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SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF JOHN my poor soul a little, to testify and sing of his


(Continued from page 19.)


HORSHAM, 1st of Tenth month, 1830. [In the Eighth Month, 1830, he obtained a I trust I do feel, however inadequately, that certificate from his Monthly Meeting (King- it is through renewed mercy and favor I am ston,) for religious service, in the Quarterly here, and again made willing to do and to sufMeeting of Dorset and Hants, his concern being fer whatever may be meted out for me, if it be to visit the meetings, as well as the families but for the Lord's precious cause and to His glory. generally; with liberty to include the counties O! saith my soul, that the dwelling of each of Kent, Sussex and Surrey, if Truth should one of us may be so near the right spot, that we open the way. may not only truly and fully discern, but appreciate, what may make for our own peace, and our progress heavenward. However heavily the hand of the Lord may in any wise be laid upon us, is it not for good, and should we not even kiss it, as well as bear and submit? It is but little, very little, that we can give up, and but for a short season, unto Him, who hath given us all things that we hold dear: O! then, that we may prize and cherish the privilege of lending to the Lord; who will assuredly love the cheerful giver, and restore and enhance his own gifts to such, with increase.

In the First month, 1831, he returned the certificate, at the same time acknowledging the gracious dealings of the Lord, in supporting him through this engagement, and in granting the sweet incomes of peace.

The following are brief extracts from some of his letters, written during this engagement.

ALTON, 22d of Eighth month, 1830. Having now got through this part of our humiliating path, and being about to depart on the morrow, I thought I might attempt a few lines to tell thee that we got well here; and we have been so closely engaged, as indeed hardly to We have had a sweet, precious uniting sealeave time for conversation with Friends, or for son together this day, not only in meeting, but relaxation of any sort. It is humbling work in- since; and though with myself it has not been deed, and I have been so low, that it seemed as a high day, yet I have been sensible of that if I should not have held out; but the water which has stayed and sustained, and even_aniseems turned into wine, beyond all expectation. mated my soul to run on with patience. I am I have not been silent in any sitting, though intending to be on First-day at Godalming, at Dearly so in both meetings this day. Oh, may the interment of a Friend, whose awfully sudthe Lord continue unto us strength and wis- den removal will be affecting to thee:—when dom; and, if it be His will, may He enlarge sitting at dinner with her family, she was

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smitten as it were in a moment, and was a
corpse in a very few minutes: I understand a
striking silence prevailed with them, from the
time they sat down at table.

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Second Month, 1831.-Whilst writing, I cannot well forbear expressing something of the sense I often have, of thy deep unremitted inGUILFORD, 6th of Tenth month, 1830. terest in the welfare of our Society, and the Since I wrote last, I have been favored to sympathy which, I believe, very many besides get along comfortably, having been well in myself, feel towards and with thee, under the health and spirits, cheerful in mind, and wound many exercises and engagements which are thy up in some good degree, I humbly trust to my portion, and which may be said nearly to absorb business, from hour to hour. I have been enthe whole man. I trust it will not prove unabled to go through what has come before me welcome, if I venture to say how I have longed as duty, even with alacrity; so that often the that thy hands may be strengthened according acknowledgment has arisen," By thee I have to all thy need. No doubt thou hast at times run through a troop, and leaped over a wall." occasions of dismay and discouragement on Do not, however, suppose that I am unduly ele- various accounts: but it is consoling and animavated; but am rather preserved in a calm, ting, to have the truth of the declared decree steady trust, and in resignation to the Lord and sealed afresh to our wearied spirits,-“ yet have to His disposal; desiring only to do all his good I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion;" and pleasure, or that it may be fulfilled and accom- again," the enemies of the Lord shall be as plished in me; ever bearing in mind, that I am the fat of lambs, into smoke shall they consume not yet (so far as I can see of the future) put-away." Be assured there are many with thee, ting off the armor or harness, but have still to (and with others that desire to be true-hearted fight and to labor, still to keep under this poor laborers,) when and wherein thou little thinkest frail body; and in soul and spirit, also to seek this to be the case: and though the fathers and to be sustained and subjected in all things unto mothers in our Israel be removed, without any doubt, it is the same almighty, all-wise hand, who removes these, that is able of the stones to raise up children. It is often remarkable, how from time to time the Head of the church, possibly after a time of treading down and bumiliation, raises up instruments and aids in all the different offices, one here and another there; even so, that we cannot find any cause to murmur against "the good man of the house," although it be according to His own purposes, grace, and goodwill, and not according to our mere human apprehensions of what would be best. Thus he renews the face of his earth

the end.

