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A black cloud makes the traveller mend his

pace, and mind his home; whereas a fair day and a pleasant way waste his time, and that stealeth away his affections in the prospect of the country. However others may think of it, yet I take it as a mercy, that now and then some clouds come between me and my sun, and many times some troubles do conceal our comforts; for I perceive, if I should find too much friendship in my pilgrimage, I should soon forget my Father's house and my heritage.-Lucas.


I mentioned in my last Account, that from my Arival in Eighty two, to the Date thereof, being ten Moneths, we had got up Four score Houses at our town, and that some Villages were setled about it. From that time to my coming away, which was a Year within a few Weeks, the Town advanced to Three hundred and fifty seven houses; divers of them, large, well built, with good Cellars, three stories, and some with Belconies.

There is also a fair Key of about three hundred foot square, Built by Samuel Carpenter, to which a ship of five hundred Tuns may lay her broade side: and others intend to follow his example. We have also a Ropewalk made by B. Wilcox, and cordage for shipping already spun at it.

There inhabits most sorts of useful Tradesmen, As Carpenters, Joyners, Bricklayers, Masons, Plasterers, Plumers, Smiths, Glasiers, Tayle-s, Shoemakers, Butchers, Bakers, Brewers, Glovers, Tanners, Felmongers, Wheelrights, Millrights, Shiprights, Boatrights, Ropemakers, Saylmakers, Blockmakers, Turners, &c.

Seven Ordinaries for the Intertainment of Strangers and Work-Men, that are not Housekeepers, and a good Meal to be had for sixpence, sterl.

A gentleman of this city has in his possession a pamphlet of twenty pages, which is styled There are Two Markets every Week and "A FURTHER ACCOUNT OF THE PRO- Two Fairs every year. In other places MarVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA AND ITS IM-kets also, as at Chester and New-Castle. PROVEMENTS, FOR the Satisfaction of THOSE THAT ARE ADVENTURERS, AND ENCLINED TO BE SO." It bears the signature of Wm. Penn, having been published by him, by way of an advertisement of his infant colony, on his return to England in 1685. He sets out by giving as a reason for his leaving the province and returning home, the fact that he had had a dispute with Lord Baltimore concerning the "lands of Delaware." After speaking of the resources of the country and of the increase in the population, he goes into an account of Philadelphia, of which the following is an exact copy, peculiar spelling and all:

The hours for Work and Meals to Labourers, are fixt, and known by Ring of Bell.

After nine at Night, the Officers go the Rounds and no Person, without very good cause, suffered to be at any Publick-House that is not a Lodger.

Tho this Town seemed at first, contrived for the Purchasers of the first hundred shares, each share consisting of 5000 Acres, yet few going, and that their absence might not Check the Improvement of the Place, and Strangers, that flockt to us, be thereby Excluded, I added that half of the Town, which lies on the Skulkill, that we might have Room for present and after Commers, that were not of that number, and it hath already had great success to the Improvement of the Place.

Some Vessels have been here Built, and many Boats; and by that means, a ready Conveniency for Passage of People and Goods.

"Philadelphia, and our intended Metropolis, as I formerly Writ, is two Miles long, and a Mile broad, and at each end it lies thot mile, upon a Navigable River. The scituation high and dry, yet replenished with running streams. Besides the High-Street, that runs in the middle from River to River, and is an hundred foot broad, it has Eight Streets more that run the same course, the least of which is fifty foot in breath. And besides Broad-Street, which crosseth the Town in the middle, and is also an hundred foot wide, there are twenty streets more, that run the same course, and are also fifty foot broad. The names of those Streets are mostly taken from the things that Spontaneously grow in the Country, As Vine Street, Mulberry Street, Chesnut- Street, Wallnut Street, Strawberry-Street, Cranberry-Street, Plumb Street, Hickery-Street, Pine Street, Street, Beach-Street, Ash-Street, Popler-Street, The Improvement of the place is best meaSassafrax Street, and the like. sur'd, by the advance of Value upon every

Divers Brickerys going on, many Cellars already Ston'd or Brick'd and some Brick Houses going up.

