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But Elizabeth's fears were groundless; her sister | cumstance which did not seem exactly calculated had no intention of taking her life; and a few to give him confidence. The Lord-admiral of days after, on the 19th of May, the royal captive England fired at the Spanish navy when Philip was conveyed by water from the Tower to Rich- was on board, because they had not lowered their mond: from Richmond she was removed to topsails as a mark of deference to the English Windsor, and from Windsor to Woodstock, where navy in the narrow seas. Four days after his

WOODSTOCK, as existing A.D. 1714.

she was finally fixed under the vigilant eyes of the severe and suspicious Bedingfield. Six days after her liberation, Courtenay, Earl of Devon, was delivered out of the Tower and sent down to Fotheringay Castle, where he was watched with equal vigilance. Meanwhile preparations were making for the queen's marriage, and the people of London occasionally gave unequivocal proofs of their hatred of it, and of the changes introduced in the national religion. On one Sunday in June, as Dr. Pendleton was preaching Papistry at Paul's Cross, he was shot at and nearly killed. A little before, the court and clergy were greatly enraged at finding a cat, with her head shorn and dressed like a Roman priest, hanged on a gallows in Cheapside; and a little after, a still more violent excitement was produced by a poor wench who played the part of a spirit, and anticipated some of the impositions of the Cock Lane ghost, "expressing certain seditious words against the queen, the Prince of Spain, the mass, confession, &c."1

On the 19th of July, Philip, Prince of Spain, arrived in Southampton Water. As the Count of Egmont, one of his ambassadors, had been violently assaulted some short time before by the people, who took him for his master, Philip came well attended with a body-guard and troops, and he lingered a few days at the place of his disembarkation, as if in order to ascertain the humour of the nation. There was a little cir

[blocks in formation]

arrival the prince travelled to Winchester, and there he was met on the following morning (it being a wet day), by his mature bride Mary, who took no pains to conceal her impatience, being enabled in her conscience to plead her anxiety for a legitimate and holy Roman succession as the only means of securing the faith in England. They had a long familiar talk, and, on the feast of St. James, the titular saint of Spain-their nuptials were celebrated at Winchester with great pomp.

Mary had summoned parliament some three months before her husband's arrival: both houses showed that they were still jealous of the Spaniard, and they adopted further precautions to prevent his ruling as a king in England. Philip brought large sums of money with him; but even money could not win him the good-will of the corrupt courtiers. In a word, no one loved him but Mary; and the fondness of a sick and excessively jealous wife was anything but agreeable. He soon showed her the real motives of his marriage, which were, to become absolute master of England, to wear the crown as if in his own right, and to dispose of all the resources of the country in his schemes of aggrandizement on the Continent. Though a bigot, he was certainly less anxious about the question of religion. Mary would have gratified him at the sacrifice of the interests and liberties of her people: she summoned a new parliament, and neglected no means likely to render it compliant. The Spanish gold was distributed with a liberal hand; and, imitating the precedent of former reigns, she wrote circular letters, commanding and imploring that the counties and boroughs would return such members as were wholly devoted to her interests and pleasures. This parliament met at Westminster on the 12th of November: the lords being as subservient as ever-the commons consisting wholly of Catholics or of men indifferent to the great question of religion. Both houses were ready to second the queen's bigotry, always with the old exception that she should by no means force them to surrender the temporal fruits of their late schism. In the preceding parliament, Mary had thought it prudent to retain



to support her husband and the emperor in their wars with France. Philip found it necessary to court popularity, and recommended the release of some of the most distinguished of the prisoners in the Tower. The handsome Earl of Devon received permission to travel on the Continent, but he died soon after (in 1556) at Padua.2

