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R. S.


miserationum tuarum sperantibus, partem aliquam societatis 63 donare digneris 64 cum tuis sanctis apostolis et martyribus, cum Ioanne, Stephano, Matthia 65, Barnaba 66, Ignatio, Alexandro, Marcellino, Petro, Felicitate, Perpetua, Agathe, Lucia, Agne 67, Caecilia, Anastasia 68 et cum omnibus sanctis tuis, intra quorum nos consortium non aestimator meriti, sed veniae, quaesumus, largitor 70 admitte. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Per quem haec omnia, Domine, semper bona creas, sanctificas, vivificas, benedicis, et praestas nobis. Per ipsum, et cum ipso, et in ipso est tibi Deo Patri omnipotenti in unitate Spiritus sancti omnis honor et gloria, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen ".


Praeceptis salutaribus moniti et divina institutione formati, audemus dicere 72:

Pater noster qui es in caelis. Sed libera nos a malo 73. Libera nos, quaesumus, Domine, ab omnibus malis prae- 698 teritis, praesentibus, et futuris 74, et intercedente pro nobis 75 beata et gloriosa semperque 76 virgine Dei genitrice " Maria, et sanctis apostolis tuis 78 Petro et Paulo, atque Andrea 79, da propitius pacem in diebus nostris, ut ope misericordiae tuae adiuti, et a peccatis 81 simus liberi semper 82, et ab omni perturbatione securi. Per.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum 83.

Resp. Et cum Spiritu tuo.



Post haec commonenda est 85 plebs pro ieiuniis quarti Gerb. 238. septimi et decimi mensis temporibus suis, sive pro scrutiniis, vel aurium apertionum, sive orandum pro infirmis vel ad nuntiandum 88 natalitia sanctorum. Post haec communicat sacerdos cum ordinibus sacris, 89 cum omni populo.



Quos caelesti, Domine, alimento satiasti, apostolicis Gerb. 238. intercessionibus ab omni nos, quaesumus, adversitate custodi. Per Dominum. y


Lacti, Domine, sumpsimus sacramenta caelestia: 90 interGerb. 238. cedente pro nobis beata et gloriosa semperque virgine Dei genitrice Maria, ad vitam nobis "1 proficiant sempiternam.



Gerb. 238.

Augeatur in nobis, Domine, quaesumus, tuae virtutis R, operatio; ut, divinis vegetati sacramentis, ad eorum promissa capienda tuo munere praeparemur. Per. y

Omnipotens Deus, fac nos 92 tibi semper devotam gerere R. voluntatem, [et] 93 maiestati tuae sincero corde famulari. Gerb. 238.

Per. y

Gerb. 238.

Mysteria nos, Domine, sancta purificent, et suo munere R. tueantur. Per. y

Gerb. 238.

Gerb. 238.

Quos tantis, Domine, largiris uti mysteriis, quaesumus ut R. effectibus nos eorum veraciter aptare digneris. Per. y

Mensa tua nos, Deus 94, a delectationibus terrenis expe- R. diat, et caelestibus semper instruat 95 alimentis. Per. y Tui nobis, Domine, communio sacramenti et purifica- R. tionem conferat, et tribuat unitatem. Per. y


Gerb. 238.

Tua sancta nobis, omnipotens Deus, et indulgentiam R. praebeant, et auxilium perpetuae defensionis impendant. Gerb. 238.

Per. y

Gerb. 238.

Tua nos, Domine, medicinalis operatio et a nostris R. perversitatibus clementer expediat, et tuis faciat semper xxii infra. inhaerere mandatis. Per. y


Gerb. 238.

Purificent semper et muniant tua sacramenta nos, Deus 94, et ad perpetuae ducant salvationis effectum. Per. y Quaesumus, omnipotens Deus, ut munere divino 96 quod R. sumpsimus salutari nobis prosit effectu. Per.

The Canon Actionis and the appended series of Postcommunions seem to stand, in V., outside the numbered sections, being placed between xvi, which is the last of the series of Sunday Missae, and the series of Benedictions, which forms a kind of additional appendage to the Canon. In R. and S. the Canon Actionis is inserted after the Secret of a Missa in quotidianis diebus (the last of a series corresponding to that which in V. follows after the Canon, in the sections numbered xviii-xxiii); but while S, after the close of the Canon, completes the Missa by the addition of two forms of Postcommunion, R. gives the series of Postcommunions which in V. follow the Canon, but which S. omits. At the end of this series, in Gerbert's text, appear the two Postcommunions from S., which are not contained in R. The text of the Canon as it appears in V. has here been compared with R. and S. and also with two other texts of a date certainly earlier than 800, those contained in the Sacramentarium Gallicanum and the Missale Francorum. Gerbert's text, while professing to follow R., shows some differences from the readings of that MS., and still more from those of S'. He has perhaps been influenced by other authorities. The text here given follows V. throughout, except in the matter of spelling, and a few corrections which are noted below. 2 Gerb. prints before Sursum corda the salutation Dominus vobiscum and the response Et cum spiritu tuo, but notes the fact that they are not contained in R.: they are also omitted by S., and by Miss. Franc., while Sacr. Gall. omits all before Vere dignum. 3 R. omits et iustum est. 4 Miss. Franc. inserts est. › trement S1. Sacr. Gall, and Miss. Franc. both abbreviate the Sanctus.

