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is, the Prince of Wales) let the Crown flourish. A. C. That the General Council having Compos'd this 1690, New Liturgy. there were above Ten Thousand of them Printed and difpers'd up and down among 'the Party, which they us'd in their Cabals, laying afide a great part, and fome time all the Old Liturgy. That there were many of the Holy Club detach'd up and down to perfuade Monied Peo'ple, who wifh'd well to the Caufe, to contribute for the Subfiftance of King James's Cafhier'd Of 6 ficers. That King William being refolv'd to venture his Perfon once more for the Safety of these Kingdoms, his Journey to Ireland concluded upon, and the moft and the better Difciplin'd part of the Army to attend His Majefty, it was impoffi ble to leave any confiderable Force behind him in his Abfence: Likewife, that the Transportation of the Queen of Spain,and the Convoy of the Streights 'Merchant men', under Admiral Killegrew, had carried a confiderable part of our Fleet to the Mediterrenean; and another part of it, Commanded by Sir Cloudefy Shovel, was to attend His Majesty and the Army to Ireland; fo that the Grand Fleet 6 was not to have been fo confiderable as otherwife 'it would have been. That all thefe Circumstances rais'd the Courage of the Plotters, who thought this the only time to put their Design in Executi'on. That in order to that, at one of their Ge'neral Meetings in London, where it was neceflary fome of the Clergy fhould be present to blefs fo 6 Pious a Work it was concluded to prefent a Memorial in the Name of the Loyal and Diftreft Subjects of England, (for fo they nam'd themselves) to his moft Chriftian Majefty; humbly inviting him out of his unparallel'd Goodness, and for the Affection he always bore to oppreft Virtue ; That he would Aflift them in reftoring their Law ful King, his Ancient Allie and Confederate, to . his Throne; and in breaking the Yoke of Ufurpation, under which thefe three Nations were at this time fo heavily Groaning. That there had been two or three Memorials prefented to the : French King before this, over and above a con004 ftant



A. C.


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ftant Correfpondence betwixt the French Minifter of State, Monfieur de Croiffy, and them. And 'the Clergy, who were the great Contrivers and Managers of this, and who by their Profeffion are, for the most part extraordinary credulous of any thing they encline to, did really believe that immediately upon the appearing of the French Fleet,and the burning of ours, (which they thought as fure) there would certainly be a general Infurrection through a great many Places of the Kingdom, in order to joyn them at their Landing, and to declare for King James.

The Pamphlet, of which I have made this fhort Abstract, reflecting fo highly on the Non-juring Clergy: The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops of Norwich, Ely, Bail and Wells, and Peterborough, both in their own, and in the Name of their abfent Brother the Bishop of Glocefter, publifh d a Paper, wherein they did folemnly, and in the Prefence of Vindicati- God, Proteft and Declare. I. That thefe Accufation of the ons caft upon them were all of them Malicious CalumNon-ju- nies, and Diabolical Inventions. II. That they knew not ting Clerwho was the Author of the New Liturgy, nor had any Hand in it, neither did they use it at any time. III. That they never held any Correfpondence, directly or indirectly, with Monfieur de Croifly, or with any other Minifter or Agent of France; and if any fuch Memorial had been prefented to the French King, they never knew any thing of it; and that they did utterly renounce both, and all other Invitations, fuggefted to be made by them, in order to any Invafion of this Kingdom by the French. IV. That they utterly denied and difown'd all Phots charg'd upon them, as contriv'd or carried on in their Meetings at Lambeth; the intent thereof being to advife, how, in their prefent Difficulties, they might beft keep their Confciences void of Offence towards God, and towards Man. V. That they were fo far from being the Authors or Abettors of England's Miferies, that they did, and fhould to their dying Hour, heartily and inceffantly pray for the Peace, Profperity and Glory of England; and fhould always, by God's Grace, make it their daily Practice to study to be quiet, to bear their Crofs patiently, and to feck the Good of their Native


Country. They concluded, That as the Lord had taught A. C. them to return Good for Evil, the unknown Author of the 1690. Pamphlet having endeavour'd to raife in the whole

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English Nation, fucb a Fury as might end in De-† John De Witting them, (a Bloody Word, but too well understood) Wit and They recommended him to the Divine Mercy, humbly be- his Brother Jeeching God to forgive him. And as they had not long were Marfince, either actually, or in full preparation of Mind, ther'd by bazarded all they had in the World in oppofing Popery the Hague and Arbitrary Power in England; fo they should, by See the God's Grace, with greater Zeal again Sacrifice all firft Part they had, and their very Lives too, if God fhould be of this Hipleas'd to call them thereto, to prevent Popery, and the story. Arbritrary Power of France, from coming upon them, and prevailing over them; the Perfecution of their Proteftant Brethren there being fresh, in their Me


Let us return to Ireland. Upon the Defeat of the Irish at the Boyne, King William having refted his Forces, the next Day after the Fight fent Monfieur La Meloniere, Brigadier General, with five Battalions of Foot, and four Squadrons of Horfe, to inveft Drogheda,where was a great Magazine of Stores. The Governor at firft feem'd refolute to defend the Place, and receiv'd Monfieur La Meloniere's Summons with great Contempt; but the King fending him Word, That if his Majefty was forc'd to bring his Cannon before the Place, he muft expect no Quarter: The Governor confidering that King James's Army being defeated, he could expect no Relief, accep. Drogheda ted of the Conditions offer'd him, and march'd out Surrendred with the Garrifon, which confifted of three Regiments and fome odd Companies, having their Baggage only, but leaving all their Arms and Stores behind them.

