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vile, and ignorafit as the Corporation is, I could not believe that any man amongst them would express such a hostility to the unfortunate, with such indelicacy to the female character, as I have witnessed you perform on Wed nesday, the 20th of May, in Newgate, where you appear as a Magistrate, and I suffer as a Prisoner. You had three or four aged and wretched women, who were visiting their unfortunate relations, dragged before you by the Turnkeys, and with your hands you forced them against the wall, where you made them raise their heads, and remain in an upright posture, until you measured each of them with a graduated scale. As my real intention, by addressing you, is to relate a system of barbarity, indelicacy, and wantoness, that cannot be excused by emergency, nor apologised for by any object of utility, I think it a duty to lay it be fore the public, and give you as the author of it. It is one of the best arguments against democracy, or a popular form of government, that the Administration of Justice is too often liable to fall into vulgar and illiterate hands. When I saw you from my cell fix the living, humble, and dejected female against the wall, the justness of the Aristocratic observation smote me; I wished (for a moment) the world were governed by kings. At present I am

so disgusted with the abuses of power, which I saw you exercise, that I am almost tempted to abuse the finest forms of human institutions; but I forego the maddened idea, and return to the dirty subject. You have had printed permits manufactured, which are to be granted to such persons as you approve of, who want to visit any prisoner; and so calculated are your favours, that each person must submit to the idle curiosity of your boys, yourself, and, subsequently, to the Gaolers and Turnkeys; they must be measured, their eyes examined, their hair and teeth, their age, residence, and profession known, and the description inserted in your permit. You may insult and trample on the poor, as it appears by this part of your life to be your principle, but I presume to say, you would not have the courage to drag a respectable female who would wish to see an unfortunate father, brother, husband, or lover, to be measured by your standard; to be stared out of countenance by insulting curiosity, or to answer vulgar interrogatories. No; you would not trespass so much on family honour, lest justice should descend from her high seat, and kick a ruffian who ought to be hanged.


Newgate, 23d of May.


The scene is laid in a hosier's shop; a man in black, with a sword by his side, appears; on lifting the curtain, several boys attending customers, and a machine for weighing old women, with a standard for taking their ele vation, form part of the machinery.

An old haggard Female enters. Old Woman-And please your honor's master, I want a permit to bring

myself and this salt herring to my daughter in Newgate.

1st Boy-What is your name? Woman--Kitty Dogherty, please your master's honor.

2d Boy-How old are you?
Woman-69 years last lammas.
3d Boy-Where do you live?
Woman-Troth I live here.

1st Boy-How dare you, you ragged old wretch, say you live in the Sheriff's

Sheriff's house, when I know, myself, no body lives in this house but Mary Jones, the cook; Biddy Carey, the house-maid; Billy Jameson, that carries my master's sword from the Lord Mayor's dinner; myself and six boys; my mistress, Miss Hanna; and the master, the High Sheriff, who will be an alderman as sure as this is a stocking-frame. (Laying his hand on a hosier's piano.)

Woman-Beg your honor's master's honor; troth, though I live here now, it is not to make any disparagement; I lived in Patrick's Close this morning, and if your honor's master, his worship, pleases, I will be living, with this dead herring, in Newgate, by-and-bye.

1st Boy-What colour are your


Woman-Troth, as you saw my eyes last, I think you are a better judge than myself, that did not see my eyes these two twelve months.

Sheriff-William, you are losing your time with that woman, take payment for one pair of suspenders; put the woman into the scales, and to the standard, and fill the permit.

On this command, one boy drags her to the scale, another puts in the weights, and fills the permit; the old woman drops the herring, and grapples at the scale chains, to secure herself against accidents.

Old Woman-Please

your honor read this paper before you give

it me.

He reads-Permit Kitty Dogherty, sixty-nine years of age, with blue eyes, four feet two inches high, weighing five stones and eight pounds, with a ragged blue cloak, and a gapped red petticoat, no shoes, to visit her daughter, from the hour of one to two o'clock, on Sundays and Thursdays, until further notice.

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Boy-How old are you? Man-Forty years of age. Boy-You must stand in that scales until you are weighed; and you must put yourself under this standard to know your height.

Man-By G I will not submit to either conditions, because I cannot discover what object my weight, or measure, can be to any person, if it is not for the purpose of insulting me, and of imposing terms on an honest man, on the presumption, that he must bear with them, least his friend should want the necessaries of life. I want to deliver the prisoner this piece of meat.

