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aeternae tribue conferre praesidium. Per Dominum nos

trum. y



1 profectu V. (ungrammatically); R. S. Gerb. as text. percipimus V.;
quia V.; Leon. as text.

Leon as text.



Gerb. 133.

Fac nos, Domine, quaesumus, sanctorum tuorum semper S (aliti.) festa sectari, quorum suffragiis protectionis tuae dona sen- Men. 104. tiamus 2. Per.



Leon. 392. Leofr. 144.

Fiat, Domine, quaesumus, hostia sacranda placabilis pretiosi celebritate martyrii; quae et peccata 3 nostra purificet, et [tuorum ] tibi vota conciliet famulorum 5. Per.


S. (alibi.)
Men. 104.

Gerb. 133.

Leon. 307.

Leofr. 144.

Quaesumus, omnipotens Deus, ut sanctorum tuorum cae- S. (alibi.) lestibus mysteriis celebrata solemnitas indulgentiam nobis tuae propitiationis acquirat. Per Dominum.

1 In S. Gerb. Men. Leofr. this Missa is appropriated to the Festival of SS. Primus and Felicianus (v Id. Iun.). In Leon. the prayers are found apart from one another, the Collect being assigned to a Missa for the Festival of S. Sixtus and others (viii Id. Aug.) and the Postcommunion to the Festival of SS. Hippolytus and Pontianus (Ïd. Aug.). 2 sentimus V.; all the others

as text.

as text.


3 corda Leon. (man. sec.); Leon. (man. prim.) V. and the rest
sanctorum (for tuorum) V.; the epithet seems misplaced, and
Leon. omits famulorum.

all the other texts cited read tuorum.

Gerb. 133. Men. 105. Leon. 400. Leofr. 144.



Maiestati tuae nos, Domine, martyrum supplicatio beata conciliet, ut qui incessabiliter 2 actibus nostris offendimus, istorum precibus expiemur. Per.

Martyrum tuorum nos, Domine, semper festa laetificent: et quorum celebramus meritum experiamur 3 auxilium.

[blocks in formation]

Accepta tibi sit, Domine, sacratae plebis oblatio pro tuorum honore sanctorum, quorum meritis se percepisse in tribulatione agnoscit auxilium. Per. y


S. (alibi.)

Iugiter nos, Domine, sanctorum tuorum vota laetificent, [Gerb. 24. et patrocinia nobis martyrum ipsae semper festivitates ex136 note.) hibeant. Per.

(see Leofr.

1 This Missa as a whole is appropriated in S. and in Gerb. (where it is wrongly marked as not included in R. or S.) to the Festival of SS Emerentiana and Macarius (x Kal. Feb.). Three of the four prayers form the Missa for the same Festival in Leofr., where the Postcommunion is discarded and the second of the Collects transferred to the vacant place. The two Collects and the Secret appear in different sections in Leon., where the Secret is assigned to the Festival of SS. Felicissimus and Agapitus (viii Id. Aug.). 2 incessanter Leofr. So Leofr.; Leon. S2 Gerb. have se meritis percepisse; V. and perhaps S1 meritis semper coepisse (probably by corruption of the reading in the text).


expiemur V.



Gerb. 225.
Men. 164.


Magnificantes, Domine, clementiam tuam, suppliciter 2 exoramus, ut qui nos sanctorum tuorum frequentibus facis Leofr. 174 natalitiis interesse perpetuis tribuas gaudere consortiis 3. Per Dominum.

Leon. 393.


Gerb. 225.

Da nobis, omnipotens Deus, in sanctorum tuorum te Men. 164. semper commemoratione laudare: quia refovere curabis Leofr. 174. quos in honore tuo perseverare concedis1. Per.

Leon. 393.


Gerb. 218.
Men. 160.


Accepta tibi sit in conspectu tuo, Domine, nostrae devotionis oblatio: et eorum nobis fiat supplicatione salutaris, pro quorum solemnitate defertur. Per.



Ad defensionem fidelium, Domine, quaesumus, dexteram tuae maiestatis extende: et ut perpetua pietatis Leon. 405. [tuae] protectione muniantur, intercessio pro his non desit martyrum continuata sanctorum. Per.

1 The two Collects of this Missa appear together in S. Gerb. Men. as 'aliae orationes' ('in Natal. plur. sanctorum' S. Gerb.; ‘in Natal. plur, confessorum' Men.). In Leofr. the first is the 'ad complendum,' the second the ad Populum' of a Missa in Nat. plur. sanctorum.' In Leon. they are the first and second Collects for the Festival of SS. Felicissimus and Agapitus. The Postcommunion is assigned by S. Gerb. and Men. to a Festival 'plurimorum martyrum,' in each case among the additional prayers; Leon. gives it a place (perhaps as a super Populum') in a Missa for the Festival of SS. Cornelius and Cyprian. supplices Leon. consortes V.; all the 5 dextera V. (ungrammatically);

rest as text.
S. Leon as text.


