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to ye Priviledge of this Citty (wch God forbid) that ye whole Convention would Resent it as done to them all in generall & make Record of itt accordingly

Itt is Resolved by this Convention to acquaint the Burgers and Inhabitants of this Citty by the assistants of there Respective wards how yt we have Received Information from N: Yorke that there is a Compe of men comeing up from thence, who Intend to Turn ye governmt of this Citty upside doune, make themselfs master of ye Fort and Citty, and in no manner to be obedient to any orders and Commands as they should Receive from time to Time from ye Persons now in authority in this Citty and County, whereby great Confusion will Ensue, Especially, if ye Indians Perceive Such Divisions amongst our Selfs, will be in Danger to be led away to ye french, & so break ye frindship which with so much Trouble and Paynes and charge hath hitherto been Preserved by this governmt which might tend to ye great Ruine and Destruction of there Majts Interest in these Parts which sd men so comeing up we hear are to be paid by ye Burgers and Inhabitants of this Citty and County, which charge would be untollerable to be born by ye Inhabitants att this Juncture of time, & not only that charge butt by such means cause us to Contribute to what Charge they of N: Yorke have been att Since these Revolutions, and therefore itt is thought Convenient to Convein the Burgers in the Citty hall & there to Demand there opinion, and to answer to Some articles which will be given them in writeing to morrow.

Att a Convention &c. Albany the 5th day of novembr 1689
Present as before

According to ye Resolution taken by ye Convention yesterday ye Burgers and Inhabitants of ye Citty and Part of ye County were Conveined in ye Citty hall by Bell Ringing and these following Proposalls were made & given them in writeing & Desyred to give there answer.

PROPOSEALLS made by the Convention to ye People. In Albany ye 5th day of novembr 1689. Upon ye Report of men comeing from N: Yorke

1 If they be not Resolved to stand for ye Privileges of there Citty and County, and to Resist all p'sons who shall endevor to Brake ye Same.

2 If they had any objection or any thing against the Magistrates or members of ye Convention from ye Least member to ye greatest, That they now would Reveale ye Same.

3 If they were Inclined to pay ye Souldiers wages comeing from N: Yorke which we heare ye military officers of N: Yorke have Engaged must be paid by ye Inhabitants of albany

4 If they had any mistrust of Leift Tho. Sharpe whom ye Convention have Continued in ye fort to be under them, and if they would have one besides him to have ye Command of ye fort.

5 Since we have heard Such Strange Rumours, if it would not be Very Dangerous to Suffer ye men comeing from New Yorke to come into ye Citty, before we have Sufficient assurance that they come with a good Intent to assist us as neighbours, and to obey the Convention, and not to turn ye government of ye Citty upside doune, to make themselfs master of the fort aud Citty, and to fetch ye meanest Burger from hence; and if they Burgers would not oppose Such hostility and force.

6 If it is not Extream Dangerous at this Juncture to make any Confusion Division or change least ye Indians who are in Covenant with us and depend thereupon should mistrust our Integrity and so be brought to Side with ye french

7 If they will not secure ye fort and Citty for there Majts till Such time there Majts king william & queen mary Send orders or a governour, and that of N: yorke nor none else be admitted to be master of ye same

8 That they ought to Consider yt ye Souldiers that lye in ye fort are no Burthen to ye Citty nor

County but kept maintained & paid upon there Majts accompt who are not only naturall born subjects of England but have all (Except one) taken ye oath of allegeance to ye Present king & Queen 9 If they doe not owne and acknowledge ye Convention of ye Citty and County for there Lawfull Authority till a Settlement comes, and if they them will obey as such

Upon which ye People agreed and Consented to ye sd Articles, acknowledgeing ye members of ye Convention for there Lawfull Magistracy in there Respective offices and Places and made this following answer Signed by forty of ye Inhabitants Principall men of ye Toune Whereas ye Convention of albany have Propounded Some articles to ye Commonality for ye wellfare of ye Place wee underwritten Burgers and Inhabitants of ye Citty and County of albanie do Promise and Declare faithfully and Sincerely yt wee will uphold and Maintain to ye utmost ye Previleges of albany, & oppose all Persones who shall Seeke to infringe ye Same.

