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the Evangelical party was the liberal sentiments he entertained towards some whose creeds were at variance with his own, and especially were they offended at his high appreciation of the life and writings of Channing. He had risen above the various bounds of sectarianism, and rejoiced in the contemplation of every noble character, whether within or without the pale of his own church.

he became from that time almost wholly deprived of further use of the limb; great pain and suffering came on, and it was not until many weeks after, that he could be removed home. During this afflicting dispensation, whilst laid up at the house of a Friend at Melksham, who, with his wife, were very kind and most attentive to him, he wrote thus :-]

I hope there is no cause for discouragement. Writing to a friend, he says:-" Dr. Chan- on my account up to this time: Oh, I trust I ning's life is full of interest, but of a calm, have some sense of the tender mercies of Him, thoughtful kind." "The purest who deals gently with me! But I think there love for man, the most unconquerable trust in is no need to express much to thee, as to my human nature, seem to have been the very basis feelings and state of mind, in reference to this of his being. He was a Unitarian; but that is dispensation of Providence. Thou knowest I a very wide term, including a vast variety of wish to hope the best, and to prepare for what persons thinking very differently on essentials. may seem the worst,-to be prepared for all I can only say that I should be very glad if that may be in store for me: and this is what I half of those who recognize the hereditary long for all who are near and dear to me. ́O! claims of the son of God to worship, bowed how much occasion there is to possess, ag down before his moral dignity with an adoration though we possessed not, and as those that are half as profound, or a love half as enthusiastic liable to be cut off from any of these enjoyments as Dr. Channing's. I wish I, a Trinitarian, at a moment! May we be strengthened to take loved and adored Him and the Divine goodness every cup as at the Lord's hand, and he will in him, anything near the way in which that not fail to sweeten it. Unitarian felt. A religious lady found the book on my table a few days ago, and was borror struck. I told her that if she and I ever got to heaven we should find Dr. Channing revolving round the central Light in an orbit immeasurably nearer than ours, almost invisible to us, and lost in a blaze of light; which she has, no doubt, duly reported to the Brighton inquisition for heretics."

(To be continued.)

The great secret of Christian usefulness is to be awake to opportunities, and intent on doing what we can, rather than bewailing that it is in our power to do so little; and, in this respect, he who faithfully improves the one talent bids fair to be intrusted with the five or ten.


J. B.

26th of Eleventh month, 1835.-" Day unto day uttereth speech;" and while every day brings with it its peculiar duties and trials, there is enough of mercy and help manifested, to give abundant occasion for the engagement

While I live will I praise the Lord; I will rejoice and give thanks while I have any being." O! that you may have found, and may always find, the Lord near to you in the time of need, as your bow and battle axe, your shield and refuge! I feel persuaded the Lord would do wonderfully for you, and make you a blessing to many; that he waits and watches over you for good to build you up, and to enable you to build one another up in the most holy invincible faith,-to animate and strength

SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF JOHN en each other in the good work,-to hold the


(Continued from page 69.)

beginning of your confidence steadfast unto the end, to endure hardness-run with patience [In the Third Month of this year he became -war a good warfare, and win the unspeakable very ill with a severe attack of influenza, and prize of salvation. Faithful is he that hath was reduced to such a feeble state of health, as called, who also will accomplish all that He to afford little hopes of his recovery, either to hath promised, if we do but cleave close to himself, or to those around him. In this very Him, and trust in Him at all times, pouring out weak condition, he was desirous of being re- our hearts before Him, and giving up all, even moved to the Isle of Wight for change of air, what is most near and most dear to flesh and which was accomplished by slow degrees and blood. How much hath he brought about, how great care; and at the end of ten days the im- great things hath He wrought;-the strong provement was surprising. During the summer men, the high towers and fenced walls, and of this year, by frequent change of air, he was pleasant pictures hath he marred, and the lofty favored to regain nearly his former state of city laid low. He hath in exchange given to health; but in the Ninth Month, in returning apprehend the simplicity, the excellency there with his wife from a journey in the west of is in the Truth. O! what a high calling, what England, he was again attacked with inflamma- a talent is consigned to us! See that thou tion in the knee joint, which was so severe, that magnify His work, said one: and Oh, that our

