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MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1833.


At a Meeting held on the 1st of April, 1833.

RESOLVED, That immediate measures be taken to promote addresses to the several metropolitan members, to induce them to attend in their places on the 23d inst., and support the measures of Government, should they go to the extent of entire abolition of Colonial Slavery; or, should an unsatisfactory measure be proposed, then to support such an amendment as may be deemed necessary by the anti-slavery party.


WHILST a Whig administration, aided by all the liberality of a reformed Parliament, are see-sawing between the West Indians and the justice and humanity of the whole nation, the French Ministry are carrying their schemes of colonial reformation with a lusty hand. The contrast between the position of the two governments at this particular juncture is very striking, not merely in this, but in other respects. The one carry, with a haste that exhibits wonderful confidence in their strength, the bill to establish military law in Ireland-the other signally fail in their attempts to obtain the admission of such a state, as a state of siege in France in cases of revolutionary commotion; the one declare their disposition to place the emancipation of the slave from bondage on measures which, when disclosed, shall prove safe and satisfactory, and yet fear to propose any scheme of emancipation whatever-the other make no pledges, no promises, no disclosures, neither fawn for favour nor deprecate opposition; but, placing their measures on the ground that the Government, recognizing the progress of civilization in the colonies, proceeds to discharge its public duty by bringing legislation to its aid, submit boldly their propositions for the future government of those colonies, with a view to the extinction of slavery, and carry them by a majority of 110 to 4 dissentient voices. The journals say that the whole colonial retinue was mustered among the auditory in this important sitting of the 1st of March, but that the announcement of the state of the votes was received with high approbation both in and out of the Chamber of Peers. What a contrast is this with the paltering and dishonesty of our Ministers-to the promise to-day, and the hope deferred tomorrow- -to the assertion of the past

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THIS animal, though wild, is distin- distance. During this time he seems in guished by a degree of sagacity and cha- the most violent agitation, striking the racter which make it both docile and in-ground violently with its fore-feet, and teresting. It is found in rocky and bounding from rock to rock. mountainous places, and is very common in Piedmont, Switzerland, and Germany. It is about the size of the domestic goat, varying in colour, according to the season, from an ash colour to nearly black. This animal is greatly admired for the beauty of its eyes, which are round and sparkling, and strikingly indicative of the liveliness of its habits and temperament. Its head is furnished with two small horns, rising from the forehead almost between the eyes, of a beautiful black colour, and terminating in so sharp a point that the mountaineers have been known to bleed cattle with them.

These creatures live in flocks of from four to fourscore, which are, in a great measure, secured from danger by their extraordinary powers of perception and communication. Its vision is remarkably acute, and the scent so good that it can discover the approach of a man at the distance of a mile and a half. Upon the slightest danger being perceived by one of the flock, he alarms the rest by uttering a hissing noise, of the length of one respiration, which is produced by expelling the air violently through the nose, and is heard at a great distance. After this alarm the animal again looks round, and, perceiving that his fears were not groundless, continues to hiss at intervals till he has spread the alarm to a great

But the skill of this animal is shown most strikingly in its mode of descending precipices, and of leaping from one height to another, inaccessible to every living creature but itself. They always mount and descend in an oblique direction, and will often throw themselves down a descent of thirty feet, striking the rock three or four times with their hind feet to diminish their velocity, and will light with perfect security on some excrescence or fragment just large enough for their feet to rest upon. Their legs are formed by nature for this arduous travelling, the hind being rather longer than the fore legs, and bending in such a manner, when they light on them, as to break the force of their fall.

The hunting of the chamois is very difficult and dangerous. The most usual mode of killing them is by shooting them from behind projecting rocks. In chasing them, however, the huntsman exposes himself to greater peril; for if the animal finds itself too closely pressed, he will sometimes turn upon the hunter, and, driving at him with his head, endeavour to throw him down the nearest precipice. In this case the hunters find it safest immediately to prostrate themselves, and allow the goat to pass over them and precipitate itself from the height.

WILLIAM PITT, afterwards Earl of Chatham, was born November 15, 1708, and educated at Eton, whence, in January, 1726, he went as a gentleman commoner to Trinity College, Oxford. When he quitted the university he served for a time in the army; but his talents leading him more decisively to another field of action, he entered on a political life, as member of parliament for the borough of Old Sarum, in February, 1735. In this situation his abilities were soon distinguished. It was on the occasion of the bill for registering seamen in 1740, which he opposed as arbitrary and unjustifiable, that he made his celebrated reply to Mr. Horatio Walpole, who had attacked him on account of his youth. "I will not undertake," said Mr. Pitt, "to determine whether youth can be justly imputed to any man as a reproach; but I will affirm that the wretch who, after having seen the consequences of repeated errors, continues still to blunder, and whose age has only added obstinacy to stupidity, is surely the object either of abhorrence or contempt, and deserves not that his grey head should secure him from insults. Much more is he to be abhorred who, as he has advanced in age, has receded from virtue, and becomes more wicked with less temptation-who prostitutes himself for money which he cannot enjoy, and spends the remains of his life in the ruin of his country."

