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are to enforce them! Woe to the liberal who dares to stand upright within ten leagues of Madrid! The ministers who composed this council, with the chief of the bigots, Victor Saez, at their head, were, of course, in the highest possible state of exultation, at a decree which gave them an almost unlimited despotism over Spain; as the ministerial confessor, naturally enough, calculated upon originating every measure which he and his creatures were afterwards to execute; thus, in fact, combining in their own hands, the legislative and executive powers. In the midst of their jubilates, however, an event occurred, which reduced them all at once to silence, and taught Saez the wisdom of the Scriptural precept which enjoins man not "to put his trust in princes: "-namely, the dismissal of the whole crew! No doubt, Saez is the best off of the party, as his Christian mind cannot fail of affording him religious consolation. It is thus that good men are tried, and thus they endure their trials. No doubt, there are many honest men, both in Spain and out of it, who hope that future probations may increase his pious glory, and even that the wreath of martyrdom may displace his mitre. The manner of the dismissal is thus stated on the authority of a private letter from Madrid:-On the 2d of December, the Marquis of Talaru, the French ambassador, having received dispatches from his government, waited upon the King-on the same evening his Majesty summoned his ministers, gave them a signal lecture, and sent them away in complete disgrace. Nothing could exceed the astonishment of the ministers, at hearing themselves bitterly reproached for many measures which the king himself had been the first to instigate! It is, however, but a new edition of the conduct which they themselves had taught him when they counselled him, on his liberation, to revoke all his acts since 1820, and even to disgrace his agents. It is thus that even-handed justice now commends the poisoned chalice to their own lips, and they will find little sympathy. After being the tools and pandars of bigoted tyranny, they suffer, unpitied, from a caprice which is an ingredient in its character. Saez is, it is said, to be

consoled with one of the richest bishopricks in Spain; but this has by no means silenced the furious churchmen, who are loud in their denunciations of the French and the Duke d'Angoulême. Wealth alone, abundance of which the See of Tortosa will produce to Saez, has never yet satisfied, however it may solace, the humble children of fanaticism power is their first and darling object-that gained, every thing else they know will follow :-for the dismissal of Saez from his confessorship to the king, nothing can compensate them, and they are surely right

the secrets of such a conscience must counterbalance the weight of any reward given for their preservation. The names of the new ministers are as follow. The Marquis of Casa Irujo, first minister of state; Don Narciso de Heredia, minister of grace and justice for Spain and the Indies; Major General Don Josef de la Cruz, minister of war; Don Luis Lopez Ballasteros, minister of finance; the minister of marine retains his office, the reason is not assigned; Don Ignacio Martinez de Villela is constituted the new president of the council. The new premier, Casa Irujo, is said to be a man of some talents, and of much more moderation than his predecessor, which indeed he may very easily be.

We are glad to have to announce that the traitor Morillo has given in his resignation, and that his worthy compeer Ballasterós, finding himself deserted by all parties, is about to leave the country he has so basely sacrificed. France is said to be the destination of both these worthies. They may escape from the reproaches of their countrymen, but where will they find an asylum from the curses of their conscience? Even in France, fallen as she is, the glance of many an honest man will remind them that reprobation is written on their brow. If they ever had any other object than their own mere personal aggrandisement-if they ever for a moment contemplated that their vile apostacy from the cause they had sworn to defend, and their base abandonment of the friends with whom they had pledged themselves to stand or fall, could produce any benefit to Spain, present events must show them how short-sighted was