In her exceeding anxiety for issue, Mary mistook the commencement of a dropsy for the sure sign of pregnancy; and when Cardinal Pole was introduced to her on his happy return to England, she fondly fancied that the child was quickened, even as John the Baptist leaped in his mother's womb at the salutation of the Virgin! On the 27th of November the lord-mayor of London, with the aldermen all in scarlet, assembled according to commandment in St. Paul's Church at nine o'clock in the morning, and in a great fog or mist. Dr. Chadsey, one of the prebends, preached in the choir in the presence of Bonner, Bishop of London, and nine other bishops; and, before he began, he read a letter from the queen's council, the tenor whereof was, that the Bishop of London should send out certain forms of prayer, wherein, after thanksgiving to God for his great mercies to this

the title of Supreme Head of the Church; but now she resolved to obtain a repeal of the act passed in the time of her father, which irrevocably annexed that title to the crown. The jealous possessors of abbey lands and monastic property saw a long way beyond this mere renunciation of a title; and they would not repeal the Act of Supremacy, until the queen caused to be submitted to them the pope's explicit confirmation of the abbey lands to their new proprietors, which confirmation had been conceded from a conviction that he must either receive the English penitents on their own terms or lose them altogether. The pope's confirmation was delivered through Cardinal Pole, the new legate for England, whose attainder had been reversed by the present parliament. With their minds thus set at ease as to their goods and chattels,' both houses were wonderfully compliant in matters of faith. They listened with contrite countenances to an invitation from the lord-cardinal to return to the bosom of holy mother church; they voted an address to | Philip and Mary, acknowledging their repentance of the schism in which they had been living, declaring their readiness to repeal all laws enacted in prejudice of the only true church, and implor-kingdom in giving hopes of an heir to the crown, ing their majesties and the lord-cardinal to intercede with the pope for their absolution and forgiveness. Gardiner presented this petition to Pole, and Pole, in the name of the pope, forthwith gave full absolution to the parliament and whole kingdom of England; and this being done, they all went to the royal chapel in procession, singing Te Deum. Without the least hesitation parliament revived the old brutal laws against heretics, enacted statutes against seditious words, and made it treason to imagine or attempt the death of Philip during his marriage with the queen. But when Mary's minister proposed that Philip should wear, if not the royal, at least the matrimonial crown, they showed a resolute opposition, and the queen was obliged to drop the project of his coronation, as well as that of getting him declared presumptive heir to the crown. Nor was she more successful when she attempted to obtain subsidies from the commons, in order

Michele, the Venetian ambassador, says that the English in general would have turned Jews or Turks, if their sovereign pleased; but the restoration of the abbey lands by the crown kept alive a constant dread among all those who possessed church property. The restitution of the church lands, which had been in the hands of the crown, cost Mary £60,000 a-year of

her revenue.

2 Ambassades de Noailles; Stow; Holinshed; Godwin; Michele, Relazione; Strype; Burnet; Nares' Memoirs of Lord Burghley. The title of Courtenay, Earl of Devon, remained dormant, from the death of this young nobleman, for nearly three centuries, till the claim to the inheritance of the honour was established in 1831 by the present earl. For the history of the house of Courtenay,

and infusing life into the embryo, they should
pray for the preservation of the queen and the
infant, and for her happy delivery, and cause Te
Deum to be sung everywhere. But the business
did not end at St. Paul's Church: it was taken up
in both houses of parliament, and it gave great
occupation to the whole court.
"For then,"
says Godwin, "by parliament many things were
enacted concerning the education of the babe;
and much clatter was elsewhere kept about pre-
parations for the child's swaddling-clothes, cradle,
and other things requisite at the delivery; until,
in June in the ensuing year, it was manifested
that all was little better than a dream." The
parliament, in fact, passed a law, which, in case
of the queen's demise, appointed Philip protector
during the minority of the infant; but this was
all that could be obtained in favour of the sus-
pected Spaniard; and shortly after Mary dis-
solved the parliament in ill-humour.*

one of the most ancient and illustrious in Europe, see Gibbon's
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, chap. Ixi.

3 Several of the prayers used on this occasion have been preserved. They were composed by different priests, who nearly all thought it necessary to pray that the child might be a male child, "well-favoured and witty," with strength and valour to keep down the heretics.

It appears from Mary's will, which was dated the 30th of April, 1558, or about seven months before her death, that, down to that time, she was confident of being enceinte, for she made a provision for settling the crown on her issue.-Sir Frederick Madden, Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary; Introd. Me moir and Copy of Will in Appendix.



