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trust, in the words of one of our contemporaries," that this common recognition and identity of views as to South America, may eventually lead to an intimate union, to a confederacy in short of all the constitutional governments and free countries in the world, to an alliance which might without sacrilege and hypocrisy, be indeed termed holy, against that monstrous and liberticide league which has assumed its name."

Our readers would be surprised, if indeed any thing coming from such a quarter could surprise them, at the singular effect which this document seems to have produced on the mind of the beloved legitimate of Spain. He has actually issued a decree parcelling out the offices, and abolishing the adopted constitution of South America, with as much sang froid as if that country was still prostrate under the foot of his despotism! The whole decree is a sort of state curiosity, and affords on the part of legitimacy a fine set-off to the vile democratic publication at Washington. We have only room for the two following paragraphs, but they are a tolerably fair specimen of the entire: "The revolutions (says the beloved) of Naples, Turin, and Lisbon, contrived, one after another, by the same means and on the same principles, completed the conviction of the sovereigns that no throne could be in safety without cutting off at once all the heads of the Hydra which threatened to devour the universe. Such was the object equally noble and important, of their various meettings. Certainly but for the resolutions, which for the salvation of the human race, prevailed in the congresses of Laybach and Verona, a great part of civilized Europe, deluged in blood, would now be the prey of ignorant and presumptuous reformers!" Such is the first paragraph; and we would willingly ask the most bigoted enemy of reformation, what possible conformation of society could be worse than the monarchical anarchy which now reigns, or rather riots in Madrid. Ferdinand is very foolish thus to talk as he does of "cutting off the heads of the Hydra" as he calls it; the truth is, we believe, the discomfited constitutionalists are now beginning to ascribe their situation at this moment to a

while they were in power, and there too great tenderness for certain heads is no knowing what a familiarity with such phrases may induce them to do Ferdinand ought to remember too on some future possible opportunity. that "the Hydra" has still one head left in Washington, and there really seems a young one with some brains in it too, springing up in South America, which we suspect is not long enough to sever. The second paraenough to reach, nor his arm strong graph is ludicrous enough for the glaring inconsistency which it contains.

erful Emperor of Austria, sufficed to "A single effort of the powput an end in a few days to the troubles of Naples and Piedmont. A similar effort of the most Christian King, sufficed in like manner to make the edifice of the constitution throughout the peninsula, fall to ruins on the heads of its authors. by the presence of my well-beloved Emboldened cousin the Duke of Angoulême and his valiant army, the immense majority of my subjects hastened to overthrow the trophies which stupidity had erected to revolt, and to reestablish the ancient institutions which had made the happiness of their fathers. Conducted by Victory the son of France flies to the banks of the Guadelete; he attacks, he oppressors with terror, and at length carries the Trocadero; he fills my I and my family are free. Glory be to God.'

enough to put to flight the whole of One single observation is this farrago; if the "immense majority" of the people of Spain were really so enamoured of Ferdinand and despotism, where was the necessity for the " son of France" taking such a flight to the banks of the Guadelete in order to rivet its chains on them? or where is the use in the peninsula, when Ferdinand is of 40,000 Frenchmen remaining now restored again to glory and embroidery? The decree ends as we have stated, with the abolition of the organization of the national militia, constitution in America, the disthe termination of the newly-created courts of justice, and in short with the annihilation of every vestige produced by the revolution. The pleasing and easy task of enforcing this decree is confided to the viceroys, archbishops, and deans and chapters

of the South American cathedrals. No doubt Bolivar, the young head of "the Hydra" in that part of the world, will be quite in ecstasy at the proposition. The promised amnesty act is still under consideration; we should not wonder if it was delayed till there were but few survivors to include in it. The new Pope is represented as in a very critical state of health; and we regret it, as it is rumoured and believed that he has refused his sanction to the re-establishment of the inquisition.

News has arrived from the Brazils of a strange, but not to us of a surprising character, because amid all the recent promises of the Brazilian Emperor, we still remembered that he was the son of the Queen of Portugal, who is the sister of King Ferdinand. Any liberal promise, there fore, coming from such a quarter, we can believe only when we see it performed. It appears that some dispute had arisen between the Brazilian and Portuguese officers, which was submitted to the mediation of the Emperor, who refused his interference; it was then laid before the congress which was sitting, and they proceeded to deliberate upon it. While they were debating, however, the senate-house was surrounded with soldiery by the royal order, the congress was dissolved, the leading liberal members arrested, and in a few days after actually shipped off with their families in a vessel of war under sealed orders, nobody knew whither. Next day the Emperor issued a decree, abolishing the constitution which then existed, and promising a new one. It must not be forgotten that not very long ago he had sworn to observe and protect the one he has abolished; it is true, however, that his father and uncle did the same before him, and there are few families in which there is not something hereditary. There is something, however, whimsical and original in this proceeding of Don Pedro. Cromwell and Napoleon merely dissolved their parliaments, but the idea of exporting an opposition is perfectly new. Verily, Don Pedro must be a man both of humour and genius. There was a true touch of his Madrid uncle however in part of these proceedings; a few days be fore he put this notable plan in exe

