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to meet in class. I still continued knocking at the door of mercy. Class meetings were such a cross to me, that many times Satan tried to prevent my going; but I was resolved not to give them up as they were so profitable to my soul. Once, I shall never forget, when the leader asked me the state of my mind, I was dumb, and could not speak for some time. O what were my feelings then! At another time, in a crowded monthly meeting, I had such a combat with the enemy as I cannot express. Thus I went on, sometimes hoping, and sometimes despairing of mercy, with sleepless nights and painful days, until the 25th of April, when Mr. Sayer preached at Pelynt. A lovefeast was held afterwards, and such a feast of love I never had before, nor do I expect to have again, until I 'meet with all the ship's company above, who sailed with the Saviour beneath.' My heart was filled with love to God, and to his people. I was able to rejoice in God as my reconciled father, and was ready to clap my glad wings and tower away, to mingle with the blaze of everlasting day.' I lived in this state for many weeks, rejoicing in hope of the glory of God. But we must not expect to have all sweet while here below. Since then, I have had to wade through deep waters, and to pass under clouds of darkness. But, blessed be God! for so much joy as I have felt, and do feel; and the determination I have to go onward from one degree of grace unto another. I am resolved not to rest, until glory ends what grace has began; nor until I meet the dear friends I love on earth, around the dazzling throne of God in heaven, to sing the loud hallelujahs of God and the Lamb. Glory to his adorable name, while others are fallen, I am preserved! O may I stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made me free, and in the great day of the Lord may I be secure amidst—

"The wreck of matter, and the crash of worlds.

May I stand unmov'd amidst it all,

And smile to see a burning world.'

Or whenever the Lord shall see fit to take me, may I be able to sing

"Farewell, my friends, adieu, adieu,
I can no longer stay with you,

My glitt'ring crown appears in view:
All is well! All is well!'

แ May the Lord grant it for his name' sake, Amen.

"February 2, 1842.

The following statement Hawker


was prepared by Mr. W.

"It appears that our dear sister, being greatly afflicted, became so weak from this time, that she was obliged to give up committing to paper what she felt and enjoyed. But though from the second of February, she gave up writing, she did not give up praying; neither did she give up her confidence in that God in whom she had believed, but held it fast unto the end. When visited by her friends, she gave evidence that the religion she had obtained was not a fable, but something which stood by her in the furnace of affliction, and in the prospect of death. To her leader, (Miss Tregenna) she once said, 'You have been, my dear friend and faithful leader. You have given me good advice and instruction. I hope the Lord will reward you for it. You have still a little flock to lead; be faithful to your charge. Do not be afraid to go after night. I will be with you, and be your guardian angel. Mind the little flock; do not neglect them.' She then desired her leader to sing; but this friend, overpowered in seeing her wasted frame, and contemplating her speedy dissolution, said, 'My dear Philippa, I cannot sing now.' But Philippa replied, "Then I must,' and sung delightfully the words


Then let us hasten to the day,

When all shall be brought home;
Come, O Redeemer, come away,
O Jesus, quickly come.

'O that will be joyful,

To meet to part no more

On Canaan's blissful shore,

To sing Alleluia,

With them that are gone before.'"

"Mr. W. Hawker, being present at this time, then said, You now reap the benefit of your struggles for the means of grace.' She said, 'I do; I do; one minute in heaven will recompense for all my trials here.' Alluding to the chapel-to attend which she made such strenuous efforts, without regard to wind or rain - she observed, 'O if I could but see little Zion.' The Lord, however, was evidently preparing her for the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalen, the Zion which is above; where, with the innumerable company of angels, and the general assembly and church of the first-born, she is now praising her Redeemer in sweeter and far nobler strains than she could sing while here below

He cheers her with eternal smile,
She sings hosannah all the while;
Or overwhelm'a with raptare sweet,
Sinks down adoring at his feet.