the calculation. The liberators are proceeding as liberators generally do, that is, abundantly re-imbursing themselves for any cost incurred by their philanthropy. We find that General Guilleminot has concluded at Madrid a treaty with the Spanish Government, for the military occupation of Spain for three years by French troops. The French army left in Spain is to consist of 40,000 men, and they are to garrison not only the fortresses along the Pyrenees, but the most important commercial towns along the coast. St. Sebastian, Pampeluna, Santona, Figueras, Barcelona, Tarragona, Ferrol, Corunna, Cadiz, Malaga, Carthagena, Alicant, and Valencia, are some of the places ceded to their possession, and our readers will not fail to estimate the value of these, by recollecting the expense both of blood and treasure, to which a struggle for them put England during the Peninsular war. Our commercial readers will at once estimate the importance of the seaports; their occupation, in fact, places the entire commerce of Spain under the surveillance of the liberators. France is, by this treaty, to pay her troops at the rate of the peace establishment, and Spain is to defray any extra charges contingent upon active service. The state, in which the whole country is represented to be, abundantly justifies its military occupation. Every province overrun with robbers-an empty treasury, and crowded prisons-confusion every where, and confidence no where, are the blessed effects of domestic impolicy and foreign interference. A more striking instance can scarcely be given of the infirm foundation on which the triumphant cause is supposed, even by its own partizans, to rest, than their conduct towards the unfortunate Riego; it was not, it seems, considered sufficient, that on the day of his execution, the guards should have been doubled, all the troops kept under arms in the barracks, and strong patrols distributed throughout the city, but it is said they gave their victim a strong soporific draught in wine, lest the heroic fortitude by which he was characterised, or some soul-stirring appeal from him to the people, might have excited even amongst his enemies a commotion in

his favour. It is confidently stated, that after his condemnation, Riego wrote a letter to the King, reminding him that he had saved his life several times, and admonishing him that vindictive measures could only terminate in his ruin. The appeal, however, to his gratitude, was totally in vain-and it now remains to be seen whether the warning of the dying patriot was not prophetic.

From France our accounts are almost entirely limited to the rejoicings consequent on the triumphal entry of the Duke d'Angoulême. Preparatory to his reception, the King issued two royal ordinances, well calculated to conciliate the army. The first states, "that the benefits which Divine Providence had showered down upon the French arms, during the glorious campaign just terminated by his beloved nephew, the Duke d'Angoulême, had made his Majesty resolve to show indulgence to such soldiers of his armies as had gone aside from their duties, and, by such means, to make their families take part in the public joy;" it therefore decrees a free pardon to all subalterns and soldiers of the land forces who are now in a state of desertion. The second relates to the distribution of certain recompences to the military, according to the budget of 1823, and orders that the amount of the expired annuities paid to officers and soldiers of the royal army of the west shall be employed in new favours of the same nature. The day chosen by the Duke for his triumphal entry was the anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz; why, we are not told; and certainly it is difficult to account for a selection which must have recalled military associations, not comparatively flattering to the hero of the hour. The affair, according to the Moniteur, passed off, of course, amid universal acclamations and unmixed enthusiasm; according to private letters, however, nothing could have been more dull, and the little feeling manifested was either hired or forced. A circumstance hitherto unheard of is stated to have occurred on this occasion; namely, a summons from the police magistrates to the inhabitants to leave their houses and crowd to the show! It did not heretofore require any very peremptory

mandate to persuade the Parisian population to assemble for amusement; and, we doubt much, whether a precedent for this compulsion could be found on the Austerlitz anniversary, which it was not thought impolitic to revive. During the day, a young man who had climbed upon the wall of the Thuilleries to view the procession was shot by a sentinel. The soldier has been surrendered to the civil power to take his trial for the murder. Thus, as far as the Duke d'Angoulême is concerned, appears to have ended the first military adventure of the Bourbons since their restoration. That the war was one of gross aggression on the part of France, warranted by no just principle, and justified by no sound policy, cannot, we think, be doubted; it has, however, proved that the French army will, to a certain extent at least, support the restored dynasty, a proposition which some time ago, very many, and we confess ourselves were of the number, thought exceedingly problematical. We doubt much, however, whether this invasion, successful as it certainly has been, will in its future consequences benefit the cause of legitimacy: the bad faith which has marked Ferdinand's liberation-the decrees of banishment-the murder of Riego in the face of a promised amnesty-and the monstrous excesses committed by the monks of the Faith, will operate as solemn warnings against clemency in any future popular commotionsucceeding revolutionists will surely remember that Ferdinand's safety ensured Riego's death, and the deerees of Port St. Mary will stand an eternal memento of the confidence to

be placed in royal promises. It is, however, but an act of justice to the Duke d'Angoulême to say, that so far as in him lay, he appears to have opposed the excesses of the Faith, and to have personally set an example of moderation which it would have been to the credit, and might have been to the profit, of Ferdinand to have followed. Indeed, from whatever cause it may have arisen, a very hostile spirit seems to exist between the Spanish and the French authorities, which has even extended itself to the troops. An affray took place between the French and Spanish soldiery, very lately, in the streets of

Madrid, which at the moment threat ened the most serious consequences. Seventeen Spaniards have since been executed, so that we must presume the aggression to have been on their part. Such conduct, however, from the liberated to the liberators, gives us no very lively idea of the gratitude inspired on the occasion. The Duke de Belluno is repaid for his services with the embassy to Vienna, and General Guilleminot goes in the same character to Constantinople. The latter appointment is supposed to be but temporary, and is considered as a sacrifice made for the moment by the Duke d'Angoulême to the Ultras. Guilleminot is a great favourite with the Duke, but the Ultras detest him for the quality which would induce all other men to admire him— his moderation.

