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He was cut down before he was half dead, and so dismembered and ripp'd up; and as the hangman plucked out his heart, he lifted himself up a little, and, as some that stood near report, spoke these words, "I forgive the queen and all that were causers of my death :" but I, though I saw his lips move, yet heard not so much; and the hangman had three or four blows at his head before he could strike it off. His quarters were hanged on four gates of the city, and his head set upon London-bridge

Mr. Nelson suffered at Tyburn, Feb 3, 1577-8. Of him Mr. Stow in his Chronicle, writes thus. John Nelson, for denying the queen's supremacy, and such other traitor. ous words against her majesty, was drawn from Newgate to Tyburn, and there hanged, bowelled, and quartered. One Sherwood was also hanged for the like treason-February 7.

A Dialogue between Jack Farrell of the Barony of Fort, and his neighbour Billy Dowling, concerning the nomination of the Catholic Bishops by the King. This dialogue was overheard by a gentleman in the County of Wexford, who favoured the editor with a copy in writing.

JACK. Ah then, Billy, is that a newspaper you have? will you tell us what strange thing or other is going forward among the Parlia ment men, or on the Continent?

BILLY. Why then, faith it is, Jack, a newspaper, and little you know the contents of it. I am just after being at the parish priest's and he gave it to me to shew the neighbours a terrible thing that is in it.-Oh, Jack, the priest told me more to-day than ever I knew before, and even yet my very heart's blood is boiling from what I heard from him. The newspaper has the the Catholic debates in it.-He brought it in his pocket from Dublin, where he learned every syllable he told me.

JACK. Arrah, Billy, don't be making long preambles but tell us at once the whole of it.-Is the French bet a vourneen, or what else is the matter that makes you look so as you do?

BILLY. There, read Harry Grattan's speech and you'll see what frets me and after that read Mr. Ponsonby's and you'll know the very bottom of the business. (after reading both the speeches Billy continues.) Well now what do you think-sure they are going to make the King a Pope instead OF THE POPE.-Myself would not believe a thousand newspapers that it was true, if Father Murphy did not tell me that it was a real fact. -Oh, the Lord Almighty save the poor Irish, if they are to be given up at last by their very Bishops.But one does not know what may come to pass. These great Catholic folks, it seems, will give up any thing to get into parliament, and to be made judges and generals. I wish they'd read their recantation at once, and then they! would not bring us to shame after suffering so long.


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JACK Oh, Chrest, Chreesthu, does Doctor Troy do all this? BILLY. Ay, and a great deal more.-Father Murphy says he is a complete government man, and fond of high life, and does not care about any person but the great ones-and he says that it was by his means that Bishop Ryan was made a bishop, instead of some one of our county Wexford priest's. -But it seems bishop Ryan is brother to Ryan the speecher at the Catholic meetings, and a cousin of Rondle Mac Donald's, and that it was by their means he had interest to be consecrated

JACK Oh then, Billy, it was a hard case that Father Chapman, or some other of our priests was not made a bishop; since Doctor Troy makes such bishops they might as well be appointed by the King

BILLY. But take this with you -tho' it would not be much harm if the power of making a bishop was taken from Doctor Troy, yet it is natural that he cannot now

have much time to live, and who knows but Docter Coppinger, that gave the roasting to Lord Redes dale, might become Archbishop of Dublin.

JACK. That I may live to see that day 'Tis then we would not have to complain of crouching to this great man or that great man tho' until this very day I never thought that Bishops went on with such practises.

BILLY. Jack, my dear, you know you are a peor ignorant man, the parish priest never used to tell you any thing, but I, who know how to argufy a little and gets the newspaper once a week, have a right to be better informed about these kind of matters-and since I told you so much I'll tell you more about all the great folks that Father Murphy calls Antipopery club-men. Now, as how, Jack, you must know that there is in Dublin amongst these head men, a thing called a haristocracy, and that every one who belongs to this haristocracy, have a spirit of doing every thing for their own advantage, and that they don't care. half a rap-farthing for their country or their religion either, only that they are ashamed to become turncoats. There's lords and counsellers and rich merchants amongst them, but not one of them, Father Murphy says, has an ounce of larning or genie, tho' they are great talkers and speechifiers.

JACK Go on with that, Billy -a body feels great comfort in knowing whether these fellows who make so great a noise in the speeching-houses about Catholic emancipation, are rascals or not.

BILLY. Rascals, a tourneen faith then if they are not they are not far from it. I have a long string of their names in my pocket.


which Father Murphy gave me, but I'll not shew it to you now. Sure, if they were not baseborn rascals, they would not have such a contempt both for the poor people and for the Clergy. The last Catholic meeting, Father Murphy says, that the old whiskeyseller's son had a motion for keeping out every body but an estated man, and no clergyman at all shew his face there. Now, Jack, I who knows what a good honest priest is, would take my oath that they have more love of their country in their little finger, than all the Anti-popery club men in all their soul and body-but for all that let the priest have ever so much learning, he must not meddle with affairs, and will be told by one of those ignorant merchants who want to curry favour with Government, to mind nothing but his breviary.-Myself thinks that after God a body should love their country next, and has not a good priest as much, if not more feel ings, than any of those fellows.

JACK. You are right, Billy, and we'll stick to the poor clargy in spite of all the nobs.

BILLY. Faith and so we ought, Jack, for they stuck to us all along and suffered for us sorely-and as Father Murphy says, that the clergy will stand out, even if the Bishops give up to the King the appointment of themselves, we'll keep to them still. But, however, the Bishops will not, for Father Murphy was told in Dublin, that they are to meet on the 14th September, and that Doctor Reilly the first primate, said to Doctor Troy that he would cut off his hand before he'd sign any paper giving to the King any such power and I believe all the other Bishops, except three or four who do

any thing which Doctor Troy bids. them, will side him.

