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I. HEXAMETERS.-Pages 61, 69, 99, 152.

Sālvē | sānctă Pă¦rēns, || ēļnīxă pù|ērpĕră | Rēgēm.

II. HEXAMETERS RHYMED.—The second foot rhymes with the fourth in each line, and the ends of the adjacent lines rhyme in pairs. Pages 126, 127.

Hic brěvě | vivĭtur, || hīc brěvě | plāngìtér, || hīc brěvě | FLĒTŪR:
Nōn brěvě | vivěrě, || nōn brěvě | plāngĕrē || rētribŭ|ĒTŪR.

III. ELEGIACS.-1 Hexameter+1 Pentameter. Page 65.

Crux běně dictă nitēt, || Dominus qua cărně pě pendit,
Atque cru ōrě su|ō || vūlněră | nōstră lă|vīt.

IV. 1 HEXAMETER +1 Pentameter +1 Hexameter. Page 67.
V. 1 HEXAMETER +2 Pentameters. Page 67.

VI. TETRAMETERS, 4 accentual dactyls; the caesura after the second foot; the ends of adjacent lines rhyming in pairs or fours. Page 176.

Cúr mundus mílitat || súb vàna | glória,

Cúius prospéritas || ést trànsitória?

VII. TETRAMETERS.-2 Adonics in a verse, with alliteration or irregular rhyme. Pages 86, 102.

(Allit.) Séd tibi, | Sáncte, || Sólus Imágō.
(Rhyme.) Noctě di¦éque || iúnctă mă¦nébit,

Absque mărito || némŏ | vi|débit.

VIII. TETRAMETER catalectic.-3 dactyls and a catalectic syllable, the adjacent lines rhyming in pairs. Page 6.

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IX. DIMETER.-Two accentual dactyls, with varying rhymes.
Pages 111, 131, 193.

Mittit ad virginem

Nón quèmvis angelum.

These hymns may also be scanned as iambic dimeter
brachycatalectic, No. XXIX.

X. ADONIC.-Dactyl+spondee. Page 196.

Plaúditě coéli.

XI. Stanza of six verses.-1, 2, 4, 5, Adonics, rhyming in pairs;
3, 6, dactylic trimeters, rhyming. Page 188.


XII. TRIMETER.-6 iambics. Page 62.

XIII. Stanza of four lines.-1, 2, 3, iambic trimeters; 4, an Adon-
ic. Page 3.

irregular verses.

XV. DIMETER.-4 iambics with the interchangeable feet.
Pages 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26,
28 (2), 29, 33, 34, 36, 37 (2), 38, 39 (2), 40, 42, 55, 56,
57, 58, 59, 60, 66, 75, 77, 79, 81, 82.

XVI. Stanzas of dimeters (2 or 4), rhyming in pairs of adjacent
lines. Pages 183, 184, 74, 98, 159, 160, 190.

XVII. Stanzas of dimeters, rhyming in triplets. Page 206, and
last stanza, page 148.

O filii et filiae

Rèx coé lèstis, rèx glóriae
Mòrté | surréxit hód|ie.

XVIII. Stanza of dimeters, rhyming in fours. Page 122, 178.
XIX. Stanza of seven dimeters, verses 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6, 77

rhyming. Page 47.

XX. Stanza of eight dimeters, rhyming in pairs of adjacent
lines. Page 199.

XXI. Stanza of eight dimeters, irregularly rhymed; verse 8 rc-
peating verse 1. Page 79.

XXII. Stanza of four verses. 1, 2, dimeter, rhyming; 3, 4, trim-
eter brachycatalectic (see XIV.), rhyming. Page 110.

XXIII. Stanza of eight verses. 1, 3, dimeter, rhyming; 2, 4, 8,
dimeter catalectic (see XXVII.), rhyming; 5, 6, 7, dim-
eter brachycatalectic, rhyming.

Véni, Creator Spíritus,
Spíritus ré creá TOR,

Tù dáns, tù dá tus coélitús,
Tù đó|num tú | donáron;
Tù léx, | tù dig itus,

A'lèns et álitús,

Spíràns et spiritús,

Spirátus ét spirÁTOR.

