Environmental Impact of Multilateral Development Bank-funded Projects: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on International Development Institutions and Finance of the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, First Session, June 28 and 29, 1983

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Page 353 - Bank, shall advance the cause of human rights, including by seeking to channel assistance toward countries other than those whose governments engage in — (1) a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights...
Page 64 - ... high-caliber American-dominated management, and well-qualified professional staff. As a charter member and major shareholder in the World Bank, the United States secured the sole right to a permanent seat on the Bank's Board of...
Page 353 - The purpose of the Bank shall be to contribute to the acceleration of the process of economic development of the member countries, individually and collectively.
Page 414 - ... to land used or occupied by tribal people, to their ethnic Identity, and to cultural autonomy. b. The tribe must be provided with Interim safeguards that enable It to deal with unwelcome outside Influences on Its own land until the tribe adapts sufficiently. c. Neither the nation nor the nontrlbal neighbors should compete with the tribal society on Its own lands for Its resources.
Page 397 - The Bank's policy is, therefore, to assist with development projects that do not involve unnecessary or avoidable encroachment onto territories used or occupied by tribal groups. Similarly, the Bank will not support projects on tribal lands, or that will affect tribal lands, unless the tribal society is in agreement with the objectives of the project, as they affect the tribe, and unless it is assured that the borrower has the capability of implementing effective measures to safeguard tribal populations...
Page 406 - The main objective of the policy is that "settlers are afforded opportunities to become established and economically self-sustaining in the shortest possible period, at living standards that at least match and if possible improve on those before resettlement" (World Bank Technical Paper # 80, pg 19).
Page 36 - Ohe evidence which the Natural Resources Defense Council has assembled demonstrates that the multilateral development banks do a poor job of assessing the social and environmental consequences of large development projects, in part because they devote inadequate staff and budget to the review. Despite the agreement signed in...
Page 97 - The subcommittee will stand adjourned. [Whereupon, at 12:10 pm, the subcommittee was adjourned, to reconvene at 10 am...
Page 263 - Few threats to peace and the survival of the human community are greater than those posed by the prospects of cumulative and irreversible degradation of the biosphere on which human life depends.
Page 205 - In the democratic formulation of national population goals and policies, consideration must be given, together with other economic and social factors, to the supplies and characteristics of natural resources and to the quality of the environment and particularly to all aspects of food supply including productivity of rural areas.

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