The Town is well furnish'd with convenient Mills; and what with their Garden Plats, (the least half an acre,) the Fish of the River, and their labour, to the Countryman, who begins to pay with the provisions of his own growth, they Oake-live Comfortably.

mans Lot. I will venture to say, that the ber; and N. Allen a good house, next to Thomas Worst Lot in the Town, without any Improve- Wynns, from Lot. John Day a good house, ment upon it, is worth four times more than after the London fashion, most Brick, with a it was when it was lay'd out, and the best forty. large frame of Wood, in the front, for Shop And though it seems unequal that the Absent Windows; all these have Belconies. Thomas should be thus benefited by the Improvements Smith and Daniel Pege are Partners, and set of those that are upon the place, especially, to making of Brick this Year, and they are very when they have serv'd no Office, run no haz-good; also, Pastorus, the German Friend, Agent ard, nor as yet defray'd any Publick charge, for the Company at Frankford, with his Dutch yet this advantage does certainly redound to People, are preparing to make Brick next year. them, and whoever they are, they are great Samuel Carpenter, is our Lime burner on his Debtors to the Country; of which I shall now Wharf. Brave LIME STONE found here, speak more at large." as the Workmen say, being proved. We build Following this quaint description of Phila- most Houses with Belconies. Lots are much delphia is an account of the products of the desir'd in the Town, great buying one of an soil, and the re-ources of the river and the sea. other. We are now laying the foundation of a Whales abounded near the mouth of Delaware large plain Brick house, for a Meeting House, bay, and in the rivers there were great abund- in the Center, (sixty foot long, and about forty ance of a fish which the "ignorant call shads." foot broad) and hope to have it soon up, many A portion of Penn's publication is a letter hearts and hands at Work that will do it. A from Robert Turner to the Governor. It bears large Meeting House, 50 foot long, and 38 foot date, "Philadelphia, the 3d of the 6th month, broad, also going up, on the front of the River, (Augst,) 1685." Mr. Turner gives the follow-for an evening Meeting, the work going on apace. ing account of the city and of the progress of improvements here, which read whimsically at

this time:

Many Towns People setting their liberty, Lands. I hope the Society will rub off the Reproaches some have cast vpon them. We now begin to gather in some thing of our many great Debts."

The Meeting-house in the "center" was built at Centre Square, which, in the original plan of the city, was several hundred feet cast of the present Centre Square. It was so distant from the city that the Friends refused to attend there, and after falling into disuse it was torn down long since. The Meeting-house" on the front of the river" stood on the west side of Front street, above Arch. It was used for purposes of public worship until the year 1789, when it was torn down. The brick house which Mr. Turner built for himself stood at the northeast corner of Front and Arch.

"Now as to the Town of PHILADELPHIA it goth on in Planting and Building to admiration, both in the front & backward, and there are about 600 Houses in 3 years time. And since I built my Brick House, the foundation of which was laid at thy going, which I did design after a good manner, to incourage others, and that from building with Wood, it being the first, many take example, and some that built Wooden Houses, are sorry for it: Brick building is said to be as cheap: Bricks are exceeding good, and better than when I built: More Makers fallen in, and Bricks cheaper, they were before at 16s. English per 1000, and now many brave Brick houses are going up, with good Cellars. Arthur Cook is building him a brave Brick House near William Frampton's, on the front: For William Frampton hath since built a good Brick house, by his Brew-house and Bake-house, and let the other for an Ordinary. John Wheeler, from New-England, is building a good Brick house, by the Blew Anchor; and the two Brickmakers a Double Brick House and Cellars; besides several others going on: Samuel Carpenter has built another house by his. I am building another Brick house by mine, which is three large Stories high, besides a good large Brick Cellar under it, of two Bricks and a half thickness in the wall, and the next story half under Ground, the Cellar hath Matt. iii. 3.-" Prepare ye the way of the an Arched Door for a Vault to go (under the Lord; make his paths straight." Isaiah lxii. Street) to the River, and so to bring in goods, 10, says: "Prepare the way of the Lord; cast or deliver out. Humphery Murry, from New-up, cast up the highway; gather up the stones.' York, has built a large Timber house, with In 1845 the Sultan visited Brusa, and the Emirs Brick-Chimmies. John Test has almost finished and Sheikhs sent forth a proclamation, somea good Brick House, and a Bake house of Tim- what in the style of Isaiah's exhortation, to all