It was soon thought important to obtain his co-operation with government, and in 1746 he was made joint vice

treasurer of Ireland, and, the same year, treasurer, paymaster-general of the army, and a privy councillor. In 1755, thinking it necessary to make a strong opposition to the continental connexions then forming by the ministry, he resigned his place, and remained for some time out of office. In December, 1756, he was appointed secretary of state, from which the King removed him, but reappointed him at the request of the nation, conveyed by addresses to the throne. Mr. Pitt was now considered as prime minister, and the efficiency of his administration was soon proved by the brilliant successes which marked the period of it in all parts of the world. On the accession of George the Third, however, being strongly opposed in his proposition to declare war against Spain, he resigned his office, and was followed, into more private life, loaded with tributes of honour and respect. He did not enter, however, into the ranks of an undiscriminating opposition, but only came forward against measures which demanded, from the consistency of his character, a decided resistance. One of these was the question of general warrants, the illegality of which he maintained with all the force of his genius and eloquence. A search or seizure of papers, without a specific charge alleged, would be, he contended, repugnant to every principle of liberty. The most innocent man could not be secure. 66 By the British constitution," he continued, " every man's house is his castle. Not that it is surrounded with walls and battlements. It

may be a straw-built shed. Every wind of heaven may whistle round it. All the elements of nature may enter it; but the King cannot-the King dare not."

Shortly after this period Sir William Pynsent, a man of considerable property, died, and, from his admiration of Mr. Pitt, disinherited his own relations, and made him heir to the bulk of his estate. It is a singular fact that a like circumstance had occurred to him in the earlier part of his life, the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough having bequeathed him £10,000 expressly for defending the laws of his country, and endeavouring to prevent its ruin. In 1766, the Rockingham ministry proving unable to maintain its ground, a new ministry was formed, and Mr. Pitt was made Lord Privy Seal. At the same time he was created a peer, with the title of Earl of Chatham. He continued in office but a short time, resigning, for the last time, in 1768. He was at that time sixty years of age, and suffered dreadfully from gout, so as to be incapacitated for public business. He interfered, however, most strenuously against the measures pursued by ministers in the contest with America; and, after one of his greatest efforts in a speech on this subject, he sank into the arms of his friends around him, and, being conveyed home, survived but a few weeks. We cannot better close this sketch than with some passages illustrative of the Earl of Chatham's powers of oratory, which we shall extract from Butler's Reminiscences.



"No person in his external appearance was ever more bountifully gifted by nature for an orator. In his look and his gesture, grace and dignity were combined, but dignity presided; the terrors of his beak, the lightning of his eye,' were insufferable. His voice was both full and clear; his lowest whisper was distinctly heard; his middle tones were sweet, rich, and beautifully varied; when he elevated his voice to its highest pitch, the house was completely filled with the volume of the sound. The effect was awful, except when he wished to cheer or animate; he then had spirit-stirring notes, which were perfectly irresistible. He frequently rose, on a sudden, from a very low to a very high key, but it seemed to be without effort. His diction was remarkably simple, but words were never chosen with greater care; he mentioned to a friend of the Reminiscent, that he had read twice, from beginning to end, Bailey's Dictionary; and that he had perused some of Dr. Barrow's Sermons so often as to know them by heart.

"On one occasion, Mr. Moreton, the chief justice of Chester, a gentleman of some eminence at the bar, happened to say, King, lords, and commons, or,'(directing his eye towards Lord Chatham), -as that right honourable member would

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call them, commons, lords, and king.' The only fault of this sentence is its nonsense. Mr. Pitt arose, as he ever did, with great deliberation, and called to order: I have,' he said, 'heard frequently in this house doctrines which have surprised me; but now my blood runs cold! I desire the words of the honourable member may be taken down.' The clerks of the house wrote the words. Bring them to me,' said Mr. Pitt, in a voice of thunder. By this time Mr. Moreton was frightened out of his senses. Sir,' he said, addressing himself to the Speaker, 'I am sorry to have given any offence to the right honourable member, or to the house: I meant nothing. King, lords, and commons-lords, king, and commons-cominons, lords, and king-tria juncta in uno. I meant nothing! Indeed I meant nothing.' 'I don't wish to push the matter further,' said Lord Chatham, in a voice a little above a whisper; then, in a higher tone, the moment a man acknowledges his error, he ceases to be guilty. I have a great regard for the honourable member; and, as an instance of that regard, I will give him this advice:'-a pause of some moments ensued; then, assuming a look of unspeakable derision, he said, in a kind of colloquial tone-- Whenever that member means nothing, I recommend him to say nothing.'

