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men, whatever feelings you may have about you, they had no feelings of humanity about them, but carried into execution the purpose of deftruction for which they were affembled. If you think this oppofition to the law, which is our protector; if you think this oppofition to evidence can be fhewn with impunity, and that you are under no obligation to call God to witnefs the truth of your verdict (I do not call upon you to protect your own property, because of that I will fay nothing; but I call on you as a set of jurymen, to decide according to evidence); if you think this cafe, when proved, does not call upon you for judgment, I wish you to fleep quietly in your beds."

Two witnesses fwore pofitively to the fact; and the jury brought in their verdict-Guilty.

James Watkins was indicted for the fame offence; but only one witnefs appearing against him, he was acquitted. On leaving the bar, he quaintly faid, "Your fervant, gentlemen."

Daniel Rofe, aged 16, was charged with beginning to pull down the dweiling houfe of John Taylor, efq. at Afton, when Mr. Newnham thus addreffed the jury:

"Gentlemen of the jury, "Though the prifoner at the bar ftands charged with riots of the most dangerous nature, and deftructive of that elegant manfion belonging to a perfon whofe family has almost been the father of Birmingham; yet, when I look at him, and confider his youth, that he is not above fixteen, I compaffionate that youth, and will not call evidence against him; in order to fhew that government, on every proper occafion, is as much difpofed to fhew lenity, as any one of you of the jury. He was difcharged of course..

Mr. Clarke, counfel for the pri foner, obferved, that he thought it was but doing juftice to Mr. Newnham to fay, that he had conducted the profecutions with the utmost candour, and with the greatest honour to government and himself.

Mr. Newnham faid, examples must be made, though government had not the leaft inclination to feek after blood.

The bufinefs being finished about ten at night, the rioters who had been convicted were put to the bar, when the judge faid, that the offence of which they had been found guilty was of fuch a nature, that none of them could expect the least mercy. "It is mercy to the public," he continued, to make an example of perfons who have been guilty of fuch crimes, in order to preferve the property of the industrious and innocent, and to prevent them from depredations by fuch perfons as you


His lordship, after exhorting them. to a proper employment of the fhort time they had to live, paffed the awful fentence of the law.

On leaving the town, he ordered the four rioters, Francis Rodney, John Green, Bartholomew Fisher, and William Hands, with Edward Brown, for highway robbery, and William Millington, for horfe-stealing, to be executed on the 8th of September, at the ufual place of execution, near Warwick. See page (43.)

At the affizes for Worcestershire, Robert Cook was capitally convicted of fetting fire to the house of William Ruffel, efq. of Showell'sgreen, and has fince been executed.

26. Sir Robert Lawley, bart. and fir George A. W. Shuckburgh, bart. attended by Mr. Taylor, of Birmingham, were introduced to the king at St. James's, when fir Robert


prefented two addrefles; the one from the inhabitants of the county of Warwick, and the other from the diffenters of Birmingham, thanking his majefty for the care which he and his minifters had fhewn in protecting his loyal fubjects of that town, at a time when the whole place was in the moft alarming fituation. Both addresses his majesty received moft graciously.

Whitehall, Aug. 30. In confequence of the late edict of the Spanifli government, refpecting foreign ers, the principal merchants and other British fubjects refiding in Alicant, were, on the 7th, required by the governor to declare, whether they chose to be confidered and claffed foreigners Tranfeuntes or Domiciliados. On their preferring the latter clafs, they were ordered to leave Alicant within fifteen days, and were required to take an oath of implicit obedience to the laws of Spain during that period. Meff. Keith and Macdonald having declined complying with this order, they were confined in the caftle of Alicant.

On the receipt of this intelligence at Madrid, count Florida Blanca immediately affured lord St. Helen's that he entirely difapproved of every part of the governor's conduct; that orders fhould immediately be fent for the release of meff. Keith and Macdonald, without a moment's delay; and that the governor should be called upon to prove any charge he might have made against them, and, on his failing to make it good, that those gentlemen fhould certaily receive due fatisfaction. Count Florida Blanca added, that he had, the preceding evening, fent out circular orders on this fubject, which would, he trufted, fecure his majes ty's fubjects fettled at Alicant from any further moleftation.

Within a few hours after this converfation, count Florida Blanca fent lord St. Helen's the above-mentioned order for the release of meff. Keith and Macdonald, which his excellency immediately forwarded to Alicant.-Lond. Gaz.


Windfor, Sept. 3. This morning, foon after five, their majefties and their royal highneffes the princess royal, princefs Augufta, and princefs Elizabeth, fet out for Weymouth. Lond. Gaz.

