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clear, that the emoluments of the judges ought neither to be precarious nor derived from uncertain fees, and the public interest required that such an addition should be made to the salaries of the judges, as would induce men in the prime of life and of full mental vigour to accept the situation. Mr. Hobhouse added that, if such a proposition was made, he would immediately submit another, namely, that there should be no promotion on the bench; and unless the recommendation for an increase of salary were coupled with this provision, he would, however painful to his feelings, individualise the instances which had suggested this course to him.

The second reading of a bill to provide for the repairs of the Derry cathedral having been moved by Sir George Hill, it met the marked opposition of many members on each side of the house; it was the pecuHar duty of the Irish church to repair their own edifices, and they were greatly injured in public opinion by such attempts to shift the expense on others. Mr. Dawson, Under Secretary of State, said he hoped this debate would bring the Dean and Clergy of Derry to a proper sense of their duty. Upon this, Sir G. Hill withdrew the bill. (We cannot here avoid remarking, that the diocese of Derry has been always considered the richest in Ireland; its income has been estimated at between 16 and 20,000 a year!)

Lord Althorp, in much the most crowded house of the session, brought forward his motion for a committee to inquire into the state of Ireland. The difficulties with which this subject was beset were the more formidable, inasmuch as they were the growth of centuries, and could not be removed by any sudden, violent, or undigested process: and the difficulty of the case was enhanced by the fact, that the greater part of the evils were such as could not be provided for by any legislative enact-, ments. He was persuaded, however, that a general report of that house, setting forth the true interests of the country, might be productive of much good. The principal points to which the Noble Lord wished the attention of the committee to be directed were the state of the law between land

lord and tenant-the existence of middle-men-the employment of capital-the immense local taxation arising from grand jury presentments the church establishment-the proceedings of Orange and Catholic lodges

and the disabilities under which the Roman Catholic population laboured. The Noble Lord expatiated at great length on all these different subjects; and after a pointed appeal to Mr. Canning for his co-operation, concluded by moving for the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the state of Ireland, and report the same to the house. This proposition was met by Ministers, not so much by any direct negative to the motion, as by a limitation of its objects. These objects they considered as too complex and extensive; and the Secretary for Ireland moved as an amendment the appointment of a select committee, to inquire into the nature and extent of the disturbances which prevailed in the districts now subject to the insurrection act. This amendment called forth a lengthened debate, in which various members stated their views and remedies with respect to the grievous and savage situation in which the people of Ireland are plunged, a fact which seemed to be agreed upon by all parties. On a division there appeared, for the amendment 184, against it 136; majority 48.-Mr. F. Buxton has obtained leave to bring in a bill which has caused great commotion at Lloyd's. The bill goes "to repeal so much of the act of the 6th of Geo. I. c. 8, as restricts partnerships and societies from insuring ships and goods, and from lending money upon bottomry." The measure was opposed chiefly upon the ground, that it invaded the monopoly of two chartered companies who had paid for their charters, and of Lloyd's. It was, however, on the other hand, contended, that these companies might continue their course as usual, and that the public would be benefited by the advantages to be derived from competition.

Mr. Calcraft made an ineffectual motion for the total repeal of the leather tax-in support of the motion, it was stated, that out of 900,000l. collected from the people by means of this tax, only 300,000l. went into the treasury. On a divi

sion however, there appeared for the motion 55, against it 71.

A petition, detailing charges against the Duke of Manchester, governor of Jamaica, for conduct alleged to be of a most arbitrary and oppressive character, was presented to the House of Commons from two free-men of colour, natives of Kingston in that island. It stated that, in September they were thrown into prison as aliens and dangerous persons, but were afterwards released by an order of the Supreme Court, on full proof adduced of their being British born subjects. That previously to their discharge, bail had been offered for them by six freeholders, and a memorial in their behalf signed by the principal merchants and chief public functionaries in the island. That subsequently, on the 29th of November, they were, while peaceably engaged at home, torn from their families, on the same charge, by order of the Duke, hurried on board a guard-ship, kept in solitary confinement, and transported next day to St. Domingo, where they were turned on shore, destitute, and only saved from the horrors of a Haytian prison by the humanity of some British merchants who relieved them!! Mr. Wilmot Horton declared a total want of information on the subject, and promised that the necessary inIquiries should be forthwith instituted; he said that a committee of the local legislature had declared these persons to be engaged in a treasonable conspiracy with the rebellious slaves, but admitted that, in reference to this treatment, every thing depended upon whether they were aliens or not.

A petition from Mr. Soane the architect complained that the report of a committee of the house had unjustly reflected on his merits as an architect, and interfered with the accommodation of the courts of law, newly erected at Westminster. It was admitted by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the Lords of the Treasury were responsible for Mr. Soane's design.