Boy-Sir, if you do not stand in the scales, and be weighed and measured, you may take yourself and the meat to some other place than Newgate. Erit.

Another Person demands a Permit.

Man-I have travelled from Cork to see my son, who is charged with stumbling under a load he was carrying, by which he broke a haberdasher's window, and, not being able to pay the damages, was committed to goal. Boy

Boy-Aye, that's the fellow who called one magistrate a bankruptmiller, and the other a lisping old


Man-Please to let me have a per


Boy-This is Monday; we cannot grant a permit that will pass you, only for Thursdays and Sundays.

Man-I have a letter from my son, telling me he is locked up every evening at five o'clock, without any means of getting a candle; that he has been a fortnight without a clean shirt, without tasting any food but a scanty supply of bread and potatoes, and without even the face of a messenger who would procure him a morsel of salt. I have travelled 120 miles to furnish him with these necessaries, and if I am not admitted, until Thursday, I shall break my heart, and he may fall a victim to sickness, caused by dirt and famine.

Boy- Begone, stand out of the way of the Sheriff's sword, and let those people, who are not so talkative, be weighed and measured.

Sheriff retires.

Boy-Get into the scales and be weighed.

Woman-Arrah excuse me, I would sooner you would bring the milk yourself, when you are going to-morrow to your mother, the nurse-tender, in the womens' prison, than be lifting my poor rags in your scales, and do so much for a poor woman, and that you may be a sheriff yourself, a hosier, and a great man like your master.

Boy-You are too troublesome; if you are not weighed before I give change to this lady, I will fing you, and your milk into the street.

She runs away much affrighted.

A Gentleman enters. Gentleman-I want a pass to see Mr. Cox.

Boy-How old are you? Where do you live? What is the colour of your eyes and hair? What is your bu siness, trade, or profession? Will you sit in the scales to be weighed, and allow that young gentleman to measure you? Beg your pardon, Sir, all these things must be answered in the permit, or I cannot attend to you, having these bundles to pack and direct for Mrs.

A Woman approaches the Counter. Axletree, of Artane, who is to have a

Boy-What is your name?

Woman-Here it is on this bit of paper; I was in such trouble that I got a neighbour to write it, as I was afraid I should not remember it.

Boy-Upon my honor I shall give you no permit until I see the Sheriff, you must be a rogue not to remember your name.

Woman-God bless your honor, and your master's honor; in troth, if he was here, he would weigh me himself, and give me a permit to bring this bottle of milk to my little boy, for his honor would think it no great crime for a poor woman to forget her husband's name, not having heard it now more than thirty years; I could re-. member one name, that is Peg, which 1 hear every day.

ball and supper to-night.

Gentleman-It is well your master did not ask me such questions. Meeting with you has saved me from the disgrace of a personal interview with a paltry annual sword-bearer, as it saves the bones of the upstart, whose heart could countenance such privations, and who has not sufficient resolution to insult any person but the unfortunate and unprotected. I shall proceed to the Chief Justice for redress, and I have no hesitation in saying, the wretches, who this man's conduct must starve, will be delivered from his petty domination.-Tell this armed hosier, that Mr. O'Donovan called here.

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Memoirs of Fouquier Finville.

help for it." Sixty or eighty unhappy wretches, who had never seen or known each other, were often confounded in the same accusation, and when Fouquier wished to dispatch them in the mass, he merely said to the jurymen,