I attended the Monthly Meeting at Horsham, on Seventh-day, and was (notwithstanding the flow of doctrine and exhortation we had had the day before) led pretty largely to testify among Friends. I proceeded to Godalming on First-day morning, where the interment was to take place. I concluded to join the mourners at dinner, and attended their evening meeting. We commenced the next morning visiting the families, which we have now concluded, much to my relief and satisfaction: after much exercise and endeavor for a long season to know what might be best as to this service, and as to the time, I believe that I have been well directed thus far. I feel that the Lord will fulfil his precious promises, and be unto me all I stand in need of, while I look unto Him in simplicity and faith, striving to obey Him.

FOLKSTONE, 13th of Twelfth month, 1830. We have now completed at Dover, and have entered this day into our labor here. O! surely the Lord is no hard master, and sendeth not any forth at their own charges; but is very graciously disposed to fit out according to his own purposes: thus are removed all sufficiency or dependence on any thing short of the fresh and humbling ability that He gives. We have had some precious seasons, reviving to our drooping spirits, when even at the lowest ebb; and we are bound to rejoice and give thanks, and go on our way in faith, with alacrity and patience of soul, come what may.

[He was favored to return home from this close and laborious service in peace, the 25th of Twelfth month, 1830.]

spiritually, and brings forth a song in the hearts of his children, somewhat similar to those beautiful words in Psalm lxxxix. 6, 7, 8, 16, 17 verses-" Who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord," &c.

1831.-O! the glory, the excellency of the power and wisdom and truth of our God aud Saviour! How was he manifested, and his when the groans and cries of some of his poor grace and goodness, and plenteous redemption, gled clouds of incense! oppressed and exercised ones went up as min"For the sighing of the poor, for the cry of the needy, now will I arise, said the Lord." When things are appar ently at the lowest,-when our prayers seem to return into our own bosom,-when the heavens are wrapped in thick folded curtains of darkoften as the vivid lightning, enlightening the ness, then the coming of the Lord on high is skies, from the east to the west; in effect declaring to poor mortals, that it is He alone who can create light and darkness, can cause the light to shine in and out of darkness, and cau turn the night season spiritually into the noonday.

1832, 14th of First Month-Employed on | nessing the spirit and proceedings of these Jaffray nine hours Some days this week, I was times, convinces me beyond all hesitation, that exceedingly stripped, low, and tempted, almost we are fast verging to a crisis-an alarming beyond measure but on Fourth-day, had a crisis, and a shaking sifting crisis,-when every good meeting, and a sweet silent opportunity foundation will be discovered,-every covering with a young person who has applied for mem- removed. And though many will say, "Lo, bership. These words were impressed on my here is Christ, and lo there!" is he not with us, mind, "If ye abide in me, and my words abide and do we not own him and follow him? Yet in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be a clean separation will take place between the done unto you." chaff and the wheat; and nothing will be able to endure the refining heat of that day, besides the beaten gold. O! how loose, how crude, how mixed are the views of many; how accommodating, how shifting is the ground they stand upon; how lofty and superficial is their edifice, though beautiful and apparently solid also. O for more humiliation, fasting, waiting! O! for less activity, less self-conceit, less taking of the name of Christ in vain! May such a view of things conduce to drive and keep me yet nearer to the Source of all safety and of all succor; that I may abide in Him, and grow up in Him in all things, who is the Head.

mer portion of exercise, on which he had felt his general health so much depended: the limb was kept for some time under surgical care, and many means were resorted to for its restoration, but without success.]

