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In the sixth century, Gregory, the Bishop of Rome, in a letter to Constantia, the empress, says, "Knowing that there were many idolators in Sardinia, that they worshipped idols, and that the clergy were remiss in preaching our Redeemer to them, I sent a bishop from Italy thither, who, the hand of the Lord being with him, brought over many of them to the faith. I am informed, that those who persevere idolatry give a fee to the judge of the island, that they may be allowed to do so with im punity. Some, having been baptized, and ceasing to worship idols, are still obliged to pay the same fine to the judge, who, when the bishop blamed him, answered, that he had paid so much money for the purchase of his office, that he could not recover his expenses but by such perquisites. The island of Corsica also is oppressed with such exactions and grievances that the inhabitants are scarcely able to pay the hibubs, even by the sale of their children. Hence a number of proprietors in the island, relinquishing the Roman government, are reduced

to put themselves under the protection of the
Lombards. For what more grievous oppression
can they suffer from the barbarians, than to be
obliged to sell their children? I know that the
emperor will say, that the whole produce of
the revenue in these islands is applied to the
support and defence of Italy. Be it so; but
a divine blessing ought not to be expected to
attend the gains of sin."-Milner's Church

Our anti-slavery friends will apply the fore-
going facts and reasoning to some circum-
stances of the present times.


THERE was a King of Hungary who took a bishop in battle, and kept him prisoner. Whereupon the Pope wrote a monitory letter to him, for breaking the privilege of holy church, and taking his son. The king sent an embassy to him, and sent withal the armour wherein the bishop was taken, and this only in writing:"Know now whether this be thy son's coat or no."


This is all that time and antiquarian rapacity have spared of Roche Abbey, in Yorkshire. It was founded in 1147, and dedicated to the Virgin Mary. But little is known of its history; but it appears, at the time of its dissolution, to have possessed considerable wealth. It is now only interesting for the picturesque beauty of its situation and ruins, which are thus described in the "Tour of Great Britain." "The north and south side of these ruins are bounded by two large woods. To the east is a large bed of water, the collection of a rivulet which runs amongst the ruins. The banks on each side of this water are steep, and charmingly clothed with trees of various sorts, interspersed with several peeping rocks and ruins; under one of the rocks is the mouth of a cavern, which, I was told, had a communication with a monastery in Tickhill Castle, about two miles distant; but that now the passage is stopped up by the falling in of the earth. Several traditionary stories are almost universally told and believed, by the inhabitants hereabouts, of ridiculous pranks which have


THE narrations of a frontier circle, as they draw round their evening fire, often turn upon the exploits of the old race of men, the heroes of the past days, who wore hunting-shirts, and settled the country. In a boundless forest full of panthers and bears, and more dreadful Indians, with not a white within a hundred miles, a solitary adventurer penetrates the deepest wilderness, and begins to make the strokes of his axe resound among the trees. The Indians find him out, ambush, and imprison him. A more acute and desperate warrior than themselves, they wish to adopt him, and add his strength to their tribe. He feigns contenthim in the use of his own ways of management, uses the savage's insinuations, outruns ment, but watches his opportunity, and, when their suspicion is lulled, and they fall asleep, he springs upon them, kills his keepers, and bounds away into unknown forests, pursued by them and their dogs. He leaves them all at fault, subsists many days upon berries and roots, and finally arrives at his little clearing, and resumes his axe. In a little palisade, three or four resolute men stand a siege of hundreds of assailants, kill many of them, and mount calmly on the roof of their shelter, to pour water upon the fire which burning arrows have kindled there, and achieve the work amidst a shower of balls. A thousand instances of that stern and unshrinking courage which had shaken hands with death, of that endurance which had defied all the inventions of Indian torture, are recorded of these wonderful men. The dread of being roasted alive by the Indians called into action all their hidden energies and resources.