4 concesseris Leon.


6 V. omits tuae, which is restored from S. Leon.




Gerb. 156.

Fraterna nos, Domine, martyrum tuorum corona laeti- S. (alibi.) ficet, quae et fidei nostrae praebeat 2 incitamenta virtutum, et multiplici nos suffragio consoletur 2. Per.

Leofr. 151.

Gerb. 156.

Praesta, quaesumus, Domine, ut sicut nobis indiscreta S. (alibi.) pietas horum martyrum beatorum individuae caritatis praebet exemplum, sic spiritum gratiae tuae, quo iugiter muniamur, semper imploret. Per.




[blocks in formation]

Iterata mysteria, Domine, pro sanctorum martyrum devota mente tractamus, quibus nobis et praesidium crescit et gaudium. Per.


Caelesti munere saginati quaesumus, Domine Deus Leon. 348. noster, ut haec nos dona martyrum tuorum deprecatione Cf. xxxviii

beata sanctificent 5. Per.


The two Collects and the Secret of this Missa are assigned in S. and Gerb. to the Festival of the Maccabees (Kal. Aug.), where Gerbert wrongly marks the Secret as not contained in either R. or S.; Leofr. has the first Collect and a variation of the Secret in its Missa for the same day; while the Postcommunion appears to be closely related to that which is assigned to the same festival in V. (xxxviii supra). praebeant... consolentur V.; S. Gerb. Leofr. as text. 3 Iterata, so V. (S1?); S2 Gerb. have intemerata; Leofr. has a different beginning reading Votiva, Domine, mysteria, sanctorum tuorum solemnia celebrantes. 4 S2 Gerb. insert tuorum commemoratione; V. S1 as text (perhaps ungrammatically: the difficulty of such a reading may have occasioned the variation in Leofr., already noted). The reading of V.

is apparently corrupt :-ut haec nobis dona martyrum tuorum duplicacio beata sanctificet. The text has been emended by a comparison with xxxviii supra, and with Leon,




Domine Deus noster, multiplica super nos gratiam tuam; S. (alibi.) et quorum celebramus gloriosa certamina, tribue subsequi in sancta professione victoriam 2. Per.


Gerb. 28. Leon. 347.

Suscipe, Domine, quaesumus, munera populi tui pro s. (alibi.) martyrum festivitate sanctorum, et sincero nos corde fac Gerb. 28. eorum natalitiis interesse. Per.


S. (alibi.)
Gerb. 28.

Sacramenti tui, Domine, quaesumus, sumpta benedictio corpora nostra mentesque sanctificet, et perpetuae misericordiae nos praeparet adscribendos. Per Dominum.

1 This Missa appears in S. and Gerb. for the Festival of S. Zoticus and others. victoria V. (ungrammatically); S. Gerb. Leon. as text. 3 quaesumus Domine S. Gerb.


R. S.



Excita, Domine, potentiam tuam, et veni, et quod ecclesiae tuae usque in finem saeculi promisisti 3 clementer operare. Sacr. Gall. Per. y

Gerb. 199.
Men. 186.


Miss. Gall. 702.
Gerb. 207.

Men. 191.

Sacr Gall. 785.

Gerb. 204.
Men. 188.


Excita, Domine, potentiam tuam, [et veni 4], et magna nobis virtute succurre, ut per auxilium gloriae tuae quod nostra peccata praepediunt, indulgentia tuae propitiationis acceleret. Per. y


Placare, Domine, quaesumus, humilitatis nostrae precibus et hostiis; et ubi nulla suppetunt suffragia meritorum tuae Miss. Gall. nobis indulgentiae succurre praesidiis. Per. y



Gerb. 202.
Men. 187.
Sacr. Gall.
Miss. Gall.


Gerb. 204.

Men. 188.

