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its present patrons are so exactly matched by a long intimacy, that it would be quite illusory either to attempt their reformation or to separate them. Mr. Jones triumphs in his security,the law has made him as independant of the Irish people as he is of his English automatons; and while he can gather ideots to pay for his mute performances, he despises either the reprehension of the press or the public decision. This hatred and contempt for us, extends to every vagrant who visits the country. No horse-rider or rope-dancer, but has his wit or his execration to fling out on every occasion, on Paddy. Mr. Makeen the polished Scotch knight of the Equestrian order, indulges himself to the greatest extravagance, in sarcasms on the vulgarity, and insubordination of his Irish auditors; and this Mr. Makeen, is paid forty pounds each week, from the same unpolished rabble, for riding and grinning about fourteen minutes each night of performance. To the credit of the Scotch manager of the Peter-street stage, he does, notwithstanding the judicious wit of Mr. Makeen, employ none other as Painters, Carpenters, Machinists, Servants, &c. but natives of Ireland; but, to give him due credit, he prefers his own countrymen, and his country horse, to any Irishman, or Irishman's child; for he allows Mr. Makeen to draw five pounds board wages every Saturday, from the treasurer, to get wine and hay for Mrs. Makeen, and the horse, while the Irish artist, earpenter, &c. are obliged to retire to their children each Saturday night with the adequate sum of 5s. each.

At present our observations are so far trespassing on our limits, that, we must suspend them for another opportunity, by which time we hope the people of Dublin will come to a sense of their own diguity, and to a recollection of the state of industry, and not let idle whims make them the dupes of vagrants; while their unfor.

tunate countrymen want the means of an industrious application of their labours, to procure a subsistence. Let us shew Messrs. Jones and Johnson, that, if they would earn a liveli hood by their menageries, they must try their merits in another cli mate.

Major Sirr.

This distinguished gentleman, who never was a major in any army, but was known some years since, before public misfortunes called him into distinction, as a wine merchant in Francis-street, so far as door-plate and a pipe of port could make a man a wine merchant, has been so favored by ministerial patronage, particularly by the favor of Mr. Pole, that he has more wines in his cellar as a police man, now in one week, than he could have in one year as a wine merchant.

Lord Edward's Dagger.

This instrument, we mean the dag. ger, was decreed to Sirr, for his assist tance in the arrest of the brave son of the House of Leinster, the uncle of the present Duke, uncle of Mrs. Henry, of Straffon, and of the wife of Colone! Littlehales. Major Sirr, or Town Major Sirr, as a trophy of his victory, whenever he had company, which is frequent, being of social manners, used to exhibit the dagger on his table, some wag who despised the man, stole the dagger on an eating occasion, and after every enquiry, its res toration was given up. The Major very prudently concealed his loss, and to keep up the remembrance of his heroism, took the precaution of getting another dagger made, as near the description of the fugitive one, as the mechanical instructions of a one pipe wine merchant could direct, and the mock dagger now swaggers on his mantle piece, proclaiming the steel sti, with which he writes his history of the house of FITZGerald.


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Major Manhood!

Major Sirr'e Father was Town Major, when FATHER SHEEY was tried in Dublin, on fabricated charges, comof mon in those days, for the purpose hanging POPISH PRIESTS, and we know from the history of the Tolers, Powers, &c. &c. that the Major was the person who arrested FATHER SHEEY on his acquittal, to forward him to Clonmell, where a better organized In the Jury was ready to hang him. year 1798, a party of rebe's attacked the house of the senior Major. at Rath farnham, who was then near 90 years and of age, carried away such arms, ammunition as were in the house, but treated old Sirr with great politeness, leaving a written protection, in case any others of the insurgents should repeat any visit. This kind treatment had no other influence on the generosity of Henry Charles, than that of vengeance, he had his father carried to the Crown Office in town, where he made the old man lodge examinations against his own gardener, for the temperance which the rebels evinced on their visit. The Gardener like many other men of the day, thought it more prudent to repair to the camp of his countrymen, than to be legally but chered, and escaped.

in the heights of Heaven, of which he
did not give a description of the exact
It must surprize
length and breadth.
that emporium of Sect manufactures,
England, when it is known there how
perverse even thieves are in Ireland, in
resisting the evangelical mumbling of
Methodist Apostles. It was one of
these reflections caused that great ven-
der of loyalty and religion, Gribbins,
the old clothes man, and preacher of
the word, in the rapturous language of
loyalty, to say, that Satan had so far
usurped and fastened his dominion in
the hearts of the Irish, that nothing
but cannon and ropes would ever esta-
blish the law and the gospel, on the
ruins of popery and pike making.'