When the city was first settled the Founder gave to purchasers of town lots a certain portion of land for farm purposes outside the city limits, to wit: north of Vine street and south of South street, where it was expected that they could plant potatoes and raise cabbages for all time. These were the "liberties lands" referred to in the letter of Mr. Turner. The name Northern Liberties was borne by the portion of the city which now comprises the Eleventh and Twelftn Wards, until 1854, when the Act of Consolidation swept away all the distinctions between the old city and the outlying districts.-Evening Bulletin.

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the inhabitants to assemble along the route and prepare the way for him. The command to gather up the stones was peculiarly appropriate, as the farmers do the exact reverse,-gather up the stones from their fields and cast them into the highway. This practice renders the paths uncomfortable and dangerous. See also Jer.

xxiii. 12.



FAMILY VISITS.-Elizabeth Plummer, a Minister of Baltimore Monthly Meeting, has obtained the consent of that meeting to visit the families of Friends composing it.

ficit in the finances of the institution is par
tially met, but not wholly; without this assist-
ance its sphere of usefulness would be ex-
tremely limited. We direct attention to the
suggestion contained in the following extract
from the report of the Principal in relation to
a Home for the industrious and worthy blind-
a class which we fear has not the active sympa.
thy of the community which their situation

Extract from the Report of the Principal,

While we are gratified to report the successof the Institution, and also the favorable proful working of the literary and musical branches gress of our Manufacturing Department in teaching and employing blind persons in useful trades, experience every year confirms the necessity of a house of industry for the regular employment of pupils whose term of instruction has terminated, and of the adult blind,

ter; nor is it susceptible of much improvement The education of the blind is a simple matin the way of securing their future welfare. The great idea which encourages the establishment and support of all such institutions by the several States, is the preparation of the blind for future usefulness and happiness by self-dependence. Their misfortune unfits them for the large number of industrial and professional pursuits open to the secing. But there are mechanical arts in which they become good, if not rapid workers. The difficulty with many is in securing employment, and in earning fully especially those without friends and homesenough for their support. Without this, the failure, idleness, and demoralization which too often follow, prove how imperfect is their pre

INSTITUTIONS FOR THE BLIND.—We have received the annual report of the "Indiana Institute for the Education of the Blind," by which we learn that it is in a highly prosperous condition. During the past year the number of pupils received into the schools was greater than that of any previous year. Combined with the report is an interesting essay upon the accompaniments and effects of blindness by the superintendent Wm. H. Churchman, A. M., from which extracts will be found in another part of the paper. By the reception of the Indiana document we were reminded of our remissness in not noticing the 34th annual report of the Pennsylvania Institution for the same class of the community, published at the commencement of the present year. The managers of that In stitution speak favorably of its condition so far as its capacity will permit, but regret their in-vious instruction in this direction. The "Association for Promoting the General ability to extend to the numerous applicants Welfare of the Blind," founded in London, for admission the benefits to be derived from a by Miss E. Gilbert, is an example of a very term of years within its precincts. They have practical organization for the employment of in prospect an enlargement of the present the blind, which has been alluded to in our building or a removal to another location better former reports. It gives work in various ways to about 170 adult blind persons, many of adapted to their wants, as the demand cannot whom were previously begging in the streets. long be delayed. The "Home" connected The deficiency of their earnings is supplied by with the Institution has been of essential bene-annual subscriptions and legacies-the usual fit in furnishing a home for some of the meri- sources of support in Great Britain for the torious pupils, but it is totally inadequate to relieve the many equally worthy who are press-ing. ing forward for support.

benevolent institutions.