"But the most extraordinary instance of his command of the house is the manner in which he fixed indelibly on Mr. Grenville, the appellation of the Gentle Shepherd. At this time, a song of Dr. Howard, which began with the words, "Gentle shepherd, tell me where,'-and in which each stanza ended with that line, was in every mouth. On some occasion, Mr. Grenville exclaimed, 'Where is our money?-where are our means? I say again, where are our means?— where is our money?' He then sat down, and Lord Chatham paced slowly out of the house, humming the line, Gentle shepherd, tell me where! The effect was irresistible, and settled for ever on Mr. Grenville the appellation Gentle Shepherd.'"

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it may mark the commencement of a series relates to their work. All unnecessary conof steps which shall result in an entire reform versation is forbidden. Profane swearing is of our criminal law. In this country, the never overlooked. A strict watch is kept that minds of the benevolent have too long been no spirituous liquors may be introduced. Care interested in this great subject to but little is taken that all the prisoners have the benefit practical purpose. We may, however, rejoice of religious instruction. The prison is accordin and take encouragement from the achieve-ingly open at stated times to the pastors of the ments of benevolence elsewhere. In America, different religious denominations of the place. capital punishment is in a great measure un- And as the mind of man may be worked upon known; and as we think it highly desirable by rewards as well as by punishments, a hope of its inexpediency, as well as its barbarity, we that our own countrymen should be convinced is held out to the prisoners that the time of their confinement may be shortened by their will extract from the writings of Mr. Clarkson good behaviour. For the inspectors, if they an account of the penal regulations in the have reason to believe that a solid reformation state of Pennsylvania, illustrating the working has taken place in any individual, have a of an opposite system:power of interceding for his enlargement; and the executive government of granting it if they think it proper. In cases where the prisoners are refractory, they are usually put into solitary confinement, and deprived of the opportunity of working. During this time the expenses of their board and washing are going "When criminals have been convicted, and on; so that they are glad to get into employsent to the great gaol of Philadelphia to under-ment again, that they may liquidate the debt, go their punishment, it is expected of them which, since the suspension of their labour, that they should maintain themselves out of has been accruing to the gaol. their daily labour; that they should pay for their board and washing, and also for the use of their different implements of labour; and that they should defray the expenses of their commitment, and of their prosecutions and their trials. An account, therefore, is regularly kept against them; and if, at the expiration of the term of their imprisonment, there should be a surplus of money in their favour, arising out of the produce of their work, it is given to them on their discharge.

"As there is now but one capital offence in Pennsylvania, punishments for other offences are made up of fine, and imprisonment, and labour; and these are awarded separately or conjointly, according to the magnitude of the


"An agreement is usually made about the price of prison-labour between the inspector of the gaol and the employers of the criminals.

"As reformation is now the great object in Pennsylvania, where offences have been committed, it is of the first importance that the gaoler and the different inspectors should be persons of moral character. Good example, religious advice, and humane treatment, on the part of these, will have a tendency to produce attention, respect, and love, on the part of the prisoners, and to influence their moral conduct. Hence it is a rule, never to be departed from, that none are to be chosen as successors to these different officers but such as shall be found on inquiry to have been exemplary in their lives.


As reformation, again, is now the great object, no corporeal punishment is allowed in the prison, no keeper can strike a criminal, nor can any criminal be put into irons. All such puofthenishments are considered as doing harm. They tend to extirpate a sense of shame. They tend to degrade a man, and to make him consider himself as degraded in his own eyes; whereas it is the design of this change in the penal system that he should be constantly looking up to the restoration of his dignity as a man, and to the recovery of his moral character.

"As reformation, again, is now the great object, the following system is adopted* :-No intercourse is allowed between the males and the females, nor any between the untried and the convicted prisoners. While they are engaged in their labour, they are allowed to talk only upon the subject which immediately

CRIMINAL LAW REFORM. Ir will be interesting to most of the readers of The Tourist to learn that a bill is in progress, to be brought forward in the House of Commons in the course of next month, for the abolition of the punishment of death for the crime of house-breaking. It may be well to explain, to such as may not be aware of the distinction, that this crime differs from burglary; it being necessary, to constitute burglary, that the offence be committed by night. The measure will be introduced by Mr. Lennard, member for Malden, on Tuesday, the 16th of April. their work; and to bathe, in the summer season, We sincerely wish success to this enlight-in a large reservoir of water, which is provided in ened and humane attempt, and we hope that the court-yard of the prison for this purpose.