1832, 21st of Fifth Month.-I resume these notes, and it is under a sense, greater if possible than ever, of my incompetency to set forth my many feelings and exercises, either in reference to my own condition, or that of the gathered church with whom I associate. I cannot recur in this place to what has transpired, since I last wrote in this little book; suffice it to say, my soul does feebly desire to bless the great name of the Lord, my Saviour, for the very thought and hope now presented before methat because He lives, I live also. To be preserved alive in the Truth unto this day, and once more to meet with and recognize my [In the spring of 1833, he was first attacked friends in the Truth, in the life of it, this is with an inflammatory complaint in the knee-joint, indeed a favor. And to be given to know, in brought on by a longer walk than usual, but any measure, what has aimed at the life, and is aggravated it was believed by a depressed state yet seeking to devour, leads to some hope of a of constitution, consequent in some degree on complete deliverence from the snares of death. his too close application to the Diary of AlexanEver since I have attended this Yearly Meet- der Jaffray, &c.;-this left a weakness upon ing, my mind has been deeply exercised, ac-him so as never after to be able to take his forcording to my capacity, for the welfare of this people. As I proceed in my pilgrimage, I trust my confidence is increasing, that the great "I AM," the King of Sion, still reigns, and will reign to the overthrow of all his enemies; and that he alone is equal to take care of his church, and to overrule all things for the good of his little dependent ones. Yet, O! how awful do the times appear in which we live; and how awfully critical is our standing among the various professions around us: doubtless, it always has been so, perhaps more so, than those of any particular age may have thought. Every period has had its dangers, its temptations, its responsibilities. Yet surely ours are, if not new, very specious spares; and when I look around, I am ready to think, who, even among the highest, in knowledge, in faith, or in gifts, is not fear fully liable to fall into some of these snares. O! I have this day seen, as I think, in the light of the Lord, the enemy endeavoring to deceive, if it be possible, the very elect. There are baits already laid, golden baits, which if they are not seen and shunned, will even devour those who devour them. I see not how some, who now take the lead amongst us, will or can escape being carried away, as with a sweeping flood, by that which they are now swimming in; unless the Lord prevent, I see not how this Society can escape being landed, yea, stranded, on a rock. Every day, every fresh occasion of wit

(To be continued.)


Would that women could be taught from their childhood to recognize, as an evil spirit, the spirit of causeless melancholy; this demon which dwells among the tombs, and yet which first shows itself in such a charming and picturesque form that we hug it to our innocent breasts, and never suspect that it may enter in and dwell there till we are actually "possessed;" cease almost to be accountable beings, and are fitter for a lunatic asylum than for the home circle, which, be it ever so bright and happy, has always, from the inevitable misfortunes of life, only too much need of sunshine, rather than shadow or permanent gloom. Oh, if such women did but know what comfort there is in a cheerful spirit! how the heart leaps up to meet a sunshiny face, a merry tongue, an even temper, and a heart which from conscientious principles has learned to look at all things on their bright side, believing that the Giver of life being all perfect Love, the best offering we can make to Him is to enjoy to the full what he sends of good, and bear what he allows of

evil!—like a child, who, when once it thoroughly tween time and eternity. I think our spirits believes in its father, believes in all his dealings can dwell upon this subject understandingly; with it, whether it understands them or not. I though I ofttimes fear for myself, that I do not will put it to most people's experience, which yet feel it in its reality; but for many months is better than a hundred homilies, whether, have considered my disease in its nature incurathough they may have known sincere Chris-ble; yet not until within a few weeks has it so tians, who, from various causes, were not altogether happy, they ever knew one happy person, man or woman, who, whatever his or her form of creed might be, was not in heart and speech, and daily life, emphatically a follower of Christ-a Christian?-From "Women's Thoughts about Women."