Such institutions will never be self-sustainBut the support of an industrial association which enables every blind person to earn 100, 200, or 300 dollars a year is certainly better than to throw such persons upon the pensioned idleness. In a neighboring city, charities of the wayside, or consign them to with a large blind population, the adult blind de- I receive an annual pension of fifty dollars each

There are now twenty inmates in this department who in part support themselves either as teachers or in the manufactory. Of the 181 pupils in the institute but five pay in full. By the appropriation of the Legislature, the

from the city government, but are without employment. It is stated that a large number of these city pen-iouers spend their days in begging and their nights in revelry. Without pretending to vouch for this statement, it may well be received as a probable result in any community where the blind capable of working are pensioned without employment.

RELIEF FOR THE SOUTH.--The movement in Congress and the action of our own citizens in relation to the starving population in the South is creditable to humanity. Should the sum of one million be appropriated by Congress, we are informed, through a telegram from General Howard, that an additional 500,000 will be needed to supply the urgent wants of the people. We are assured that, as a general thing, what has appeared in the public newspapers has fallen short of what has been made known through reliable private sources. The latter confirm the sad stories of starvation in some parts of the States of South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. It is not a reduction merely of the luxuries of life, but an absence of a sufficient quantity of food to keep the people from perishing with hunger. In the States named, both white and black, men, women and children are in this abject condition. Meetings for the purpose of forwarding relief to the South have been held in Boston, New York and Baltimore, and Philadelphia is not generally behind her sister cities in works of benevolence or acts of charity. It seems scarcely worth while to do more than state the simple fact of the extreme destitution of our fellow creatures to awaken a response that will bring about the necessary relief.

MARRIED, on the 14th of Third month, 1867, in Philadelphia, according to Friends' Order, DAVID PANCOAST, Jr., of Woodstown, S.lem Co., N. J., and ELIZABETH B., daughter of Aaron A. Hurley, of the former place.

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An Association has been formed for the

publication and general distribution of Friends' books, and of other useful literature not inconsistent with their principles.

The need of an effort of this kind must, it is

believed, be generally acknowledged, and it is hoped will meet with liberal encouragement. In forming this Association, it is desired that its operations may be of so comprehensive a character as to place its benefits within the reach of every Friend's family, and while attention is thus being bestowed to the wants of our own members, it is proposed to extend the benefits of our labors among those by whom we are surrounded.

The mission of early Friends was to bear testimony to the spirituality of true religion,—— they were constrained to testify against the emptiness of forms and ceremonies as a part of, or substitute for, the religion of the heart. In their earnest labors to spread the glad tidings of the gospel, they were guided and sustained by the revelation of Divine Light in the secret

of the soul; and, as they were obedient to this, they were enabled in measure to become lights to the world. The light shed abroad by their example and their writings has been widely diffused. Its beneficent influence has been felt, even in the formation of governments, and distinguished statesmen, philosophers and historians have borne testimony to its efficacy and power. Their energy and zeal, as manifested by the multiplicity of their publications, are remarkable. A Catalogue of their works, published in 1708, contains the names of 528 writers, and the titles of nearly 3000 books and pamphlets.

In a recurrence to the labors of our predecessors, and in a survey of the fruits which it is , on Third-day, the 5th inst., with the appro-acknowleged these labors were the means of bation of Little Falls Monthly Meeting, Harford Co., Md., JONATHAN W. BRANSON, of Frederic Co., Va., to E. CAROLINE CUNNINGHAM, of the former place,

DIED, on the 11th of Third month, in Philadelphia, LAURA, daughter of Chalkley A. and Emeline R. Wildman, aged 6 months.

on the 15th of Third month, in Philadelphia, EMILY P., daughter of. Thomas E. and Hannah E.

producing, the inquiry may well arise, Whether, in these respects, we, as professors of the same faith, are following their example of energy and faithfulness?