Fouquier Tinville, son of a farmer at Héronelle in Artois. He was at first an attorney at the Châtelet, but he dissipated his property, lost his place, and became a bankrupt. He" I think, citizens, that you are conwas afterwards employed as a clerk in vinced of the guilt of the accused." the police office. In 1793 he was ap- When this remark was made, the pointed head juryman of the revolu- jurymen declared their consciences tionary tribunal; his sanguinary ex- sufficiently enlightened, and condemnpressions, and his invectives against the ed all the accused in the gross, without indulgence of his colleagues, drew on hearing one of them. hearing one of them. He was accushim the attention of Robespierre, who tomed to frequent a coffee-house in the judged him worthy to act the part of palace of Justice, where the judges public accuser to the tribunal, and he and jurymen of his tribunal met. fully answered the expectations of such There they reckoned the number of a person. He caused Marie Antoinette heads which had fallen in the course to be condemned, but when aceused of the decade. "What do you think some time after the fall of the Mon- I have gained to-day for the republic? tagne, he endeavoured to vindicate Some of the guests to pay court to himself by criminating Robespierre; him, would answer, "So many milbut the tribunal of Paris condemned lions," and he immediately added, him to death on the 6th of May, 1795, "In the next decade I shall undress for having caused the destruction of an three or four hundred," meaning innumerable multitude of French per- guillotine. A considerable number sons of every age and sex, under pre- of victims were one day met in their tence of conspiracies; for having caus- way to the tribunal by Fouquier, who ed between 60 and 80 individuals to be had not been present at their trial, tried in four hours; for having caused he asked the jurymen on what crime carts, which were ready beforehand, they had been pronouncing sentence? to be loaded with victims, whose very "They did not know," they said, names were not mentioned, and against "but he might run after the conwhom no depositions were made; and demned persons and inquire;" upon for having made up a jury of his own which they all began to laugh, saying, adherents. It would be impossible to "It is so much got at least." Even detail his atrocities, yet some instances the fate of Robespierre could not will convey an idea of his character. slacken his sanguinary zeal. On the M. de Gamache was brought into 27th of July, 1794, he condemned 49 court, but the officer declared that he persons, whom he caused to be exewas not the person accused. "Never cuted, and some one having represented mind, said Fouquier, “ bring him, ne- to him that the seizure of Robespierre vertheless." A moment after the real ought to cause some change, he anGamache appeared, and both were at swered: "Never mind, justice must once condemned and guillotined. An take its course." After the victory agent of government one day expressing of the 9th he had the assurance to go some apprehensions to Fonquier, he re- and congratulate the convention on the plied, "Patriot or not, if Robespierre fall of the tyrants, and he succeeded chose it, you would come yourself, in obtaining his own continuance in and I should make you go up my his office, but the public voice exlittle steps; when Robespierre has claimed against him, and he was ar pointed out any one to me, there is no rested on the 4th of August, and tried

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on the 8th of December following. From that time till his execution four months more elapsed, during which various dilatory steps were taken in his favour, till at last the convention de creed, on the 18th of April, 1795, that the revolutionary tribunal should continue sitting till a definitive sentence had been passed on him: he then defended himself with presence of mind, and attributed all the executions which he had ordered, to the committees and laws which enjoined this mode of conduct. When led to execution he answered the populace, who greeted him with hisses, by the most sinister predictions, and was executed last. Thus speaks Mercier of him; "Fouquier Tinville, formerly an attorney at the Châtelet, excessively artful, quick in attributing guilt, and skilled in controverting facts, showed immoveable presence of mind on his trial. While standing before the tribunal, from which he had condemned so many victims, he kept constantly writing; but, like Argus, all eyes and ears, he lost not, while he wrote, one single word uttered by the president, by an accused person, by a judge, by a witness, or by a public accuser, He affected to sleep during the public accuser's recapitulation, as if to feign tranquil lity, while he had hell in his heart. No eye but must involuntarily fall before his steadfast gaze; when he prepared to speak he frowned, and his brow was furrowed; his voice was loud, rough, and menacing: he carried audacity to the utmost in his denial, and showed equal address in altering facts and rendering them independent of each other, and especially in judiciously placing his alibis. With a firm voice he denied his signature, and trembled not before the accusing witness. When led to exe cution, his forehead, hard as marble, defied all the eyes of the multitude; he was even seen to smile and utter threatening words. At the foot of the scaffold he seemed for the first

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We have to announce a grand and splendid entertainment which has been given in this metropolis since our last publication.

Lord Diamond, of the kingdom of Dalkey, in order to convince his fellow-citizens in general, and some of his pecuniary acquaintances in particu.. lar, that he possesses a superabundance of the base materials of this world, did issue innumerable cards of invitation to all the rank and fashion of his acquaintance, then in Dublin, to partake of a grand dinner, ball, and supper, at his noble mansion in E -Sstreet.

The company began to assemble at a very early hour to witness the grand preparations which were made for their entertainment. Lord Diamond was seated in the state chair of Dalkey, surmounted with a superb silken cancpy. His Lordship, with that elegance and sincerity of manner for which he is so much admired by all those who have the happiness of his disinterested friendship, welcomed his guests in the most dignified manner, and, with the most condescending smile, arose from his chair of state to receive the Most Rev. Doctor Troy, who declared he never beheld similar grandeur, or equally kind and sincere treatment, except fron Lord Cornwallis, when his Grace and his coadjutor Bishops


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