Sermons Preached in January. On Thursday, the 23d, the Rev. Mr. Burgh, son of the late Thomas Burgh, of Oldtown, visited New. gate, for the purpose of entertaining its inhabitants with a Sermon, which he preached with apostolic zeal and energy, in the prison chapel. From the report we have had of it from Monaghan Tom, one of the turnkeys, who in himself, formed the entire congregation, it must have been a most excellent discourse. Tom assured us, who live, by order of "the Unspotted Ermine," in the adjoining cell, that he never heard a finer description of glory; that the jontleman did not leave a story

On the same day, Kent, the Huxterman, preached his monthly travelling lecture, in Mr. La Touche's pulpit. He began at the Fountain, between Aungier street and Kevin's-port, and terminated his discourse under the Maypole, in Stoney-batter. The attitudes and language of the greasy Apostle, never before were equalled

even by himself, for the marks of in-
spiration they exhibited. Mr. Verdun
attended by the side of the divine ves-
sel, during the entire voyage, as regis.
ter of converts, but we did not disco-
ver that he made a single entry on the
way but one, which was afterwards
found to be a mistake. This was at the
door of the Police office, Ormond-
quay, where the pulpit stopped to fire
a hymn off, as a mark of respect, for
the brethren of the institution. While
it was going on, an old soldier one of
the police gang, who was a spectator,
fell down into a swoon; which motion
Mr. Verdun mistook for a call, but on
inspection it was found to be nothing
more than a fit of the epilepsy.

On Sunday, the 26th, the whole of the 39 English Civilizers, mentioned by the Bible Society, at their last sitting, Colonel obtained leave of absence, from the

Colonel to spend the day on a preaching excursion, through the County of Dublin. They were attended by a few dozens of the young women mentioned also by the Society, who sold their petticoats to buy bibles; this light corps of heavenly rifle men, dispersed themselves through Finglas, Glassnevin, Drumcondra, Sautry, Swords, Bally-Bough, Artane, Raheny, Clontarf, Howth and Baldoyle; and spent the entire day inviting the popish inhabitants to join the new company, destined by their Call to carry on a heavenly campaign against idolatry. It is to be lamented, the gentlemen had so little of the gift of tongues, that, they appeared to have forgotten even their own, and as their bawling was not intelligible, their mission went for nothing.

Important Extracts from News


The Wrestling Doctor has been dismissed from a certain table, which he often enlivened with his vulgar ribaldry; the honest owner yielded to the advice of his frieads, who shewed the impropriety of retaining the Doctor any longer, as an exposure of the ruffian connected itself, with an investigation of the state of the chattel and real property of the family, from which arose problems in Catholic arithmetic, very unpleasant to solve, such as how did you sir realize an estate of six thousand pounds a year, rear a numerous and expensive family in splendour, save yourself from the persecutions which your innocent friends and com. panions underwent, in their lives and properties? and to encrease public suspicion, How did you contrive to advance a sum of 33,0007, a few weeks since, for an estate in Fingal? How did you raise such an immense monied superstructure on such a poor founda tion, as twenty-thousand pounds, with which you retired from shop keeping, more than twenty-five years ago?

The Doctor who is profuse of his ad lation, of his friend in the honest paget of the Hibernial Journal, we hope will answer those queries; if he meani to be restored to his Sunday dinners, and Christmas surtouts.

A BANKING SPECULATION. tured by a certain bankrupt set of An infamous conspiracy manufac ruffians was lately set on foot, and with of French's Banking-house, insinuating much industry, to discredit the notes that, if their friend the Justice, suc assignees, to recover 147.000l. penalty ceeded in the action brought by his the Bauk would be exhausted. The for alleged usury; that the capital of folly and weakness of the wretches have been decided by the Court of Exche quer, and the needy and bigotted spe culators are compelled to live if they can, on their own ways and means.


The progress America is making in manufactures, agriculture, and every branch of domestic economy, is beyond any thing we read of; while we are building Barracks and Prisons, to check the disposition to turbulence which is expected from excessive misery; the Americans are manifesting all the opu lence and improvement arising from abundance and tranquillity. An Among those inventions which have distinguished the mechanical talents of the Americans, is the Steam Boat, whereby its superior útility has been established on the river Hudson, and between New-York and Philadelphia. A Mr. Roosevelt of Pennsylvania, has com pleted one of 400 tons burthen, for conveying goods and passengers from New Orleans, on the great river Missi sippi, up to Pitsburg, on the Ohio; a distance of 2,200 miles, in defiance of the rapidity of the stream and other obstructions; at the rate of 35 miles a'day, so as to perform the voyage on this natural canal in six weeks. vast utility of this application of the Steam Boat, to the navigation of the



immense Missisippi, may be partly understood, when it is known that the rapidity of its waters hitherto prevented, any navigation upwards. The vessels which conveyed to the sea the produce of the country on its banks, never returned, and even the persons who conducted them were obliged to perform their journies back by land.


Not withstanding the arrest of Keegan the Schoolmaster, on charges of treasonable conspiracy; or as Judge Osborne would call it perturbation: every thing goes on in the city in the usual undisturbed routine. The Major has received no instructions to collect rebels or paintings, the Attorney General is not ordered to prosecute, Justice Drury is not called from his medical pursuits, Miles Duigenan's castle of Teas and Wines is not invested, nor is the Widow Ratigan's house to be burned. This forbearance almost justify us in saying, that, the plot is not so dangerous as we first apprehended, and if it existed it appears to be known to its fullest extent, by those who ought to suppress it; neither the public nor ministers seem to be much alarmed, the fears of the former have subsided, as the whipping season did not begin, and the latter betray no uneasiness, because they know the whole extent of the mischief.


