Attitudes, Personality and Behaviour
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THREE | 2 |
Consistency in human affairs | 24 |
Empirical evidence | 30 |
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African Americans assessed by means attitude measures attitude object attitude or personality attitude strength attitude-behavior correlations attitude's attitudes and personality attitudinal behavioral aggregates behavioral consistency behavioral dispositions behavioral tendencies Chapter college students considered context control beliefs direct experience evaluative example expected extraversion factors favorable Fazio given behavior implementation intention Implicit Association Test indicate inferred interactions investigators Journal of Personality Likert scale locus of control marijuana measures of attitude measures of behavior meta-analysis Mischel MODE model moderating effect moderating variables multiple-act need for cognition neuroticism nonverbal observed obtained occasions participants perceived behavioral control performing the behavior Personality and Social personality traits planned behavior predictive validity predictors principle of compatibility private self-consciousness questionnaire rated relatively relevant scores self-efficacy self-monitoring tendency self-reports semantic differential Sierra Club situation Social Psychology specific actions specific behaviors subgroups subjective norms theory of planned trait dimension traits and attitudes verbal vested interest Zanna