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[7th February, 1889.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

into force.

1. The printed and bound volume bearing the title "The Consoli- The "Consolidated dated Public General Acts of British Columbia, 1888," and the shorter Acts, 1888," brought title "Consolidated Acts, 1888," attested under the great seal of the Province and the signatures of the Lieutenant-Governor and the Provincial Secretary, and now deposited in the office of the Provincial Secretary, shall be held to contain and be the original copy of the Statute Laws of this Province therein contained, and of the several Acts, Ordinances and Proclamations, and parts of Acts, Ordinances and Proclamations which it purports to embody, or for which it purports to be substituted, and shall have effect as law by the designation of the "Consolidated Acts, 1888," but the marginal notes thereon, and the references, at the end of the several sections thereof, to former or other enactments, shall form no part of such Statute Laws, and shall be held to have been inserted for convenience of reference only.

2. The several Acts, Ordinances, and Proclamations, and parts Limited repeal of thereof respectively, referred to in the last preceding section, shall former Acts. stand good and be read and construed as unrepealed so far, and so far only, as is necessary to support, maintain, or give effect to the "Consolidated Acts, 1888;" and any reference in any Act heretofore in force, or in any rule, order, or regulation made thereunder, to any Act or enactment which purports or is intended to be embodied in the "Consolidated Acts, 1888," or for which some provision purports or is intended to be substituted in that volume, shall, as regards any future transaction, matter, or thing, be held and construed to be a reference to the corresponding provisions of the "Consolidated Acts, 1888."

Construction of the
Consolidated Acts.

Authority to issue a classified edition of Unconsolidated


Evidence by printed copy of Provincial Statutes.

Printing and


3. The "Consolidated Acts, 1888," shall not be held to operate as new laws, but shall be construed and have effect as a consolidation and as declaratory of the existing Statute Law of the Province; but if any provision in such consolidation is not in effect the same as the law for which it is substituted, the said consolidation shall prevail.

4. It shall be lawful for the Provincial Secretary to cause to be printed and published, under the designation "Unconsolidated Acts, 1888," a classified edition of such of the Acts, Ordinances, and Proclamations of British Columbia, or parts or sections thereof, as are now in force but not embodied in the "Consolidated Acts, 1888," and in such version the references to other enactments may be altered to correspond with the "Consolidated Acts, 1888," and any misprint or error, whether of commission or omission, or any contradiction, ambiguity, or objectionable expression, may be corrected, but without changing the legal effect.

5. Every copy of the "Consolidated Acts, 1888," or of the "Unconsolidated Acts, 1888," or of any portion thereof respectively, purporting to be printed by the Government Printer for this Province, shall be primâ facie evidence of the Statute Law therein contained in all Courts, proceedings, and matters over which this Legislature has authority.

6. This Act shall be printed with, and be subject to the same rules struction of this Act. of construction as, the "Consolidated Acts, 1888."


Printed by RICHARD WOLFENDEN, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty

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An Act to amend the "Bush Fire Act."

[6th April, 1889.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as


1. Section 2 of the "Bush Fire Act" is amended by adding before To amend section 2. the words "in a summary way," in the seventh line thereof, the following words: "with costs of conviction;" and by adding after the word "months," in the ninth line, "one moiety of the penalty to be paid to the informer."

2. Section 3 of said Act is amended by adding after the words To amend section 3. "summary way," in the eighth line thereof, the following words: "with

costs of conviction;" and by adding the following words after the word "months," in the ninth line: "one moiety of the penalty to be paid to the informer."

3. This Act may be cited as the "Bush Fire Amendment Act, 1889." Short title.


Printed by RICHARD WOLFENDEN, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty.

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