Gerb. 238. xv supra.



In the former it is not written beyond Sanctus, Sanctus; in the latter not beyond Deus Sabaoth. ac Sacr. Gall. 8 No crosses are marked at this point in R., or in Miss. Franc.; S. has three (over the words dona, munera, sacrificia; but they are perhaps a later addition. Sacr. Gall. has one, between the words benedicas and haec. pro tua sancta catholica ecclesia Miss. Franc. 10 totum orbem Sacr. Gall. 11 R. S. omit episcopo. In S. there is a mark referring to the margin, after the words antistite nostro Illo. This has been supposed to refer to some words written at the bottom of the page, but these are not preceded by any mark corresponding to that in the body of the text. It seems clear that the additional words added for insertion at this point, to which the mark refers, were written at the top of the page, where the lower part of the letters, preceded by the reference mark, can still be traced, though the upper part has been trimmed away. The words seem to have been et omnibus orthodoxę atque apostolicę fidei cultoribus. A similar addition may be seen in V. where above papa nostro illo in one line, and above the Memento which follows antistite nostro illo episcopo in the next, certain notae Tironianae have been written between the lines of the original scribe. These have been interpreted by M. Julien Havet, who considers the first of the additions to represent the word superscribenda, and reads the second as follows: 'Et omnibus orthodoxis atque catholici fide cultoribus. Memento, Deus, rege nostro cum omni populo. (See the third of the Plates accompanying M. Léopold Delisle's Mémoire sur d'Anciens Sacramentaires, and the explanatory note, p. 5.) As M. Delisle remarks, the Latinity of this insertion belongs to the Merovingian period: it might be paralleled from other parts of the MS., but is exceptional in this portion, for in the Canon the proportion of grammatical blunders is smaller than in the rest of the MS. Sacr. Gall. and Miss. Franc. show more variation: the former has una cum devotissimo (this word has been elided) famulo tuo ill. papa nostro sedis apostolicae, et antistite nostro ill. et omnibus orthodoxis atque catholicae et apostolicae fidei cultoribus. In Miss. Franc. there is no mention of the Pope or the Bishop, and the clause runs una cum omnibus orthodoxis atque apostolicae fidei cultoribus. 12 At this point



A line

would be inserted the additional words which appear, as already stated, at the bottom of the page in S. The words in question are written in red, in uncial character,-Memento Domine famuli tui Remedii episcopi et; if they are not actually by the original hand, they are by one almost of the same date. The Remedius referred to is no doubt the Bishop who occupied the see of Chur in the first years of the ninth century: he is perhaps mentioned here in his character of a temporal governor, in which case the insertion will be closely parallel to the latter part of the insertion, already noted, in V. 13 R. inserts Memento etiam Domine et animabus famulorum famularumque tuarum fidelium catholicorum in Christo quiescentium, qui nos praecesserunt, illorum et illarum, qui per eleemosynam et confessionem. The clause is evidently not an addition by a later hand, but (at least as it now stands) apparently an integral part of the Canon. It may, of course, have been a marginal addition to the MS. from which R. was copied. 14 Sacr. Gall. inserts at this point the variants for the seasons of Christmas and Easter, and proceeds Sed et: Miss. Franc. inserts sed. semper S. Gerb. Sacr. Gall. Miss. Franc.; R. as text. 16 beatissimorum Sacr. Gall. 17 R. S. Sacr. Gall. Miss. Franc. omit et. has been erased at this point in V., probably because the same words had been written twice over. 19 Anacleti Miss. Franc. 20 Systi Miss. Franc.; Syxti R.; Sixti S. Sacr. Gall. 21 The names in brackets have been erased in V., but can still be read there. R. S. Sacr. Gall. Miss. Franc. omit Dionysii, Rustici, et Eleutherii; in the margin of S. the words et sanctorum confessorum tuorum are marked by a later hand for insertion before Hilarii; Sacr. Gall. inserts Ambrosii before Augustini; Miss. Franc. omits Augustini, Gregorii, Hieronymi, Benedicti. 22 Sacr. Gall. inserts qui per universo mundo passi sunt prop[ter] nom[en tuum] Dñ[e]...confessoribus sunt [? sanctis] tuis. 23 auxilium Sacr. Gall. 24 Sacr. Gall. inserts quam tibi offerimus in honorem nominis tui Deus; but Mabillon notes that the words are cancelled, the cancelling including also the words sed et cunctae familiae tuae; Miss. Franc. inserts quam tibi offerimus in honore Domini beati martyris tui itti et pro peccatis atque offensionibus nostris ut omnium delictorum nostrorum remissionem consequi mereamur. 26 suscipias Miss. Franc.; Mabillon notes that accipias has been corrected to suscipias in Sacr. Gall. dispone R. 28 eripias R. Miss. Franc. (S1?).