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STOKE NEWINGTON, First month, 1836. STOKE NEWINGTON, 2d of Second month, 1836. My dear Friend.-I have delayed, longer I can truly say, that with me often there has than I wished, to answer thy brotherly commu- been no want of feeling and sympathy, where I nication of Eighth Month last: one indirect have been but little drawn forth into expression, cause of which, perhaps I may say, has been my perhaps checked in myself from it: not that own invalid condition; which has laid me by there are in the mind unpleasant reserves in on the sofa for more than three months, a crip- such cases; but, on the contrary, this course ple reduced to crutches; and suffering some naturally leads to great plainness, undisguised considerable pain at times, but far more from simplicity, and honesty towards all. It is in restlessness, helplessness, and various feelings my view of much importance, to endeavor to of infirmity, not readily enumerated. Influm maintain entire the "uncorruptness," the genmation which had attacked my knee joint near uineness, the unsophisticated artlessness, which three years ago, and by which I had been great- is of the Truth. Every little habit, every comly tried, was renewed upon me; and notwithpliance with custom in things that are thought standing all means used, I have not been able indifferent, and which trenches upon these, ento bear any weight upon the leg, nor to lift it dangers the tender principle of life; and indioff the other when lying across it, except by hand. Thus situated, wearisome days and nights having been my portion; attentions to the poor body have much taken me up, and perhaps shut me out from much active participation in many things that have been passing. Yet this only in a certain way;-for never have I had a livelier interest, and as I think a clearer sense of the state of things up and down. As 'the tidings' reach me in my chamber, of dif ferent movements and circumstances that transpire, my mind seems permitted to travel on into the future, and to see what some are contriving and concerting to strengthen their cause, and to possess themselves as it were of the strongholds and the passages. Oh, the deceit and the workings of that spirit, in those that despise and forsake the light of Christ in their own consciences! Yet through all, though I have sorrowful cause to believe some of understanding must and will fall, yea, many tall and beautiful cedars,-I never felt more strongly confirmed in the ground taken by our early Friends, and in the belief that all will be made (as thou expressest it) to work together for the good of the poor little remnant, who are concerned through all sufferings to keep to this ground. O! I often feel inwardly cheered and animated, in the midst of the most gloomy prospects for the power of Truth is the same that ever it was; and the Lord can confound, even by feeble instruments and unlikely means. It matters not through whom help comes, so that it comes from Him who made heaven and earth, and has set a bound to the roaring wares. Ah! I often think of the language of one of our ancients on his death-bed,The Spirit that now lives and reigns in me, shall yet break forth in thousands :'-and this is my full belief, even if the number of active and influential

rectly, perhaps almost imperceptibly, lands us in bondage, impedes us in a straightforward, unaffected course of acting, thinking and judg ing. Thus the mind and character becomes involved and prejudicially affected. The charaoter of George Fox is as good an illustration as I can give of what I desire in this respect for myself and for my friends. If I might venture to throw in a little counsel, who am sensible that I also am not above the need of it most certainly, I would say, in a very tender feeling with thee, under whatever occasion of disquietude,- Look not so much at them, as for the poor mind to be much taken up therewith; endeavor to look over them up to Ilim, who orders all things that concern us, and will not lay anything out for us to pass through, but what is really needful for us. Do not let us dwell too much upon anything that happens to us; but let us simply seek to be conducted through the circumstances that attend us, and our allotted conflicts, with filial simplicity of submission, and in a cheerful surrender of our all into the hands of our tender Shepherd and Preserver, our Father, and ever constant Friend. When we reflect upon the low condition we are in, it is seen to be a great mercy, that we are not left to ourselves; but are led about and instructed by many painful dispensations. And when we look at the trials of the faithful in all ages, bitter almost in proportion to their faithfulness,

also at the sufferings of the Church as well as of the Head of the Church; what are we that we should be spared, or rather what are we, that we should be honored with them? How light are our grievances, how great are our privileges and mercies, how gently are we dealt with: we are as wayward children, that are ready to complain, if aught be taken from us, with which we might have injured ourselves.