Whitehall, Sept. 5. Their majefties, and the three princeffes, arrived fafely at Weymouth, a little after fix o'clock, on Saturday evening.

6. By the Hawke East Indiaman, advices were received, that earl Cornwallis had afcended the Ghauts, by the Moglee Pafs, and encamped on the Table Land of Myfore, on the 21ft of February. Three forts furrendered fucceffively to him, in his way to Bangalore, before which fortrefs he encamped on the 5th of March; and, on the 7th, the Pettah was carried by affault. The first batteries were opened against Bangalore on the 12th; the approaches were carried on, with unremitted affiduity, in the face of Tippoo's whole army; and, on the 21ft, at night, the place was taken by ftorm. Our lofs was very inconfiderable. After this important conqueft, earl Cornwallis was uncertain whether he should be able to attempt the reduction of Seringapatam before the rains, or limit his views to Ouffore, and an establishment in that part of the Myfore country.

7. Advices have been received by the Lord Thurlow Eaft Indiaman, that the Panther, of two hundred



tons, commanded by lieutenant M'Cluer, with the Endeavour, of fixty tons, had failed from Bombay, on the 23d of Aug. 1790, and arrived fafely at the Pelew Iflands.

On their arrival, they obferved two canoes, which made toward the fhore instead of coming to the fhips, as had been expected. Thefe, they fuppofed, were going to give on account to Abba Thulle of their arrival; and in this conjecture they were not mistaken; for foon after, they faw a number of canoes coming off to them, in one of which was the good old king.

Immediately on his coming on board, he went up to the captain, taking him, from his drefs, to be his former friend, captain Wilfon, and immediately felt on his arm for the bone, (a mark of honour he conferred on captain Wilfon), and enquired what was become of it. Finding his mistake in the perfon, and being informed that captain Wilfon was alive and well in England, he expreffed great fatisfaction. Captain M'Cluer then gave him to understand the death of Lee Boo, and the disorder of which he died, for which event the good old man faid that he had prepared his mind; that he had counted up to fome score moons; but the time being paft, he had defpaired of ever seeing the English more, judging that they had either perifhed in their voyage to China, or did not intend to return again to visit his islands.

He was, however, perfectly confident in the goodnefs of the English, and that captain Wilfon would take care of his fon. In relating the death of Blanchard (the feaman who had been left there by his defire) he was full of grief, and could hardly utter himself, fo much did he feel his jofs. Blanchard was mortally wounded 6

in an engagement with the people of Pellilew, and died foon after, as did the great and good friends of captain Wilfon and his crew, Raa Kook and Arra Cooker. During the time of captain M'Cluer's stay at the islands, which was near a month, the utmost harmony and friendship prevailed, and the good old king liberally fupplied them with fish and yams when the canoes came in, as he used to do to his former friends.

Captain M'Cluer has taken a fon and a daughter of the king's with him, to China, and means to call at the islands again in his paffage to Bombay. In his journal, the captain fays, " having pitched my tent in a bay oppofite to the fhip, I found myself in a perfect paradise, and could have been happy to have continued here the remainder of my days."

Captain M'Cluer, when the Lord Thurlow left China, was preparing his course to Bougainville Strait, in order to trace the fouth coast of New Guinea, the paffage between Falfe Cape and Aroo islands, also weftward between Timor and Weffel iflands, and Timor and New Guinea.

10. It is a fact worthy notice, that no rum or fpirits of any kind were ufed on board the fhip Brothers, captain Jofiah, in his late voyage from Philadelphia to Canton., His men were uncommonly healthy, and not a life was loft between his leaving the Delaware, and his return to it. The conftant drink of his failors was fpruce-beer.

11. Francis Rodney and John Green were executed at Warwick on Saturday. Bartholomew Fisher has been pardoned, and William Hands reprieved.

Dublin, Sept. 6. On the 27th ult. was tryed at Castlebar, an action brought by fir Neal O'Donnel, bart. against

against William Bellingham Swan, efq. infpector-general of Armagh, and others, revenue officers, for breaking open the doors of his houfe in Newport Pratt, on the 17th of November laft, and forcibly and illegally carrying away wines, the property of the plaintiff,and this at a time when the plaintiff and all his family were in Dublin-The jury brought in a verdict for the plaintiff with 1000l. damages and cofts.

13. On Friday the magiftrates of Glafgow, committed a young man to Bridewell for habitual drunkennefs; and, on the application of a husband accufing his wife of a like conduct, a proof was taken, and the fact being clearly fuftantiated, fie

was committed to Bridewell for twelve months.

