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Chrístum dúcem,

Qui per crúcem

Redé mit nós ab hós|tibús,
Laúdet coétus

Nóster | laétus,

Exúltet coélum laúdļibús.

LII. Stanza of four verses. 1, 2, 3, Sapphics; 4, an Adonic. Pages 31, 74, 76, 77. Same stanza printed as seven verses, page 84. The simplest analysis of the Sapphic is: trochee+spondee+dactyl+trochee+trochee; the Adon

ic: dactyl+trochee.

Chrístě | cúnctō rúm || dòmi|nátor | álmě,

Cérně bě nígnus.

LIII. CHORIAMBIC TETRAMETER (Asclepiadean).—A spondee + 2 choriambi+an iambus. Stanza of three verses. 1, 2, Asclepiadean; 3, a Pherecratean: spondee + choriambus +a syllable. Page 202.

Alleluia piis | éditě laúd íbús,

Cives aéthěrěí, psállítě suav|itér
A'llē lúiă pĕrénně.

LIV. CHORIAMBIC TETRAMETER CATALECTIC.--A spondee +2 choriambia syllable, Pages 14, 15. Squálēnt |árvă solí | púlvĕrě múltō.


LV. DIMETER CATALECTIC.-A spondee+2 anapaests+a syllable; spondees and anapaests interchange. Page 53.

Iam maés ta quiés ce queré la

Lacrimás | suspén dite má❘tres.

LVI. MONOMETER HYPERMETER, and monometer irregularly rhymed. Page 210.

O Dómine Délus!

Sperá vi in té;

O cáre mi Iélu!
Nunc líblera me.

Reading the last syllable of each hypermetric line with the first two of the next line makes continuous anapaests.


LVII. Unrhymed.

Pages 20, 88 (2).

LVIII. Rhymed.

Pages 89, 178, 179, 185, 203.

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