2 That we have not ye least objection or Evill opinion of ye Magistrates or members of ye Convention, butt Promise to Obey them and assist them as faithfull Subjects are bounde to doe there lawfull authority.

3 That we are no ways Inclined to pay ye People comeing from: N: Yorke, neither can bear such Excessive Charge, but if they come as good neighbours & friendes shall endeavor to Treat them Civilly with meat and Drink and Lodgeing according to our ability.

4 That ye Bussinesse Concerning ye fort is Referred to ye Convention.

5ly That we unanimously judge it Dangerous to lett ye men comeing from N: Yorke come into ye Citty till Such time ye Convention have Sufficient assurance of there sincere meaning and Intention, Since by no means we can Suffer them to Turn ye governmt of this Citty upside doune, nor that they be masters of City or fort nor suffer ye Least Burger to be carried away, from hence or molest them, But if they have anything to object against any of ye Burgers of this Citty, that they may enter there action before ye Courts of this Citty & County according to law

6 That we juge a Change or Subversion of government att this jucture to be Exceeding, Dangerous in Reference to ye Treating with ye Indians, and therefore doe not understand that there now be a Change upon any Pretence whatsoever, before yt orders comes from there Majts

7 That wee are fully Resolved with ye help of god almighty to keep & Secure ye fort and Citty for the Behoofe of our Souveraign Lord & Lady King William & Queen Mary; and not suffer them of N: Yorke or any Person else to Rule over ye Same, Since it will be Required att our hands when a govr comes & not of theres.

8 That we verry well approve of ye Souldiers that have taken ye oath of fidelity doe Remain in ye yo fort, & if there be occasion for more men in ye fort to Secure ye Same yt then Some of ye Burgers or whom ye Convention shall appoint doe goe thither and no oyrs

9: & Lastly: That we doe Esteem owne and acknowlege ye Convention to be our only Lawfull authority in this Country till such time ordrs comes from there Majts whom we doe Relye upon for ye good government of ye Same, Praying God to Blesse them in their undertakeings for ye wellfare of our Country, Promiseing to assist them wherein they shall have occasion for the Preservation of Peace and Tranquility in our Toune & to lett and hinder all p'sones who shall Stirr up Mutinie and Sedition to Disturbe our Peace. In Testimony whereof that this is our Reall Intent & yt we faithfully will p'form ye Same have hereunto Sett our hands in Albany ye 5th day of novembr: 1689 was signed by forty Inhabitants vizt

Jan Becker

H: v: Dyck

Myndert Frederikse

the mark of Jan

Cornelise Vyselaer


Isaak Vr planken

Antho Bratt

Wessel Ten Broek

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Present as before, Except C: Jan Bleeker absent, and C. Marte gerritse & Gert Ryerse present The matter concerning ye Better Secureing of there Majts fort of albany being taken into Consideration this following order was made thereabouts.

Whereas there is a Resolution made by ye Convention ye 26th day of octobr Last whereby Leift. Thomas Sharpe should Continue in ye Command of there Majts fort of albany till orders comes from there Majts William and Mary king & queen of England &c. who was to obey such orders and Instructions as he should from time to time Receive from ye Said Convention, and whereas we are Informed that Diverse Persones are jealous that there Majts Fort is thereby not Sufficiently Secured but are Desyreous that another Sufficient Person shall be authorized along with said Leift Thomas Sharpe to have ye Command thereof