As cleanliness is connected with health, and health with morals, the prisoners are obliged to wash and clean themselves every morning before

"In consequence of these regulations, they who visit the criminals in Philadelphia, in the hours of their labour, have more an idea of a large manufactory than of a prison. They see nail-makers, sawyers, carpenters, joiners, weavers, and others, all busily employed. They see regularity and order among these. And as no chains are to be seen in the prison, they seem to forget their situation as criminals, and to look upon them as the free and honest labourers of a community following their respective trades.

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In consequence of these regulations, great advantages have arisen both to the criminals and to the state. The state has experienced a

diminution of crimes to the amount of one

half since the change of the penal system ; and the criminals have been restored, in a great proportion, from the gaol to the community, as reformed persons; for few have been known to stay the whole term of their confinement. But no person could have had any of his time remitted him, except he had been considered, both by the inspectors and the executive government, as deserving it. This circumstance, of permission to leave the prison before the time expressed in the sentence, is of great importance to the prisoners; for it operates as a certificate for them of their amendment to the world at large. Hence no stigma is attached to them for having been the inhabitants of a prison. It may be observed, also, that some of the most orderly and industrious, and such as have worked at the most profitable trades, have had sums of money to take on their discharge, by which they have been able to maintain themselves honestly till they could get into employ.

"Such was the state, and such the manner of execution, of the penal laws of Pennsylvania, as founded upon Quaker principles. So happy have the effects of this new system already been, that it is supposed it will be adopted by the other American states. May the example be universally followed! May it be universally received as a truth, that true policy is inseparable from virtue; that, in proportion as principles become lovely on account of their morality, they will become beneficial when acted upon, both to individuals and to states; or that legislators cannot raise a constitution upon so fair and firmn a foundation as upon the gospel of Jesus Christ!"



WE cannot more effectually advance our object than by giving extensive circulation to a small pamphlet which has lately appeared under the title of "Three Months in Jamaica in 1832, comprising a Residence of Seven Weeks on a Sugar Plantation; by Henry Whitely. We know the author of this unassuming but most effective publication; and can place the fullest reliance on his integrity. He is a man of unimpeachable honesty, and of Christian principles. The situation which he held on New Ground estate, brought him into immediate contact with the system. He saw it in all the nakedness of its atrocity, and has thus been enabled to sketch it to the life. The veil which conceals its deformity from others was withdrawn from before his eye, and he was permitted to penetrate its mysteries without suspicion or restraint. The details with which he has supplied the public are adapted to increase a thousand-fold our abhorrence of colonial slavery, and to confirm our previous purpose of effecting its immediate abolition. The

perusal of the last Order in Council for the Ame

of West India slaves to factory children. The enchanting scenery, and beautiful humming-birds, no longer amused me; and the thundering crack of the cart-whip, sounding in my ears as I rode along, excited feelings of a very unpleasing des

On reaching the estate, I was received in the most friendly manner by the overseer, and entertained with West Indian hospitality. This gentleman, after some inquiries as to the state of things in England, began to enlarge on the comfortable condition of the slaves; and, pointing to some negro coopers who were working in the yard, asked if I could perceive any difference between the condition of these slaves, and that of English labourers. I owned I could not; they seemed to work with great regularity, and apparent good humour.

either attended a public meeting, or heard a lecture
delivered on the subject. I was, in fact, one of
those individuals who believe that there is more
real slavery in England than in any of her colonies.
Many a time I had blamed such gentlemen as
Mr. Buxton, Dr. Lushington, and others, for mak-cription.
ing so much ado in Parliament about colonial
slavery, and neglecting (as I conceived) the slavery
of the poor factory children at home, with whose
condition I was well acquainted, having been all
my life resident in a manufacturing district, and
concerned, with some of my relatives, in the blan-
ket business, at Heckmondwike, near Leeds. What
tended to confirm me much in these views was the
ioration of Slavery, which I understood to have
been sent out for adoption in all our slave colonies.
A copy of this document had been sent by a mem-
ber of parliament to the Central Committee at
Leeds on the Factory System, of which I was a
member, in order to enable us to judge whether
the condition of the West India slaves or that of
the factory children was preferable; and the con-
clusion which I came to upon its perusal, and
under the persuasion that it had been generally
adopted, was this-that, all things considered, the
to that of the factory child.
condition of the negro slave was much preferable
And with these im-
pressions I landed at St. Ann's Bay, in Jamaica.

essential viciousness of the system is such as
The day that I landed I was informed, by a
to preclude the possibility of improvement, and clerk of the manager's, that a horse would be sent
to determine us on rejecting every compromise down from New Ground estate for me next morn
which a temporizing policy may propose. We ing; and that I would have to remain on that
are glad to find that Mr. Whitely's pamphlet is estate till I heard from the manager, or attorney
published in a very cheap form, for gratuitous of the proprietors, who was then at his own pro-
distribution, and would recommend its circula-perty, about sixteen miles from the Bay.
tion to our friends. As its limits are very
brief, we propose inserting the whole in two or
three of our numbers.

