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as repealing the whole or any part of any existing statute. And all the rights and duties herein mentioned shall be exercised and performed in accordance with all the applicable provisions of chapter fifty-five of the revised statutes, and acts amendatory thereof or additional thereto.

Approved March 8, 1923.

Chapter 41.

An Act to Extend the Charter of the Penobscot Valley Gas Company.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows:

Sec. 1. P. & S. L., 1913, c. 178; charter extended. The rights, powers and privileges of the Penobscot Valley Gas Company, as granted by chapter one hundred and seventy-eight of the private and special laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, are hereby extended for two years from the date on which this act takes effect.

Sec. 2. Existing statutes not affected; rights conferred subject to R. S., c. 55. Nothing herein contained is intended to repeal or shall be construed as repealing the whole or any part of any existing statute. And all the rights and duties herein mentioned shall be exercised and performed in accordance with all the applicable provisions of chapter fifty-five of the revised statutes, and acts amendatory thereof or additional thereto.

Approved March 8, 1923.

Chapter 42.

An Act to Amend Section Eleven of Chapter Two Hundred and Eleven of the Private and Special Laws of Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-five as Amended by Chapter One Hundred and One of the Private and Special Laws of Nineteen Hundred and Nine as Amended by Chapter One Hundred and Forty-six of the Private and Special Laws of Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen as Amended by Chapter Thirty-three of the Private and Special Laws of Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen, Relating to the Salary of the Recorder of the Bangor Municipal Court.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows:

P. & S. L., 1895, c. 211, sec. 11, as amended; relating to salary of judge and recorder and payment of expenses of Bangor municipal court, amended. Section eleven of chapter two hundred and eleven of the private and special laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five as amended by chapter one hundred one of the private and special laws of nineteen hundred and nine, as amended by chapter one hundred and forty-six of the private and special laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen as amended by chapter thirty-three of the private and special laws of nineteen hundred and nineteen, is hereby further amended by striking out the words "fifteen hundred" in the eighth line thereof and inserting in place thereof the words 'seventeen hundred and fifty,' so that said section, as amended, shall read as follows:

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'Sec. II. Salary of recorder increased to $1750. Said court shall be held at such places as the City of Bangor shall provide and said city shall have power and it shall be its duty to raise money and provide a proper place for said court and its officers and suitably furnish, warm and light the same, for which there shall be paid from the County of Penobscot as rental in quarterly payments, the sum of one thousand dollars annually. The salaries of the judge and clerk thereof which are hereby fixed at eighteen hundred dollars and seventeen hundred and fifty dollars respectively to be paid quarterly, with all other expenses of said court, shall be paid from the treasury of the County of Penobscot and in addition thereof there shall be provided the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars a year for clerk hire, to be paid monthly from said treasury, provided however, that the county commissioners of said county may in their discretion, expend a larger amount, not exceeding five hundred dollars per year, for the employment of extra clerks.'

Approved March 8, 1923.

Chapter 43.

An Act to Amend Chapter One Hundred and Forty-five of the Private and Special Laws of Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-seven, as Amended by Chapter One Hundred and Forty-two of the Private and Special Laws of Nineteen Hundred and Three and by Chapter One Hundred and Seven of the Private and Special Laws of Nineteen Hundred and Seven, Relating to Sewerage in the Town of Houlton.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows:

P. & S. L., 1887, c. 145, sec. 2; 1903, c. 142; 1907, c. 107; relating to right of Houlton Sewerage Company to hold property and issue stock and bonds, amended. Section two of chapter one hundred and forty-five of the private and special laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, as amended by chapter one hundred and forty-two of the private and special laws of nineteen hundred and three, and by chapter one hundred and seven of the private and special laws of nineteen hundred and seven, is hereby further amended, by striking out the words "seventy-five" in the seventh and ninth lines thereof and inserting in place thereof the words 'one hundred and twenty-five,' so that said section, as amended, shall read as follows:

'Sec. 2. Amount of bond issue permitted, increased. Said corporation may acquire and hold real and personal estate necessary and convenient. for the purposes aforesaid, not exceeding in amount one hundred thousand dollars; may sell and convey the same; may issue certificates of stock to an amount not exceeding the amount of its capital stock actually paid in; and may issue and sell bonds to an amount not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, to aid in the construction, repairs and

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improvements of its works, and said bonds to the amount of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars may be purchased and held by the savings banks of Maine.'

Approved March 8, 1923.

Chapter 44.