On the 3d of July the Duke of Ormond and Monfieur Overkirk were detach'd with nine Troops of Horfe to fecure the Quiet of Dublin: The next Day His Majefty, with the whole Army march'd the fame way, and on the 5th Encamp'd at Finglas, within two Miles of that City, where he was inform'd, that the late King was Embark'd at VVaterford with the Duke of Berwick, Mr. Fitz-James, the


A. C.

Lord Powis, the Lord Tyrconnel, and the French Bri1690. gadier the Marquefs de Lery; That fome French Ships being arriv'd at Kingfale, many that had fled from the Battle pofted thither to get Embarcations; That the greatest Body of the Irish went towards Athlone; That within Six and Twenty Miles of Dublin there was not an Enemy in Arms, and that there could not be any where above 5coo together, whereof the French might be fuppos'd to make 3500. That 300 of the Swiss or Germans had deferted the Enemy; That the Town of VVexford, had declar'd for His Majefty; and that Sligo was abandon'd by the Irish.

King Wil.

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On the 6th of July, being Sunday, King VVilliam rode in a Triumphant Manner into Dublin, and zers Dub-went directly to St. Patrick's Church, the CatheJin, July dral of that Metropolis, to pay God Almighty his Pious Acknowledgements for his late Victory. The Bishops of Meath and Limrick attended His Majefty on this occafion, and all the Services of the Church being folemnly perform'd, Dr. King Preach'd a Sermon about the Power of Providence of God, in Protecting his People, and Defeating their Enemies. The old Mayor and Aldermen waited on His Majefty, and the People endeavour'd by all poffible Demonftrations of Joy to exprefs their just fenfe of their great and happy Deliverance. In the Afternoon the King return'd to the Camp. where the next Day He Publifh'd his Royal Declaration, Promifing both his Pardon and Pro'tection to all the People of the Kingdom of Ireland, who either remain'd at home, or having fled the Jrifh, from their Dwellings, fhould by the firft Day of July 7. Auguft next repair to their ufual Places of Abode; furrendring up whatArms they had to fuch Juftices of the Peace as His Majefty fhould appoint. But as for the defperate Leaders of the prefent Rebellion, who had violated thofe Laws by which the Kingdom of Ireland is united and infeparably annex'd to the Imperial Crown of England; who had call'd in the French; who had authoriz'd all Violences and Depredations against the Protestants; and who rejected the Gracious Pardon

His Decia

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His Majefty offer'd them in his Proclamation of A. C. the 22d of Februrry 1683, as His Majefty was 1690. 'now, by God's great Favour, in condition to make 'them fenfible of their Errors, fo he was refolv'd to leave them to the Event of War, unless by great and manifeft Demonftrations. he fhould be convinc'd they deferv'd his Mercy, which he should never refufe to thofe who were truly Penitent.


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A Procla

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On the 9th the King decamp'd from Finglas, and divided his Army into two Bodies; with the greater His Majefty march'd to Crumlin, three Miles on the South of Dublin; and the other, confifting of Four Regiments of Horfe, Two of Dragoons, and Ten of Foot, was fent towards Athlone, under the Command of Lieutenant General Douglas. The next Day His Majefty iffued out a Proclamation, whereby to eafe his Subjects of the great Oppreffions and Abuses committed by his Enemies, in his Kingdom of Ireland, by Coyning and maJames's king Current Brass Money, of Copper or mix'd Mc- Brass Mo tal, and raifing the Value of it to an Extravagant ney. 'height; He thought fit to reduce the Value of the faid Copper Money to the Value or Standard of the like Copper Money formerly Current in Ire'land. His Majefty, having left Brigadier Trelawny to Command at Dublin, with Five Regiments of Foot and One of Horfe,advanc'd as far as Inchiquire, 22 Miles beyond Dublin, in his way to Kilkenny.

Lieutenant General Douglas, with his Detach Athlone ment, having reach'd Athlone on the 17th of July, vainly atfent a Drummer to Summon it; But Coll. Grace, tempted by the Governor, afturdy refolute Man, fir'd a Piftol Douglas. at the Meffenger, faying, That fuch were the Terms he was for. Upon this impertinent Anfwer, Douglas refolv'd to attack the Place,though it being strong by Situation, and defended by a Caftle, his Force was by much unanswerable to his Undertaking. However he immediately planted two Field Pieces to prejudice the Enemies Guns, and order'd Fafcines to be made in order to fill up the Ditch. Having finish'd a Battery of Six Guns by the 19th, the Befiegers made a Breach in the Castle, but it being


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