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plants. I cannot send one flower,' said an amateur on Bow Common, 'to our own show. I am sure my neighbours must find it hard to send to yours.' And indeed it has been a hard year. See this fuchsia, kept looped with strings in a window in St. Thomas's Road; it has gradually lost bloom, buds, and leaves, yet it will,' said the owner, a true window gardener, grow again.' 'I have tried to make this plant grow,' said the owner of last year's first-prize fuchsia, opposite Bancroft's, but it beats me this year.' So on, from street to street. And perhaps the worst is that the circumstances of the people are signified by the poorness of their plants. So much the more consideration is therefore to be given to any signs of an encouraging nature, and so much the more thanks are due to the great and unstinted kindness of the friends who made the show an interesting and agreeable spectacle to the many visitors, rich and poor, who attended.

When that plant, a


The history of some of the plants tells a tale, and a few instances will illustrate the preceding remarks. I fear my sickness,' said a gas-man's wife, lying in fever, 'will make my flower not worth showing.' It became a consolation as well as a pleasure to convey the intelligence that both her musk and geranium were awarded prizes. This is the plant for which the judge gave me a reprimand last year. Then I was very much hurt, but perhaps it has made me attend to it now.' musk, and another from it, received the first and second prizes, a lesson was conveyed not likely to be forgotten. The moral is—that we may be the same thing intrinsically, but we are all the better for being well set up. 'I think I have a fuchsia may get a prize,' said a lad, and few know the difficulties of such a home as his; yet in the judgment he went away unrewarded, and learned, without offence, that even he must be asked to try again. He put a Spanish nut, two years ago, at the bottom of this pot, and now it has grown a tree;'-so said one brother about the plant of another. 'It is curious,' said the judge, but curious things must not get prizes;' and this was a lesson for all who were told the remark. 'I have come off well this time,' said the owner of the first two prizes for fuchsias and the first for geraniums; but it is to be pointed out to him whether he should not go higher, and be among the amateur shows next year; and thus these humbler attempts benefit larger schemes. Will you pay the money for the asters' prize to my little boy?' said a pleased and considerate father, for he has watched them all along.' Again it was repeatedly remarked, "How beautifully this nettle geranium is covered with flowers; but this other one, how beautifully close and thick-leaved it has grown! Now, which is best? See, the judge has given them both an equal and first prize!' How very well this nettle is set up by its stakes!'-so the judge said of the third prize. It is the fact that last year that very plant had been the cause of many a smile, because of its wretched-looking supports. We brought these creeping-jennies last year,' said two young girls, but we got nothing.' This year they carried off the first and second prizes. This is the first time I have come,' said the owner of numerous plants and ferus, who has exhibited every year. Well, then, will you look at the other plants, and see if the quality of what you show may not be improved? It never rises above the lower prizes, though it has not lost a place altogether.' It is unnecessary to go on with similar remarks, but perhaps the tragedies and comedies of each plant are more marked and remarkable in a veritable Window Garden Show than in the shows of a higher class. Nothing could exceed the interest with which was watched the growth of a vegetable marrow upon the stony neglected corner of the school yard of St. Paul's; and when this prize fruit of ten pounds, grown in seventeen days, received the approbation of Mr. Morris, who again kindly acted as judge, perseverance seemed to be rewarded, and virtue rightly crowned. What is a show like this, but another chapter in the simple but affecting Annals of the Poor!'

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Last year the local papers stated at large various particulars which gave information on the subject of parochial shows, and these need not now be repeated in detail. 'I came to service on Friday evening,' said one of the women at St. Luke's mothers' meeting, but I had no halfpence to go to the show.' Here is a touch of nature that makes us all akin; for the prices of admission were still kept low-twopence to five o'clock, a penny afterwards to ten o'clock, the closing hour. The money taken at the doors was £2 9s. 8d.; last year it was £2 9s. 10d. The prizes and all expenses were defrayed by these receipts, along with 10s. donations. Last year the balance due was paid by the Rev. A. B. Cotton and the Rev. W. Wallace, the promoters of the show. The balance due after the first year's show amounted to £1 10s. So the finance of the show improves, and the system of volunteer assistance is encouraged. The help of Mr. Ives, of St. John's Schools, must again be noticed. The arrangement of the show was due to him, and was the subject of general approval. This is a point left almost neglected in many shows which have come within our experience. The

number of plants exhibited for competition, and as additions to the show, was very large-486 in all; and the harmony, order, and satisfaction of the visitors, above six hundred in number, most gratifying. Several members of the East London Amateur Show lent their collections, and thanks are due to them for their encouragement of this humbler satellite of their own society. It was noticed by the gardeners who removed the plants on Saturday morning that the care taken of all the plants had improved their appearance. Former friends, too, assisted-sending collections of caladiums, asters, geraniums, lobelias, grasses, and ferns. Under these circumstances, the visitors of the show, though they regretted the diminution in the number and quality of the competitors' plants, yet enjoyed, at a cost within their means, a very great treat; and repeated resolutions were expressed of growing plants for competition and for show next year.

The list of prizes has been purposely made larger than last year's list, in order to recognize the difficulty of growing a plant this season at all:

Prizes. Fuchsias: First prize, Catley; second, Catley; third, Daniell; fourth, Atkinson; fifth, Hindley; sixth, Windle.

Geraniums: First prize, Catley. Tricolour-Hindley. Rose-scented-Hopkins, Constable, (equal.)