The reasons that have induced me, after mature reflection, to lay before the public the following account of what I witnessed in Jamaica, during my late visit, are briefly these:—

Ist. I feel it due to my own character, unimportant as is my station in society, to detail, for the information of many friends who have kindly interested themselves in my welfare, the circumstances that led to my return home so unexpectedly, and after so short a residence. 2ndly. I feel it due to my fellow-men--to my countrymen in England, and to their fellow-subjects in Jamaica to state, without reserve and without exaggeration, the facts which there fell under my observation. Lastly, I feel it to be a religious duty-a duty to God as well as to man (since Providence, by means so unforeseen, and at so eventful a juncture, has placed me in circumstances that render my humble testimony of some immediate value), to give my plain and deliberate testimony respecting the character of the system which I found in operation in that colony. In performing this task, I am aware that I shall inevitably give some offence, and awaken some hostility; but, constrained as I am by considerations which I DARE not disregard, and avoiding, as I shall carefully do, all disclosures but such as are requisite to authenticate the facts and develop the system, I will not flinch from whatever responsibility the performance of my duty involves, however painful in some instances it may be to others as well as to myself.

I arrived in Jamaica on the 3rd of September, 1832. I was sent out by a respectable West India house in London, under the patronage of a relative of mine, who is a partner in that house; being furnished with a recommendation to their acting attorney in the island, with a view to be either employed in a store, or as a book-keeper upon a plantation.

Previously to my arrival in Jamaica, I had no clear conception of the nature of colonial slavery; and my anticipations, in regard to the treatment and condition of the slaves, were favourable rather than otherwise. It so happened, that, excepting what I had seen in newspapers, I had never read a single publication against colonial slavery, and had never

The same day, I dined at St. Ann's Bay, on board the vessel I arrived in, in company with several colonists, among whom was Mr. Hamilton Brown, representative for the parish of St. Ann, in the Colonial Assembly. Some reference having been made to the new Order in Council, I was rather startled to hear that gentleman swear by his Maker that that Order should never be adopted in Jamaica; nor would the planters of Jamaica, he said, permit the interference of the Home Government with their slaves in any shape. A great deal was said by him and others present about the happiness and comfort enjoyed by the slaves, and of the many advantages possessed by them of which the poor in England were destitute. Among other circumstances mentioned in proof of this, Mr. Robinson, a wharfinger, stated that a slave in that town had sent out printed cards to invite a party of his negro acquaintance to a supper party. One of these cards was handed to Mr. Hamilton Brown, who said he would present it to the Governor, as a proof of the comfortable condition of the slave population. This, and other circumstances then mentioned, tended to confirm the notions I had brought from England respecting slavery in Jamaica; and although I was somewhat shocked and staggered by seeing, the same day, the Methodist chapel at St. Ann's Bay lying in ruins, as it had been destroyed by the whites six months before, and by learning that the missionaries were no longer permitted to preach in that parish, I nevertheless left the place next morning with my favourable impressions respecting the condition of the slaves not materially abated. These impressions, however, I was not permitted long to indulge.

I proceeded on horseback to New Ground estate the next day. On my way thither, I saw much majestic and beautiful scenery, and enjoyed the prospect exceedingly, until I came in sight of a gang of negroes at work. Most of them were females; and they were superintended by a driver, with the cart-whip in his hand. Just as I rode past, the driver cracked his whip, and cried out,

Work! work!" They were manuring the canes, and carrying the manure in baskets on their heads. It appeared to me disgustingly dirty work; for the moisture from the manure was dripping through the baskets, and running down the bodies of the negroes. This sight annoyed me considerably, and raised some doubts as to the preferable condition

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Immediately afterwards, the overseer called out, in a very authoritative tone, Blow shell." A large conch shell was then blown by one of the domestic slaves, and in a few minutes four negro drivers made their appearance in front of the house, accompanied by six common negroes. The drivers had each a long staff in his hand, and a large cart-whip coiled round his shoulders. They appeared to be very stout athletic men. They stood before the hall-door, and the overseer put on his hat, and went out to them, while I sat at the open window and observed the scene which followed-having been informed that the other six negroes were to be punished.

When the overseer went out, the four drivers gave him an account, on notched tallies, of.their half-day's work; and received fresh orders. The overseer then asked a few questions of the drivers respecting the offences of the six slaves brought up for punishment. No question was asked of the culprits themselves, nor was any explanation waited for. Sentence was instantly pronounced, and instantly carried into execution.