There are many toiling ones whose time is not at their own command, but there is no one who cannot hold converse with God. His ear can hear amid the clang and roar of machinery, or the hum of hundreds of voices. The heart can go up to him no matter what the surroundings. Wherever Abraham pitched his tent, there he raised up an altar to the Lord. So, wherever the Christian heart is, there is also an acceptable altar from which the incense of prayer and praise may ascend.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

I have felt that it would be a satisfaction to myself, as well as a duty I owed to my dear, worthy and greatly afflicted friend, Sarah G. Rich, to preserve from oblivion some of her letters to me, hoping they may be as way marks to some sincere traveller Zion ward, and that the impressive language, "Follow me as I have endeavored to follow Christ," may be conveyed through them. We are so constituted as to need all the help we can obtain, to enable us to pursue steadily and without faltering the "high and holy way" which is cast up for the "ransomed and redeemed to walk in." And how often does the experience of those who have gone before have the tendency to stimulate us who remain on the active stage of life, to "run and not be weary, walk and not faint."

May we, one and all, be willing to cast "our mite into the treasury;" resting assured, that if it be even comparable to that of the " poor

widow," we shall in no wise lose our reward.
Second month, 1857.
M. L. B.

PHILADELPHIA, Second month 28th, 1847. My dear Friend.-My mind had been so much with thee, that I thought I would write, but had not done so when we heard of thy illness; and then of course it was postponed until we should hear again from thee, which we had not done till. called with thy letter; and now, if strength is granted me, I desire once more to converse with my absent friend, whom I look upon as one almost raised from the confines of the grave; for such have been the accounts we have had of thee. I doubt not thou hast fully felt the solemnity of being passed as it were be

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fully depicted its true character, and when that
evidence did appear, I felt as if the view I had
taken of it, though not changed, was yet reduced
to an indescribable feeling of reality. Yet
even then I was jealous of my own heart, fear-
ing I was experiencing a solemness and resig-
nation, when perhaps I ought to have felt
otherwise But often does the aspiration ascend
from my spirit, Oh, may I not deceive myself
and cry, "Peace, when there is no peace;" but
oh, Father! do thou show my spirit in its true
light; and may not thy "hand spare, nor thine
eye pity, until all, all is done away that is not
in accordance with thy blessed spirit. Oh! my
dear, I am not insensible of my frailities; no in-
deed! I feel that I have been encompassed by
them all my lifetime; but magnified and
adored be His ever blessed spirit, which has ever
followed me, and been as a swift witness, re-
proving whenever through error I have concealed
Oh! is it not an
myself from His presence.
unspeakable blessing that His divine unceasing
love thus follows us; and when in the cool of
the day, a time when we are best prepared to
listen to His fatherly reproofs, to be able to
hear His voice, calling to us as unto Adam,
"Where art thou?" This to me, the nearer I
feel myself approaching that crisis which truly
must prove detecter of the heart," is a bless-
ing of invaluable weight, for truly can and do
I reflect upon past trials and vicissitudes, and
have humbly to cry out, "Where, oh! where
should I ere this time have been landed, had it
not been for these proofs of a Father's love!"
Yea, truly do I often mentally exclaim, "Bless
the Lord, oh! my soul, and magnify his ever
adorable name." I know not why I have been
led on to express my feelings thus, for I seldom
do the like, desiring most earnestly I may never
make an ostentatious display to others of feel-
ings which are only intended as a support to
my own soul; for truly though at times I am
led to praise and adore, there is no moment of
time that I do not know my only safety is in
constantly keeping on the watch-tower, sensibly
feeling that it is only through mercy that I am
not wholly cast off and forsaken; and it is this
feeling of unworthiness that inspires in me
such deep gratitude for every token of a
Father's love; and I feel that I can indeed
thank Him for all-" most for the severe."

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3d mo. 27th.-I took the pen two days ago, intending to finish this letter, but was prevented. Yesterday was one of my very suffering days, therefore it had to wait, and to-day, though more comfortable, I feel unlike interesting any one;

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What beauty! what strength there must be in that attainment which can enable the mind to exclaim, "Or life or death is equal; neither weight-all weight in this; Oh! let me live to thee."