Her sufferings were extreme; but she bore them with
Christian resignation and fortitude. Being asked, if she
wished to recover, she said, 'O no! I wish to be with Jesus,
I want to be gone to my Jesus.' Again she exclaimed-

'O let me languish into life.'

Then she warned her youthful companions against living a sinful life; begging them to join the people of God, and prepare to meet her in heaven. When near death, her prospects of a better world were very bright-heaven seemed to beam on her countenance, and shortly after, saying, 'Come, Lord Jesus!' she sweetly fell asleep in the arms of her Redeemer."

Much, indeed, might be added to the above testimony concerning her piety and zeal for God. Her attendance on religious ordinances was exemplary. It is, indeed, apprehended that her illness was hastened through getting wet on a particular occasion, when going to hear a remarkable preacher. Prudence may dictate to many the necessity of taking proper precautions against damp and cold, yet it would be well with many if they were more attached to the means of grace. Her conversation was such as became her

profession of the Gospel of Christ. Her delight was to talk about Jesus. Her frequent song was

"Jesus sought me when a stranger,

Wandering from the fold of God;
He to rescue me from danger,
Interposed his precious blood.
I love Jesus,

Jesus smiles, and loves me too."

She bore her afflictions with the patience of a Christian; and she often gave expression to the satisfaction she felt in having embraced religion when in health. This sustained her when her heart and flesh were failing her; and “leaning on the arm of God," she has crossed the floods of death, and is now with the happy throng around the throne of God; where pain and parting are no more. "Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." She entered into eternal life, December 29th, 1843, and whilst her body sleeps in the silent grave, her happy spirit is present with Jesus, until He comes in the clouds of heaven to be glorified in them that believe. Then

"Arrayed in glorious grace,

Shall these vile bodies shine,
And every shape and every face,
Be heavenly and divine."

In this record of experience many young persons may trace a resemblance to their own, and hence derive instruction and encouragement. Let them not despise and put away early religious convictions. We ought to yield to the impressions produced by the Holy Spirit on the mind; and those who carefully seek his direction shall be guided into the possession of perfect peace and happiness. Perhaps some, as Philippa once did, may have thought that they "are not wicked enough to be sent to hell;" but let them consider that all that are not "good enough" to go to heaven, must go to hell, except they obtain a new heart and a right spirit. But let them examine themselves, and they may also find, that they have a high and haughty spirit, that they are vain and proud, and passionate. If so, they are unfit for the society of heaven. All are wicked enough to

go to hell who do not love God with all their heart and soul. By education and restraint many have been kept from wicked associations and habits, but every heart that is proud and passionate, fond of gaiety and worldly pleasure, and careless, or reluctant about religious duties, is an evil heart, and must be changed. May all the readers, therefore, of this memoir, be brought to see their undone condition before God, and the absolute need of salvation through Jesus; thus, like Philippa Broad, they will be led earnestly to seek redemption and the forgiveness of sins through the crucified Saviour; and then, like her, in life and death, they will be able to rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

Talvan, June 24th, 1850.

J. S.

From the American" True Wesleyan."

DEAR E.-I take this method of addressing you, because I can say some things more freely than by any other means. You are often on my mind. Your present and future interests and happiness frequently occupy my thoughts, and that future covers time and eternity. You have made a profession of religion, taken upon you the name of Christ. You are identified among his followers. In doing this you have acted intelligently, and voluntarily. It was your own personal act in view of all consequences. In doing this, as doubtless you did sincerely, you did but your duty. Christ and his religion with its cross and crown, its sorrows and joys, became yours; for the present and future. You are now, to use the language of a heathen, "Jesus Christ's man." To him by self-dedication you belong, for time and eternity. Of all the acts of your life, this is the least to be regretted, the most to be rejoiced in. To sustain the character of an humble and devoted disciple of the Saviour through life, should be your highest ambition.

In all your present designs and plans, both time and eternity, should be taken into the account. Life at best is but a scene of toil, perplexity, and disappointment. Its chief importance consists in the influence which it may

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