The accounts from our West India islands are becoming every day more serious. In Jamaica, in particular, discontent seems to run very high, and recent papers contain advertisements calling the inhabitants together, in order to "take into consideration the distressed state of the island, in consequence of the conduct of the mother country towards the colonies." In Kingston, the capital of the island, a general meeting was convened, and the following resolutions were in circulation, as those intended to be proposed. We prefer giving these rather than any comments of our own, because they speak more authoritatively and more plainly the spirit of the times than any thing we can offer.

1st, That the rights and privileges of the first settlers in Jamaica were clearly defined, and that they extend to the pre

sent descendants with all the immunities

solemnly and irrevocably granted by the original charter of Charles II.-2d, That we view with astonishment the deliberations of the parent parliament, wrought upon by an impure faction, which, under the mask of religion, seeks to strew anarchy and immorality among the labouring class of a community, of which the British empire can exhibit no parallel in comfort or in Body of Jamaica is invested the only power social habits.-3d, That in the Legislative

on earth to tax us, and to frame laws for our internal government -4th, That our legislation has shown its wisdom on every occasion, and has justified the solemn authority vested in it by the King, Lords, and Commons of Great Britain. In no case has it

denied the Sovereignty of the Crown-in none flinched from a manly display of its means in support of that Crown, throughout its various struggles, be they in part epochs of a rebellion, or to oppose a foreign yoke. 5th, That, as a deliberate body, sanctioned by irrevocable charter, the legislature

of Jamaica is the best, as it is the only judge of internal regulations; that we are convinced it will not forsake our rights any more than it will desert its own-rights which we inherit, and which it has tempered (as much as local circumstances have, permitted), to the tone of English sentiment.-6th. That we will go hand in hand' with the island at large, in defending our property, which is as legitimate and unalienable as any freehold of the United Kingdom

Such are the resolutions, and certainly their temper does not require a single observation-they are, we believe, a fair specimen of the spirit prevalent in most of the West India islands. The refractory spirit lately, manifested by the slave population has given great alarm, and the excitement of this is attributed to various causes-according to some, it has originated in the late discussions in Parliament-according to others, in an ill-timed and injudicious letter of Lord Bathurst to the colonies, recommending the abolition of the whip. This excited an expectation of amelioration amongst the slaves, which, on being disappointed by the policy of the masters, turned into rage and discontent. The recommendation of the Colonial Secretary was doubtless humane, but humanity and policy have been long opposed on the question of the slave trade the proprietors complain, that the withdrawal of all physical control has been publicly recommended before the population had been prepared for the influence of any moral substitute. Whose fault is that?

There is no intelligence of any consequence from Greece, if we except the surrender of the Castle of Corinth, which had cost the patriot forces a long siege. The Turkish fleet were unable to assist the garrison, which, consisting of 800 Mahometans, was at length obliged to submit. In a war of this kind no news is good news, according to the proverb. The work goes on surely though silently; and the longer resistance to established authority maintains itself, the more that authority

must become weakened and ultimately endangered.