cution, in order to prove his sincere hostility to the Portuguese, he ordered Lord Cochrane to proceed with his fleet from Maranham where he then lay, to Monte Video, in order to co-operate with the Brazilian army against that fortress. He also loaded his Lordship with honours, in order no doubt to propitiate him, should circumstances render his future co-operation necessary. Perhaps his Lordship has done even more than the Emperor wished, as the Portuguese garrison at Monte Video had surrendered. That Pedro, notwithstanding all his protestations, had been worked on by his mother to produce a re-union with Portugal is firmly believed by many, and certainly receives a strong confirmation from the admitted fact, that he had received and accepted two orders from the King of France, addressed to him as Prince Regent of Portugal, and not as Emperor of the Brazils. This, to say the least of it, is suspicious, as crowned heads are not fond of merging a greater title in a lesser, unless for very special reasons. The accounts which followed this measure are various, some representing it as popular, and others as quite the reverse. Placards had certainly been placarded all over Rio Janeiro decouncing the act, and calling on the Brazilians to defend their independence, and the Minister of Police had offered a large reward for the discovery of the author. No doubt we shall soon have something important to communicate on this subject, and indeed we should not wonder if Don Pedro himself brought the news to Europe. His experiment in the neighbourhood of so many young republics is a bold one, and perhaps the people may be inclined to act on the hint which he has given, and try whether a voyage might not prove of as much benefit to the health of an Emperor as to that of an opposition.

The news from France presents a blank; rumours are indeed afloat of some maritime preparations on the part of that power, and of her intention to assist Spain in the recovery of her colonies, but the notion either of a naval rivalry, or of any effectual colonial co-operation, must, as we apprehend, at present limit itself mercly to intention.

There is no domestic news whatever; next month Parliament meets, when of course the dullness of our department in this respect will be broken in upon-at least we hope so.


January 24, 1824.'

THE operations of farmers are not at this season of the year particularly interesting They consist principally in ploughing the fallows. On the dry soils this work has gone on extremely favourably; but on the wet, and in the lowland districts, it has been much impeded by the soil having been completely saturated with water. The wheats, generally speaking, look well; but it is observed, that on loamy districts they do not spread with the same vigour as in former years, and it is to be feared that the continual rain will affect the health of the plant. Should a severe frost set in suddenly there will be much thin and rootfallen wheat observed in the spring. The early sown in the north has, in many instances, failed, from the constant rains that have inundated that part of the kingdom

from October to November; that sown in the latter part of November is, however, vegetating with the greatest vigour. From the two Ridings of Yorkshire, from Northamptonshire, Glamorganshire, and Gloucestershire there are great complaints of the uncomfortable lodgings for sheep on turnips. The utmost care and attention has been necessary to keep them from being unhealthy and free from the foot rot. Upon some lands the rain was so heavy, and the earth was so completely soaked, that it was equally impossible either to carry the turnips off, or for the sheep to feed them. After so much wet, it is very probable that they will suffer from rot during the rest of the winter. Fodder, from the mildness of the season, will not be so scarce as was universally expected. The turnips appear as green as they were in November; they penn off very fast, and have every appear ance of running speedily.

The corn market has been progressively rising since our last report, and still continues to advance, notwithstanding the large quantities of grain which weekly arrive. This rise is, however, fraught with considerable danger to the farmer in two points of view. The first arises from the opening of the ports; and secondly, if the ports do not open previous to the next harvest, it will determine the long doubtful question, whether or not this country is capable of growing sufficient corn to supply its own wants. Should corn so rise as to open the ports, it will again be brought as low and even lower than its late price, by the immense quantity that will rush into the market from all the foreign ports, which are now described as being overstocked, in conse

quence of the absence of demand from the foreign countries. If, on the contrary, the prices should still keep below importation, it will be clearly demonstrated, that this kingdom (even in a year of admitted deficiency) is fully able to grow more than is sufficient for its own consumption. Such a circumstance will be to the farmer, perthan an importation, because it will inevihaps, an evil of even greater magnitude tably bring our markets down to a level with the exportation price.

The average arrivals of wheat, barley, oats, peas, and flour, during the month, have been, Wheat.. Barley.. Oats....