Had it been prudent to push on Keegan's rebellion, the Doctor, like his medical friend, Coombe Drury, would be invested with a command, for his loyalty; we know the Doctor, because he negociated with the Major, for a literary or medical place, for the loss he sustained when we kicked him and his bawdy humour from our Magazine We know so much of him, that, he is situation where not qualified for any gunpowder is used, for you might tweak his nose, or take his post before you would provoke him to use such a hot medicine, though, his Breech or his country were in the most imminent

peril. The sight of a pistol would as effectually silence the Doctor, as ever his friend the Major's rope silenced a victim.


An American Newspaper remarks, very justly, that, dishonesty is necessary in the European states; alas! we have \reason to say, the unprecedented and universal indigence that covers Ireland has made crimes necessary to procure a temporary existence, in defiance of all the horrors, and pain of an infamous exit. A war of twenty years, a restricted trade, and extinguished independence, an emigrant nobility, and a man hunting resident gentry; have spread a picture of misery and exaspe ration through every description of our working people, that our goals are fall of our people, and our gibbets vibrating with victims. The facility with which some crimes can be committed, frequently tempt unrewarded industry, to venture life to obtain one wholesome meal, or an unusual covering; this is, an illicit It cannot be trade in Bank-notes. matter of surprise, that, an unfortunate man who can obtain no more than five pence a day, should be tempted to pass a counterfeit pound-note, the temptation is too strong for human The crime is nature to withstaud. committed, his family riots on one meal in their lives, and the gallows gets another customer. Mercy is seldom extended on such occasious, the sordid legalized Bankers demand the life of their unfortunate fellow creature, on every occasion, the executed accommo dates the thirst of gain, and the blood of the victim is posted up in their accounts, as a balance against the bill of their law-agent.


We have it from unquestionable authority, that, his Grace the Duke of Leinster means to honor us, by residing occasionally on his estates in Ireland, and for the purpose, his man

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sion house is repairing, English furniture is to replace the vulgar furniture of Irish manufacture, and English servants are to supersede such Irish ones as had the care of his Grace's houses, demesnes, &c. Notice has been served on the tables, hangings, glasses, carpets, and mere Irish, to vacate the respective premises by the first of May; this is the effect of the polished and patriotic English education his Grace received under that great statesman and friend to Ireland, Mr. Fox.

Dukes, Lords and statesmen at this day, behave very imprudently, by openly exhibiting their contempt for public opinion; public opinion is not always to be derided, we have seen Dukes, Lords and Statesmen, submit to publie opinion, but unfortunately for themselves, it was too late; they were obliged to retire to other climates, and public justice, and public opinion superseded them, as my Lord Duke's English carpets are to supersede the Irish carpets.


We find by another advertisement of this Society, that the patriotic gentlemen have not discontinued their petty finesse. They are to have a show of Broad-cloth and Kerseymeres, on the 11th instant; and of Fat Cattle on the 25th. No men who are not fools or knaves, could imagine, that, a nation could be so tricked as to believe, that the ten pounds premium which the Society offers, for the best Cloth and Kerseymere, would go down with the people, as a national encourage ment to our manufacture; while the British with their immense capitals, and unrestrained dominion over onr in dustry, are enabled to inundate our markets with their manufactures. The Farming Society oppose their TEN POUNDS to as many millions, brought against us by our natural rivals, and the Society expect our con. fidence and opprobation for humbug

ing us. We know as well as they do, encouragement is necessary to give a stimulus to industry, and we know TEN POUNDS expended twice in the year, is unequal to the professed intention; for we know, and any wretch, however stupid or beguiled knows, that it was not distributing ten pounds amongst the people of York. shire, or the West of England, that had the mighty effect of enabling them to export to the amount of forty-milli. ons sterling, of their cloths annually. Instead of ridiculing the industry of the nation by a bounty of ten pounds, they prohibited the exportation of Wool and Yarn, and gradually restrict. ed the importation of foreign cloths, until they could be dispensed with. But, the Irish are to be the silent dupes of the men who first betrayed our independence, and now would eradicate the means of existence, by wasting away the very remembrance of any industry we would exercise to the prejudice of the nation to whom we have been transferred. The world would see the object of the Farming Society by reading the names of the individuals who compose it, most of them were members of the parliament that sold us, among them is Mr. Foster, and the Hon. Denis Browne, who on the 28th of November last, excused Major Bingham, who was brought up for judgment, to the King's Bench, by making oath, that Major Bingham in the year 1798 extirpated a considerable number of the peasantry, in the vicinity of his estate, in the County Mayo, and so terrified the remainder, that, they took refuge in the fastnesses of Cunnemara. The object of this evidence was, to impress on the Court the patriotic and eminent services of Major Bingham, as a recommendation to the Judges for a mitigation of punishment. Mr. Browne is a member of the Farming Society for the encouragement of native industry; presume to say, there was more money expended in gunpowder on this lauda



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