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Ah! like as a father or a mother pitieth her babe, so doth he who watcheth over us for good! J. B.


there shall thy right hand lead me, and help
me, and save me. It is in my best moments,
when such considerations as these weigh duly
and fully upon my poor weak epirit, that I feel
that the present afflictions are comparatively
light indeed. However dark may appear to be
the heavens above,-however inclement the ele-
ments around,-though the proud waters may
seem to come in unto our own souls as individ-
uals, and the church laboring and tossing like
a little vessel in the mighty deep; yet the
Governor being on board-the Controller of
winds and waves, He is engaged to conduct her
safely through all that He permits or appoints;
and not one of those who commit themselves to
Him is made desolate. Doubtless many will
fall on the right hand, and on the left: for it
seems a time of sifting and shaking, and but
only just begun. But I must not distress thee,
no, no,-cheer up; for if Jerusalem become
as heaps, our holy invincible Head can raise up
stones of the street to be children, can comfort
all her waste places, and make the streets there-
of full of boys and girls playing, as the prophet
says:-"therefore," adds he, "love the Truth
and peace;"-so will I
save you, and
ye shall
be a blessing: "fear not, but let your hands be
J. B.

(To be continued.)

spring, than there will be apples in autumn. There are many more blossoms on a tree in Yet we are glad to see blossoms, because we know that if there are no blossoms, there can be no fruit.

8th of Second month, 1836.-"I will show him how great things he must suffer for my Dame's sake;"-and great tribulation must be passed through, in order to have our garments washed and kept clean, in and by the blood of the Lamb and these have often the sentence of death in themselves, that they should not trust in themselves, nor in any other, but in the Lord Jesus Christ. Bonds and afflictions may, and must await them; yet none of these things move them, for they know they are appointed thereunto, even as it was appointed unto their Captain to be made perfect through suffering. Indeed it is by these dispensations they live; that is through their submission and faithfulness under them; and in all these things, the spiritual life is exercised, maintained, and even raised; though they, as poor worms, may be trampled upon and be very low in their own estimation, and may be ready often to say, Surely I shall go softly all my days, in the bitterness of my spirit.' Well, I long greatly for thee, as for my own soul, and for every one that is raised up, to stand as a monu ment of mercy, truth and righteousness, in and unto the Church; that neither heights, nor depths, principalities, nor powers, things preseat, nor things to come, may ever be able to separate us from that clear manifestation of Divine love, in which we have felt near to Him, who has visited our souls, and one to another. May we, my dear friend, and all that are near and dear to each of us in the covenant of light and life, go onward in that faith which gives the victory; laying aside every weight, every hindering thing, every discouragement; enduring and holding out to the end of all these bonds, trials, temptations, huu.iliations, fastings, bruises, or Occasions of disquietude, that may attend; esteeming nothing strange, which may prove even as a fiery trial; but rather counting it all joy, that we are found worthy to suffer in anywise for His cause, who suffered so much before us and for us, that He might open us a way out of this prison-house and place of proving. O! my dear friend, my mind is enlarged, and my eye opened to see something of the excellency of that quiet habitation, where none can make afraid; where the Lord is "our peace," having ordained peace for us, and being the portion of our cup; though the earth be removed, and the mountains carried away, our hearts are then fixed and stayed; though a host encamp against us," though thou thyself slay me, yet will I trust in thee;"-" though I walk in the But some of my dear friends are not permitmidst of trouble, thou wilt revive me;"-ted to rise upon the wings of hope. This may "though I pass through the valley of the be caused in some by a timidity of nature, inshadow of death, I will fear no evil," for even creased by impaired health and relaxed nerves;

(Continued from page 71.)
PHILADELPHIA, 1st mo. 1st, 1854.


My dear friend :-Thy letter by acceptable; but I felt discouraged about answering it, as the great and increased suffering in my head weakens and affects my eyes so much that writing is difficult, and often impracticable; and while indulging in those feelings, our beloved friend, S. D., made me a visit, which so nearly brought thee to my best feelings, that while she sat by my bedside I resolved to make an effort to let her be the bearer of another letter to my dear friend M.; another testimonial of the true and deep sympathy I feel for thee in the path of trial presented for thee to walk in. For however right thou believest thy dearest friends thought it was for them to pursue the course they have taken, still, a keen trial I have believed it to be to thy feelings; and thus I have felt that I could better enter into thy state, than with those full of health and bouyant of hope.


many of my Sabbaths, which I trust will account for my laggard movements.