9267 Peas 7525 Flour


1941 12646

11391 Irish Oats.. 3213 About 400 quarters of foreign oats, and 2625 barrels of foreign flour, have also arrived.

The average price for the month is wheat, 54s 5d.; barley, 28s. 9d.; oats, 20s. 10d.; peas, 35s. Id.;-and the actual rise in wheat, 6s. 2d; barley, 3s. 2d.; oats, but little variation; peas, about 28

In Smithfield good Scots are selling at 4s. 2d. per stone, and mutton is down; 4s. to 4s. 2d. per stone. choice light weights fetching not more than

wool is still on the advance. The hop-market is rather brisker, and


January 20, 1824. Accounts from St. Petersburg of the 2d of January bring the unwelcome intelligence that an Imperial Ukase had been most unexpectedly published, considerably increasing the duties of customs on the importation of foreign goods, particularly all kinds of colonial produce and cotton manufactures. This new Tariff, which was to be put in force on the 1st (13th) of January, will very materially affect the interests of the British merchant and manufacturer.

Cotton. There was a good demand for cotton in the last week of December, chiefly India, at an advance of d. per lb. The sales amounted to above 7000 bales. The market has since then been depressed, but it is expected that there will shortly be large purchases made by the trade, and a demand for exportation, which may lead to an improvement. During this last week there has been a moderate inquiry, and about 1200 bags sold. At Liverpool, there has been considerable inquiry for cotton within the last week, but the holders were so desirous of selling, that the prices rather declined. The sales in four weeks, to 17th of January, were 34,000 bags; the arrivals 20,000 bags. The East India Company have declared for sale on the 6th of February, the whole of their remaining cotton, viz. 8040 Bengals, and 82 Madras.

Coffee. The market is in a very de

pressed state; for two weeks, to 6th of January, there were no public sales, and no purchases by private contract reported; on that day there were two sales, at which the Demerara and Berbice sold lower; a few lots of coloury Jamaica sold very high, being scarce; middling, 109s. 6d. to 110s. The market was heavy in the following week, and on the 13th, Berbice was 6s. to 8s. lower than on the 6th; Jamaica, 4s. to 58. lower. This week there has been scarcely any business done, and the prices are very low. It must be observed, however, that the public sales lately brought have been most unfavourable to the market, consisting generally of inferior and rank coffee, for which there is no demand.

Sugar. At the commencement of this month, considerable business was done in Muscovades, averaging about eight hundred hogsheads daily, which, considering the season of the year, and the small stock was a large quantity; since that time the market has been without interest. This forenoon it is in the same languid state, and the purchases so trifling, as hardly to constitute a market currency. The weekly deliveries are so limited in extent, that the stocks are rapidly accumulating. Molasses are at 27s. 6d.

Rum, Brandy, and Hollands.-There has been a considerable speculation in rum, and an improvement in the prices. In the week ending the 13th, about 3000 puncheons were sold. This week there has not been so much doing, but the late advance is maintained. It is confidently asserted that some measure favourable to West India rums will be adopted; but the nature of it is not fully known. Brandies are high in France, and in the last week have risen

here also. New, to arrive, on the Quay, 2s. 10d. to 2s. 11d.; housed, 3s. to 3s. Id. The best pale geneva at 2s. 4d., inferior 23. 2d.

Hemp, Flax, and Tallow.-No remarkable fluctuations have taken place in these articles. Tallow has been from 33s. 6d. to 34s. 6d. The failure of a great house last week excited an expectation that a large quantity would be thrown on the market, and caused a momentary decline of yellow candle tallow to 34s., but it is now at 34s. 3d. with indications of improvement. Hemp is rather higher, flax without alteration.

Spices.-By public sale 16th inst.-300 bales cinnamon, 1st quality, nearly all sold at 6s. 7d. to 6s. 8d.; 200 ditto, 2d quality, all sold from 5s. to 5s. 11d.; 100 ditto, 3d quality, all sold, 2s. 6d. to 4s. 11d; 35 chests nutmegs, licensed, 2s. 11d. to 3s.; 54 ditto cloves, licensed, 3s. 6d. to 3s. 8d. ; 18 ditto mace, licensed, 5s. to 5s. 3d.; 111 ditto cassia lignea, middling quality, 71. 48. to 71. 10s.; 30 mats Bourbon cloves, for export only, 2s. 5d.

Indigo. The prices are nominal, the sales at the India House having commenced to-day. The shipping qualities, (which were not good) have been from 1s. to 1s. 6d. per lb. higher; commoners 6d. to 1s. higher; the Oude was all bought in at a rather higher price than the company's last sale.

Oils.-The demand for fish oils is good, and for sperm oil great beyond all precedent, but the supplies have been so large as fully to equal the demands, and to keep down the price. There has been an unusually great demand for rape cake, and prices advanced from 85s. to 110s. per ton.


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