Annuals, &c.—Musks: First prize, Francis; second, Francis; third, Constable fourth, Imms. Moneyworts (creeping jenny): First prize, Driver; second, Driver; third, Jeffry. Window balsams (nettle geranium): First prize, Hopkins, Jones (equal); third, Wright. Extra prizes.-Aster: Harris. Lantana (most excellent): Hindley. Cactus (unusually fine): Varty. Ferns: Chalmers. Bigonia: Perkins. Vegetable Marrow: Smith.



No MS. can be returned unless the Author's name and address be written on it, and stamps be sent with it.

Contributions must often be delayed for want of space, but their writers may be assured that when room can be found they shall appear.

Mr. Allnutt acknowledges with thanks the following donations to the funds of the Portsea Nursery. From D. A., 5s.; E. W. Clapham, £5; A. A., 2s.

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Ella asks for a History of England for a child of seven years old.-Would not the Kings of England, by the Author of The Heir of Redclyffe,' suit her purpose?— We do not know of any such rule among Sisterhoods.-ED.

Declined with thanks.-M. A. B.; R. E., on Village Choirs.

A Constant Reader.- We believe the Corinthian Bazaar makes no stipulation as to charitable purposes.

F. A. C.-Hebrews, xi. 4.

A Godmother will feel obliged if the Editor of The Monthly Packet will tell her of a good selection of Hymns for Children, particularly having reference to the Church Seasons; also, a simple explanation of The Church Catechism.-The Child's Christian Year; (Parker.) Rev. Isaac Williams's Hymns on the Catechism. There is also a sort of simplified Christian Year, by Mrs. Alexander, the title of which we cannot recollect.

A Constant Reader.-The Hymns for Little Children on the S. P. C. K.'s Supplemental Catalogue are much easier than Mrs. Alexander's. We should think that a child who could not understand Mrs. Alexander's hymns could not be advanced enough for points of doctrine. Why not read the Gospel narrative itself to him for the history?

The Processional Hymn, While the Cross is gleaming, was written by M. B. X. for the E. C. U. Festival, 1867, when Tune No. 140 in the St. Alban's Tune-Book was used. This suits the words admirably, and has since been used on several occasions.

E. M. G.-The lines, Ye voiceless lips, O flowers, form the eighth stanza of Horace Smith's hymn to the flowers.-A. E. B. W.


W. E. H. would be glad if any of your Correspondents could inform him where the original tune for The strain upraise of joy and praise is to be found. Dr. Neale speaks of one used by the Eastern Church.

Frances wishes some of our Correspondents would tell her of some Christmas Trees for the Poor in London, to which she could contribute. Also, of some Hospital or Home for invalid children of poor parents.-The Shoreditch Sisterhood and The Portsea Nursery are sure to be glad of Christmas Tree articles. Miss Freeman, Montpelier Road, Brighton, has a Home for convalescent children of the poor. The payment is 5s. per week. D. H. would feel greatly obliged for information as to any work or papers consisting of Questions on English History, which would serve to test a pupil's progress, arranged, of course, out of chronological order. Examination Questions such as are used for the Army or Navy might do. Are such to be got? Also, for mention of Memoria Technicas, (especially in doggrel rhymes,) and their different systems, for the aid of parrot memories. These also historical.- Valpy's Chronology is a capital Memoria Technica.

The Sisters of the Poor, Shoreditch, acknowledge thankfully Two Boxes of Clothing from A. C., and a Parcel from M. H., and would be obliged if each of these friends would send her private address.

L.-The Editor will always thankfully receive contributions in money for Missions mentioned in The Monthly Packet. Small sums can be sent in Postage-stamps, larger ones by Post-office Orders, in the name of Messrs. Mozley, on the Ludgate Hill Office. In general, however, it is best to send to the Institution itself.

G. A. H.—A letter addressed to you has just been returned from the Post-office uncalled for. It was a rejection.

Would any reader who takes the Illustrated London News, be so very kind as to send it weekly, when done with, to cheer the family of a good Missionary in a most solitary station on the shores of Lake Huron? He would also be very grateful for the gift of a Terrestrial Globe, as a help in instructing the Indians. His address and any further particulars would gladly be given by S. D., 23, Meridian Place, Clifton, Bristol.


In the last Number, for 'Mulhause,' read Mulhouse; for 'Dolpes,'— Dollfus.

In the present, for 'Middleham Castle,'-Wark Castle.

John and Charles Mozley, Printers, Derby.

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Fulfill'd is all that either race
Spake of the Christ that was to be,
The Hebrew prophets, first in place,
The Gentiles' feebler augury.

For now the ancient stains of sin
Are purged from the sons of earth,
A living stock is grafted in

By this most new and wondrous Birth.

Obedient to the Archangel's word
The Virgin beareth sinlessly;
The closed portal is unbarr'd,

That Israel's God may pass thereby.

O Christ, Who clothedst, for our sake,
Godhead in mortal nature thus,
Grant that we may in Thee partake
The gifts which Thou hast won for us.




ONCE again, O blessed time,

Thankful hearts embrace thee;

If we lost thy festal chime,

What could e'er replace thee?
Change may darken many a day,
Many a bond dissever;
Many a joy will pass away,-
But the 'great joy' never!

Once again the Holy Night
Breathes its blessing tender;
Once again the Manger Light
Sheds its gentle splendour;
O could tongues, by Angels taught,
Speak our exultation

In the Virgin's Child that brought
All mankind salvation!

Welcome Thou to souls athirst,
Fount of endless pleasure:

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