It is therefore thought Convenient by this Convention Since ye winter approaches and ye Long Expected orders from there Most Sacred Majesties not yet being come and to Prevent all jealousies and Annimosities Concerning that affaire at this juncture of time, That Pieter Schuyler Esqr Mayr of this Citty and one of there Majts Justices of ye Peace of this County and Leift of ye Troop be authorized and is hereby authorized to have ye Command of there Majesties fort and ye same to keep and maintain and Defend for ye Behooffe of there Majts William & Mary king and queen of England france & Irland &a Defenders of ye faith, and Leift Sharpe be Leift under him who are both to obey and Perform Such orders & Instructions as they shall from time to time Receive from ye Convention of ye Citty & County of albany that have the greatest Intrest in ye Preservation & Securing of sdfort for there Majts behalfe, and yt till such time and while there Majts William & Mary shall be pleased to send a govern or orders for ye governmt of this Province & the sd Pr Schuyler Mayr to take Possession of ye Same accordingly

N. B: Joh wendel Suspènds his vote for ye p'sent as also Joh: Cuyler & J: nack.

This being Published by Bell-Ringing ye members of ye Convention went to ye Mayers house, and told him they were come to waite upon him and Conduct him up to ye fort who being accompanied with some of ye Principle Burgers went up and Possession of sd fort after ye usuall Ceremonies wast Delivered, & ye sd Mayr with all cheerfullness Received by ye officers and souldiers of there Majes garrison.

Att a Convention &c. Albany 9th day of Novembr 1689 Present as before, Except, Mayr & Leif. van Schaik absent.

The Members of ye Convention that were in Toune did meet Together att ye Citty hall upon the news that there were three Sloops in Sight whereof one had ye king Jack aboard, and hereing that there were a Compe of Souldiers come by there beating of ye Drum, foure of ye Convention to witt

Capt wendel Capt. Bleeker Johannes Cuyler and Reynier Barents were sent aboard to know on what accompt they came, Jacob Milborne who was on board of Jochim Staets Sloop Replyed. If the fort was open for his men to march in that night he was answered no, That ye Mayr of ye Citty had Possession of ye fort who was Commander of ye Same and was Desyred to goe a shore where they would Discourse further, who with ye sd four Persones came to ye Citty hall and was bid welcome by ye members of ye Convention then Present.

No sooner was ye sd Milborne come into ye Citty hall which was very full of People, but addressed his Discourse to ye Common People in a long oration with a high Stile & Language telling them That now it was in there powr to free themselfs from yt Yoke of arbitrary Power and Government under which they had Lyen so long in ye Reign of yt Illegall king James, who was a Papist, Declareing all Illegall whatever was done & past in his time, yea the Charter of this Citty was null & void Since it was graunted by a Popish kings governour & that now ye Power was in the People to choose both new Civill and Military officers as they Pleased, challenging all them that had bore office in king James Time to be Illegall, and therefore they must have a free Election, and much Such like Discourse After Jacob Milborne had ended his long Discourse Jochim Staets & Pr Bogardus who came up with him from N: Yorke asked why ye magistrates did not speak now, now was ye time for to Speake upon which Dirk wessells Record Replyed, that there was time Enough yet, he was nott Authorized at that Juncture to make him answer to such Discourse, they had seen no Commission he had yett and that they were met together to make Billets for the quartering of ye men If they were come with a good Intent, which lay Ready upon ye Table, & yt Milborne addressed his Discourse to ye wrong People Since there were no arbitrary Power here; God had Delivered them from that yoke by there Majesties now upon ye throne, to whom we had taken ye oath of allegiance, for we acted not in king James's name but in king William & queen Marys & were there Subjects.