17. On Thurfday, about five o'clock in the morning, James Hogworth, the poft-boy, carrying the mail from Warrington to Manchefter, was murdered about a mile from Warrington: the mail was found open, and the letters in the following bags were taken out and carried away, viz. the bags from Chefter for Manchester and Rochdale, which contained the letters of the 10th from Ireland for thofe towns and places beyond; and the bags from Liverpool and Warrington for Roch


21. The feffions at the Old Bailey,

tively refufed the fame, whereupon he was ordered to be closely confined in a feparate cell until his contumacy fhall be reported to his majefty; and the others were ordered to be tranfported accordingly.

22. Lord Petre has prefented a very handfome fet of communion plate to the parish of St. Peter, at Thetford, in Norfolk, by the hands of W. Robert Mingay, efq. the mayor. It was delivered to a select veftry, who returned his lordship a handfome letter of thanks by the rev. H. C. Manning:

which commenced on the 14th, ended; when sentence of death was paffed upon ten capital convicts. After this a pardon was then read to 15 capital convicts, (who had formerly been refpited during pleafure) upon condition of their being tranfported for life to the eastern coaft of New South Wales; and they were feverally afked if they were willing to accept of his majefty's clémency upon those terms, which was readily accepted by them all, except Thomas Chafeland, who pof

"My Lord,

delivered to a veftry at St. Peter's "The mayor has this morning church, your lordship's most liberal donation of a very elegant fet of communion plate; a donation inall local confiderations, that it could deed fo entirely unconnected with originate alone in the pureft and nobleft motives. There needed not, however, this recent inftance of munificence, to convince us of the generofity of a mind fuperior to all prejudice, or partial diftinctions in the profeffion of one common faith; and alone attentive to the general and dignified decency of its rites and ceremonies, under every denomi nation of chriftianity. The parishioners have delegated to me the their moft grateful and fincere achonour of returning your lordship knowledgments; and with extreme fatisfaction is it, that I discharge, the truft repofed in me: prefuming, at the fame time, to teftify the fion fo peculiarly gratifying to your warmth of my feelings, on an occa lordip's most humble and moft obedient fervant, Thetford, Sept. 19. 1791.


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In the fpot where the mills ftood, the water, and, as it is thought, a flight earthquake, opened the ground to the depth of forty-five feet, and, in one of the openings, a river appeared of the pureft water. In the fite of a houfe, occupied by the count Baretto, cavities were difcovered more than fixty-feet deep, from one of which rofe a thick fmoke.

At the diftance of four leagues from thence, the torrent was fo great, that none of the inhabitants efcaped, and all the upper part of the foil, in which corn, or fruits were growing, was carried away. The number of deaths, or the extent of the misfortune, could not be immediately afcertained; but the calculation was, that 3000 persons had perished, with cattle of various kinds, to the number of 11,700.

Weymouth, Sept. 28. His majefty in council was this day pleafed to declare his confent to a contract of matrimony between his royal highnefs the duke of York and her royal highness the princefs Frederique Charlotte Ulrique Catherine of Prufia, eldest daughter of his majefty the king of Pruffia; which confent his majefty has alfo caufed to be fignified under the great feal.

Birmingham, Sept. 30. From fome circumstances which appeared from the evidence againft William Hands, upon his trial, fome gentle

men, who were led to apprehend that the whole truth refpecting his conduct at Mr. Ryland's houfe, during the late riots, did not appear, and that the part he took there was to preferve, and not to deftroy Mr. Ryland's property, humanely united in obtaining and prefenting a petition to his majefty in his favour, upon which a refpite for fourteen days was granted previous to the expiration of which, Mr. juftice Bond was fent down with another refpite for feven days more, and to inveftigate the allegation ftated in the petition in favour of the prifoner: and, on Sunday fennight, very fatisfactory evidence was adduced before the magiftrates of this town, Mr. juftice Bond, fir Robert Lawley, bart. the high bailiff, and many of the most refpectable gentlemen of this place, in fupport of the favourable circumstances ftated on behalf of the prisoner, which were returned to the fecretatary of state by Mr. Bond; the refult of which has been, the arrival of another refpite on Saturday, dur ing his majesty's pleasure, and on Tuesday, of a free pardon,


1. Charles Alexander Cricket, efq. M. P. for Ipfwich, and firft partner in the Bank of Cricket, Menifh, and Co. Chelmsford,. is elected treasurer of a new inftitution, at that, town, on Friday last, for the fupport of the widows and orphans of fchool-mafters, when a number of gentlemen of that profeilion attended from different parts of the country. After the neceffary regulations had been agreed upon, one guinea each was immediately fubfcribed by upward of fifty, perfons for the general uses of the cha rity.

3. A very

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