Corimencement of the Marian persecutions-The married priests compelled to do penance-Execution of John Rogers, of Bishop Hooper, of Bishop Ferrar, of Dr. Rowland Taylor, of William Branch-Other executionsCruelties of the Popish bishops, Gardiner and Bonner-Trial of Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer-Execution of Ridley and Latimer-Their behaviour at the stake-Philip leaves England-Mary alarms the holders of church lands-Demur of parliament in voting supplies-Death of Bishop Gardiner-Attempts to make Cranmer recant-His recantation-Treachery of his enemies-His execution-Cardinal Pole made Archbishop of Canterbury Fresh executions of Protestants-Summary of Popish atrocities-Treatment of Princess Elizabeth-Her politic compliances-Competitors for her hand-Cruel persecution of her tutor, Sir John ChekeAn inquisitorial commission established against the Protestants-Its despotic powers and iniquitous proceed. ings-Increase of immorality with persecution-Abdication of the Emperor Charles V.-He is succeeded by his son Philip-Designs and coalitions of the pope against Philip-Philip's successes in Italy-He revisits England-Endeavours to persuade England to go to war with France-His endeavours seconded by an accident-He obtains reinforcements of English troops-They distinguish themselves at St. Quentin-The Duke of Guise takes the command of the French army-He unexpectedly invests Calais-Careless defences of the town-Calais stormed, and its English garrison compelled to surrender-Grief of the English nation at the loss of Calais-Mary of Guise, Queen dowager of Scotland-Becomes Regent of Scotland-Endeavours to set the Scots at war with England-Marriage of Mary, daughter of James V., to the French dauphin-An English army invades France-Death of Queen Mary-Her character.


OR the Protestants this year (1555) opened most gloomily. The queen sent Thomas Thirlby, the new Bishop of Ely, the Lord Anthony Montacute, and Sir Edward Carne, or Karne, with a very honourable train of gentlemen and others, as ambassadors to Rome, to confirm the reconciliation of the nation with the Catholic church, and concert measures for the promotion of the old religion, to the exclusion of all others. But Mary wanted no foreign advisers to urge her into the paths of intolerance and persecution. The conviction was deeply settled in her heart's core, and in her brain-and there were bishops of English birth to insist upon it-that toleration in religion only led to indifference and the eternal perdition of men's souls-that any reconciliation of parties or sects was not to be thought of-that it was the duty of religious princes to exterminate the heretical infection-that the mass of the people,' after all, were attached to the discipline and doctrine of the only true church; and that those of them who were not, would soon come back into the right way if all the heretical portion of the clergy, particularly the bishops, were taken Notwithstanding the progress made by the Reformation during the short reign of Edward VI., it is probable that this statement was correct. In London, and the great cities generally, there were many Protestants, but in the rural districts

their number was comparatively small. There appears, however, to have been a great difference in this respect among the counties. Norfolk and Suffolk, for example, were to a great extent Protestant, and no part of England suffered so much from Mary's persecutions, though they, in effect, had set her on the throne upon promises which her bigotry could never permit

her to keep.

| from them, and treated with wholesome severity. The prisons were already crowded—the inquisitors had only to choose their victims, and prepare their stakes and fagots. There were several preludes and preparations to accustom the people to the degradation of these spiritual teachers, whom, only two years before, all had been bound by law to revere and obey. Some married priests, who would not leave their wives, were sent in procession round St. Paul's Church with white sheets over them, and burning tapers and scourges in their hands; and when this humiliating ceremony was over, they were publicly whipped. These scenes were repeated in different parts of the kingdom; and the unlucky wives of clergymen were occasionally treated with equal contumely.2

The revived statutes against heretics-that is to say, the acts first passed against the Lollards in the times of Richard II., Henry IV., and Henry V.-were to take effect from the 20th of January (1555). Previous to that great day of rejoicing, Bonner, with eight bishops and 160 orthodox priests, made a grand procession through London to return thanks to the Almighty for the sudden renewal of Divine grace in the land. Then a commission sat in the church of St. Mary Overy, Southwark, for the trial of Protestants. The first man brought before them was John Rogers, a prebendary of St. Paul's, who had been lying in Newgate among cut-throats and desperadoes for more than a year. When questioned and brow-beaten by his judge, Rogers pointedly asked, "Did not you, yourself, for