Jacob Milborne Desyred that ye Mayr Might be Present in ye Convention who was Twice Sent for, but answered yt he could not leave his Post which was to keep good watch in there Majts fort, Referring ye sd Milborne to ye Gentn that were Conveined together and yt he would call ye Convention together to morrow after ye 2a Sermon when they would Discourse the Case further with him, this was Communicated to Jacob Milborne who answered that ye Recordr Represented ye Mayr in his absence, and Delivered ye Convention a letter Signed by 25 Persones which was Read ye Contents whereof is as follows

Fort William In N: York ye 28 octobr 1689 GENT"-The unspeakeable goodnesse of god and ye unimagineable benefit which all Protestants Relating to ye Crowne of England do Receive by the Illustrious armes of the Prince of Orange now our Benigne Leige Lord and king as they are unexpressible So likewise they cannot but call for ye most humble & unfeigned thanks to heaven and all Expressible Returns of obedience to his Majestie Therefore to Evince ye Same according to our Capacities wee ye Committee or members chosen by ye free and open Elections of ye freemen in ye Respective Counties of this Province and Councill of warr

Humbly traceing ye Stepps and Laying hold of ye Encouragement given by So Royall an Example have as farr as in us Lyed Prevented ye Rageing Intrest of ye Roman Catholic Party and there adherents in this Province and not only asserted the Right of our new Soveraigne but Reduced most of ye Dissaffected to their obedience and Establisht his Majes Interest upon So Sure a foundation yt from thence already we fynde the fruits of Tranquility and Peace, So we doubt not, but all yt are willing to be Esteemed of ye Reformation will Comply with ye Same-; and to ye Intent that none of his Majes forts or Subjects should be Exposed where apparent fears and Dangers of his Professed enemies doth Threaten them as wee are made Sencible by yours of ye County of albany, we have sent 50

men with arms suteable, which doubt not but will bee of Seasonable use for Defence of ye Same, and have given full Power to our Trusty and Beloved friende Jacob Milborne gent" to treat with Consult, order doe and Performe all things that shall be Requisite for his Majes Service & yr Safety to whom we Desyre yu will give Credence and treat amicably that soe we may not occasion ye Enemy to Scandalize us with or take any advantage of Disputes and Differences amongst us, Especially when we are upon Such good Terms of breaking of Papist and arbitrary Yokes from our necks forever. This all at p'sent from yr Loveing friendes.

[blocks in formation]

Samuel Edsall
Pietr de Lanoy
Gerardus Beekman

Myndt Corten
Mathew harvey
Johannes Vr melie

Jacob Leysler

Henry Cuyler

Richard Panton

Adriaen van Schaik

Gerrit Duyking

Joh: de Peyster
William Churchill
Sjort olpherse

After ye abovesaid Letter was Read ye Record askd Jacob Milborne if he Pleased to have ye People quartered which lay aboard, Since ye Billets were Ready who answered no, But desyred Some Provision which was graunted & so Parted yt night.

Memorandum that on ye 10th day of Novembr being Sunday

The following letter was Sent by Adam Vroman of Shinnectady to ye Mayr which Milborne had sent to him to warne all ye People there forthwith to come to albany and Receive there Rights Priviledges and Liberties in such manner as if the governmt of king James ye 2d never had been, or any of his arbitrary Commissions or what is Illegally done by his governours never had been done or Past, which Letter follows in Terminis:-


Whereas I am authorized by the Honble Delegates or Members elected at a Free and Publick Election of the Freemen and Respective counties of the Province of N. York and Military Council thereof, to arrange and settle the affairs of the City & County of Albany according to the Constitution of the other Counties of the Province aforesaid pursuant to the interest of His Majesty our Sovereign Lord & King and the Welfare of the Inhabitants of said Counties.

These are to advise and require all the Inhabitants of Schinnectady and adjoining places to repair forthwith to the aforesaid City of Albany to receive their Rights and Priviledges & Liberties in such manner as if the Government of King James the 2d had never existed or any of his arbitrary Commissions or any of his Governors illegal acts had never been executed or done.

Upon which Adam Vroman sent him this answer:




MR JACOB MILBORNE.-Worthy Friend-I have just now received your letter. Firstly, I am not a person of quality; Secondly, the Indians lie in divers squads in and around this place and should VOL. II.


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