An Act to Amend Chapter Thirty-one of the Private and Special Laws of Nineteen Hundred and Five, as Amended by Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-eight of the Private and Special Laws of Nineteen Hundred and Nine, Relating to the Houlton Water Company.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows:

Sec. 1. P. & S. L., 1905, c. 31, sec. 1; 1909, c. 348; relating to powers of Houlton Water Company, amended. Section one of chapter thirty-one of the private and special laws of nineteen hundred and five, as amended by chapter three hundred and forty-eight of the private and special laws of nineteen hundred and nine, is hereby amended by inserting after the words "New Limerick" in the eighth line of said section the following, 'Ludlow, Smyrna, Merrill, Dyer Brook, Oakfield,' so that said section, as amended, shall read as follows:

'Sec. I. Territorial limits in which electricity may be distributed enlarged to include towns of Ludlow, Smyrna, Merrill, Dyer Brook and Oakfield. The Houlton Water Company is hereby specially authorized and empowered to contract for, buy, make, generate and use electricity upon its property in the Town of Houlton, in the County of Aroostook, or other property hereafter acquired by said Houlton Water Company for the purpose, and to transmit, conduct, and distribute such electricity to, into and throughout the Town and Village of said Houlton and the Towns and Villages of Linneus, Hodgdon, New Limerick, Ludlow, Smyrna, Merrill, Dyer Brook, Oakfield, and Hammond plantation, and sell and supply the same for lighting such public streets and such buildings and places therein, public and private, as may be agreed upon by said company and the owners or those having control of such streets and places to be lighted, and may transmit, sell and supply the same for heating, motive power, manufacturing or mechanical purposes in said towns and said plantation.'

Sec. 2. P. & S. L., 1905, c. 31, sec. 2; relating to right to erect plants, lay pipes and wires, amended. Section two of said chapter is hereby amended by inserting after the words "New Limerick" in the ninth line of said section the words, 'Smyrna, Merrill, Dyer Brook, Oakfield,' so that said section, as amended, shall read as follows:

'Sec. 2. Territorial limits enlarged to conform to section 1. Said company is hereby authorized and empowered to build, erect and operate man

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ufactories and works, for making, generating, distributing and supplying electricity upon said property, to use the same therein, and to erect, lay down, construct, maintain and operate lines of wires or other material for the transmission of electricity under, over and across any stream or river, and under, along, upon and over the streets, ways and bridges in said Towns of Houlton, Linneus, Hodgdon, Ludlow, New Limerick, Smyrna, Merrill, Dyer Brook, Oakfield and said Hammond plantation.'

Approved March 8, 1923.

Chapter 45.

An Act to Legalize and Make Valid the Doings of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brooklin, at the Annual Town Meeting Held on the Sixth Day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-two.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows:

Doings at annual meeting, 1922, legalized. The acts and doings of the inhabitants of the Town of Brooklin, in the County of Hancock, at the annual town meeting held on the sixth day of March, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, are hereby confirmed, legalized and made valid.

Approved March 8, 1923.

Chapter 46.

An Act to Ratify, Affirm and Make Valid the Reorganization of the Parish of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Bangor.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows:

Sec. 1. Doings in reorganization ratified and made valid. The reorganization of the Parish of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Bangor as attempted in eighteen hundred and seventy-four, in accordance with the provisions of chapter one hundred and eighty of the private and special laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine under the name and title of "The Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. John's Church, Bangor," is hereby ratified, affirmed and made valid, and all acts and doings of the rector, wardens and vestrymen of St. John's Church, Bangor, acting as a body corporate and politic, hereby are declared to be of the same full, complete and binding force and effect as such acts and doings would have been had the reorganization and incorporation attempted in eighteen hundred and seventy-four been wholly accomplished on August twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, the date that duly signed, but unacknowledged, articles of agreement were recorded in the registry of deeds for the County of Penobscot.

Sec. 2. Corporate name. The corporate name by which said parish

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hereafter shall be known is changed to "The Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. John's Episcopal Church in Bangor."

Sec. 3. Conveyances and other writings made valid and binding. All conveyances, transfers and other documents and instruments in writing heretofore executed by the rector, wardens and vestrymen, as a body corporate and politic, for and in the name of the parish in behalf of which this act is passed, are hereby declared to be valid and binding on the body corporate and politic hereafter to be known as "The Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. John's Episcopal Church in Bangor."

Sec. 4. Rights under prior grants and conveyances to former corporation made legal to new corporation. The body corporate and politic hereafter to be known as "The Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. John's Episcopal Church in Bangor," shall have the same right, title and interest in and to all grants, conveyances and transfers heretofore made to the parish of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Bangor, by whatsoever corporate name described therein, as if said body corporate and politic hereafter to be known as "The Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. John's Episcopal Church in Bangor" originally had been named as the grantee.

Approved March 9, 1923.

Chapter 47.

An Act to Incorporate the Patten Water and Power Company.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows:

Sec. 1. Corporators; name; purposes. Charles A. Byram, Henry C. Rowe, Verdi Ludgate, Harry E. Green, Edbart C. Wilson and A. P. Wyman, their associates, successors and assigns are hereby incorporated under the name of Patten Water and Power.Company for the purpose of furnishing the inhabitants of Patten with pure water for domestic and municipal use.

Sec. 2. Powers; eminent domain. Said corporation is hereby authorized for the purpose aforesaid to take and hold sufficient water from any available source and may take and hold by purchase or by eminent domain any land or real estate necessary for erecting dams, building reservoirs or for preserving purity of the water and water shed, and for laying and maintaining pipe lines for conducting, discharging, distributing and disposing of water.

Sec. 3. Authorized to lay pipes in streets. Said corporation is hereby authorized to lay and maintain a pipe line to its source of supply under the provisions of section two and to lay and maintain in and through the

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