but I feel disposed, while I can write at all, to among the possibilities that thou might be do my part toward stirring up the pure mind of strong enough to have come on with and thee, my friend, by way of remembrance, that the made me a visit. As this has not been the link of friendship which existed in former days case, the pen must be the substitute for personbrightly between us might not become dim oral intercourse; and in this way do we not at rusty, because we are debarred personal inter- times experience a sweet mingling of spirit? course. I have not entered into particulars of Yes, I feel in it a cementing influence, by which my situation, neither can I, without a longer the bond of sisterly feeling is strengthened, detail than I feel like entering into, therefore, often to the invigorating of the mind, when alwill only say that my infirmities increase. It most ready to sink into despondency, under acis about sixteen months since I sat up half-an-cumulated trials. How often do we feel in hour at a time. My limbs are contracted perusing these testimonials of love as though a greatly, being many months since they could be new spring had been touched, and we vivified straightened, even forcibly; and the pain in with reverence, strength and hope in that inthem at times very severe; besides, there is fluence which thus brings minds into near and much internal disease, which causes much ex-sweet fellowship, when many miles may separate treme suffering of various kinds. I am able to our bodies. Thy W. made us a pleasant little vary my position scarcely any, from week to visit yesterday, by whom I am pleased to learn week, yet through all this, I feel that I have that thou art still improving; trust thou wilt be much, very much to be thankful for; and may restored to at least usual health, which no my heart more and more be filled with that doubt thou feels to be very desirable, circumlove, which only can qualify us in any state to stanced as thou art with the charge of an interlive as we should. Affliction, abstractedly, will esting family, notwithstanding thou didst feel not enable us to do it, but when we allow afflic- the mind brought to a state of resignation to tions to have the softening, tendering influence leave them, had thy day's work been done. upon us which they should, then indeed may we turn them into blessings, and then we would view suffering, not as an avenging dispensation, but as sweet proofs of a Father's love. For do we not feel that we are ofttimes in danger of either soaring above a safe spot, or becoming buried in the earth and its cares, to the neg leet of that which would be to our peace, if it were not for the gentle admonition of a Father's love? and does not this enable us to see that our affliction is no proof of a vindictive Providence, but rather the consequence of some infringement of the law of nature, and that suffering must as inevitably follow as pain does upon exposing the finger to the fire. In this view we see that nature's laws are God's laws. Well, This, I can assure thee, is far beyond human my dear friend, this may be difficult for thee to strength to bear up under; but even this I feel read, and my pains warn me to stop, unless it my bounden duty to be resigned to, if it is to I go on transgressing those laws I have been be so, for doubtless it will be in wisdom; but speaking of. I must close; but let me first say, this I look not forward to for a very long time, if thou hast sufficiently recovered for writing, a having every reason to believe that the disease, letter from thee would be very cordial to my (a tumor of an incurable character,) is progressfeelings; particularly so, being so much curing. The fore part of this week I experienced tailed in my intercourse with my friends; and I a time of very severe suffering therefrom, but think no one enjoys social intercourse more for the last two days I am better, which I esteem than I do. If thou find it difficult to read a great favor, for it would have been a trial not this, thou must remember, it was written lying to be able to see my friends, who are in attenddirectly upon my back, with a box lid resting upon the cushion, which I have to support my limbs, with my paper upon it; therefore, I trust, no apology is needful.

Affectionately thy friend, SARAH G. RICH
PHILADELPHIA, 5th mo. 13th, 1847.

My dear M.-The receipt of thy letter was so
cordial to my feelings that the desire to answer
it was almost irresistible at the time; but it
was put off until the present time, thinking it

This I feel, my dear sister, to be where I desire-oftener than the morning-my mind may be brought to; then indeed will neither weigh; but experience teaches us that when for a time we are favored to arrive at this point, nothing but continual watchfulness can keep the mind there; and I find it hard work ofttimes to arrive at perfect resignation, when the idea suggests itself, that a length of time may possibly yet be before me of an entirely helpless state.

ance of the Yearly Meeting. (After giving more of the particulars of her disease, and the progress thereof, she adds,) And now all I desire is, that the mind may be brought to a true state of resignation to suffer either a longer or shorter time, that the designs of an all-wise Father may be fulfilled, and that my soul may be redeemed, purified, and prepared to enjoy Him for ever and ever. Amen, sayeth my soul! Under this feeling I have an assur

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