The first was a man of about thirty-five years of He was what is called a pen-keeper, or cattle-herd; and his offence was having suffered a mule to go astray. At the command of the overseer he proceeded to strip off part of his clothes, and laid himself flat on his belly, his back and buttocks being uncovered. One of the drivers then commenced flogging him with the cart-whip. This whip is about ten feet long, with a short stout handle, and is an instrument of terrible power. It is whirled by the operator round his head, and then brought down with a rapid motion of the arm upon the recumbent victim, causing the blood to spring at every stroke. When I saw this spectacle, now for the first time exhibited before my eyes, with all its revolting accompaniments, and saw the degraded and mangled victim writhing and groaning under the infliction, I felt horrorstruck! I trembled, and turned sick; but, being determined to see the whole to an end, I kept my station at the window. The sufferer, writhing like a wounded worm, every time the lash cut across his body, cried out, "Lord! Lord! Lord!" When he had received about twenty lashes, the driver stopped to pull up the poor man's shirt (or rather smock frock) which had worked down upon his galled posteriors. The sufferer then cried, "Think me no inan? Think me no man?" By that exclamation I understood him to say, "Think you I have not the feelings of a man?" The flogging was instantly recommenced and continued; the negro continuing to cry, "Lord! Lord! Lord!" till thirty-nine lashes had been inflicted. When the man rose up from the ground, I perceived the blood oozing out from the lacerated and tumefied parts where he had been flogged; and he appeared greatly exhausted. But he was instantly ordered off to his usual occupation.

The next was a young man apparently about eighteen or nineteen years of age. He was forced to uncover himself and lie down in the same mode as the former, and was held down by the hands and feet by four slaves, one of whom was a young man who was himself to be flogged next. This latter was a mulatto-the offspring, as I understood, of some European formerly on the estate by a negro

woman, and consequently born to slavery. These two youths were flogged exactly in the mode already described, and writhed and groaned under the lash, as if enduring great agony. The mulatto bled most, and appeared to suffer most acutely. They received each thirty-nine lashes. Their offence was some deficiency in the performance of the task prescribed to them. They were both ordered to join their gang as usual in the afternoon at cane-cutting.

Two young women of about the same age were, one after the other, then laid down and held by four men, their back parts most indecently uncovered, and thirty-nine lashes of the blood-stained whip inflicted upon each poor creature's posteriors. Their exclamation likewise was, "Lord! Lord! Lord!" They seemed also to suffer acutely, and were apparently a good deal lacerated. Another woman (the sixth offender) was also laid down and uncovered for the lash; but, at the intercession of one of the drivers, she was reprieved. The offence of these three women was similar to that of the two young men-some defalcation in the amount of labour.


The overseer stood by and witnessed the whole of this cruel operation, with as much seeming indifference as if he had been paying them their wages. I was meanwhile perfectly unmanned by mingled horror and pity. Yet I have no reason to believe that the natural feelings of this young man (whose age did not exceed twenty-four years) were less humane or sensitive than my own. such is the callousness which constant familiarity with scenes of cruelty engenders. He had been a book-keeper, for four years previously, on another estate belonging to the same proprietors, and had been appointed overseer to this estate only a few months before. His reception of me when I arrived was so kind, frank, and cordial, that I could not have believed him, had I not seen it with my own eyes, to be capable of inflicting such cruelty on a fellow-creature.

As soon as this scene was over, the overseer came into the hall, and asked me to drink some rum and water with him. I told him I was sick, and could taste nothing: that I was, in fact, overwhelmed with horror at the scene I had just witnessed. He said it was not a pleasant duty certainly, but it was an indispensable one; and that I would soon get used, as others did, to such spectacles. I asked if he found it necessary to inflict such punishments frequently. He replied it was uncertain: "I may not," he said, have to do it again this month, or I may have to do it again to-morrow."

(To be Continued.)



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THIS poetical name is given, in the French West India islands, to the "Marvel of Peru," the mirabilis jalapa of the botanists. In the English Caraibean Isles, it is known by the appellation of "the night primrose," and in Jamaica by that of "the four o'clock," from the hour at which it begins to expand its blossoms to the evening dews, or to close them to the morning sun-light.

