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A. or Ans. answer.

A. A. S. Academic Americanæ socius, fellow of the American Academy.

A. B. or B. A. artium baccalaureus,

bachelor of arts. Abp. archbishop.

Acct. account.

A. C. ante Christum, before Christ.

A. D. anno Domini, in the year of our Lord.

Adj. adjective.

Admr. administrator.

Adv. adverb.

Ala. Alabama.

A. M. ante meridiem, before noon; or, anno mundi, in the year of the world; or, artium magister, master of arts.

Anon. anonymous.

Apr. April.

Ark. Arkansas.

A. U. C. anno urbis conditæ, in the

year of the city [Rome].

Aug. August.

Bart. baronet.

Bbl. barrel.

B. C. before Christ.

B. D. bachelor of divinity.

Benj. Benjamin.

Bp. bishop.

C. or cent. a hundred.

Capt. captain.

Chap. chapter.

Chas. Charles.

Chron. Chronicles.

Co. company; county.

Col. colonel.
Coll. college.

Cor. Corinthians.

Cr. credit, or creditor.

Ct. or Conn. Connecticut.
Cts. cents.

Cwt. hundred weight.

D. (d.) denarius, a penny, or pence.
D. C. District of Columbia.

D. D. doctor of divinity.
Dea. deacon.

Dec. December.

Deg. degree, or degrees.
Del. Delaware.

Dep. deputy.

Deut. Deuteronomy.
Do. or ditto, the same.
Doct. doctor.

Dolls. or $, dollars.
Doz. dozen.

Dr. debtor; doctor.
Dwt. pennyweight.

E. east.

Eccl. Ecclesiastes.
Ed. editor; edition.

E. g. exempli gratia, for example.
Eng. English, or England.

Eph. Ephesians.

Esq. esquire.

Etc. et cetera, and others, and so on.

Ex. Exodus; example.

Exr. executor.

Feb. Februray.

Fig. figure.
Fla. Florida.

Fol. folio.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Analysis, 184.

Anapestic verse, 204, 207.

Antithesis, 211.

Apheresis, 209.

Apocope, 209.

Apostrophe, 200, 212.

Apposition, 133, 174.
Articles, 14, 69, 148.
As, 174, 176.7

Asterisk, obelisk, etc., 200.

Auxiliary verbs, 92.

Blank verse, 203.

Both, 175.

Brace, 201.

Catalogue of grammars, 5
Cedilla, 200.

Clauses, classification of, 191.

Climax, 213.

Close vowels, 32.

Cognate sounds, 33.

Collective nouns, 54, 154.

Colon, 197.

Comma, 193.

Common and proper nouns, 53.
Comparison of Adjectives, 70.
Comparison of adverbs, 117.
Composition,exercises in, passim.
Compound conjunctions, 172.
Compound prepositions, 177.
Compound words, 47.

Conjugation of verbs, 92, 110.
Conjunctions, 20, 23, 119, 171.
Conjunctive adverbs, 117, 171.
Connection, 79, 117, 171-6, 192.
Consonants, 31, 38, 44.
Corresponding conjunctions,172.
Couplet, 204.

[blocks in formation]
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