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ABBOT, Archbishop of Canter-
bury, commissioner to in-
quire into Guiana expedition,

Albert, The Archduke, 151.
Algerine Pirates, The, 222.
Alley, Capt., 225.
Alva, 8.

Amadas, Capt. Philip, 43-46.
Amana, The, 91.
Amboise, Edict of, 8.
Anjou, Duke of, demands Eliza-

beth in marriage, 29-His
appearance, 30- Sidney's
views about him, 30-Leaves
England, 31-His doings in
the Netherlands, 32-Death,

Ann, Queen, gets cordial from
Ralegh, 184-Ralegh's letter
to, 196-Writes to Bucking-
ham, 245.

Antwerp, Ralegh at, 32.

Armada, The Spanish, 59–66.
Arundel, Earl of, Ralegh's pro-
mise to, 236-At Ralegh's
execution, 253, 254.
Assapana, Isle of, 228.
Azores, The, 71, 114.

BACON, Francis, Lord, story
about Ralegh, 7-His edu-
cation, 129 Patronised by
Essex, 129-Counsel for the
prosecution at Essex's trial,
130-His character, 129, 180

-Cecil's views about, 180-
Talk with Ralegh about
piracy, 215--Commissioner
to inquire into Guiana ex-
pedition, 242-His official de-
claration about Ralegh, 257.
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 129.
Barbary, 97.
Barley, Capt., 223.
Barlowe, Capt. Arthur, 44-46.

Apology, The, for the voyage to Barneveldt, John of Olden, 151

Guiana, 239, 246.

Apsley, Sir Allen, 242.
Archangel, 38.
Archdukes, The, 151.
Architecture, Elizabethan, 85.
Aremberg, Count of, his deal-
ings with Cobham, 157, 167-
Promises money to Cobham,

Bath, Ralegh anxious to visit,

Bazan, Alfonzo, 72, 73.
Beaumont, French Ambassa-
dor, 150, 210.
Beaumont, Countess of, 184.
Beddington Park, 150.
Belle, Capt., 218.
Berreo, Don Antonio, 89.

[blocks in formation]

Canaries, The, 221.
Cape Verd Islands, 223.
Carew, Lord, 245.
Carew, Sir George, 78.
Carew, Sir Nicholas, 150, 255.
Carey, Robin, account of Eliza-
beth's death, 138.
Caroli, The, 94.
Carolina, 44.

Blount, Sir Christopher, 115, Carr, Robert, his character, 197

127, 131.

Blount, Mr., 81.

Bodley, Sir Thomas, founds a
library at Oxford, 204.
Boyle, Richard, Earl of Cork,


Bribes, Spanish, 189.
Brooke, George, his plottings,
155-His examination, 157—
His execution, 174.
Buckingham, Queen Ann's
letter to, 245.
Burhill, Doctor Robert, aids
Ralegh in his History, 205.
Burghley, Ralegh meets James
I. at, 149.

Burleigh, William Cecil, Lord,
Letter from Ralegh to, 17-
His character, 25, 26-In-
fluence of, 32-Views about
Spanish invasion, 59-Letter
from Ralegh to, 82-Death
of, 121, 122-Jealousy of
Bacon, 127-Chooses Cam-
den to write the history of
Elizabeth's reign, 204.
Burroughs, Sir John, 75, 78.

Cabinet Council, 201.
Cabot, John, 38.

Cabot, Sebastian, 38.

Cadiz, 58, 101, 107, 109.
Caiana, 223, 225.
Calais, 64, 101.

Camden, William, 203-His
Reliqua Britannica, 203-
His Annals of England, 204.

-Acquires Sherborne, 198—
Made Viscount of Rochester,
198. (See Rochester.)
Casaubon, Isaac, 204.
Cathay, 37-39.

Catholics, English, Position of,
58, 59.

Catholic Plot, The, against

James, 155, 156.
Catholicism in Ireland, 14.
Cecil, Sir Robert, Journeys to

Dartmouth to watch over the
Madre de Dios, 79, 81-Let-
ters from Lady Ralegh to,
88, 131, 176-Contributes to
Expedition to Guiana, 89-
Letters from Ralegh to, 77,
107, 109, 114, 125, 174, 179,
180, 182, 184, 185-His cha-
racter and views, 111, 180
---Jealousy of Essex, 111,
125 Accusations of Essex
against, 128 Speech on the
Subsidies, 134-His corres-
pondence with James I., 143,
144-Meeting with James
I., 146 His views about
Ralegh, 148-Ralegh's let-
ter to James about him,
150 Averse to War, 152-
His supremacy with James
I., 158
-Commissioner at
Ralegh's trial, 165- Beha-
viour at Ralegh's trial, 170,
172-His services to Ralegh,
178. (See Salisbury.)
Champernówne, Katherine, 6.



Chancelor, Richard, 38.
Charles V., Emperor, 188.
Chesapeake Bay, 53.
Chesnay, 240, 248.
Christchurch founded by Wol-
sey, 6.

Cobham, Lord Henry, oppo-
sition to Essex, 126-Essex's
accusations of, 128 - sus-
pected of share in the Ca-
tholic plot, 156-His dealings
with Aremberg, 157, 167, 168,
173-His examination, 157—
his plottings, 158, 167-His
connection with Ralegh, 158

- Retracts his statements
about Ralegh, 163-Prepara-
tions for his execution, 176,
177-His intimacy with Ra-
legh, 169-He withdraws his
retractation, 172-His trial,


DARE, Elinor, 53.
Dartmouth, 78, 79, 80.
Davidson's Rhapsody, 210.
Del Oro, Massacre of, 19.
De Rosny Ambassador in Lon-
don, 151.

Desmarets, French Ambassa-
dor, visits the Guiana fleet,
217-His talk with Ralegh,

Desmond, Earl of, rebels against
English rule, 16- His death,
20-Destruction of his power,


Desmond, James, 17.
Destiny, The, 217-visited by
Desmarets, 217-Enters Ply-
mouth harbours alone, 233.
Digby advises James not to
listen to Spanish proposals
of marriage, 192-discovers
list of Englishmen in Span-
ish pay, 198 negotiates
Spanish marriage, 213
gains permission for Ralegh
to go to his own house, 239.

Coke, Sir Anthony, 129.
Coke, Sir Edward at Ralegh's
trial, 165-172 - Draws up
views of commissioners, 243,
244-Commissioner to en-Dorado, EL, 87.
quire into Guiana expedition,

[blocks in formation]

Drake, Sir Francis, his voy-
age round the world, 39, 40
-Visits the colony of Vir-
ginia, 49-Attacks Cadiz, 58
-Vice-Admiral of the Eng-
lish fleet, 60- Captures a
Spanish Galleon, 62-After
the Armada fight, 65-His
death, 102.

Dress, 33-35.

Dublin, 13.

Dudley, see Leicester.

Durham House, 127, 154.

Council, Ralegh summoned be- Dutch Republic, sends ambas-

fore the, 243, 249.

Croaton, 55.

Cromwell, Oliver, his opinion
of the History of the World,
Cumberland, Earl of, 79, 82.

sadors to James, 151.

ELIOT, Sir John, on Ralegh's
death, 256.

Elizabeth at Oxford, 7-sends
money to the Huguenots, 8

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