JACK. The Lord send it, for my own part I'd help to nail up the chapel door against any Bishop or Priest who'd be sent to us by the government, for they could not be good coming from people that want to convert us from our own old faith, tho' I don't hate any | body on account of their religion.

BILLY. Nor I neither, but you know that the Catholics could not stand if there was a separation between the clargy and the people, and this would follow from their being appointed by the Govern ment.

JACK. But, Billy, there is one thing I want to know which I can't account for.-How could Grattan or Ponsonby say in the Parliament house that the clergy and people were ready to give the nomination of Bishops to the King if they had not some authority for it?

BILLY. "Tis I that will explain that to you, for Father Murphy satisfied my own curosity to my heart's content on it. Oh, it was the most intriguing, cunning trick in the world; but Lord Fingal and Doctor Troy, and the rest of them, who thought to play the game unknown to any body, are now biting their lips.-I'll tell you what they thought to do,-Says Lord Fingal to Doctor Troy," My Lord, we will get every thing we want from the Government if we are satisfied to give up the appointment of the heads of the clergy." "Well, (says Dr. Troy) but how is it to be done; for if the people hear that such a thing is on foot they'll never agree to it "Why (says Lord Fingal) the only way I sec, is first to commit the bu siness in parliament, and then the Bishops will be ashamed and afraid to retract. For this reason let us


instruct Mr. Grattan and Mr. Ponsonby to declare, when the petition comes on to be debated, that we are all ready to resign this appointing power to the King, and the Catholics will agree to it."This, or something like it, was the conversation which took place between these two gentlemen; and Dr. Milner was accordingly desired to tell the parliament men the whole of it. This is the very way they thought to take us in, but you see how they are foiled; for the Catholic bishops, nor clergy, nor any of the people except the haristacracy, will ever agree to it.

[Here the Dialogue ended we regret that the two brave honest fellows did not say more.]

would sooner lose the last drop of my blood than be instrumental to any AcCatholic King's obtaining any power or influence over any part of the Catholic church, and much more to his obtaining supremacy in it. If I am not the greatest hypocrite that ever took a pen in hand my numerous publications on the very subject of supremacy and spiritual power, particularly my Letter on the appointment of Bishops, my Divine right of episcopacy, my Ecclesiastical democracy detected, an 1 various pas sages in my History of Winchester, and Letters to a Prebendary, ought to convince every man of common sense and common candour, that I cannot be an abettor of the system imputed to me. But I find that the cry of Church in danger is capable of extinguishing both sense and candour amongst Catholics as well

DR. MILNER AND THE ANTI-PO- as Protestants. Oh! Sir, could I


(From the Evening Herald.)

THE following is the postcript of a letter received by Mr. Coyne of Capel-street from Dr. Milner, and which the true patriotic divine has requested him to publish in the Evening Herald, as necessary to counteract the evil tendency of the reports lately spread to his prejudice. After reading the document, no Irish Catholic can longer believe that he has lent his assistance to any project that would rest in the King the nomination of the R. C. Biskops of Ireland.

P. S. You will have seen some cruel attacks upon me in the Newspapers, and these by gentlemen from whom I expected the greatest support. I wish you on every occasion, and in the most public manner you can, to assure Catholics of every description that I

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After a variety of difficulties and discouragements, he completed his intention in 1433, recording the particulars of his travels at the express desire of the duke his master. The journey from Ghent across the Apennines to Venice, and from Venice to Jaffa, in a galley, affords scarcely any thing to interest. Damascus is still more particularly described than JerusaIcm; though La Brocquiere seems to have received no favourable impressions of the inhabitants From Damascus, having parted with his friends who had hitherto accom panied him, he set out upon his meditated journey, having in the hrst instance only a moucre (or Mameluke guide) for his companion: but joining a caravan, he proceeded onward in company. On the road (says our author) I made acquaintance with some of my fellow-travellers, who, when they found out that I lodged with a Frank, came to ask me to procure them some wine. This liquor is forbidden them by their religion, and they dare not drink it before their own countrymen, but they hoped to do it without risk at the house of a Frank, and yet they were returning from Mecca! I spoke of it to my host Laurent; but he said he was afraid to comply, from the great danger he should run were it known. I went to carry them his answer; but they had been more fortunate elsewhere, in procuring some at the house of a Greek They proposed that I should accompany them to partake, whether from pure friendship or to authorize them to drink wine in the presence of the Greek This man conducted us to a small gallery, where we all six seated ourselves in a circle on the floor.

He first placed in the midst of us a large and handsome earthen jug, that might contain four gallons at least; he then brought for each of us a pot full of wine, which he pour ed into the jug, and placed beside it two earthen porringers to serve for glasses. The first two began, drank to his companion, according to their custom; this did the same to the next and so on to others. We drank in this manner for a long time without eating; at length, I pereived that I could no longer continue it without suffering, and begged of them, with uplifted hands, to permit me to leave off; but they grew very angry, and complained as if I had been resolved to interrupt their pleasures and do them al injury. Fortunately there was one among them more acquainted with me than the rest, and who loved me so that he called me • Kardays,' that is to say, Brother. He offered to take my place, and to drink for me when it should be my turn. This appeased them, and, having accepted the offer, the party continued until evening, when it was necessary for us to return to the khan." After minutely relating his travels from Syria till he crossed the haven to Constantinople, he gives sufficient details to account for the successes of the Turks in 1453. The description of the empress, as La Brocquire saw her, is entertaining, "She wore in her ears broad and flat rings, set with several precious stones, especially rubies. She looked young and fair, and handsomer than when I saw her in church. In one word, I should not have had a fault to find with her, had she not been painted, and assuredly she had not any need of it.”

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