I will relate one case of this sort, because I knew the party, by name Baptiste Roy, a Frenchman, who solicited, and, I am sorry to say, in vain, a compensation for his bravery from Congress. It occurred at "Côte sans Dessein," on the Missouri. A numerous band of northern savages, amounting to four hundred, beset the garrison-house, into which he, his wife, and another man, had retreated. They were hunters by profession, and had been played by several goblins and ghosts powder, lead, and four rifles in the house; in this cave, and about this abbey, and they immediately began to fire upon the Inwe were not a little entertained by the dians. The wife melted and moulded the honest simplicity of the credulous rela- lead, and assisted in loading, occasionally tors. One side of the nef of the build-Indian that approached the house was sure to taking her shot with the other two. Every ing, and some odd arches, are all that fall. The wife relates, that the guns would are now left, except several small frag-soon become too much heated to hold in the ments, which are dispersed for above a mile round, a great part having been carried away, from time to time, to repair adjacent churches, or to build gentlemen's seats. These ruins, among which large trees are grown up, and the contiguous borders, make a picture inexpressibly charming, especially when viewed with the lights and shadows they receive from the western sun, together with the fragments of sepulchral monuments, and the gloomy shades of those venerable greens, ivy, and yew, which creep up, and luxuriantly branch out, and, mixing with the beautiful whiteness of the rocks, give such a solemnity to the scene as demands a serious reverence from the beholder, and inspires a contemplative melancholy, oftentimes pleasing, as well as proper, to indulge."

hand; water was necessary to cool them. It was, I think, on the second day of the siege that Roy's assistant was killed. He became and see what they had done. He put his eye impatient to look on the scene of execution, to the port-hole, and a well-aimed shot destroyed him. The Indians perceived that their shot had taken effect, and gave a yell of exultation. They were encouraged, by the momentary slackening of the fire, to approach the house, and fire it over the heads of Roy roof, knocked off the burning boards, and esand his wife. He deliberately mounted the caped untouched from the shower of balls. What must have been the nights of this husband and wife? After four days of unavailing siege, the Indians gave a yell, exclaimed that the house was a "grand medicine," meaning that it was charmed and impregnable, and attest the marksmanship of the besieged, and went away. They left behind forty bodies to

a peck of balls collected from the logs of the house.-Flint's Mississippi.

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THIS island is situated in the Atlantic Ocean, about four thousand miles southwest of England. It is one hundred and fifty miles in length, and its average breadth is about forty miles. Its centre lies in about 18° 12', in north latitude, and in longitude about 76° 45′ west. Its climate, therefore, is extremely hot, varying but little in summer and winter. The face of the country is exceedingly fine, being beautifully wooded, varied with hills of gentle acclivity, and abounding with springs and streams. Indeed, its name, which, by the early Spanish historians, was written Xaymayca, is said to have signified, in the language of the original natives, a country abounding in springs.

Its productions are various and profuse, and in some parts there are appearances of metals. Indeed, in all the prominent features of this ill-fated land, we may read a benediction of nature, which is frightfully contrasted with the burning curse stamped on every page of its modern history by the heartless cupidity of Europeans.

Jamaica was discovered by Columbus, on the 3rd of May, 1494, in his second expedition to the New World. Conceiving that this was the country to which the Indians had directed him, he turned his course towards it, and, after a slight contest with the natives, which terminated amicably, he took possession of it. Nine years after this, in his fourth and last

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voyage, he was shipwrecked on its coast, and, after a painful confinement of a year in the island, he returned to Spain, where, exhausted by his recent hardships, he soon terminated a life which the most unparalleled and successful enterprise has consecrated to lasting fame. A fter the death of Columbus, and about seventeen years after the first settlement of the Spaniards in Hispaniola, the latter sent out a colony to re-possess Jamaica. Diego Columbus, son of the discoverer, claimed the island as his father's heir, and, after much difficulty, arising out of the same unprincipled meanness in the king, which thwarted and embarrassed his father, established his right, and sent over Juan de Esquivel, as his deputy. Esquivel was succeeded, after his death, by governors who deviated widely from the pacific policy which he had observed; and from that time the, history of Jamaica began to be written 'n blood. Unhappily, the Spaniards took with them to the Indies their religion and their avarice: and, with these two weapons, they exterminated the whole of the Indians-not a single descendant of the aboriginal inhabitants being alive when the English took the island in 1655, nor, as is believed, for a century before. The minuter details of these events, however, are happily concealed by the silence of history, which affords comparatively scanty notices of the interval between the first settlement of the Spaniards in Jamaica and the

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possession of it by the English during the protectorate of Cromwell.

