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Leafe-holders for 3 lives, 3, viz. 3 1 having 120 acres. I having 96 acres.

I having 48 acres.

Leafe-holders for Years 5, viz.

1 having 102 acres.

2 having 96 acres a piece. 1 having 168 acres.

1 having 100 acres.

Cottagers, 25:

Each man a tenement, a fmall quantity of land, and commons for certain numbers of cattle.

Total 41 families, which do confift of 80 men at arms.

Thirty fix of the heads of these families have now taken the oath of fupremacy.

I find upon thefe lands good tillage and husbandry, according to the English manner.

II. 1000 acres.

John Hamilton, Efq. hath 1000 acres, called Kilcloghan.

one to be eighty feet long, and the other fixty, and each to be twenty feet in breadth. There is alfo a village, confifting of eight houses joining to the bawne, being all in habited with British tenants, Alfo a water-mill and five houtes adjoyning to it.

Upon this proportion there is built a bawne of lime and ftone eight feet fquare, and thirteen feet high, with two round towers for flankers, being twelve feet le piece in the diameter: there is alfo begun a ftone houfe, which is now one ftorie high, and is intended to be four ftories high, being forty eight feet long, and twenty four feet broad, befides two towers which he vaulted, and do flank the house. There is alfo another bawne near adjoining to the former bawne, which is built of ftone and clay, being one hundred feet fquare, and twelve feet high and in that bawne there are begun two houses of clay and ftone, the

I find planted and eftated upon this land of British birth and defcent,

Free-holders 2, viz.

2 having too acres le piece.

Leffees for years, 6, viz. 6 having 48 acres le piece.

Cottagers 7.

Each of these have a house and garden, plott, and commons for four cows.

In total 15 in family, which confift of forty men armed. Thefe 15 principal tenants, have all taken the Oath of Supremacy.

Here is good tillage and hubandry after the manner of the English.

III. 1000 acres.

William Hamilton, Efq. holdeth 1000 acres called Dromuck.

Upon this proportion there is a bawn of lyme and ftone, being eighty feet fquare, with two round towers for flankers, and two stories high vaulted, the wall itfelf being thirteen feet high. Within the bawn there is a houfe of lyme and ftone, thirty fix feet long, twenty feet broad, and near to this bawn there is a village confifting of five houfes, being all British families.

I find planted and eftated upon this land, of British birth and defcent.


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ing of the college lately established at Douay, in Flanders, he went over thither, in the year 1544 in order to qualify himfelt there by virtue and learning, for the priestly miniftry, by which he might be of fervice to his native country, in teclaiming finners from the errors of their ways. Accordingly, being judged by his fuperior duly qualified, he was by them prefented to holy orders, and was ordained prieft at Bynche, by the archbishop of Cam-fo, whether then he were a fchif bray, in June 1576, at the fame time with Mathieurs John Collington, Jonas Meredith, Roger Wakeman, and Richard Chapman. And he was fent upon the English miffion the 7th of November, the fame year.

voluntary departure from the unity of the catholic Roman faith. Then (feeking to enfnare him) they further urged, what is the queen then, a fchifmatic or no? He anfwered, he could not tell, becaufe he knew not her mind in fetting forth or maintaining of, the religion now publicly ufed in England. The commiffioners replied, that the queen did both promulgate it and maintain it; and preffed him to tell them, if he did

Mr. Nelfon t was taken in London, upon the 1st of December, 1577, late in the evening, as he was faying the matins for the next day following, and was prefently fent to prifon upon fufpicion of papistry, as they term the catholic faith. And, after five or fix days, he was brought forth to be examined before the high commiffioners. Here they tendered him the oath of the queen's fupremacy, which he refuted to take; and being fked, why he would not fwear? he answered, because he had never heard, or read, that any lay prince could have that pre-eminence. And being further demanded, who then was the head of the church? be answered, fincerely and boldly, that the pope's holiness was, to whom that fupreme authority in earth was due, as being Chrift's vicar, and the lawful fucceffor of St, Peter.

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Secondly, They afked him his opinion of the religion now practifed in England to which he answered, without any hefitation, that it was both fchifmatical and heretical Whereupon they bid him define what schifin was: he told them, it was a

matic and a heretic or no? Mr. Nelfon paufed a while, as being unwilling to exafperate his prince, if he might have chofen, but yet more unwilling to offend God and his own confcience, and to give fcandal to the world; then he answered, conditionally, if the be the fetter forth, faid he, and defender of this religion, now practifed in England, then the is a fchifmatic and a heretic. Which anfwer when they had extorted out of him, they faid, he had fpoken enough, they fought no more at his hands.

So he was fent back to prison, and about feven weeks after was brought forth to his trial, where the fame queftions being again propofed to him, and he answering ftill the felffame to every queftion, as he had done before, fentence of death was pronounced against him, as against one guilty of treafon, 1ft 1577-8. When the fentence was pronounced against him, he never changed his countenance, nor did there ever ap pear in him the sign of a troubled mind; but he took his condemna. tion very meekly, and prepared bimfelf with a good courage for death. The jailor's wife moved with compaffion, offered him wine, thereby, as the thought, to affuage the heaviness of his mind. But he would not tafte it, faying, that he rather defired a cup of cold water,


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as more meet for him. And from the very hour the fentence was pronounced against him, till the hour of his death, he took no other food but bread and final!-beer.