The South American states contiAccounts have been received of the nue to organize their independence. close of the session of the Colombian Congress. Much business appears to have been transacted; and amongst their decrees we are glad to perceive one granting to Bolivar an annuity for life of 30,000 dollars, to commence on the termination of his Presidency, in consideration of the services he has rendered to the country. It would appear as if the republics of the new world were determined to atone for the ingratitude practised towards their great men by the republics of the old. Bolivar is now occupied in the emancipation of Peru, and certainly earns laboriously any reward which may be conferred on him-the best and brightest reward of such men, however, is the tribute which posterity must pay their mejust given a very decided proof of mory. The Mexican government have their spirit and determination. quarrel unnecessary for us to detail had taken place between the town of Vera Cruz and the Spanish garrison occupying the fort of St. Juan de Ulloa, a fortress in its vicinity, which is deemed impregnable. The consequence has been, that the government determined that Vera Cruz should be abandoned, and cease altogether to be a port of trade so long as the fort shall be garrisoned by the Spaniards. The Mexican merchants had removed to Alvarado, which was declared the port of entry for Mexico, and a strict prohibition was issued against the admission of Spanish vessels into any of their ports. The Spaniards, out of revenge, laid a third of Vera Cruz in ruins; but the occupation of their fort derived its chief importance from the trade and prosperity of the town, which now are likely to be utterly extinguished. On the subject of South America we must not omit to mention, that Mr. Canning has just dispatched to the newly created states a number of British Commercial Consuls and ViceConsuls at large salaries. This step must surely herald the recognition of their political independence.

nent of the Constitutionalists of A great number of the most emiSpain have taken refuge in this coun

try, and, amongst the rest, the heroic Mina has chosen it as his asylum. The apostrophe of the Roman orator, to his friend, may be well applied by us on this occasion; "happy the country which shall receive him-unhappy his own if it shall lose him." He landed at Plymouth, from the French brig Cuirassier, on the 30th of November, and met with a truly hearty British reception. The beach was lined with thousands to receive him; and the moment he had touched the English shore, he was raised upon the shoulders of the people, and carried in triumph to his hotel. He was soon obliged to appear at the window, and a gentleman stated by his desire" that this was the happiest moment of his life; that his feelings were completely overpowered by the reception he had met with from the British people. He had been fighting the battles of his country against its invaders; he had before done this with Lord Wellington, and if an occasion should again call him, he should be always ready." In the evening he went to the thea tre, and was received with acclamations, the guards and the 61st regiment appearing prominent in his welcome; this is as it should be the brave should honour the brave. It would be a pleasing task, but one which would far exceed our limits, to record all the testimonies which this gallant man has received from all classes of the people; but we cannot resist the gratification of recording a reply of his on the subject of his reception, which shows what the noble feeling is still next his heart. Having mentioned his intention of visiting London, and of doing so incog., a friend told him it was intended to give him a public reception, and requested to know his sentiments on the subject-the following was his noble reply: "These testimonies distress me. I am received like a conqueror; I am dragged to public spectacles; I am invited to festivals; while I only wish, and I ought only, to mourn in solitude over the sufferings and slavery of my dear country." Mina is understood to be in very limited circumstances; his views were all public. He has had, since his arrival, offers of any pecuniary assistance which he may want, but has refused them all. The Spa

nish committee have addressed a letter to him, tendering 5001. either for his own use, or for any purpose which he may suggest. Mina in person is low, about five feet seven inches, dark hair, dark piercing eyes, and ruddy complexion; with rather an English than a Spanish look: he is very lame, having, as our readers may recollect, had one of his feet severely frost-bitten. Six of his staff accompany him. The celebrated Arguelles, and many other of the members of the Cortes, have arrived in Dublin. A meeting has been held here for the relief of such of these patriotic exiles as may need it; and, no doubt, British generosity will afford ample funds for the purpose. The unfortunate Madame Riego receives every consolation of which her forlorn situation is capable. She has not been informed of the manner of her gallant husband's death, but thinks he has died of his sufferings in prison. She is represented as being very beautiful.

Our readers are aware by this time of the death of that distinguished orator, Lord Erskine. A meeting of the bar took place during the month, in Lincoln's Inn Hall, to devise the best means of doing honour to his memory; and a committee was appointed for the purpose. The bar, upon this occasion, paid the object of their meeting a most delicate practical compliment-not a word was spoken-intending, no doubt, to convey that the eloquence of the bar had died with him. Many of the disappointed spectators seemed to be of opinion that there was more truth than usual in the compliment.

A considerable increase to the army is contemplated. Notice has, in consequence, been given to the army surgeons, and assistant surgeons on half-pay, stating that their services are likely to be soon required. The new levy is to be raised by beat of drum, and the officers employed have received orders to repair to those parts of the United Kingdom where their personal influ❤ ence is supposed to be greatest.

From Ireland, we have only the refreshing news of two additional desperate murders, and another mirucle by Prince Hohenlohe! This last has been perpetrated on the person of a Miss O'Rorke, who was bed

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