Prior to the treaty between Spain and England in 1630, which was the latest entered into previous to the protectorate, the Spaniards had claimed and exercised the exclusive privilege of navigating the American seas, by open hostilities towards all other ships found there. Such an exorbitant pretension was, however, resisted by every maritime state whose interests were involved; and particularly by the English, who had already planted colonies in Virginia, the Bermudas, St. Christopher's, and Barbadoes. To end these contests, the treaty of 1630 was entered into, which promised to secure uninterrupted communication between the English and their settlements; but, in violation of all that is held sacred in the intercourse of states, a colony of the English in the little island of Tortuga was, eight years after, attacked by the Spaniards, who, with characteristic ferocity, put every man, woman, and child to the sword! The same atrocity was again perpetrated at Santa Cruz in 1650.

Under these and similar provocations, a powerful armament was equipped by Cromwell, and sent out to reduce Hispaniola, a principal settlement of the Spaniards. In this attempt, however, the English were unsuccessful, but took Jamaica in May, 1655. They found it thinly populated, a large part of it waste

and uncultivated, and totally destitute of those productions which have made it valuable in later times. Its population was about equally composed of whites and of African slaves, whom the Spanish settlers joined, with their neighbours of Hispaniola, in obtaining, as soon as they had exterminated the original natives. This iniquitous policy was the more wanton, as they had no useful purpose apparently to which their labour was directed. The Spanish inhabitants seem to have lived in great penury and sloth: they had no commerce worthy of mention, and they only expended so much labour on the soil, as was necessary to procure from it the means of subsistence.

the means of public lectures, to be delivered throughout the country by gentlemen possessing the necessary qualifications for this duty.

office of Chief Judge in the island, with
great honour to himself and advantage to
the inhabitants, opposed it with such
It was determined that this department of Anti-
ability and fortitude in the council, that Slavery labour, with the application of the funds
he was dismissed from his post by the then offered, and other pecuniary aid afterwards
new governor, and conveyed as a state-
obtained for the same purpose, should be entrusted
to the exclusive management of a distinct Com-
prisoner to England. This measure, how-mittee. That Committee was formed by, and
ever unjustifiable, was productive of good; composed of, members of the Anti-Slavery Com-
for Colonel Long, being heard before the mittee; together with some other gentlemen who
king and privy council, pointed out, with
were not members of that body. The busi-
ness of both committees was, for a period of
such force of argument, the evil tendency twelve months, conducted, not only on the same
of the steps recently taken, that the En-premises, but in the same offices; until the Agency
glish government reluctantly submitted, Committee, conceiving that the object of its insti-
withdrew their plan, and removed Lord tution would be best promoted by separation from
the other society, removed its business to a dif-
Carlisle from the governorship.
ferent suite of offices in the same building; not
less, however, than one-half of the gentlemen con-
stituting the Agency Committee still remaining
members of the Anti-Slavery Committee, and some
of them actively co-operating with both.
The principal object of the institution being the
employment of agents for the performance of the
duty before specified, it consequently adopted the
Agency Anti-Slavery Society;"
ceedings, with an account of receipts and expen-
and, as such, has published a report of its pro-
diture, for the satisfaction of its subscribers.

Such is a very brief sketch of the history of Jamaica up to 1728. The further prosecution of it would lead us far into the details of slavery, which subject we purposely avoid at present, partly because the limits of this article would not admit of any other than a cursory glance at that important subject, and partly because we are unwilling to anticipate the more comprehensive history of slavery, on which it is our intention shortly to enter.

These measures, however, were far from destroying all cause of future contest with the crown; for although the asAfter the capture of the island, it re-sembly had recovered the privilege of mained under military jurisdiction, until framing such laws as the exigencies of the restoration of Charles II. The army the colony might require, yet the bills underwent severe hardships, being inces- which they passed, and the judgments of santly harassed by the dispossessed Spa- the courts of law, when brought before the niards and negroes, and at length became king, though not disallowed, frequently discontented and mutinous, under the af- remained long unconfirmed. All these fliction of both plague and famine. Crom- vexations arose out of the question of rewell, however, bent his attention to the venue; and affairs remained on this unpeopling of the island, and held out con- settled and precarious footing for fifty siderable inducements to colonists, both years; until, in 1728, the revenue act from the neighbouring islands, and from was passed, which included conditions England. But what contributed far more agreed to by both parties, and put an end than these expedients to the preservation to these contests. and improvement of Jamaica, was the mission thither of D'Oyley as commander of the troops, who gained their affections, revived their spirits, and, assisted by their bravery, defeated with triumph an attempt, made in the year 1658, by the former possessors of the island, under the Governor of Cuba, and the Viceroy of Mexico, to regain it. Tranquillity being restored, numbers of all professions, and from all parts of the British Empire, flocked to Jamaica; some owing to the confusion which overspread England on Cromwell's death, and others who had been active in bringing Charles the First to the block, and who considered this island as a safe place of refuge. In 1661, Charles the Second appointed D'Oyley chief governor of Jamaica, with orders to release the army from military subordination, and, with the advice of a couneil to be elected by the inhabitants, to pass laws suitable to the exigencies of the colony. This may be considered as the first establishment of a civil government in the island, after the English had become masters of it. Hitherto the policy of England had been pacific and equitable; but in 1678, when much had been done to injure liberty at home, the privileges of the colonist abroad excited the jealousy of government,


