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The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.

(County Court.)

Form (Zs) List of Proofs of Debts and Claims for Dividends. B. A. 1861, sec. 178.

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A List of Debts proved and claimed under this petition for adjudication,

with the

dividend at the rate of

in the pound, this day

[merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]
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office, on hours of

I beg to inform you that you may, upon application at my

the above estate.

next, or any following
receive a dividend of

between the per £, due to you in

If you cannot personally attend, the dividend can only be paid to the party named in the annexed Order on the other side, which must be signed as at foot.

The bills and securities (if any) in your possession, must be produced to me before the dividend can be paid.


I am, Sir,

Your obedient servant,

Official Assignee.

N.B.-You are requested to bring this notice with you.

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The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.
(County Court.)

Form (Zu) Affidavit by Bankrupt for allowance for maintenance. B. L. C. A. 1849, sec. 194.

Petition No.

In the County Court of

In the matter of


holden at

a Bankrupt.

the above-named bankrupt make oath and say that my stock-in-trade, goods, chattels, and effects now in the possession of the Official Assignee of this Court, will realize and produce (as I verily believe) the sum of £ for the benefit of my creditors, and for rent and

the same are subject only to a charge of £ taxes. I have a wife and

children depending upon me for sup

port, I am now out of business, and have no means of maintaining my

wife and children.

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Form (Z v)

Petition No.

The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.
(County Court.)

Order for allowance to Bankrupt for maintenance. B. L.
C. A. 1849, sec. 194.

[blocks in formation]

Memorandum, That upon the application of Mr.


Bankrupt, and upon reading the affidavit of the Bankrupt, this day filed in Court, it is ordered that an allowance at the rate of week be made, and paid by the Official Assignee to the Bankrupt out of his estate for the support of himself and family, from the

day of

instant, being the day of the date of the adjudication in this matter, until the day appointed for the first meeting of creditors, such allowance being made subject to prior charges on the estate.

(A. B.) Registrar:

By the Court.

The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.

(County Court.)

Form (Zw) Bankrupt's Affidavit for time to file Statement. G. O. No. 4, B. A. 1861, sec. 93.

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oath and say I have not been able to collect together and get in order the accounts of my debts and liabilities, and the names and residences of my creditors so as to enable me to file the same within the time allowed by the rules of this Court. [State the reasons.]

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Accounts of Official Assignee to be audited by Creditors' Assignee, p. 34,
99, Forms, Appendix, p. 127, 141; to be passed by Judge, when, p.
36, 105, 106.

Accounts of Creditors' Assignee to be audited by Official Assignee, p. 35.
Accounts of Bankrupt, statement of, when to be filed, p. 50, 81; to be
open to creditors, p. 81; assistance in preparation of, p. 35; Ac-
countant allowed, when, p. 51.

Abstract of Accounts to be printed, and sent by Official Assignee to cre-
ditors, p. 35, 81, Form, Appendix, p. 133.

Accountant, charges of, to be settled by Registrars, p. 26, Appendix, p.


Acts of Bankruptcy by filing declaration of Insolvency unnecessary, p. 45;

by Debtor filing petition against himself, p. 45; by lying in prison,
p. 44; filing declaration of inability to meet engagements, p. 45.
Actions and Suits by Assignees by leave of Court, p. 101; Bankrupt not
liable to, after discharge, p. 54; none for dividend, p. 109; against
Official Assignee, p. 33; against messenger, p. 39.

Acts and Orders, p. 1, 2.

Adjournment of Bankrupt's examination, p. 80, Form, Appendix, p. 136;
sine die, p. 87.

Adjudication of Bankruptcy against debtor petitioning against himself, p.
46; duplicate to be served, p. 62, Form, Appendix, p. 118; affida-
davit of service, Appendix, p. 118; against petitioner in formá pau-
peris, p. 26, 27, 46; against pauper prisoner, p. 28, 29; Registrar's
certificate, where to be sent, p. 29.

Admission of debt by debtor to Bankrupt, p. 13, Form, Appendix, p.
128; how to be attested, p. 13; Order Form, Appendix, p. 129.
Advertisements in Gazette, &c. first meeting, Form, Appendix, p. 122; last
examination, Form, Appendix, p. 130; discharge, Form, Appendix,
p. 135; when evidence, p. 84; inserting without authority, p. 65;
directions to be given by Registrars as to, p. 65, 80.

Affidavit of verification, Form, Appendix, p. 117; to be examined by
Registrar, p. 62.

Affidavits before whom to be sworn, p. 60; by prisoners, p. 60; when
used in a Court of Law not liable to stamp duty, p. 60; in support
of motions, when to be filed, p. 92.

Agent, proof of debt by, p. 67; declaration by, p. 66; becoming Bank-
rupt proof by principal, p. 75.

Allocatur, stamp duties on, Appendix, p. 111.

Allowance to Bankrupt by Court, p. 49; affidavit, Form, Appendix, p.
147; order, Appendix, p. 147; by creditors at first meeting, p. 79;
by creditors at dividend meeting, p. 107.

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