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brought up. The cavalry commenced crossing the creek, and a strong line of skirmishers was posted to the right and left of the ford. A battery in the rear sent a shell through a building on the opposite bank in which Forrest was said to be, and caused a general scattering. The boys got a shot at some of the Rebels, one of whom was seen limping off as if he had been struck with a bullet. Returned to the division at nine P. M., the cavalry pursuing the enemy to Columbia. They commenced the return march on the 12th, making twenty miles to camp north of Franklin by four P. M. At eight o'clock next morning they passed through Franklin, crossed the country to the Wilson Pike, leading to Triune, near which they camped about five o'clock, after fifteen miles march. Next day (Saturday, 14th,) the brigade was rear guard, and so, late in starting and in coming in, arrived at Camp Bradley just before dark, having marched twenty-three miles.




N TUESDAY, March 17th, Major McIntyre paid off the regiment again, and next day we moved camp to a fine piece of ground very near Murfreesboro, on the Franklin Pike. At Camp Schaffer we remained until our march south,

June 24th. On going out on picket duty next day, the whole picket line was drawn in to the north of Stone River. For some time a constant alarm was kept up that some part of our line was to be attacked. On Saturday, 21st, the Rebels attacked our pickets in strong force. The Brigade was ordered out and marched as far as Gen. Sheridan's headquarters, remaining under arms for several hours, when the enemy being driven off, we returned to camp. In the afternoon there was a division review by Gen. Sheridan, in preparation for a more elaborate one by Gen. Rosecrans on Monday. This day was also to be noted for the arrival of a number of commissions-among them that of Major Miller, as Colonel; Capt. George D. Sher man, as Major, and Adj. George G. Biddulph, as Captain ComMajor Sherman commanded the regiment. pany K. Sheridan was highly sensitive about the condition of his com


mand, and always sought to have it in the best possible state. He was anxious in the forthcoming review that his division should appear worthy of its reputation. His desire communicated itself to all the officers and men, and on Saturday, Sunday and Monday great pains were taken to bring everything into presentable appearance; every man's clothing, arms, accoutrements and boots underwent a thorough cleansing. At noon the review took place, the Commanding General being accompanied by Gens. Garfield, McCook and Sheridan. These officers made a magnificent appearance, and Gen. Rosecrans complimented the 36th. As he passed our flag and saw the name on it, he said, "Well, they say the old 36th will march further and do it easier than any regiment we have got." "Well, boys," said he, "does Gen. Sheridan take good care of you?" Some one answered, though as the drums were beating he did not hear it, "Yes, only he don't give us vinegar enough." Mrs. Rosecrans, Mrs. McCook, Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. Pierce were among the reviewing party as the regiment marched by the General.

On the 26th the whole brigade, with Col. Bradley's brigade, went out one and a-half miles on the Salem pike, remaining five days. These were trying days, as the rain fell heavily and the enemy made several attacks upon our videttes, so the troops had to be under arms at daylight, and fall in quickly when the alarm was given.

On Sunday, 29th, I went out to the regiment and held services both morning and afternoon for the first time since I joined the army. During all the time we remained in this camp I went out and preached to the regiment when it was away on the Sabbath; once, in a manner which excited some interest. April 5th, the brigade was out on picket to the west of town, the right of the 36th resting on Wilkinson pike. In the morning Col. Sher


423 man sent an order for every officer without exception to go out. Although not customary for a Chaplain to go on such occasions, the men being divided for the different stations, yet I obeyed the order, and Major Sherman accompanying me, I passed from station to station, and preached a short sermon to the men not out on the line. While thus engaged at one point, Col. Sherman and his staff rode up inspecting the line, and of course the men were expected to turn out and salute him as he passed; but I went on with the service, and the Colonel lost his salute, which gave considerable amusement to the officers who had been peremptorily ordered out. On this same day we were agitated by learning that a spy had attempted to pass through Crittenden's lines. He was caught, but being confined, tried to escape, and was shot by the guard, but that not stopping him, a soldier, who had been in the guard house for some fault, caught up a gun and shot him dead. In his stockings were found all necessary information about our forces and drawings of the fortifications. The General said the soldier need not return to the guard-house.

Early in April we had quite a series of presentations. On the 2nd I presented a beautiful sword to Capt. Cass, in behalf of Company D, on the occasion of his promotion to the Captaincy. The next was one of very general interest to the reginent and finds a place in the journals, but I have failed to obtain a copy of the proceedings as printed at the time, and so am compelled to give some extracts from a private letter written a day or two after.

On the 18th, at the close of dress parade, instead of dispersing as usual, Major Sherman brought the regiment into the shape of a half moon, the officers in advance, when a messenger was sent for me. On repairing at once to the Major, I found Dr. Pierce and a number of officers from the 88th. Dr. Pierce and I

were requested to step forward, when Capt. Olson addressed us, describing the feelings of himself and officers at having to retire on 31st December, and leave such a number of our dead and wounded in the hands of the enemy; how at last tidings were brought that we had volunteered to remain with them; how their hearts were relieved, and that they desired to express their appreciation of what we did in some form which should be a memento of their regard. He then addressed me, saying, it was often remarked that Chaplains were of no use in, the army, but I had shown that a Chaplain could be as useful and more so than any other officer in the regiment, &c. He handed me a most beautiful sword and belt. He then addressed Dr. Pierce, and gave him one of a different pattern but equally fine. I felt just on the point of crying, and motioned to Dr. Pierce to speak first, which he did, doing first-rate, but he said he had to stop or he should have been crying. I then spoke, but made a botch of it. Then came hearty congratulations from both officers and men. Dr. Pierce proposed to stay with the 36th, but a number of his 88th officers being present threatened to get up another for him in their regiment. This was the first presentation ever made by the regiment, and when they make a demonstration they meant it. It was no sham, but a heart-felt act, undeserved on our part but exceedingly gratifying.

The third presentation consisted of a splendid sword, with jeweled hilt, sash, belt, revolvers, etc., made April 16th, to Gen. Sheridan, by all the officers in his division, as a personal compliment to him on his promotion to the rank of Major General. The whole cost from twelve to fourteen hundred dollars. The presentation speech was made by Col. Sherman, and the General's reply was a model of neatness and appropriateness. The 36th had felt an unflagging interest in Gen. Sheridan from their first

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