REV. DR. Cox.






The Agency Society, disclaiming all political and party views, has, nevertheless, felt it a paramount duty, by every legitimate means, to excite a parliamentary influence in favour of the extinction of slavery. In the classification of candidates, favourable and unfavourable to immediate emancipation, it has followed the precedent of a similar tional questions. The object has been to apprise measure, successfully adopted on other great na

the constituency at large of the real sentiments of
their respective candidates on this particular point;
and its beneficial effect is clearly demonstrable,
from the gratifying fact of the Agency Society
being already enabled to record nearly 150 candi-
dates, in England alone, who have avowed them-
selves the supporters of
selves the supporters of immediate emancipation.
dates, of the omission of their names in Schedule.
The repeated complaints, on the part of candi-
C of the Society's lists, induced the committee
to direct their secretary to address a letter to those
whose opinions were not known, soliciting infor-
mation on the subject, with a view to obviate
such complaints; and the committee cannot ob-
serve, either in the terms of this letter any thing
disrespectful, or in its object any thing unconsti-
tutional; and that it is not viewed in any objec-
tionable or offensive light by men of honest
principle men who wish not to deceive by delu-
sive or evasive professions-is sufficiently proved
by the number of satisfactory answers received
from candidates.

The Agency Anti-Slavery Society has now the pleasing duty to perform of congratulating the friends of the cause on the unexampled success of friends of the To estimate aright their effect, it is only necessary to contrast the apathetic indifference which so generally prevailed on the slavery question at the commencement of its labours, with the feeling now awakened, and strongly expressed, throughout the kingdom. The lectures delivered, Agency Anti-Slavery Society's Office, the public meetings held, and the associations 18, Aldermanbury. Nov. 6, 1832. formed, by the agents of this society, have greatly SIR,--The Secretary of the Anti-Slavery Society to such successful efforts is the society indebted contributed to this change in the public mind; and is distinct from the Agency Anti-Slavery Society, and continues to receive; and to the same cause having issued an official notification that that body for the great and generous support it has received, I am directed by the latter to communicate to you, for the information of the public, some facts not may be attributed the hostility which it has experienced from a portion of the daily press, which, adverted to in Mr. Pringle's letter. In the early part of the year 1831, some bene-view, finds its account in protracted discussion professing still to have negro emancipation in tem of legislation was adopted for Ja-diate abolition of slavery, and feeling persuaded volent individuals, warmly espousing the imme- and delay. maica, and the Earl of Carlisle was sent that this measure would be greatly promoted were out as Governor to enforce it. The as- the public mind better informed as to the existing state and real character of slavery in the British contributions, and proposed to the Anti-Slavery dominions, came forward with the offer of liberal Society a plan for imparting this information, by

a new sys

sembly, however, indignantly resisted the attack upon their liberty involved in it; and Colonel Long, who had exercised the

The success of the past must stimulate the future; and it is determined perseveringly and Agency Society to increased exertion for the uncompromisingly to pursue the tenor of its way, feels no unworthy rivalry towards kindred instithrough evil as well as through good report. It tutions: it seeks neither to detract from their

merit, nor to repress their efforts in this sacred
cause; and to all who, with a warm zeal and
an. honest activity, labour for its promotion, it
most cordially extends the right hand of fellow-
ship, and heartily bids "God speed."

I am, sir, your very obedient servant,
JOHN CRISP, Secretary..