V.D.... Deus 7. Cui proprium est ac singulare quod bonus es, et nulla unquam a te es commutatione diversus 10. Propitiare supplicationibus nostris et ecclesiae 681 tuae misericordiam tuam quam confitentur 11 ostende, manifestans plebi tuae Unigeniti tui 12 mirabile sacramentum, ut 13 in universitate nationum perficiatur quod 14 per Verbi tui evangelium promisisti, et habeat plenitudo adoptionis. quod pertulit 15 testificatio veritatis. Per Christum Domi

num. y


Repleti cibo spiritalis 16 alimoniae supplices te deprecamur, omnipotens Deus, ut huius participatione mysterii Miss. Gall. doceas nos terrena despicere et amare caelestia, atque 17 omni nexu mortiferae cupiditatis exutos regno perpetuae libertatis consortes efficias. Per Dominum. γ


1 This Missa and the four which follow it apparently correspond to the five Missae provided by R. and S. for the five Sundays before Christmas Day. Men. likewise has five Missae for these weeks, reckoning backward from Christmas. S. has also a series of three Missae and R. has two Missae for the weekdays of Advent, while R. S. and Men. have cach a series of 'Aliae Orationes de Adventu,' with which, probably, the prayers contained in the latter part of

lxxxiv were intended to correspond, though they have not in V. any separate title, and appear (most likely by accident) as if they were additional Postcommunions for the last of the five Advent Missae. Gerbert's triple text fails for the greater part of the Advent section, T. being defective at this point, and Gerbert tells us that he used S. and R. for the portion lacking in T. His text, however, shows a few variations from the readings both of R. and S., and he includes some things which are not contained in R. The contents and arrangement of the five Missae differ to some extent. R. S. and Gerb. show two Collects for each Missa, while Men. has only one: Men. has a 'super Populum' in each Missa, which R. S. and Gerb. have not; and there are some variations in the text of the special Prefaces which S. Gerb. Men. agree in assigning to each of the five Missae. In the majority of the five, however, R. S. and Gerb. are in agreement with Men. as to one Collect, the Secret, and the Postcommunion. Four out of the five Missae of V. show a marked correspondence with the Advent Missae of the Sacramentarium Gallicanum and of the Missale Gallicanum Vetus. 2 de adventum Domini, so V. The contents of this Missa appear in different positions in the other books referred to. (a) The first Collect has the same position in R. S. Gerb. Men. and appears in the two Gallican books as the first prayer of the first Missa de Adventu. (b) The second Collect is in the Sacramentarium Gallicanum the second prayer of the first Advent Missa: in R. S. Gerb. Men. it is the first Collect of the Missa for the Sunday next before Christmas. (c) The Secret in R. S.

Gerb. Men. belongs to the third Sunday before Christmas. In Miss. Gall. it is the 'Post Nomina' of the first Advent Missa. (d) The Preface is assigned by R. S. Gerb. Men. to the fourth Sunday before Christmas: in both the Gallican books it forms part of the first Advent Missa. The Postcommunion is that of

the third Sunday before Christmas in R. S. Gerb. Men. and appears in Miss. Gall.


as the final 'Collectio' of the first Advent Missa. promisisti usque in finem


V. omits et gratiae R. S. Gerb. Men.; V. clause in reference to the persons 7 Miss. Gall. has this word in

saeculi R. S. Gerb. Men.; V. and both Gallican books, as text.
veni, which is restored from the other texts.
and Sacr. Gall. as text. Miss. Gall. adds a
whose names had preceded the 'Collectio.'
the same isolated position, which led Mabillon to suspect an omission; Sacr.
Gall. has omnipotens Deus, per Christum Dominum nostrum. Cui...;
R. has VD. Cui ...; S. Gerb. Men. have the normal introduction ending with
aeterne Deus.
est Sacr. Gall. 9 nullam umquam ad te est commu-
tacione V.; communicatione R.
11 confitetur
R. Gerb.; deprecatur Men. 12 Sacr. Gall. inserts adventum Domini nostri
Iesu Christi; Men. inserts et incarnationis mysterium et adventus and after


sacramentum proceeds in a 14 Sacr. Gall. omits quod. Gerb. Sacr. Gall. as text. atque... efficias.

10 divisus Sacr. Gall.

[blocks in formation]

et Miss. Gall. praetulit Miss. Gall.; protulit S2; V. R. S1 16 spiritali V. 17 R. S. Gerb. Men. omit



Men. 188.

Excita, Domine, quaesumus, corda nostra ad praepa- R.S.(alibi.) randas Unigeniti tui vias; ut per eius adventum purificatis Gerb. 204. tibi servire mentibus 2 mereamur. Per. y Miss. Gall. 703. Sacr. Gall. 785. Praeveniat nos, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus, tua gratia semper et subsequatur; ut cum adventu3 Unigeniti tui, quem summo cordis desiderio sustimenus, et praesentis vitae subsidia et futurae etiam consequamur. Per.

Conscientias nostras, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus, quotidie visitando purifica, ut veniente Domino Filio tuo, paratam sibi in nobis inveniat mansionem. Per. y

R. S.

Gerb. 202.

Men. 193. Sacr. Gall. 785.

Men. 192.

Gerb. 200.

Sacr. Gall. 785.
Miss. Gall. 703.

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