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AMONG other works he wrote "The Diamond of Deuotion, cut and squared into six seuerall points: namely, The Footpath to Felicitie; A Guide to Godlines; The Schoole of Skill; A Swarme of Bees; A Plant of Pleasure; A Grove of Grace. Full of many fruitfull lessons availeable to the leading of a godly and reformed life." This volume, which is part prose and part poetry, was published in 1602.



ELUIDEN wrote "A Newe-yeare's Gift to the rebellious persons in the North Partes of England," which was published in 1570, and which is not mentioned by any bibliographer.



THIS author wrote "An Aunswere to the Proclamation of the Rebels in the North," which was "imprinted by William Seres,” and published in 1569.



NELSON was the author of a work entitled, "A Short Discourse: expressing the substaunce of all the late pretended treasons against the Queen's Maiestie and estates of this realme, by sondry traytors, who were executed for the same on the 20 and 21 daies of September last past, 1586. Whereunto is adioyned A Godly Prayer for the safetie of her highnesse person, her honorable counsaile, and all other her obedient subiects."



THE Epitaph from which the extract given in these pages is derived was printed as a broadside, and is not dated; but it is mentioned by Herbert as licensed to R. Johnes in 1568.



WROTE an "Epitaph on Lady Mary Ramsey, etc." which was printed in 1602. One of the extracts is from that work: the other is part of an Epitaph upon Bishop Jewel, which was printed as a broadside in





FOOLES, that true fayth yet neuer had,
Sayth in their harts, there is no God!
Fylthy they are in their practyse,
Of them not one is godly wyse.

From heauen th' Lorde on man did loke,
To know what wayes he undertoke:
All they were vague, and went a straye,
Not one he founde in the ryght waye;
In hart and tunge haue they deceyte,
The lyppes throwe fourth a poysened bayte;
Their myndes are mad, their mouthes are wode,
And swift they be in shedynge blode :
So blynde they are, no truth they knowe,
No feare of God in them wyll growe.
How can that cruell sort be good,

Of God's dere folcke whych sucke the blood?
On hym ryghtly shall they not call;
Dyspaire wyll so their hartes appall.
At all tymes God is with the just,
Bycause they put in hym their trust.
Who shall therefor from Syon geue
That helthe whych hangeth on our b'leue?
When God shall take from hys the smart,
Then wyll Jacob rejoice in hart.
Prayse to God.




The Argument.

Of Sabbath day the solemn feast
Doth vs excyte by rest,

God's mighty workes that we declare:—
Loue him for all the best.

Bonum est confiteri.

1 A JOYFULL thyng to man it is,
The Lord to celebrate;

To thy good name, O God so hye,
Due laudes to modulate:

2 To preach, and shew thy gentlenes
In early mornyng lyght;
Thy truth of worde to testifie
All whole by length of nyght.

3 Upon the psalme, the decachord,
Upon the pleasant lute,

On sounding, good, sweete instruments, With shaumes, with harpe, with flute. 4 For thou hast ioyed my fearefull hart, O Lord, thy workes to see; And 1 with prayse will iust rejoyce These handy-workes of thee.

5 How glorious, O blessed Lord, Be these the factes of thine!

Thy thoughts be depe, thy counsayles hye, İnscrutable, deuyne.

12 The true, elect, and ryghteous man,
Shall florishe lyke the palme;
As Ceder tree in Lybanus

Hymselfe shall sprede wyth balme.

13 Depe planted, they, in rootes alway
In God's swete house to bide,
Shall florish lyke, in both the courtes
Of this our God and guyde.

14 In age most sure, they shall encrease
Theyr fruit abundantly;

Well likying they, and fat shall be,
To bear most fruitfully.

15 That is to say, they out shall preach
This Lord's true faithfulness,

Who is my strength and mighty rocke;
Who hateth unryghteousness.


Almighty God, which art the contynuall ioye and perpetuall felicitye of all thy sayntes, whom thou doost inwardly water with the dew of thy heauenly grace, whereby thou makest them to floryshe like the palme tree in the celestiall courts of thy Church: we besech thee that thou would so discusse from vs the burdenous weight of sinne, that we may enioye their felowship. Christ etc.


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