XXIV. Stanza of nine verses. 1, 3, dimeters; 2, 4, dimeter cata-
lectic, rhyming; 5, 6, 7, acephalous dimeter brachy-
catalectic, 5 rhyming with 6; 8, dimeter brachycata-
lectic, rhyming with 7; 9, a dimeter catalectic, with-
out rhyme. Page 211.

Arx firm a Déus nós ter ést,

Is télum, quó nitá|mur;
Is éx plicát | ex ómnibús
Queis malis ímplicá|mur.

Nám cui sém per mós,
Iám ter tér ret nós;
Pér | astúm | per vím,

Saevám levát | sitím;

Nil pár in tér ris illi.

XXV. Stanza of four verses. 1, 3, dimeter, rhyming; 2, 4, dim-
eter brachycatalectic, rhyming. Page 178.

XXVI. Stanza of six verses. 1, 3, 5, dimeter; 2, 4, 6, dimeter
acephalous; 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6 rhyming. Page


Paschá lis fés ti gaú|diúm
Múndi réplet ámbitúm; etc.

XXVII. DIMETER CATALECTIC.-4 iambics, less the final sylla-

ble. Page 195.

Crux á ve bén[edicta,

Per té mors ést | devict a.

XXVIII. Stanza of six verses. 1, 2, 4, 5, dimeter catalectic,
rhyming in pairs; 3, 6, dimeter brachycatalectic (3
iambics), rhyming. Page 170.

[blocks in formation]

These hymns may be read as dactylic dimeters.
No. IX.


XXX. TETRAMETER CATALECTIC.-8 trochees, less one sylla-
ble. The caesura follows the fourth foot. Pages

45, 64, 71, 94, 208.

Pánge, língua, | glóri óse || proéli úm certáminís.

XXXI. Same meter arranged in a stanza of two verses, the
first a dimeter, the second a dimeter catalectic.
Page 168, etc. See XXXVI., XXXVII., XXXVIII.
XXXII. TRIMETER CATALECTIC.—6 trochees, less one syllable.
Page 164.

Quaé sub his fig|úris || vére | láti tás.

The first verse of this hymn has a syllable of ana-
crusis before beginning the regular meter.

Adóro | té de vóte, || látens | Déiltás.

XXXIII. DIMETER.-4 trochees, rhymes in pairs of adjacent
verses. Pages 100, 103, 104, 105, 156, 178, 179.

XXXIV. Stanza of six dimeters, rhymed in pairs. Page 213.

XXXV. Stanza of three dimeters, rhymed in triplets. Page


Dies irae, dies | illa

Sólvet saéclum | ín fa|villa,

Téste Dávid | cúm Sybilla.

XXXVI. Stanza of four verses. 1, 3, dimeters, rhyming; 2, 4,
dimeters catalectic, rhyming. Page 189.

XXXVII. Stanza of six verses.

1, 3, 5, dimeters; 2, 4, 6, dime-
ter catalectic. Pages 51, 205. With alternate
rhymes. Page 168.

XXXVIII. Stanza of eight verses. Two of No. XXXVI, united.

Page 49.

XXXIX. Stanza of six verses. 1, 2 and 4, 5, dimeters, rhyming
in pairs; 3, 6, dimeters catalectic, rhyming. Pages
119, 138, 143, 145, 146, 149, 151, 157, 165, 171, 173,

Stábat máter dólo|rósa
Iúxta crúcem❘ lácry|mósa

Dúm pen débat filius
Cúius áni mám geméntem
Cóntris❘tántem | ét do\léntem

Pértrans ívit gládijus.

XL. Stanza of eight verses. 1, 2, 3 and 5, 6, 7, dimeters,
rhyming in triplets; 4, 8, dimeters catalectic,
rhyming. Pages 134, 140, and two stanzas, pages
167, 168, where also is a single stanza of ten verses,
1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, 7, 8, 9 rhyming in fours.

XLI. Dimeters of two rhyming monometers, with alternate
dimeters catalectic, rhyming. Pages 130, 146, 191.

Lúmen | clárum || téne|brárum

Sédi bús resplénduít;

Dúm sal váre, || récre|áre

Quód creávit, vóluit.

XLII. Stanza of eight verses. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, dimeters of
two rhyming monometers; 4, 8, dimeters catalec-
tic, rhyming. Page 145, Hymn VII., in which see
other arrangements of rhymes in similar meters.

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