In the House of Lords there have been but few debates, and those not of very peculiar interest. The Marquis of Lansdowne had introduced a bill tending to the relief of Unitarians from some conscientious diffi.

culties under which they now labour with respect to the marriage ceremony. It was, however, lost on the motion for its committal by a majority of 105 to 66. The Bishops appeared divided on the subject.

The same Noble Lord has brought in a bill to place the Roman Čatholics of Great Britain on the same footing as the Roman Catholics of Ireland. ( (We hope it will not infuse the same folly into them.)

The Alien bill, after some discussion, has passed this house. Lord Gage moved an ineffectual amendment, "to allow expelled aliens to remove to whatever country they chose at their own expense."

A motion for an inquiry into the state of Ireland met the same fate as that in the House of Commons, namely, a limitation to the situation of the disturbed districts.

Our readers cannot fail to have remarked the great portion of the attention of the Legislature which that unfortunate country has occupied during the last month. We are sorry to observe, that every day's experience seems more and more to justify the call for interference. The fact is, and it is useless to deny it, the whole island seems sunk into the most savage and deplorable barbarism! What will our readers think of the fact of TWO AND TWENTY MURDERS having been committed in one district of Kilkenny within two years, without one single murderer having been brought to justice!!! This is stated on the authority of Mr. Serjeant Goold, sitting on the Bench of Justice. A commentary on this would be an insult.

With respect to the Roman Catholics, their blessed "Association " have just transmitted a petition to their advocates, which has done more to justify the clamours of those opposed to them, than any argument of their enemies for half a century.. This petition, affecting to supplicate for relief, has the audacity to demand a remodelling of the Jury system -a disfranchisement of corporations, and an interference with the temporalities of the Protestant Establishment!! Really this is showing the cloven foot a little too soon. Pretty Legislators indeed the framers of such a document would make! We will venture to say, a proposition so ah.

surd, so impudent, and so suicidal, their bitterest enemies could not frame for them. No wonder that Lord Grey and Mr. Brougham, to whom they had committed the precious document, wrote word back, that they could by no means go the length of it. But the worthies in full conclave voted, that it should remain as it is, and be thus presented even by the men who have declared their personal disapprobation of it. Really such men should, like the pugilists, go into a state of training, before they aspire to the privileges which are the professed object of their most

insane exertions.


The early part of the month was very cold, and the north and east winds which prevailed greatly retarded vegetation. The rain which has since fallen has, however, much improved the appearance of wheat on good lands, while that on cold soils looks very sickly. Barley sowing has at length terminated, after more trouble than was almost ever remembered. This crop also looks thin and sickly upon cold wet lands in consequence of the rain, which has changed the appearance of the crops generally, and where the seed has been sown in a damp state. The grub and wireworm have committed depredations both upon the spring corn, oats, and barley. Beans have come up much better than was expected, but the hoeing has been a good deal retarded by the same universally operating cause-the duration of the heavy rains. Peas look well. The breadth of the potatoe crop will not be so large this year as last, owing to the small profit made by the growers last winter. Grasses look very luxuriant, and the meadows are fast coming to feed. The fallows for turnips work badly, and the farmers are in general very backward. In the south there have been a vast many ewes lost by the sellon, a disease in the bowels, producing finally mortification; and tegs have been found to die very rapidly from being taken from turnips to pasture. There is still a great demand for good horses, both for saddle and draught, and these fetch high prices. Wool still continues in demand, but the prices are very fluctuating. The hop trade is dull. The vines looked flourishing, but the late cold winds, it is feared, will check their growth.

The supply of Smithfield market has been limited, and consequently both beef and mutton have risen in value. The former is now selling at from 38. 8d. to 43. 8d. and mutton fetches from 4s. 4d. to 58. 2d. per stone. The country markets are still higher for both. Lamb is lower.

The corn market has undergone very little alteration during the last four weeks. At one period the prices in some measure declined from the effect of Mr. Huskisson's proposition for grinding foreign corn. This year will in all probability solve the grand problem which has so often been discussed ficient for its own consumption. If the -whether or not this country grows sufkingdom is proved to produce sufficient to feed its people in a year, admitted on all hands to be deficient, the price of corn must come down to a level with that of the continent. Because if a deficient crop will supply the wants of the kingdom, there must be an overplus in an average crop, the price of which overplus having only the same markets as the continent for its sale, must be regulated by the price of the foreign market. If, on the other hand, the growth is not sufficient, the ports must open, and the market will be glutted to the ruin of the English farmer for several years to


It is to be hoped that the government will not disturb the natural operation of things by any partial enactments; because, as it is the consumers in general who are so deeply injured by the fluctuations which arise from the uncertainty attendant upon the present corn laws, this question, which involves so much that is important to the kingdom, ought to be fairly decided. The country will then know whether it can rely on its own growth for food, or whether it must look to its continental neighbours for a portion of its support.