2 Holinshed; Grafton; Stow; Strype.

twenty years, pray against the pope ?" "I was forced by cruelty," replied Bishop Gardiner. "And will you use the like cruelty to us?" said Rogers. The court sentenced him to the flames.' On the night after Rogers' martyrdom in Smithfield the Protestant Bishop Hooper, one of the pillars of the Reformed church, was told that he was to be burned, not in Smithfield, however, but at Gloucester, among his own people: and at Gloucester

From a sketch on the spot.

he was burned in a slow fire on the 9th of February. The same course was adopted with Robert Ferrar, Bishop of St. David's, a rigid man and of a rough behaviour, who was sent down from London to his own diocese, where he was burned alive on the 30th of March. About the same time fires were lighted in other parts of the kingdom. On the eastern side, on the very day that Bishop Hooper was burned at Gloucester, Dr. Rowland Taylor, who had lived for some time in the family of Archbishop Cranmer, who preferred him to the rectory of Hadleigh, in Suffolk, was burned in that town. This Taylor was one of the boldest of those who suffered for conscience sake, and, like nearly every one of those Protestant martyrs, he was a man of humble birth. From this Rowland Taylor descended the eloquent, the learned, the great and amiable Jeremy Taylor, the antagonist of the Church of

1 Fuller; Godwin; Blunt; Despatches of Noailles, the French ambassador. This execution produced a great effect upon the people, but one altogether different from what the wretched Mary and her bishops expected. Noailles, who was a Catholic, says, "This day the confirmation of the alliance between the pope and this kingdom has been made by a public and solemn sacrifice of a preaching doctor named Rogers, who has been burned alive for being a Lutheran; but he has met his death persisting in his opinion. At which the greater part of the people here took such pleasure that they did not fear to give him many acclamations to comfort his courage; and even his children

Rome, and yet the advocate of toleration-one of the first and best of that holy band who taught that God was not served by the torment of his creatures. The now prevalent fanaticism of the Papists occasionally awoke a like spirit on the part of the Protestants. On Easter Day, the most solemn festival of the Roman church, one William Branch, or Flower, who had once been a monk of Ely, but who had embraced the Reformed religion, stabbed a priest as he was administering the sacrament to the people in the manner of Rome in the church of St. Margaret's, Westminster. No crime could be so frightful as this in the eyes of the Catholics: there was no hope of escaping from a crowded church, and the enthusiast does not appear to have attempted it. On the 24th of April his sacrilegious right hand was cut off, and then, "for opinions in matters of religion," he was burned in the sanctuary near to St. Margaret's Churchyard.3

During the festivities of Easter the Princess Elizabeth was summoned to court, that she might congratulate the queen, who had taken her chamber at Hampton Court, to be delivered; and it should seem that Elizabeth acquitted herself very dexterously on this delicate occasion. But, to return to the chief business of this deplorable reign, John Cardmaker, chancellor of the church of Wells, was burned at London on the last day of May; and John Bradford suffered the same cruel death at the same place about a month later. A little before, or a little after these executions in the capital, Thomas Hawkes, an Essex gentleman, was burned at Coggeshall; John Lawrence, a priest, at Colchester; Tomkins, a weaver, at Shoreditch; Pigott, a butcher, at Braintree; Knight, a barber, at Maldon; and Hunter, an apprentice to a silk-weaver, at Brentwood.

Bishop Gardiner, the chancellor, who was far less cruel than many, soon grew weary of presiding in the horrible court at the church of St. Mary Overy: he withdrew as early as the month of February, when his duties devolved on an apter spirit, Bonner, Bishop of London, who possessed all the essentials for an inquisitor and familiar of the Holy Office in a greater degree than any Englishman we ever heard of. This prelate sat in the consistory of St. Paul's, where the

stood by consoling him, in such a way that he looked as if they were conducting him to a merry marriage."

2 Hooper was burned in the church-yard of St. Mary de Lode, in Gloucester. The spot on which his martyrdom was consummated, long pointed out by tradition, was indubitably ascer tained in 1826, by finding upon it the remains of the charred stake to which he had been attached. It is now marked by the small monument represented in the engraving. In the back ground is the western gate of the abbey, from which the priests witnessed the martyr's sufferings.


3 Stow: Godwin

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