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oil at the time of administration, but one may act alone in case of need.

The tide Untu extreng, used by Peter Lombard, means only the last of the ancintings used in the Church. It is a mere Mander to infer from the name that the anointing is intended only for those in extremis. The Rituale Romanum orders it more especially for those periculise aegrotantibus, without confining it to them; but forbids its repetition in the same sickness, unless it be long continued, or unless after partial recovery the peril of death recurs. The Office includes the prayer: "Plenamque interius et exterius sanitatem misericorditer redde: ut ope misericordiae tuae restitutus, ad pristina reparetur officia." Of the effect, St. Thomas Aq, in Opuse. iv., says simply, "effectus huius sacramenti est sanatio mentis et corporis."

R (p. 287).

St. Thom. Aq. (S. 7., 1–2. 108. 4) adopts the distinction in this form: "Haec est differentia inter consilium et praeceptum, quod praeceptum importat necessitatem, consilium autem in optione ponitur eius cui datur." But he is here thinking of the three general heads of counsels "simpliciter proposita," viz. poverty, chastity, and obedience, theologically understood. He recognizes, passim, that a particular counsel may be obligatory on a particular person. The question is whether, if it be not obligatory, it applies to the person at all. He says (ibid.), “Cum homo dat aliquam eleemosynam pauperi, quando dare non tenetur, consilium sequitur quantum ad factum illud." It seems safer to say that in every given case a man either ought or ought not to give alms, the determination often being very difficult. If he does it when he ought not, he is not following the counsel, but missing his way.

S (p. 289).

The Greek Téλos, unlike the Latin finis, or the English end, seems in classical writers never to be connected with the idea of cessation; it always signifies completion. In LXX. the word has acquired the other meaning, and so in N.T., e.g. Luke i. 33; Heb. vii. 3. The meaning of Téλetos however is fixed exclusively by the original sense of Téλos; it signifies that which has

attained the end or completion of its being and so continues. In the Latin and English versions of the N.T. perfectus and perfect are used also to represent such words as ἀκριβὴς and κατηρτισμένος, the latter of which varies from Téλeios only as not introducing the idea of the end or purpose of being. The passages in which the reader of the English Bible must be on his guard are Luke i. 3; vi. 40; Acts iii. 16; xviii. 26; xxii. 3; xxiii. 15, 20; xxiv. 22; 1 Cor. i. 10; 2 Cor. xiii. 9, 11; Eph. iv. 12 (cp. 13); Heb. xiii. 21; 1 Pet. v. 10; In none of these do the words τέλειος oι τελειότης

I Thess. iii. 10; v. 2; 2 Tim. iii. 17;
Rev. iii. 2.


NUMBERS refer to pages, LETTERS to the Notes in the Appendix

[blocks in formation]

Aquinas, St. Thomas, on origi-
nal sin, 123

-, quoted, 71, 95, 127, 133,

177, 184, Q

Arianism, 85, 95, 146
Aristotle, 33, 39, 182
Arminianism, E
Ascension, the, 160
Aseitas, 71

Athanasius, St., on the
ruption of nature, 124, D


on the limited knowledge
of Christ, 154

on the purpose of the In-
carnation, 143

on the sufficiency of
Scripture, 22

-, quoted, 78, 120, 127, 152,
216, 228, F

Athenagoras, on sacrifice, 230, L
Atonement, natural ideas of, 32
Augsburg, Confession of, 36
Augustine, St., on the authority
of the Church as a motive to
belief, 58, 59, B

-, on the constitution of a
Sacrament, 248, M,

on creation, 98

on the image of God in
man, IIO

on the number of the
Sacraments, 247

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]
[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

on the Rule of Faith, 22

on the Sacrament of

Ordination, P

C. de Racovian, 147
De 11553. DG

the Scottist, 1:0

Cemancy of Fact 8, 28
Cena 172, 234, 256, P
Churt the, ai the secular
Rover, 200

autbonty of, i COD-

troversies, 19, 239

definitions of, 216, H

general function of, 39

guardian of tradition, 13
infallibility of, 55

, interpreter of Holy Scrip-
ture, 22, 60

membership in, 41, 292
, precepts of, 67, 283

, proponent of faith, 55–59
-, teaching of, 61, 65, 239
witness to the teaching

of Christ, 13

Clement, St., 37, 189, 224, 226,
230, L

Colluthus, 227

Commandments, possibility of
keeping the, 127, 295

limitation of the, 287

Communicatio idiomatum, 149,

Concupiscence, 14, 126
Confession, 255, 256

Confessions, Reformed, on the
Sacred Ministry, 36, A
Consubstantial, the word, 78
Corban, 279

Browning, Robert, on Original Corruption of nature, 121, 124

Sin, 125

[blocks in formation]

Council of Ariminium, 64
of Bethlehem, 189, G

of Carthage, 253, 254, M
of Chalcedon, 148
of Ephesus, 147

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