The ports are now shut for wheat until the 15th of next August, and, if any conclusions can be drawn from present appearances, they will not even then be opened. This opinion is formed from the following facts. The supply of wheat to Mark-lane, from February 1st to May 1st in this year, was less than during the same period last year, by about 10,000 quarters, while the supply of flour had decreased about 40,000 sacks. The sales, however, actually made from December to May in 1823 and 1824, leave only a difference of 459 quarters in favour of the present year. It appears, therefore, that the millers have done the same quantity of business, and that the relative supply must be nearly the same. The only difference between the supply of the two years is this, that the millers, foreseeing a rise, bought largely both before and after the harvest of 1822, and having sent into the market 40,000 sacks of flour more in 1823, than at the same period in 1824, in the expectation of the rise, it is fair to suppose that the stocks of wheat are larger than they were at this time last year. The provincial millers also bought largely about the same period, and thus diminished the quantities of wheat that would otherwise have been sent into Mark-lane in the first part of the season,

while in the latter part of the year their shipments of flour were much larger. It ought also to be borne in recollection, that in seasons so highly favourable (the rise having been continual) millers always manufacture as much flour as possible, because, whether their make is small or large, their standing expenses are still the same. From the short time that must elapse before harvest, the probability from these facts, as well as from the general appear ance of Mark-lane, it is fair to suppose, is that the bakers in the metropolis are sup plied with, or have contracted for, flour for the greater part of the next six weeks, when there is the largest consumption. There is, therefore, no appearance of scarcity, but on the contrary there is every reason to believe, from these circumstances, and from the known quantity of wheat still in the country, that the supply will fully meet the demand. The impossibility, not withstanding the late small arrivals, to keep up the price of flour in Mark-lane also fully justifies this opinion. There will be then no alternative, if the crop proves any thing like an average crop, but that corn must come down to a level with the price of the continent, including the expense of transport.

The average arrivals, during the last four weeks, have amounted to about wheat 6232 quarters; barley 2479 quarters; oats 11271 quarters; English flour 6084 sacks; foreign flour 379 bolls; peas 429 quarters; while the average prices in the twenty-four maritime districts were, May 19-wheat 64s. 94d., barley 26s. 24d.; oats 258. 74d.

May 22.


May 18, 1824.

Cotton. The market has been very steady for the last four weeks, and the demand good. The sales have on an average exceeded 3000 bales per week at good prices without any remarkable fluctuations. The East India has been chiefly taken on speculation and the Boweds for exportation. This latter description has been in increas ing demand, and an advance of d. to d. per lb. took place in the middle of this month. Last week the sales amounted to about 2800 bales, all in bond, viz.-1200 Bengals, 5d. ordinary to 6d. good fair; 300 Surats, 6d. middling to 6d. good fair; 10 Bourbons, 104d.; 550 Pernams, 10 d. to 11d. fair; 30 Ceara, 11d.; 120 Paras, 94d. to 9 d. good fair; 300 Boweds, 8 d. to 8 d. middling and fair; 8 d. to 9d. good; 60 Orleans, very good 10d. 90 Carthagenas, 64d. to 7d.; 10 Berbice, 11d; the Americans were taken entirely for export; the East India for

home use, export, and on speculation; and Bengals have in some instances been sold at d. reduction. At Liverpool likewise the market has been favourable. The sales have amounted in four weeks, ending May 15, to 48,150 bags, the arrivals to about 43,400 bags.

Sugar. Towards the close of last month the stocks of Sugar in the warehouses were reduced to 12,000 casks, and it was reported that considerable business was done, taking this low state of the stock into calcu lation. In the week ending the 4th instant, the market was rather heavy, and though good parcels, being scarce, maintained their prices, the inferior descriptions were dull, and the holders being very anxious to sell, rather lower prices were submitted to: notwithstanding the smallness of the stock, the expectation of numerous arrivals kept the market heavy. There having been no fluctuations worth noticing, we subjoin the account of the market during the last week.

There were very few good Sugars on sale last week; one or two parcels of fine quality realised rather higher prices, 66s. to 66s. 6d. ; the quantity of good offering was however so limited, that few sales were effected; the low brown qualities, on the contrary, were so pressed upon the market, and the holders so anxious to effect sales, that a reduction of fully is. per cwt. was submitted to, brown Jamaica selling at 54s.

Several parcels of newly landed Sugars are on sale this morning; the market, however, continues languid, and only the good descriptions are inquired after: there is no alteration whatever in the prices since Friday.

