time lost; and Ï do think so the rather, because I could be content, that the matter of Peacham were first settled and put to a point. For there be perchance that would make the example upon Mr. St. FR. BACON. Feb. 7, John to stand for all.

1614. O. S.

To the King.

It may please your excellent majesty; Mr. St. John his day is past, and well past. I hold it to be Janus bifrons; it hath a good aspect to that which is past, and to the future, and doth both satisfy and prepare. All did well : my lord chief justice delivered the law for the Benevolence strongly; I would he had done it timely.

Mr. chancellor of the exchequer spake finely, somewhat after the manner of my late lord privy seal; not all out so sharply, but as elegantly. Sir Thomas Lake, who is also new in that court, did very well, familiarly and counsellor-like. My lord of Pembroke, who is likewise a stranger there, did extraordinary well, and became himself well, and had an evident applause. I meant well also; and because my information was the ground; having

spoken out of a few heads which I had ga-ray, sealed: if your majesty have so much idle thered, for I seldom do more, I set down as time to look upon it, it may give some light of Soon as I came home, cursorily, a frame of that the day's work: but I most humbly pray your I had said; though I persuade myself I spake majesty to pardon the errors. God preserve it with more life. I have sent it to Mr. Mur- you ever. FR. BACON. April 29th, 1615.

103. The Trial of RICHARD WESTON,* at the Guild-hall of London, for the Murder of Sir Thomas Overbury,† 19 Oct. 13 JAMES I.

A. D. 1615.

THE Commissioners were, the Lord Mayor,
Hayes; the Lord Chief Justice of England,
Coke; Justice Crook; Justice Doderidge;
Justice Haughton; Serjeant Crew; and sir
Henry Montague, Recorder.

The Court being set, and the king's special commission read, the Lord Chief Justice gave the Charge; the effect whereof was,

First, To express the king's pious inclinations and command unto just proceedings against all such as should be any way proved to be guilty of the murdering and poisoning of sir T. Overbury, his majesty's prisoner in the Tower. Secondly, To aggravate the manner and quality of the murdering, in shewing the baseness of poisoning above all other kinds of murder, declaring the vengeance of God, and his justness in punishing offenders: He alledged 9 Gen. 6. Quicunque etuderit humanum sanguinem, effundetur sanguis illius; ad imaginem Dei quippe factus est homo.' He also took the example of Uriah by David; he therein observed how adultery is most often the begetter of that sin.

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Then he declared, That of all felonies, murder is the most horrible; of all murders, poisoning the most detestable; and of all poisoning, the lingering poisoning.

He shewed how that by an act of parliament, 22 H. 8, cap. 9, it was made treason, and that wilful poisoners should be boiled to

He had been an apothecary's man, but was now made under-keeper to the new lieu tenant of the Tower, sir Jervis Elwes.

Ile was son to sir Nicholas Overbury of Burton-upon-the-hill in Gloucestershire, educated at Queen's-College in Oxford, and at the dle-Temple, of which his father was a cher. See a full relation of the manner of death, Bacon's Works, vol. 1. p. 77, 79, . its discovery, ibid. p. 80

death; rehearsing the example of one Richard Rowse, that had poisoned a man and woman, and was therefore scalded to death.

Then he laid open to the jury the baseness and cowardliness of poisoners, who attempt that secretly, against which there is no means of preservation or defence for a man's life; and how rare it was to hear of poisoning in England, so detestable it was to our nation: But that since the devil had taught divers to be cunning in it, so that they can poison in what distance of space they please, by consuming the nativum calidum or humidum radicale in one month, two, or three or more, as they list; which they four manner of ways do execute, 1. gustu, 2. haustu, 3. odore, 4. contactu.

He finished his charge with serious exhortations to the jury to do justice in presenting the truth, notwithstanding the greatness of any that upon their evidence should appear to be guilty of the same offence: comforting both judges and jury with the scripture, Psal. 5, v. ultimo, For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with 'favour wilt thou compass them as with a shield.'

The charge being ended, the jury, consisting of 14 persons, did for the space of an hour, depart the court into a private room, where they received their evidence from Mr. Fenshaw, his majesty's Coroner, and his highness's counsel prepared and instructed for that purpose, with the examinations and confessions as well of the prisoner himself, as of divers other witnesses, before that time taken by the lord chief justice of England, and others the lords of his majesty's council.

In the mean time, Mr. William Goare, sheriff of London, was commanded to fetch his prisoner, remaining at his house, to be ready in court for his arraignment.

So a certain space after, the Grand Jury returned to the bar, and delivered in their bill of indictment, signed Billa Vera. Whereupon the : "Franklyn and Weston came into Over- prisoner was set up to the bar, and the Indicty's chamber, and found him in infinite tur-ment read by Mr. Fenshaw, which contained in nt, with contention between the strength of effect as followeth : sture, and the working of the poison, and it being very like nature had gotten the better in that contention, by the thrusting out of boils, blotches, and blains: they fearing it might come to light upon the judgment of physicians that foul play had been offered him, consented to stifle him with the bed-cloaths, which accord aly was performed, and so ended his miserafe, with the assurance of the conspirators at he died by poison, none thinking otherwise

That Richard Weston, being about the age of sixty years, not having the fear of God before his eyes, but instigated and seduced by the devil, devised and contrived not only to bring upon the body of sir Thomas Overbury, knight, great sickness and diseases, but also to deprive him of his life: and to bring the same to pass,

but these two murtherers." Weldon's Court and Character of king James, 75.