He was fo delighted with prayer and fecret meditation, that he would not hear of any other things will ingly, efpecially if they were wordly matters. A friend of his advised him to read and meditate upon the lives and deaths of the martyrs. Though he disliked not the counfel, yet he answered. that (by God's mercy) he had enough to occupy his mind withal, and to meditate upon full well. And being put in mind, by the fame friend, with what ala crity and joy of mind many thoufand martyrs had fuffered the most exquifite torments for Chrift's fake, and that they never complained nor shrunk thereat: he answered, that this fame thought came often to his mind, and afforded him fuch comfort, that he no ways doubted but that he should find and feel the (like) grace of God's confolation in the midst of his agony. And furely this courage and willingness to die came from this: that on the Thursday before his arraignment and death; he had cleanfed his confcience by confeffion, and had fortified himself by receiving the blested facrament of the altar for a prielt coming to vifit him, with others in company defirous to communicate at Mr. Nelfon's hands, withing it might be upon Candlemas day, becaufe of the folemnity of the feat. After they had considered of the matter, they faw it was no fit day becaufe fuch festivals are more fubject to fufpicion; and therefore they concluded to defer it till the day after Candlemas day but Mr. Nelfon wifhed rather to prevent the feast, and to communicate upon the Thursday before; which was done though (at that time) neither he nor any of his

friends fufpected that he should fo fhortly come to his martyrdom. When, behold! the very next day after, word was brought him, that he was to be arraigned on the morrow, and fhould be undoubtedly condemned, If he did not revoke his former words: and fo it fell out indeed, as you have heard.' Sa that it was God's fpecial providence that he pitched upon the Thursday before the feaft; for otherwise he muft have died without the facred viaticum.'

• Upon Monday, the 3d of February, being thejday of his martyrdom, he came very early, before day, up to the higher part of the prifon; whereas, from Saturday till then, he had been kept in a low dungeon. Two of his nearestkins. men coming to him, found him earneft at his prayers, with his hands joined together and lifted up infomuch that the other prifoners there prefent did both mark it. and wonder at it much, when they had talked awhile together, and he faw them fo full of forrow that they had much ado to abftain from weeping, yet for all that he was nothing move himfelf, neither gave any sign or appearance of forrow, either in voice or countenance; but rebuked them, faying, that he looked for fome com fort and confolation of them, in that cafe, and not by their tears to be oc casioned to grieve; willing them farther, to lament and weep for their own sins and not for him; for he had a fure confidence that all fhould go well with him.

When his kinsmen took their laft farewel of him, they fell into fuck immoderate tears and lamentations, that he was fomewhat moved therewith, but stayed and repreffed nature by and-by, and fo difmiffed them:

(To be Continued")

The following original Essay on the Chronology of the Septuagint, has been given for insertion in the IRISH MAGAZINE, by a very celebrated Professor of Divinity at present in this country. It was written in French by the Author, but considering its importance in settling a disputed point contested by such great men as Usher, Newton, and others of as equal note, we do not deem the time lost which we have spent in its translation.

On the preference to be given to the Chronology of the Septuagint in calculating the Age of the World.

"This Dissertation on Chronology " is very important.—ist. As an arti"cle of learned information-2nd. "As the basis of history.-3d. As a "vindication of Moyses's narration, "who according to the ancient He. "brew text and the version of the "seventy, would have placed the "creation of the world at an epoch "sufficiently remote for agreeing with "the different events in profane his tory, which, according to the pre"sent Hebrew text, is impossible."


1. Whenever our Saviour himself quoted any passages of the Scriptures, they were conformable to the ancient or Septuagint text. 2. The aposties also when they carried the Gospel throughout the earth, and left it to all the churches, made use of the Septu. agint text, and it continued to be used for the first six ages, as will be after. wards demonstrated. 3. We may judge of the exactness and authenticity of the translation, when we consider it to have been the effect of a special design of Providence. Without it the Jews would have been able to conceal or falsify the Hebrew text, which they alone possessed, or through

their hatred to Christianity they might give a corrupt translation to the other nations. "Nunquam dubitassent comburere Scripturas," says St. Irenous, they never would have hesitated to burn the Scriptures. But the Septuagint translation being made they were in the hands of the Gentiles as well as the Jews, and any alteration or falsification could be detected.

4. The universal church which received this translation of the Scriptures from the Apostles, acknowledged no other during the first six ages; and even to this day the Greek church allow no other, for this we have the authority of St. Augustin De Civit: Dei: L: 18: C: 43"Quæ Septuaginta est, tanquam sola esset, sic recepit ecclesia, eaque utuntur Græci populi Christiani, quorum plerique, utrum alia sit aliqua, guo


5. All the ancient authors, ecclesiastical or profane who have written on the age of the world, agree with the Septuagint very nearly.

DEMETRIUS PHALERUS (different, from him of Athens,) who flourished in Egypt under Prolemy Lagus, according to others under Philadelphus, reckons from the creation of the world to the fourth year of the reign of Philometer the VI. king of Egypt, in whose time he published his writings, 5494 years. Those added to the 177 which elapsed from thence to the coming of Christ, make 5671 years.

PHILO the Elder, who lived about the same time and a little before the Machabees, and whom some consider as the compiler of the Book of Wisdom, does not differ much from this calculation when he treats of the kings of Juda.

EUPOLEMUS, who was sent. ambassador to Rome by Judas Machabeus, writing on the same subject, counts from the creation of the world



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