SLIDE OF ALPNACH. THE following most interesting account of this stupendous undertaking is found translated in Brewster's Journal, and is a striking proof that nature itself presents no obstacles which may not be surmounted by the enterprise of men, in alliance with the powerful machinery to which their ingenuity has given rise.

thickets; and, as the workmen advanced, men market. In winter, when the slide was co-
were posted at certain distances, in order to vered with snow, the barrels were made to de-
point out the road for their return, and to disco-scend on a kind of sledge. The wood which
ver, in the gorges, the places where the piles of was not fit for being carbonised was heaped
wood had been established. M. Rupp was up and burnt, and the ashes packed up and
himself obliged, more than once, to be sus- carried away during the winter.
pended by cords, in order to descend precipices A few days before the author of the pre-
many hundred feet high; and, in the first ceding account visited the slide, an inspector
months of the undertaking, he was attacked of the navy had come for the purpose of ex-
with a violent fever, which deprived him of amining the quality of the timber. He de-
Nothing, however, could diminish his invin-
the power of superintending his workmen.clared that he had never seen any timber that
was so strong, so fine, and of such a size; and
cible perseverance. He was carried every day he concluded an advantageous bargain for
1000 trees.

He was


to the mountain in a barrow, to direct the labours of the workmen, which was absolutely Such is a brief account of a work undernecessary, as he had scarcely two good car- taken and executed by a single individual, penters among them all, the rest having been and which has excited a very high degree of hired by accident, without any of the know-interest in every part of Europe. We regret ledge which such an undertaking required. to add, that this magnificent structure no longer M. Rupp had also to contend against the pre-exists, and that scarcely a trace of it is to be For many centuries the rugged flanks and judices of the peasantry. He was supposed to seen upon the flanks of Mount Pilatus. Polithe deep gorges of Mount Pilatus were covered have communion with the devil. tical circumstances having taken away the with impenetrable forests. Lofty precipices charged with heresy, and every obstacle was principal source of the demand for timber, encircled them on all sides. Even the daring thrown in the way of an enterprise which they and no other market having been found, the hunters were scarcely able to reach them; regarded as absurd and impracticable. All operation of cutting and transporting the trees and the inhabitants of the valley had never these difficulties, however, were surmounted, necessarily ceased. conceived the idea of disturbing them with and he had at last the satisfaction of observing the axe. These immense forests were, there- the trees descend from the mountain with the fore, permitted to grow and to perish, without rapidity of lightning. The larger pines, which being of the least utility to man, till a foreigner, were about a hundred feet long, and ten conducted into their wild recesses in the pur-inches thick at their smaller extremity, ran suit of the chamois, was struck with wonder at through the space of three leagues, or nearly the sight, and directed the attention of several nine miles, in two minutes and a half; and Swiss gentlemen to the extent and superiority during their descent they appeared to be only of the timber. The most intelligent and skil- a few feet in length. The arrangements for ful individuals, however, considered it quite this part of the operation were extremely simimpracticable to avail themselves of such in- ple. From the lower end of the slide to the accessible stores. It was not till November, upper end, where the trees were introduced, 1816, that M. Rupp, and three Swiss gentle-workmen were posted at regular distances, men, entertaining more sanguine hopes, drew up a plan of a slide, founded on trigonometrical measurements. Having purchased a certain extent of the forests from the commune of Alpnach for 6000 crowns, they began the construction of the slide, and completed it in the spring of 1818.

The Slide of Alpnach is formed entirely of about 25,000 large pine trees, deprived of their bark, and united together in a very ingenious manner, without the aid of iron. It occupied about 160 workmen during eighteen months, and cost nearly 100,000 francs, or £4,250. It is about three leagues, or 44,000 English feet long, and terminates in the Lake of Lucerne. It has the form of a trough, about six feet broad, and from three to six feet deep. Its bottom is formed of three trees, the middle one of which has a groove cut out in the direction of its length, for receiving small rills of water, which are conducted into it from various places, for the purpose of diminishing the friction. The whole of the slide is sustained by about 2000 supports; and in many places it is attached, in a very ingenious manner, to the rugged precipices of granite.

The direction of the slide is sometimes straight, and sometimes zig-zag, with an inclination of from 10 to 18. It is often carried along the sides of hills and the flanks of precipitous rocks, and sometimes passes over their summits. Occasionally it goes under ground, and at other times it is conducted over the deep gorges by scaffoldings 120 feet in height.

