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by pillars, form a piazza round the square, where the inhabitants may walk under cover. In the middle of the square a market is kept.

The streets and squares of Madrid, except the Plaza Mayor, which I have just described, are ornamented with fountains in a very ill taste. Those most to be distinguished in this particular, are the fountain of the small irregular square called Piaza di Antonio Martin, and that of the square named Puerta del Sol. The others are not more magnificient though less ridiculous. It was this purity of the air and excellent quality of the water which induced Philip II, and his successors to fix their residence in this


The houses are, in general, built of brick; there are several which are large and handsome: but I found few

and verdure; for what he calls Lus Delicias (the delights) on the side of the gate of Atocha, is little deserving of the name, as the most offensive smell continually exhales from a stagnant canal, called the canal of Manzanares, which has long been begun, but is not yet near finished. It cannot be denied but it would be of considerable utility for the facilitation of conveyacce, and would work several mills which have been built on its banks; but its waters will always have so little motion that there is to much cause to fear they might give birth to fevers and putrid diseases in the four or five leagues of country through which they are to take their languid course.

that are to be compared to the elegant Strictures on Captain Ouzley's Bio

edifices of the Rue Grenelle, or the Fauxbourg St. Honore, at Paris.


The city of Madrid contains fifteen gates, eighteen Parishes, thirtyfive convents for monks, and thirtyone of nuns; thirty-nine colleges, hospitals, or houses of charity; seven thousand three hundred and ninetyeight dwelling houses, and about a hundred and forty thousand inhabi. The Lombard traveller, father Caimo, tells us that fifty thousand sheep, and twelve thousand oxen are annually consumed there: to which his editor has added a ludicrous estimate of the onions and leeks devoured there which he says amount to 97000000000000000000 0000000000045, But to complain of the disagreeable smelis of the streets nor would he find all the perfumes of Arabia necessary to defend himself from them.

The environs of Madrid present the traveller with nothing agreeable Except the banks of the Manzanares, where he finds shade and coulness,


THE life of a living Lawyer in very flattering columns, bordering much on the marvellous, is just given to the public, as extracts from the Biographical pen of a Captain Ouzley. If such a Captain ever lived, we do not hesitate to say, he was very inaccurate in his tale, particularly in the map of family property he has drawn, and elevations he has made in Mary's-Lane, Strand Street, and Britain-Street, as well as in his chronological statement. We have papers before us at present, that differ materially from poor dead Captain Ouzley, i. e. real leases made of most of the old houses in two of the streets mentioned, and we cannot discover the name even of a witness to one of the deeds, which bear any likeness to the Milesian cognomens, said to be taken from the Captain's notes, so far we dispute with the learned, but dead, Captain in the case of


property, taken from the illustrious family, under the operation of the "Popery laws." In another point the biographer, whom we seriously think to be a lawyer instead of a captain, we are obliged to correct on the score of chronology, for he sends his hero on his travels to London, oppressed with grief at the recent death of his mother in the year 1771. To controvert this fact, we are in possession of a number of the Hibernial Journal of the year 1771, then printed in Meathstreet, in which our travelling hero, as Captain Ouzely has him, advertises as a huxter and grocerman in Mary's-lane. We are not at present prepared to dispute with a dead officer, on other topics mentioned in his notes, such as the heroism of the young lawyer, contending with Lord George Gordon's army of fanatics, to defend the Bishop of Lincoln; and the eminence of his hero atthe English Bar, as leading council with Lord Erskine, and such brilliant atchievements so expressive of great personal courage, presence of mind, legal talents, and literary acquirements. As we differ so materially with the Captain, we are happy, if he ever was an inhabitant of this world, to hear he

is dead, as we have no ambition of entering the list where literary or military fame is to be acquired, with such a shrewd, spirited and brave man as Captain Ouzely must have been, if we are to judge of his great mind and great extensive eru. dition, by the noble subject that employed his pen. Swift descended in the fervour of genius to praise horses at the expense of humanity; Captain Ouzely has done the like, to raise the reputation of other ani mals, as much distinguished for their incapacity and effrontery, as human nature is for its vices.

The biographer of the lawyer, as the defunct Captain, is reported to the public to be, has given the reputation of property to his legal friend, and the laws against popery are quoted as evidences of his premature indigence. If we dare des cend to personal Biography, and if the London stews preserved any registers of their vices, their pimps and panders, we could collect materials that would recommend, and even authorise some men, who mingled literary assumption of character with the industry of Male Bawds, to a distinguished rank at the Bar.