In the Refined market there was little alteration to notice; there were considerable inquiries, but the sales effected were not extensive; the prices were unvaried.-Molasses were 268. 6d.

The only demand for Refined for export is small parcels for the Mediterranean; the chief purchases are still made by the wholesale grocers; there are no alterations in the currency this morning.-Molasses steady at 26s. 6d.

In Foreign Sugars no purchases by private contract were reported.

By public sale on Wednesday, 500 chests of Havannah Sugars; all the white sold, good strong 38s. to 38s. 6d; brown and yellow taken in 258. to 25s. 6d.

The Havannah Sugar went off to-day at very full prices; the Brazil 1s. to 2s. lower; 229 chests Havannah, white good, 35s. to 36s. ordinary 30s. to 32s.; middling white Brazil, 30s. to 32s.

An important bill now before Parlia ment allows the importation of Sugars from the Mauritius at the same duty as from the West Indies.

Coffee. The market, which continued

heavy for some time after the date of our last report, though, without reduction in the prices, seems to have received a considerable impulse at the beginning of this month by the arrival of favourable accounts from Holland, Antwerp, &c.; some effect has been produced by the establishment of a great trading company at Amsterdam, and of a West Indian joint stock company here. On the 4th, there were no less than four public sales, which completely established a market currency, at an advance of 28. to 3s. on St. Domingo, and of 38. to 5s. on Brazil, Demerara, and Berbice. This improvement caused very extensive sales to be brought forward on the following week, which, though the biddings continued every day till a late hour, had very little effect on the prices; the advance being nearly maintained. Very great sales were made also in the course of last week, but this immense quantity being forced upon the market has not caused the prices to decline; nay, middling, or fine, with colour, sold rather higher; only the very ordinary British plantation was uncommonly heavy at a reduction of 28. per cwt. There were again five public sales brought forward this forenoon, and they continued selling up till a very late hour (half-past 3 o'clock); the market is exceedingly firm, and the greater proportion of the extensive sales are disposed of; good to fine ordinary St. Domingo 63s. to 64s. 6d. ; coloury fine Coffee still rates high; fine middling Jamaica sold 100s. to 101s. 6d. ; the very ordinary qualities and Demerara are the only Coffees which sell low.

Rum, Brandy, and Hollands.—At the

latter end of April, great alarm was caused in the spirit market by four extensive failures, which caused a complete stagnation for a time; in the following week, to the surprise of every body, a government contract for 100,000 gallons was announced, which, though it did not raise the prices, rendered the holders rather firmer; it was taken on the 11th instant at very low rates, viz. 75,000 gallons at Is. 33d.; and 25,000 at 1s. 3d. Brandy has been and remains very heavy; free on board to arrive 2s. 7d. to 2s. 8d.; Pale Geneva, 1s. 7d. and 1s. 8d.

Hemp, Flax, and Tallow.-The demand for Tallow continues limited, there is not the slightest variation in the prices; new yellow candle Tallow, 34s. 3d. to 34s. 6d. ; old, 32s. 6d. to 33s. 6d. Hemp steady; St. Petersbugh, clean, for parcels here, 351. 10s. to 35%. 15s-In Flax there is little alteration to notice.-Tallow for June and July delivery, 358.; for July and August shipments, 36s. 3d.; free on board, 29s. 102.-Hemp for July and August ship, ments, 352 10s.

Spices-Went off very heavily at the Company's sale on the 10th inst. excepting Nutmegs, which being taxed so low as 25. 6d. attracted many speculative buyers.→→ A considerable parcel of Pimento ordinary to good, sold to-day in public sale, 74d. ta 74d.

Indigo-Has continued in good demand, at advancing prices, and though the rates at the late sale were from 1s. 6d. to 3s. above those of the preceding; a premium of 4d. to 6d. is now to be obtained.




HAVING had occasion in our usual monthly reports to notice with satisfaction, the evident determination of the Government steadily to persevere in the gradual introduction of a system of commercial legislation, conformable to the enlarged and enlightened notions of modern times, it will not be necessary for us precisely to travel again over the same ground, though we cannot deny ourselves and our readers the pleasure of pointing out, as far as we are able, the beneficial effects which have already resulted from this liberal policy. Previously to the opening of the present session, it was well understood that the prosperous state of the revenue would en

able the Chancellor of the Exchequer to propose in his budget a very considerable reduction in the public burdens, and to afford additional facilities to commerce by an abolition of duties. Speculation was, of course, at work in conjecturing what might be the taxes that would be removed, and every class of contributors was ready to produce arguments to prove that the burden ought to be taken off its own shoulders. In truth, had the Chancellor of the Exchequer listened to all the advice given him, and to all the petitions pre sented, he might have cut the matter short by repealing all the taxes at once. There was, however, it must be owned, a very

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