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and, as soon as every thing was ready, the
workman at the lower end of the slide cried
out to the one above him, "Lachez” (Let go).
The cry was repeated from one to another, and
reached the top of the slide in three minutes.
The workmen at the top of the slide then cried
out to the one below him, "Il vient" (It
comes), and the tree was instantly launched
down the slide, preceded by the cry which was
repeated from post to post. As soon as the
tree had reached the bottom, and plunged into
the lake, the cry of "Lachez" was repeated
as before, and a new tree was launched in a
similar manner. By these means a tree de-
scended every five or six minutes, provided no
accident happened to the slide, which some-
times took place, but which was instantly re-
paired when it did.

In order to show the enormous force which
the trees acquired from the great velocity of
their descent, M. Rupp made arrangements
for causing some of the trees to spring from
the slide. They penetrated by their thickest
extremities no less than from eighteen to
twenty-four feet into the earth; and one of
the trees having by accident struck against
the other, it instantly cleft it through its
whole length, as if it had been struck by

After the trees had descended the slide, they were collected into rafts upon the lake, and conducted to Lucerne. From thence they descended the Reuss, then the Aar to near Brugg, afterwards to Waldshut by the Rhine, then to Basle, and even to the sea, when it was necessary.

The boldness which characterises this work, the sagacity displayed in all its In order that none of the small wood might arrangements, and the skill of the engineer, have excited the be lost, M. Rupp established in the forest large wonder of every person who has seen it. Be- manufactories of charcoal. He erected magafore any step could be taken in its erection, itzines for preserving it when manufactured, and was necessary to cut several thousand trees to had made arrangements for the construction of obtain a passage through the impenetrable barrels for the purpose of carrying it to the


(From "The Welshman.")

I CAME, but they had pass'd away,-
The fair in form, the pure in mind,-
And, like a stricken deer, I stray,

Where all are strange, and none are kind;
Kind to the worn, the wearied soul,

That pants, that struggles for repose:
Oh! that my step had reached the goal
Where earthly sighs and sorrows close!
Years have pass'd o'er me like a dream,
That leaves no trace on memory's page;
I look around me, and I seem
Some relic of a former age.
Alone, as in a stranger-clime,
Where stranger-voices mock my ear,
I mark the lagging course of time,
Without a wish-a hope-a fear!

Yet I had hopes-and they have fled;

And I had fears-were all too true;
My wishes, too!-but they are dead,
And what have I with life to do!
'Tis but to bear a weary load,

I may not, dare not, cast away;
To sigh for one small, still abode,
Where I may sleep as sweet as they :
As they, the loveliest of their race,

Whose grassy tombs my sorrows steep-
Whose worth my soul delights to trace→
Whose very loss 'tis sweet to weep-
To weep beneath the silent moon,
With none to chide, to hear, to see;
Life can bestow no dearer boon

On one whom death disdains to free.
I leave a world that knows me not,
To hold communion with the dead;
And fancy consecrates the spot

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Where fancy's softest dreams are shed.
I see each shade all silvery white;
I hear each spirit's melting sigh;
I turn to clasp those forms of light,
And the pale morning chills my eye.
But soon the last dim morn shall rise
The lamp of life burns feebly now,—
When stranger-hands shall close my eyes,
And smoothe my cold and dewy brow.
Unknown I lived-so let me die;
Nor stone, nor monumental cross,
Tell where his nameless ashes lie,
Who sighed for gold, and found it dross..


MEMORY is the purveyor of reason, the power which places those images before the mind upon which the judgment is to be exercised, and which treasures up the determinations that are once passed, as the rules of future actions, or grounds of subsequent conclusions.-DR. JOHNSON.

It is not in the roar of faction, which deafens the ear and sickens the heart, that the still voice of liberty is heard. She turns from the disgusting scene, and regards these struggles as the pangs and convulsions in which she is doomed to expire.


Shakspeare was born with all the seeds of poetry, and may be compared to the stone in Pyrrhus's ring, which, as Pliny tells us, had the figure of Apollo and the nine muses in the veins of it, produced by the spontaneous hand of nature, without any help from art.-ADDISON.

The evils of anarchy and of despotism are two extremes which are equally to be dreaded, and between which no middle path can be found but that of effectual reform.-ROBERT HAll.

Rome was never more opulent than on the eve of departing liberty. Her vast wealth was a sediment that remained on the reflux of the tide.-Ib.