We are requeled by a correfpondent as a test of our impartiality to infert the following atter, late y.published by COYNE Capel Street.


Whenever I have had the honour to addrefs your Lordship, I have invariable confidered you as the natural and relpected head of the Roman Catholic people of Ireland. I have placed you in that ftation which ennobles Tank, and gives a folid and imperifhable character to a name, which in the tircle you have the happiness to move, enjoys unlimited confidence and unprecedented affection. It is not my It is not my office to flatter; it is my duty my Lord to speak truth, and the recollection of pallevents directs my pen to the record of acts, which command the gratitude of every man who has a heart to feel for the emancipation of his countrymen. I cannot trace back the events of the last four years without bearing teftimony to the difintereft. edness, the purity, and the honourable feeling which diftinguished your Lordship in every tranfiction which concerned the interefts of the tholics of Ireland-I cannot reflect on your delicate,, though embarraffed feelings on the memorable negotia tion of 1805 with his Majeft's mini. Rters, without tellifying that gratitude which is due to fervices volun tary and unpenfioned; I cannot con ceal my refpe&t for that mind, which gives its exertions in porportion to the obloquy of its enemies, and measures its kindness by the magnitude of the calumny which impeaches it; I have witneffed with much pain the exertions which have been made by men of no inferior rank of no inferior talent of honeft and zealous hearts againft the character of your Lordship, and of those with whom you have had the honour to advife; I have witnessed with forrow the unworthy efforts of

minds born to better purpofes) te divide and diftract, and weaken our unfortunate country, by reprefenting your Lordship and your friends, as the enemies of the Catholics of Ireland, and by pointing you out as the betrayers of Irish freedom. This, my Lord, is a cruel denunciation. Do the people of Ireland, who have witneffed the tranfactions of the Irish Catholics fince the year 1805 believe the calumny? Will the Catholics of Ireland, who have witneffed your labours in their caufe, the money you have expended in preffing forward their petition, the indultry you have manifefted, the zeal you have difplayed, and above ail, the unconquerable integrity with which you have met all parties, whether minifterial or oppofition, furrender their understandings to the factious cry which has been raised against a nobleman, whom they cannot pull from his juft and proper ftation, but by a fuccefsful rivalry of his virtues and integrity? Do they flatter themfelves by thinking that the people of Ireland will fubmit to an unreafon bl feparation from their natural heads, advifers and friends? Do the calumniators of my Lord Fngal and Mr M'Donnell fuppofe that they are fupporting the Interells of the Irish Catholics, when they are endeavouring to degrade those nien who ands higheft in the contemplation of the empire, whofe names hen Ireland is talked of) are first mentioned by the member of the imperial parliament, whofe characters are inquired into as the measure of Irish refpecta lity, and whofe vii aes and whofe integrity, and whofe independence (at the head of the Catholic people) are taken into confi deration as the materials on which their judgments with refpect to Ire land may be formed, and the ground." work on which their councils hall be: founded When fuch a man as Sarsa 3 M

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held draws his pen against a worthy and refpected fellow-citizen, to gratify the malignity of party, it becomes a fource of real forrow and facere disappointment. I have feen no exertion more worthy of the caufe in which he has embarked than Sarsfield's. I have read his lines with pleafure, and with forrow; with pleafure, when he spoke his own feelings; with forrow, when he uttered the fentiments of faction When Sarsfield drew a line between the no bility and gentry, and people of Ireland, give me leave to fay he was as weak as he was deftrudive; when he degraded my Lord Fingal, to raife up the character of another, he was impolitic; but Sarsfield was unjult when he confounded years of error with years of truth, of virtue, and of unwearied exertions; let it not be forgotten that the Catholics of this country can no longer be divided, that the recollection of paft mistakes, of old errors, can no lon ger feperate the mafs of our people from the councils of a noble Lord, who, fince he has began to think for himfelf, has acted with honour and with purity. Does not Sarsfield and Laicus know that Ireland divided is contemptible? Do they not feel that the triumph of a faction is the extinction of our hopes, and the fig mal of victory to our enemies is the alumny and degradation of fuch ames as Lord Fingal and Randal M'Donnell ? Look to the exclamations of the Giffards, "The Cacholics of Ireland abuse and malign ach other; this is our time: let us, How move forward in the race of monopoly." I am well aware of the feelings with which Sarsfield writes; I am aware of his fenfibility to the weakness and the folly, and the vice of thofe men, who have once difgraced the Catholic body of Ireland; feeling as he does, I am not furprifed that in hisclofet he would give vent