9 Maii 1613, 11 Jacobi, &c. at the Tower of London, in the parish of Alhallows Barking, did obtain and get into his hand certain poison of green and yellow colour, called Rosalgar, (knowing the same to be deadly poison) and the same did maliciously and feloniously mingle and compound in a kind of broth poured out into a certain dish; and the same broth, so infected and poisoned, did give and deliver to the said sir Thomas Overbury as wholesome and good broth, to the intent therewith to kill and poison the said sir Thomas, which broth he took and did eat.

Also the said Weston upon the first of July, 11 Jacobi, as aforesaid, did in like manner get another poison or poisons compounded, called White Arsenick, and (knowing the same to be deadly poison) did give unto the said sir Thomas Overbury, as good and wholesome to eat, who took and did eat.

Also that Weston, upon the said 19th of July following, did get another poison called Mercury Sublimate, (knowing the same to be mortal poison) and put and mingled the same in tarts and jellies, and gave the same unto sir Thomas Overbury, as good and wholesome to eat, which he in like manner took and did eat. Also the said Weston, and another man being an apothecary, afterwards, upon the 14th of September, feloniously did get a poison, called Mercury Sublimate, (knowing the same to be deadly poison) and put the same into a clyster mingled with the said poison: and the said clyster the said apothecary, for the reward of 201. promised unto him, did put and minister (as good and wholesome) into the guts of said sir T.; and that Weston was present and aiding to the said apothecary in ministering and infusing the said clyster; and that immediately after, as well the taking of the said poisoned neats, and ministering the said clyster, the said sir T. did languish, and fell into diseases and distempers; and from the aforesaid times of taking and eating the said poisoned meats, and ministering the said clyster, he died and so the jury gave their verdict, That Weston in this manner had killed, poisoned, and murdered the said sir T. against the king's peace and dignity. Which Indictment being read, he was demanded if he were guilty of the felony, murdering, and poisoning, as aforesaid, yea or no. To which he answered, doubling his speech, Lord have mercy upon me! Lord have mercy upon me! But being again demanded, he answered, Not Guilty. And being then demanded how he would be tried, he answered, he referred himself to God, and would be tried by God; refusing to put himself and his cause upon the jury or country, according to the law or custom. Hereupon the lord chief justice, and all other in their order, spent the space of an hour in persuading him to put himself upon the trial of the law; declaring unto him the danger and mischief he ran into hy resisting his ordinary course of trial, being the means ordained by God for his deliverance, if he were innocent; and how by this means he would make himself

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the author of his own death, even as if he should with a knife or dagger kill or stab himself, exhorting him very earnestly either with repentance to confess his fault, or else with humility and duty to submit himself to his ordinary trial. Whereupon he stubbornly answered, Welcome by the grace of God; and he refer red himself to God. And so when no persua sions could prevail, the lord chief justice plainly delivered his opinion*, That he was persuaded that Weston had been dealt withal by some great ones, guilty of the same fact, as accessary, to stand mute, whereby they might escape their punishment: and therefore he commanded (for satisfaction of the world) that the queen's attorney there present should declare, and set forth the whole evidence, without any fear or partiality and yet notwithstanding, he once more used much persuasion to the prisoner to consider what destruction he brought upon himself by his contempt; and declaring unto him how his offence of contempt was, in refusing his trial, and how the laws of the land had provided a sharper and more severe punishment to such offenders than unto those that were guilty of high treason: and so he repeated the form of judgment† given against such, the extremity and rigour whereof was expressed in these words, onere, frigore et fume. For the first, he was to receive his punishment by the law, to be extended, and then to have weights laid upon him, no more than he was able to bear, which were by little and little to be increased.

For the second, that he was to be exposed in an open place, near to the prison, in the open air, being naked.

And lastly, that he was to be preserved with the coarsest bread that could be got, and water out of the next sink or puddle to the place of execution, and that day he had water he should have no bread, and that day he had bread he should have no water; and in this torment he was to linger as long as nature could linger out, so that oftentimes men lived in that extremity eight or nine days: adding further, that as life left him, so judgment should find him. And therefore he required him, upon consideration of these reasons, to advise himself to plead to the country, who notwithstanding absolutely refused.

*The chief justice had intelligence underhand, that Yelverton, an obliged servant to the house of the Howards, had advised this counsel for Weston, in order to prevent the prosecution from reaching any farther: Yelverton was at this time Solicitor-general, but does not appear to have had any share in any of the trials for the murder of sir Thomas Overbury, though the Attorney and other counsel of the king had their parts in them.

+ Concerning standing mute and the punishment of penance or peine fort et dure, See 2 Hale's P.C. c. 43, but now by st. 12 G. 3, c. 30, standing mute shall have the same judgment and all other consequences as a conviction by verdict or confession.

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