Oh! faithful to the darkling hour

When the last sunbeam's on the sea,
And evening dews fall on the flower,

And mountain winds breathe o'er the lea;
In that soft time-when whisper'd love
Finds rapture in its favourite bower,-
The pale blue star, that shines above

So coldly from its western tower,
Brings more of joy, lone flower, to thee,
Adorer of the silent night,
Than brighter skies to those that be
Companions of the gairish light.
Thine is the dewy drop that falls,

Like Pity's tear for those that grieve,-
The voice, when life with sorrow palls,
That bids the heart rejoice and live;
Thine is the silence, when the soul
Communes in secret and alone,

And, gazing on from pole to pole,

Sees other worlds besides its own; Thine is the soft, the placid hour,

And hearts at rest shall linger still, To bless thy bloom, meek, modest flower, And bid thee bourgeon at thy will. What though the azure dove hath sung Its requiem to the setting sun, And cliff and mountain glen have rung With farewell songs, since day is done: What though the humming-bird hath left The closing flower of day, nor turns To cull one kiss from thee, bereft And darkly lone like one that mourns,Yet shall the mock-bird linger still

Upon its old accustom'd tree,
And chaunt its sweetest, wildest trill,
And latest song, lone flower, for thee.
Pale blossom of the poet's star,

Emblem of meekness and of tears,
As o'er the tremulous waters far
The crescent moon in light appears,
I hail thee with a heart that feels
A darkened fate allied to thine;
For the chill wind that o'er thee steals

Is cold as friendship's hand to mine.
The night hath shed its dews for thee,

Thy flow'ret with its tears are wet,— And I, too, feel mine hours to be Like thine, the gloom when suns are set.


Ta very numerous and important GENERAL

and of the friends of their canse, held at Exeter Hall, on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1833, the Right Hon. LORD SUFFIELD in the chair, the following Resolutions (the principles of which were earnestly supported by the gentlemen who moved and seconded them) were unanimously adopted :

Moved by T. F. Buxton, M. P., and seconded by
Joseph John Gurney, Esq.,

That this Meeting is deliberately and decidedly of opinion that the slaves of the British colonies have an undoubted and indefeasible right to their freedom, without delay and without condition. At the same time, this meeting will cheerfully consent, when this debt of justice has been fully paid, to promote such fair measures of relief to the West Indian planters as may be deemed needful by


Moved by Earl Fitzwilliam, and seconded by the Rev.
J. W. Cunningham,

That this Meeting, in common with the public at large, looks forward with intense anxiety, though with confident hope, to the development of the "safe and satisfactory" plan for the Abolition of Slavery, which his Majesty's Ministers have declared their intention of disclosing to Parliament on the 23rd of April.

Moved by Lord Morpeth, and seconded by George
Strickland, Esq., M.P.,

That being deliberately convinced that immediate and complete emancipation (as explained in a paper already issued by the Society) is not only clearly demanded by the solemn obligations of religion and justice, but is also most consistent with sonnd policy, and will best promote the prosperity of the slave colonies and the safety of all parties, this Meeting strongly deprecates any partial, or imperfect, or protracted plan, as likely to fail in its object, and to prove highly mischievous in its results.

Moved by the Rev. John Burnet, seconded by Henry Pownall, Esq., and supported by G. Stephen, Esq., That Petitions, founded on the foregoing resolutions, be presented to both Houses of Parliament.

Moved by Lord Milton, seconded by William Smith, Esq., and supported by Dr. Lushington, M. P., That the cordial thanks of this meeting be given to the Right Hon. Lord Suffield, for his conduct in the chair. THOMAS PRINGLE, Secretary.

Just Published, in 8vo., price 1s., BSERVATIONS on IMPEDIMENTS of Letter_addressed to T. J. PETTIGREW, Esq., F.R.S., &c. &c. By RICHARD CULL. Renshaw and Rush, 356, Strand.


Mr. Earl,

Sir,-My wife was suddenly seized with cramps in the body, legs, and hands, and exhibited all the symptoms usually attending what the doctors call Cholera Morbus. Satisfied that unequivocal power and efficacy was to be found only in the "Universal Medicines," I immediately had recourse to them; gave her ten pills of No. 2; in two hours, ten more; when powerful evacuations reduced the

severity of the spasms and cramps, and a third dose of the same pills, next day, restored her to health.

With gratitude to Mr. Morison, and all of the College of Health, I remain, dear Sir, yours truly, JOHN BALEY. Whittlesea, Cambridgeshire, Oct. 3, 1832. P.S.-Mr. Anthony, Agent at Wisbeach, informs me of "two females that were attacked with the cholera; one of them took the 'Universals,' in strong doses, and was well after a few doses; the other took five pills, and would not take any more, but would have a medical attendant: the consequence was, she was bad for three weeks, and at the present time is not able to walk about."

It is quite amusing to hear, at the different places where I have been, how the doctors try to bias the public mind by the trumpery tales of "poison," "bread crninbs," some of one thing, some another, and some of all inanner of things! but the mystery is, they cannot say the right thing; or if they could, it would not pay them to act upon it. Say, however, all they can, invent and do all they can, the world is awake, and the public will have "Morison's Pills." I am, Gentlemen, yours, &c. THOMAS EARL

Cambridge, Oct. 4th, 1832.