to his honeft and uninfluenced underftanding; but when Sarsfield is about to come before the world, he will pardon me when I advife him to fupprefs his indignation, and filence his feelings; they are very unwife. though they should be true; they are very injurious, though they fhould be well intended. Though Sarsfield fhould indulge himself by taking a retrofpective view of the Catholic body, though he fhould call to our remembrance the feceders of 1-93 from the cause of the people, though he should paint their pufillanimity and their crimes in the moft glowing colours, and hold up their example to his countrymen as a leffon of inftruction, as a proof of the great public injury which mult ever flow from deferting the mass of our fellow citizens-though Sarsfield fhould do all this, why difgrace his page with fcurrility which no one credits, and every man loathswhy stoop to the meanness of perfonal detraction in one paragraph, while he is pleading the cause of truth and his country in another? What faid Mr. Keogh on a memorable* occafion? I have heard (faid this acute obferver of human nature) that our object is to traduce and calumniate the character of a respected fellow citizen, that our object is to make hin odious to his countrymen. The charge is as falfe as it foolish. Vr. M'Donnell needs no defence but his character. Let him hold up this fhield and he may bid defiance to the most envenomed fhafts of his enemies. Will not Sarsfield believe the teftimony of fuch an au thority as Mr. Keogh the compli ment was an honourable to the fpeaker as to the man on whom it was conferred, Let us therefore have no perfonality-no more Billingsgate— it is matter of which every man who can wield a pen may command an

† At the meeting of the Catholies at Stephen's-Green in 18ee

abundance-unworthy of Sarsfield difgraceful to his great caufe, and deftructive of the harmony of his most respected fellow citizens. When I took up my pen to addrefs this let ter to your Lordship, I did mean to devout fo much time to the confideration of the calumnies which have been lately published against your character, and the reputation of thofe with whom you have had the honour to act for the lait five years-as I wrote on, the importance of refutation preffed on my mind; and the great public fervice which muft flow from the bold and open affertion of the claims of your Lordship on the gratitude of your country, has arged me to poftpone fo long the cofideration of a question which now occupies the minds of our country. men of every perfuafion. This queftion has already been decided on, and its decifion has been marked with features, which in my mind have raised the importance and confe. quence and weight of our country higher than any tranfaction fince the memorable affertion of the right by the Volunteers of Ireland, It is a proud and glorious diftinction, that when we loft our conftitution by the treason of a faction, we were not at he fame moment furrendering the ower of our clergy over the religion, the morals, and the habits of our people; that one tribunal itill remained, which corruption and violence affailed in vain; that the power which robbed us of our pride and dignity as a nation, could not defpoil us of our reverence for the immemorial ufage of our church, and that if a change were to be effected, fuch change fhould flow from the heart and the unobtruded reflection of the natural guardians of the interefts of religion, and not be extorted from perfecuted people in the hour of their calamity and fufferance. But my Lord, what shall I fay of

this folemn mockery which has mufed the empire for fo many months What words thall I make use of to exprefs my indignation against the fooled and be fotted understanding of those statemen, who with a grave and legislative deportment, propose that his Majefty fhall (to induce him, forfooth, to recommend our claims to his parliament,) control the nomination the Catholic Bishops of Ireland? Were Mr. Grattan or Mr. Ponfonby ferious when they made, the propofal? Were they ferious, when they ftated that fuch a conceffion on the part of Ireland, would haffen its emancipation? Were they ferious when they held cut this as the grand and impaffable bar to the freedom of their countrymen? It it— my Lord Fingal-in the pride and plentitude of Buonapar.'s power? Is it at a period when Catholic Spain is fighting in the cause of freedom, and the principal Protestant states of Continental Europe are fighting againft it? Is it at a period when the Irish Catholic is pouring out his blood and his treafure in defence of the fupremacy of England, in fupport of her religion, her laws, and her liberty? Is it at a period when the enlightened Proteftants of England and Ireland, are calling for the emancipation of their countrymen, unfhackled by vetos or political controuls? Is it during this great and command ng scene that we fee members of parlia ment (who we thought poffeffed expaned, strong, and legislative minds) driving their little trade of pounds, fhillings and pence, or playing their little game of clerks, of profit and lofs, with the feelings, the honour, and the confcience of their country.

Whether the power of control which has been offered by those high and eminent ftatelmen to be vefted in his Majesty be injurious or otherwife to the interefts of religion, 1 am not competent, nor am I wil

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