21st.-1 abruptly laid aside my writing a

but my trust is, that all things shall work together for good to all those who are desirous to be found at their post; whether that is acactively to go forward, or to remain in the re-week ago to receive a call from a friend, and tired, obscure walks of life; if only the spirit, felt unable to resume it when she left, as I was the life of Christ, dwell in us, all shall redound suffering severely at the time, and ever since to the praise of Him, whose spirit is indeed the have felt unlike exertion. "light of the Gentiles, and the glory of his people Israel."


For the last two days suffering of another kind has increased so greatly, that night before Afternoon.-A very sweet visit did our dear last I felt that it was not improbable the time Mother in Israel, S. D., make us two days ago, had come when disease had arrived at that though I was not in a condition sufficiently point when relief would no longer be found. free from pain to enjoy it as at some other times. The attack was of that nature which I have I was then suffering the premonitory symptoms long thought probable would be the winding of an attack of my head, which, by yesterday, up; an entire giving way of the internal strucwas very severe, and even now far from well. ture, which has so long suffered so acutely. Thou queries as to my comforts. I can say, I But by recourse to the usual remedies, some rehave everything I can ask for in that way; and lief has been obtained, so that probably in a with true thankfulness, can say with Paul, few days I may feel as well as usual again"That my own hands, in part at least, have which I desire strength to acquiesce in, till the ministered to my necessities."-(She could use full purpose of my being placed in and kept her hands to knit, which she said was a double through so much suffering in this state of exBut to mainsource of comfort to her, as it occupied time, istence shall be accomplished. which otherwise would have been wearisome, as tain that disposition where in no rebellious feelwell as assisting in her support.) That although ings shall arise, through so long a season of nine years have rolled on since my confinement suffering as is mine, requires a greater subjugato this bed, I can truly say to the question, tion of self than is always mine to feel. But "Lacked ye anything?"-Nothing. For my I hope that Power that could redeem the thief every want has been supplied. Thou, O Lord, upon the cross, will not be deaf to the cries of hast had compassion, shielding and protecting the poor and needy, who desire not only at the me from every want; a good home, kind re- last moment to exemplify a penitent, contrite lations, and a faithful, kind sister, ever with spirit, but whose desire is, that our whole lives me; for all which, I do feel unbounded grati- may speak forth, if not by words, yet by their tude is called for; and that a most salutary les-spirit and tenor, that our highest joy and wish son has been taught me of "faith in God, and man. I must now stop, for I am very weary; and when, without too much effort, thou can write, I shall be glad to hear from thee. But if we cannot write, we can remember each other in that love which I trust at this moment fills my heart, for both thee and thy W., hoping when it is well with you, you will remember S. G. R. your suffering sister,

9th mo. 23d, 1855.

My dear Friend.-Thy letter of some weeks


is, to abide in that holy and Divine love,
which, though the ways of Infinite goodness
may be inscrutable to our finite vision, breathes
Strengthen us, O! Father, to
forth the prayer,
suffer, and grant us that spirit which can enable
us to say, for all I bless thee, most for the se-

Thy friend in love unchangeable, S. G. R.

(To be continued.)

For Friends' Intelligencer.


since was received with pleasure and, as ever, "Little things are little things, yet to be read with interest; and though some weeks may faithful in little things is something great." elapse before this sheet leaves my room, yet I'We little know how much good we may thereby feel like making an attempt to commence a let

ter to thee.

10th mo. 14th. Three weeks have passed since I attempted to reply to my friend's kind letter, and as yet scarce half a page written, so uncertain are the circumstances of my life. I seldom write through the week, except mere notes, for I am so liable to interruptions that, perhaps, by the time I have arranged my writing materials, some one enters, or something occurs, and I have to lay them aside, which for one of my disabilities is no trifle. Then the much I write to my brother and family takes

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do in our daily intercourse among men. We read in the "Good Book" that a few words "fitly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver;" and having, I trust, known them verified in my own experience, I feel induced to give them publicity, hoping the recital may be an encouragement to some who may chance to read these lines to give expression to words which might arise in the life, while mingling daily with our fellow beings. By so doing, who knows but that we may hand a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, and be as "ministering angels" wherever we go.