To Mr. Shephard, Sir,-With grateful feelings I acknowledge the cure wrought on me by your invaluable medicines in that dreadful disease, the Cholera Morbus. I was seized with the cramp, had an excessive discharge from the bowels, violent retchings, agonizing pain, with a violent heaving of the breast. The doctors declared that I should not live five minutes, a mortification having taken place; and, had it not been for the prompt attendance of your worthy agent, Mr. Black, I could not possibly have survived. He immediately administered the medicine in powerful doses of nine pills, and by a quick operation of which the pain and sickness left. With thanks to Almighty God, the dispenser of every blessing, I acknowledge your invaluable inedicines had the desired effect.

I am, yours respectfully, MARGARET DAVIS. Chapel-street, Berwick, Oct. 3, 1832.

CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. MORISON'S UNIVERSAL MEDICINES having superseded the use of almost all the Patent Medicines which the wholesale venders have foisted upon the credulity of the searchers after health, for so many years, the town druggists and chemists, not able to establish a fair fame on the invention of any plausible means of competition, have plunged into the mean expedient of paffing up a "Dr. Morrison" (observe the subterfuge of the donble r), a being who never existed, as prescribing a "Vegetable Universal Pill, No. 1 and 2," for the express purpose (by means of this forged imposition upon the pablic), of deteriorating the estimation of the "UNIVERSAL MEDICINES" of the " BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH."

KNOW ALL MEN, then, that this attempted delusion must fall under the fact, that (however specious the pretence), none can be held gennine by the College but those which have "Morison's Universal Medicines" impressed upon the Government Stamp attached to each box and packet, to counterfeit which is felony by the laws of the land.

The "Vegetable Universal Medicines" are to be had at the College, New Road, King's Cross, London; at the Surrey Branch, 96, Great Surrey-street; Mr. Field's, 16, Airstreet, Quadrant; Mr. Chappell's, Royal Exchange; Mr. Walker's, Lamb's-conduit-passage, Red-lion-square; Mr. J. Loft's, Mile-end-road; Mr. Bennett's, Covent-gardenmarket; Mr. Haydon's, Fleur-de-lis-court, Norton-falgate; Mr. Haslet's, 147, Ratcliffe-highway; Messrs. Norbury's, Brentford; Mrs. Stepping, Clare-market; Messrs. Salmon, Little Bell-alley; Miss Varai's, 24, Lucas-street, Commercial-road; Mrs. Beech's, 7, Sloane-square, Chelsea; Mrs. Chapple's, Royal Library, Pall-mall; Mrs. Pippen's, 18, Wingrove-place, Clerkenwell; Miss C. Atkinson, 19, New Trinity-grounds, Deptford; Mr. Taylor, Hanwell; Mr. Kirtlam, 4, Bolingbroke-row, Walworth; Mr. Payne, 6, Jermyn-street; Mr. Howard, at Mr. Wood's, hair-dresser, Richmond; Mr. Meyar, 3, May's-buildings, Blackheath; Mr. Griffiths, Wood-wharf, Greenwich; Mr. Pitt, 1, Corawall-road, Lambeth; Mr. J. Dobson, 35, Craven-street, Strand; Mr. Oliver, Bridge-street, Vauxhall; Mr. J. Monck, Bexley Heath; Mr. T. Stokes, 12, St. Ronau's, Deptford; Mr. Cowell, 22, Terrace, Pimlico; Mr. Parfitt, 96, Edgware-road; Mr. Hart, Portsmouth-place, Kenning. ton-lane; Mr. Charlesworth, grocer, 124, Shoreditch; Mr. R. G. Bower, grocer, 22, Brick-lane, St. Luke's; Mr. S. J. Avila, pawnbroker, opposite the church, Hackney; Mr J. S. Briggs, 1, Brunswick-place, Stoke Newington; Mr. T. Gardner, 95, Wood-street, Cheapside, and 9, Nortonfalgate; Mr. J. Williamson, 15, Seabright-place, Hackneyroad; Mr. J. Osborn, Wells-street, Hackney road, and Homerton; Mr. H. Cox, grocer, 16, Union-street, Bishopsgate-street; Mr. T. Walter, cheesemonger, 67, Hoxton Old Town; and at one agent's in every principal town in Great Britain, the Islands of Guernsey and Malta; and throughout the whole of the United States of America.

N. B. The College will not be answerable for the consequences of any medicines sold by any chymist or druggist, as none such are allowed to sell the "Universal Medi cines."

Printed by J. HADDON and Co.; and Published by J. CRISP, at No. 27, Ivy Lane. Paternoster Row, where all Advertisements and Communications for the Editor are to be addressed.

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