25 R. omits ut.


Sacr. Gall. a red cross is marked in the margin before Quam oblationem: V. R. and Miss. Franc. mark no crosses in this section; S. Gerb. marks five (at the words benedictam, adscriptam, ratam, corpus, sanguis); Sacr. Gall. marks three, one after adscriptam and one before and one after the word corpus. 30 quae (for ut) Miss. Franc.; quae has been corrected into ut in Sacr. Gall. 31 Domini autem Dei nostri Sacr. Gall. Miss. Franc.; Domini nostri R. S. saccipit Miss. Franc. (Sacr. Gall. has accepit for accipiens). 33 The words accepit... sanctas are written in red in Sacr. Gall. 34 Sacr. Gall. S2 Gerb. insert et; R. S' Miss. Franc. agree with V. 35 Miss. Franc. inserts suis, which 56 ad caelum Miss. Franc.;

has been added between the lines in Sacr. Gall.
in caelos Sacr. Gall.
57 egit Miss. Franc.






fregit, dedit discipulis are written in red in Sacr. Gall.; in S. the word fregit has a red initial of larger size than the other letters. 39 Gerb. places enim in brackets; but the word is actually in R. post quam Miss. Franc.; V. R. S. as text. 41 et Miss. Franc. 12 dedit discipulis suis are in red in Sacr. Gall.; S. gives to dedit an initial of larger size. 43 hoc Miss. Franc. 44 R. S1 omit et. 45 effunditur Sacr. Gall. 46 remissione V. R. Sacr. Gall.; S. Gerb. Miss. Franc. as text. 47 faciatis R. Sacr. Gall.; V. has faciaetis. No crosses are marked in the Qui pridie in V. R. Miss. Franc. or Gerb.; S. marks one at, and Sacr. Gall. one after, the word benedixit, in each of the two places where it occurs. 48 Inde Miss. Franc. sumus is expunged by S2. 50 R. Sacr. Gall. Miss. Franc. omit Dei; S' agrees with V. 51 Gerb. places gloriosae in brackets. 5 maiestatis Sacr. Gall. 53 V. R. and Miss. Franc. mark no crosses in the Unde et memores. Gerb. marks three, one after each occurrence of the word hostiam: S. marks five, at puram, sanctam, immaculatam, panem, calicem: the first four are green (as are the crosses in the earlier part of the Canon), the last is only outlined in ink : Sacr. Gall. marks two, one after sanctam and one after immaculatam. It may be noted that R. has the variant panem scae vitae aeternae probably by an error of the scribe. 5 aspicere corrected to respicere in Sacr. Gall. 55 dignare R. Miss. Franc. and Sacr. Gall. (corrected to digneris in Sacr. Gall.); S' agrees with V. acceptu Miss. Franc.; Mabillon gives acceptum as the reading of Sacr. Gall. in both places. 57 Sacr. Gall. Miss. Franc. insert sancti, which Gerb. adds in brackets; R. S' agree with V. 58 sublimi altari tuo Miss. Franc.; sublime altario tuum Sacr. Gall. (Mabillon reads sublimi... tuo). 59 hoc Sacr. Gall. S', corrected to hac in each case: Miss. Franc. has hoc altari sanctificationis, omitting participatione. omnem (?) benedictionem S'; omni benedictionem is the present reading of S. 61 et elided in Sacr. Gall. 62 R. Sacr. Gall. Miss. Franc. insert Memento etiam Domine et eorum nomina, qui nos praecesserunt cum signo (signum Sacr. Gall.) fidei et dormiunt in somno (somnom R. originally) pacis. Ipsis, Domine, et omnibus in Christo quiescentibus locum refrigerii, lucis et pacis ut indulgeas, deprecamur. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. partem aliquam et societatem R. Miss. Franc. S2; partem aliquam societates Sacr. Gall.; S1 apparently agreed with V. 64 The Missale Francorum ends at this point. 65 Matthiam Sacr. Gall. 66 Barnaban V. R. Sacr. Gall.; S. as text. Agathae, Lucia, Agnem V.; R. S. as text; Gerb. has Agatha. 68 The list of saints in Sacr. Gall. originally ran thus (after Petro): Perpetua, Agne, Cicilia, Felicitate, Anastasia, Agathe, Lucia, Eogenia; this has been altered to Felicitate, Perpetua, Agatha, Agne, Cicilia, Anastasia, Eogenia, the names of SS. Felicitas and Agatha being written over those of SS. Perpetua and Agnes, and that of S. Lucia omitted by the second hand. 69 consortio R. Sacr. Gall.; V. now has consortia, but apparently consortium was first written; S. Gerb. have consortium. non stimamur meritis, sed veniam qs largitor V.; non stimatur meriti sed veniam quaesumus largitur Sacr. Gall.; R. S. Gerb. as text. (In S. the last syllable of estimator is written over an erasure). 71 V. R. Gerb. mark no crosses in the Per quem haec omnia. S. has three gold crosses at sanctificas, vivificas, benedicis, and Sacr. Gall. marks crosses before the same words, and an additional cross at the word saeculorum. In this clause R. reads benedices et praestes. 72 Sacr. Gall. originally had Divino magisterio edocti et divina instructione, audemus dicere. These words have been elided and the form in the text added. the Lord's Prayer at length, and then inserts the heading Item sequitur oratio. Sacr. Gall. gives the heading Post pater noster to the Libera nos. R. has Orat. before the first words of the Lord's Prayer. omni malo, praeterito,