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I remember many years ago, when my husband had gone from home on a gospel mission, a dear mother in Israel" came to see me, as an evidence of her love and sympathy in my loneliness During the course of time we were together I made allusion to my situation, feeling it keenly, and expressing concern how I might fulfil my duties, my health being frail, and many obstacles appearing to be in the way. After I had finished my remarks, she observed, after a little pause, M, "Be a woman.' It was all she said, and I may acknowledge I never had words to make a deeper impression on my mind than these; and while we sat si lently, I pondered on the magnitude of them, and made a firm resolution (my Heavenly Father assisting me) to rise above the weakness of nature, and endeavor to assume the dignity of my station. And I can testify these were a great strength and support to me in getting along comfortably during his absence. Since that time this dear one has passed away, and in addition protracted and extreme illness, and other trials of an afflictive character, have fallen to my lot; yet through times of the greatest discouragement and weakness the language, "Be a woman! be a woman!" would ever and anon be ringing in mine ears, producing new life, strength and resolution, still to bear my spirit up to struggle on through every difficulty which might be in my pathway, looking unto Him, who is able to make hard things easy and bitter things sweet to the resigned mind. He can give contentment in any condition in which we may be placed, and will ever fulfil His gracious promises to those who seek His face in humility and sincerity of heart.


may further add that this dear mother, too, has gone to her eternal home; but being dead, "she yet speaketh."

3d month 30th, 1867.

For Friends' Intelligencer.


30th, 1867.

WOOD LAWN, Va., 3d mo. In the turnings and overturnings of Providence I find myself in this pleasant neighborhood. After attending Baltimore Yearly Meeting last fall, myself and wife came to this place, and finding a great many freedmen here that needed assistance in their education, and being anxious to assist if possible in elevating this downtrodden people; after spending some time among them, we started a writing school in the evening for the benefit of those who could not go to day school. Becoming convinced that the most that was needed in their behalf was to encourage them personally by helping them to learn the rudiments of a common education, and also being convinced that it was necessary for some willing hands to take hold of the matter, we felt it right to leave our pleasant Western home and settle, for a time at least, where we could lend a helping hand to the great work. We would wish here to say a word to all the kind friends of the freedmen in the North. You are doing a noble work in helping to lift up from degradation a people long trodden under foot; and we verily believe that the language will be sounded in your ears: "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, for I was an hungered and ye gave me meat, thirsty and ye gave me drink, naked and ye clothed me, sick and in prison and ye visited me," for surely you are helping in some respects the least of all Christ's brethren. Let us encourage all to go on in the good work, for you are receiving the hearty thanks of those you are aiding.

Having been willing to be taught by the lessons handed forth to me, endeavoring to look on the bright side, and not consider that I had more to bear than many others of the rational family, I feel a desire to urge upon my fellow probationers that they strive to improve by the circumstances which surround them, and, as the Apostle sayeth, "In all things to be instructed," and not give way to any childish discouragements and reasonings, or consultations with flesh and blood, but stand up nobly for the right, as true men and women who love the truth, and whose greatest delight is in serving the Lord. Thus shall we become vessels of honor, and "pillars in His Holy temple," to go Do more out, upon whom "He will write His new name," which none can know but those who receive it and are prepared to do the work He may allot unto us; and when His time shall come which is the best, be able to lay down our heads in peace with the blessed assurance that " we have finished the work He has given us to do," and that “a crown of righteousness is laid up for us, of which we shall become the blessed inheritors,

We found it necessary to return to our Western home and arrange things there in order to carry out our plan; and having, on our journey, occasion to stop among friends in Ohio, we visited a neighborhood that we wish to call particular attention to as being worthy of the notice of rightly concerned minds. There are several families of Friends there besides several that are not members, but having been raised among Friends, and as their families are growing up around them, they feel an increasing interest in the Society. There is the material for a nice meeting if a start could only be made. Will Friends travelling West please notice them? they are located on the railroad leading from Columbus, Ohio, to Richmond, Indiana, by way of Piqua, at Cable Station in Champaign county, Post-office Chalfant. We would refer any Friends interested to Samuel Pennington, Joseph Townsend or Haines Lin

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