The Articles of Agreement of Friends' Publication Association are hereto appended, and the general attendance of Friends is invited to the Annual Meeting, to be held on Second day on the 3d of First month, 1867, at bis resi- evening, Fifth month 13th, 1867, at 8 o'clock, dence, Woodstown, Salem Co., N. J., SAMUEL LIP-at Race St. Meeting-House, during the week of PINCOTT, aged nearly 82 years. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting :

Lewis, aged 14 years.

Articles of Agreement of Friends' Publica- | of beneficence may always be found by those

tion Association.

ARTICLE 1.-Friends' Publication Association shall consist of such Friends as contribute annually to its funds, and who are willing to be enrolled as mem


The Annual Meeting shall be held during the week

disposed to seek them, into which their sur-
plus gains may be poured to the advantage of
All whose gains
others and of themselves.
amount to more than they need for the reason-
able requirements of life, should early cultivate
the habit of giving wisely and liberally, accord-
This would prove a whole-

of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, in the Fifth month,
at which the Officers and Executive Committee shalling to their means.
be appointed.

ARTICLE 2.-The objects of this Association are as


ist. To publish and encourage the writing of books, pamphlets, &c., calculated to spread a knowledge of the principles and testimonies of Friends, and suitable elementary and miscellaneous works, and to enable Friends to procure such books

for distribution in their respective neighborhoods. 2d. To procure books not inconsistent with our religious principles, and to dispose of them by sale or gift to individuals, schools, and libraries.

3d. To aid in extending the circulation of approved periodicals.

ARTICLE 3.-The Officers of the Society shall be a Clerk, an assistant Clerk, and a Treasurer, who shall be ex-officio Members of the Executive Com

mit ee.

The Executive Committee shall consist of 12 Friends. They shall be empowered to draw on the Treasurer, audit his accounts, and report their proceedings to the Annual Meeting.

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some check to the love of money, which is so often a result of success in its acquisition, and would, perhaps, prevent the accumulation of such large estates by some, while others are so comparatively poor. The desire to be rich does not seem to accord with the spirit of our discipline, and should be especially discouraged in the training of our children, who should be taught to regard accumulated property as a means to promote the comfort. of others as well as of themselves, and to advance all good works. While these views were held forth, it was admitted that great inequalities must always grow out of the difference of individuals in talent and aptness for business. It is, perhaps, wisely ordered that some should manage large concerns, and store up capital, thus developing the resources and promoting the interests of the community; but extensive means involve corresponding responsibilities and temptations. All who are blessed with large estates, while they should keep to the limitations of truth in their expenditures, striving against extravagance, which displays itself in vain and unbecoming dress, houses and furniture, were exhorted to cultivate a liberal spirit toward all with whom they are concerned in business, promoting employees to a participation in profits, secured by their labor, and letting the bounty of Providence flow out into every channel of beneficence which opens before and around them.

Much interest and concern being felt in regard to the evils of extravagance, especially in its effect on the training of the young, the subject was continued for further consideration at our next meeting.

The meeting on the 13th instant was devoted to the consideration of the subject of moderation as continued from our last. An original essay was read and will be found at the conclusion of

The Mecting at Race Street Monthly Meet-
ing-house on the 27th ultimo was opened by
reading a portion of the 12th chapter of Luke,
after which, by the reading of the minutes of
the preceding meeting, and a portion of the
Discipline under the head of "Conduct and
Conversation," the subject of our testimony to
moderation was introduced. The clauses of these extracts.
Discipline, adopted at different periods since.
1697, showed a marked improvement in so
ciety, several of the ancient rules and advices
having become obsolete in the progress of

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The excellent paragraphs of our discipline under the head of Plainness, being also read, their salutary counsel was acknowledged by all. The testimony of our Society to simplicity of language and apparel is too important to be sacrificed to the caprice of fashion; but on the appeal being made, how far the discipline should be construed to impose uniformity in dress, the view prevailed that while in special instances conscientious convictions imperatively require the adoption of the peculiarities which formerly so generally distinguished Friends,

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