73 S. gives

75 R. omits

praesenti, et futuro Sacr. Gall. (corrected to reading of text).
pro nobis: the words have been erased in S.; Sacr. Gall. agrees with V.
76 que erased in S.
"Dei genetrice added above the line in Sacr. Gall.



et beatis apostolis Sacr. Gall.; S. has et beatis over an erasure and omits apostolis tuis. 79 Sacr. Gall. omits atque Andrea; so S. originally (atque Andrea cum omnibus sanctis has been added in the margin); R. has atque Andrea et beatis confessoribus tuis illis; V. reads atque Andreas. Sacr. Gall. peccato Sacr. Gall. S. (last letter in S. is over an erasure). semper liberi Sacr. Gall. S2; R. S1 agree with V. 83 A later hand (apparently) has marked in S., after vobiscum, a cross, with the word ter.



8 This rubric occurs with slight variation in R. and S.
est) V.; R. S. as text.
scrutinis R.; V. S. as text.

inserts et.

90 Gerb. inserts ut; V. R. as text.

92 nobis V.; R. as text.
9 Domine (for Deus) R.



por p (for per


86 ieiuniis S; V. R. S' as text.
88 adnuntiandum V.; R. S. as text. 89 S
91 R. omits nobis.
93 V. omits et, which is restored from R.
95 instituat R.; V. as text.
96 Tommasi

reads, and Gerb. proposes to read, munus divinum, but the reading of the text,
which is that of R. as well as V., is not necessarily ungrammatical.

R. S.




Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus, de Gerb. 238. abundantia misericordiarum tuarum famulos et famulas

R. S.

Gerb. 239.

Leon. 364.

cf. 1. xxviii 1. xxxix sup. R. S.

Gerb. 239. 1. lxv supra.

R. S.

Gerb. 239.

R. S.

tuas praesta locupletes, praesta securos; ut confirmati benedictionibus tuis, abundent in omni gratiarum actione, teque perpetua exultatione benedicant.


Gregem tuum, Pastor bone, placatus intende, et oves, quas pretioso sanguine 3 redemisti, diabolica non sinas incursu lacerari. Per.

Benedic, Domine, hanc familiam tuam in caelestibus, et reple eam donis tuis spiritalibus; concede eis caritatem, gaudium, pacem, patientiam, bonitatem, mansuetudinem, spem, fidem, continentiam; et repleti omnibus castitatem 5 donis tuis desiderantes ad te pervenire mereantur. Per.


Benedicat vos Deus omni benedictione caelesti sanctosque puros efficiat in conspectu suo: superabundent in vos divitiae gloriae eius: verbo veritatis instruat, et evangelio salutis erudiat, omniumque sanctorum caritate locupletet. Per.



Plebis tuae, quaesumus, Domine, ad te semper corda Gerb. 239. converte, et quam tantis facis patrociniis adiuvari, perpetuis non desinas gubernare praesidiis 10. Per.

R. S.
Gerb. 239.

Propitiare populo tuo, Deus, ut a suis pravitatibus libera

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