A cannon ball, when heated, cannot be made to enter an opening, through which, when cold, it passes readily. A glass stopper sticking fast in the neck of a bottle, may be released by surrounding the neck with a cloth taken out of warm water, or by immersing the bottle in the water up to the neck: the binding ring is thus heated and expanded sooner than the stopper, and so becomes slack or loose upon it. Pipes for conveying hot water, steam, hot air, &c., if of considerable length, must have joinings that allow a degree of shortening and lengthening, otherwise a change of temperature may destroy them. An incompetent person undertook to warm a large manufactory, by steam, from one boiler. He laid a rigid main pipe along a passage, and opened lateral branches through holes into the several apartments, but on his first admitting

down to the temperature forty degrees, while, be true, and supposing that the effects of vo-
from that to thirty-two degrees, which is its luntary emancipation would be the same as
freezing point, it again dilates.
those of a revolution (which, however, I deny),
A very curi-
ous consequence of this pecularity is exhi- who are to be blamed for the " present unpre-
bited in the wells of the glaciers of Switzer- pared state of the slaves for freedom" but the
land and elsewhere, namely, that when once a planters themselves? And if the slaves are to
pool, or shallow well, on the ice commences, it wait for their freedom till this good work has
goes on quickly deepening itself until it pene- been accomplished by their masters, their case
trates to the earth beneath. Supposing the is hopeless indeed. But, suppose the com-
surface of the water originally to have nearly merce and agriculture of Hayti are now at the
the temperature of the melting ice, or thirty- lowest ebb, does this alter the relation of right
two degrees, but to be afterwards heated by and wrong? No. The eternal principles of
the air and sun, instead of the water being justice are not altered by climate or com-
tained at the surface, it becomes heavier the paired by any sanction given to injustice by
thereby dilated or specifically higher, and de- plexion-they cannot be diminished or im-
more nearly it is heated to forty degrees, and law. Shall we, then, as men and as Chris-
therefore sinks down to the bottom of the pit tians, continue this most flagitious enormity,
or well; but there, by dissolving some of the this blackest violation of the laws of that God,
ice, and being consequently cooled, it is again who has said, " Thou shalt not steal”—“ Thou
rendered lighter, and rises to be heated as be-shalt do no murder"—simply because it has
fore, again to descend; and this circulation been recognised and sanctioned by human
and digging cannot cease until the water has laws?-and, doing this, dare we arrogate the
bored its way quite through.-Dr. Arnott's name of a "Christian nation," and presume,
forsooth, to boast that the "laws of God are
Elements of Physics, Vol. II.
part and parcel of the laws of the land?" It
is impossible. It cannot be that, because our
fathers did wrong, we dare perpetuate so atro-
cious an injustice. Let us, rather, act accord-
ing to the dictates of Christianity and common
sense, and adopt the wise sentiment of the
Roman, saying,


To the Editor of the Tourist. Sir,-A little pamphlet has lately been sent out, entitled, “Facts relative to Colonial Slavery and Free Negro Labour, addressed to the Electors of the United Kingdom; by an Elector of Finsbury." At any other time than the present, this rubbish would be unworthy of notice; but as it is calculated to mislead unthinking people, who do not look beyond the BRITISH and FOREIGN TEMPERANCE mere surface of things, you may think a few remarks upon it not unworthy of insertion in the Tourist. The Letter commences with a violent tirade against the "Anti-Slavery Society," which, I doubt not, they can very well bear; and then gives a short history of the origin and rise of the West India Trade, and the traffic in human beings, to prove that the present West India proprietors did not originate the trade (if they had, they must be men of a patriarchal age); but that it has from time to time been recognized and encouraged by the English government, and

SOCIETY.-Six Individuals, desirous of promoting the important object of the above Society, and especially anxious to prevent the discontinuance of its Travelling Agency, for want of early pecuniary support, are willing to contribute 107. each to the Society's Funds, on coudition that fourteen similar donations be procured, to produce 2007.; and a liberal Member of the Society engages to add, from his own purse, one-fifth to any sum that care be collected for this Society, within the ensuing two months.

Subscriptions will be gratefully received by Cornelias Hanbury, Treasurer to the Society; by Barnetts, Hoare, and Co., Bankers, Lombard-street; or by Drummonds and

Co., Charing-cross.

The names of the persons who have offered each 107., may be seen by application to the Treasurer.

the steam, the expansion of the main pipe that, therefore, «having purchased his la-FASTHMAS, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CODS

tore it away from all its branches. In an iron railing, a gate which, during a cold day may be loose and easily shut or opened, in a warm day may stick, owing to there being greater expansion of it, and of the neighbouring railing, than of the earth on which they are placed. Thus also the centre of the arch of an iron bridge is higher in warm than in cold weather: while, on the contrary, in a suspension or chain bridge the centre is lowered. The iron pillars now so much used to support the front walls of houses, of which the ground stories serve as shops with spacious windows, in warm weather really lift up the wall which rests upon them, and in cold weather allow it again to sink, or subside, in a degree considerably greater than if the wall were brick from top to bottom. The pitch of a piano-forte is lowered in a warm day, or in a warm room, owing to the expansion of the strings being greater than the wooden frame-work; and in cold the reverse will happen. A harp, or piano, which is well tuned in a morning drawing-room, cannot be perfectly in tune when the crowded evening party has heated the room. Bell-wires too, slack in summer, may be of the proper length in winter. There exists a most extraordinary exception, already mentioned, to the law of expansion by heat and contraction by cold, producing unspeakable benefits in nature, namely, in the case of water. Water contracts according to the law only

the CURE of COUGHS, WALTER'S ANISEED PILLS.-The numerous and

respectable testimonials daily received of the extraordinary efficacy of the above Pills, in curing the most distressing and long-established diseases of the pulmonary and them to the notice of those afflicted with the above coinrespiratory organs, induces the Proprietor to recomiend plaints, conceiving that a Medicine which has now stood the test of experience for several years cannot be too gene

many in the Proprietor's possession :-K. Boke, of Globe

bourers of the people of England, the planter
cannot, with justice, be deprived of them, by
England, without compensation." To this
specious statement I shall merely reply, that,
by the spirit of the English law and constitu-
tion, stolen property never can become good
raily known. They are composed entirely of balsamic
property; and, without arguing the point, con- and vegetable ingredients, and are so speedy in their bene-
tent myself with referring to the invaluable ficial effects, that in ordinary cases a few doses have bees
writings of Granville Sharpe. Our Finsbury neither affect the head, confine the bowels, nor produce
found sufficient, and, unlike most Cough Medicines, they
Elector asserts, that "could the negroes be got any of the unpleasant sensations so frequently complained
to work at free labour, like the labouring of. The following cases are submitted to the Public from
classes in England, the planters would gladly lane, Mile-end, was perfectly cured of a violent cough,
concede the point, and it would require no le-attended with hoarseness, which rendered his speech inan-
gislative enactment to force the emancipation
of the slaves." This is mere assertion, and I
might in reply simply contradict it. But this
is a course only becoming one who is unable
to prove what he says. Mr. Burchell, the
Baptist Missionary, has declared in public,
that just before the insurrection in Jamaica
broke out, the slaves, on a plantation in St.
James's parish, believing they were to be freed
at Christmas, went in a body to the planter, to
return the instruments of culture he had placed
in their hands,and PROPOSED to CONTÍNUE
at their WORK if he would employ them as
FREE LABOURERS. It is unnecessary to add,
that the master did not "gladly concede the
point." The remainder of the pamphlet is a
detailed description of the State of Hayti, in-
tended to show the injurious effects of negro
free labour. Now, admitting this account to

dible, by taking three or four doses. E. Booley, of Queenstreet, Spitalfields, after taking a few doses, was entirely cured of a most inveterate cough, which he had had for many months, and tried almost every thing without success. Prepared by W. Walter, and sold by I. A. Sharwood, No. 55, Bishopsgate Without, in boxes, at Is. 1d., and three in one for 2s. 9d., and by appointment, by Hanchapel-road; Prout, No. 226, Strand; Sharp, Cross-street, nay and Co., No. 63, Oxford-street; Green, No. 42, WhiteIslington; Pink, No. 65, High-street, Borough; Allison, No. 130, Brick-lane, Bethnal-green; Farrar, Upton-place, all the wholesale and retail Medicine Venders in the United Commercial-road; Hendebourck, 326, Holborn; and by Kingdom.-N.B. In consequence of the increased demand against Counterfeits-none can be genuine unless signed by 1. A. Sharwood on the Government Stamp, and W. Walter

for this excellent Medicine, the Public are cautioned

on the outside wrapper.-Be sure to ask for "Walter's Aniseed Pills."

Printed by J. HADDON and Co.; and Published by J. CRISP, at No. 27, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, where all Advertisements and Communications for the Editor are to be addressed.

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