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Some large general advertisers still hesitate to try GLEANINGS IN BEE CULture, being under the impression that it is nothing but a class magazine. The letter below, lately received from a former subscriber, contains a significant statement. His opinion, representative as it is of hundreds of expressions received by us, ought to convince any advertiser. Such subscribers are sure to be good patrons of our advertisers.

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Replying to yours of Jan. 7, with inquiry as to my
reason for discontinuing Gleanings, I will say that I have
the numbers of that magazine for a year and a half, and have
read about one-fourth of their contents. I also have a
copy of your latest A B C and X Y Z, and have not read it as
much as I should; therefore I thought it best to discontinue
my bee-papers for a time, any way.

My opinion of Gleanings and its publishers is the
highest. I do not know of a cleaner, higher-toned period-
ical. In general moral tone it has most of the religious
publications beaten to a frazzle,'' and its genuine inter-
est in its readers and their homes and home-life makes it
more than a class or trade journal.

Assuring you that it is my intention to be again numbered among your subscribers at no very distant date, I am

Most sincerely yours,

E. J. Adkisson.

Quality of Circulation. GLEANINGS numbers more than very highest grade of readers-about one-half prosperous farmers, women in all walks of life-all intensely interested in bee culture. general circulation all over the country.

35,000 subscribers, the the other half men and This represents a very

The Final Test. Do advertisers in GLEANINGS get results? If we had your eye and ear for five minutes we could prove to your entire satisfaction that no medium in this country, circulation considered, has as handsome a record of bona-fide results. This has been shown over and over again by the returns that have been received by many and different lines of general (as well as specially apropos) lines of business that have been and are using space. We might cite scores of cases, but have room for only a few such as Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Co.; Kitselman Bros.; R. M. Kellogg Co.; Darling & Beahan; Seaboard Air Line; Farm Journal; W. Atlee Burpee & Co.; Bateman Mfg. Co.; M. M. Johnson Co.

We will gladly send specific data on this matter of results to any advertiser asking for them. For any other particulars address

Advertising Dept. GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE, Medina, O.

"If goods are wanted quick, send to Pouder."

Established 1889


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By the Bee Crank


ers are going to delay ordering until the last minute, and then find themselves in a great hurry for their goods. If you do, I shall be ready for you.

But why wait? Isn't it better for you to take my catalog to-night, sit down in front of the cozy fire, look through it carefully, and check off the things you will need, and drop me a line telling me about them? If you do not want the goods at once, tell me when to ship them, and when the day comes they will be packed ready to go forward to you. This makes it easier for me, and it also relieves your mind and provides against

overlooking it during the spring rush.

I handle Root's standard goods, and sell at Root's prices. If you haven't my catalog, a card request will bring it. I should like to show you what I have in stock by way of Danzenbaker hives, metal-spaced frames, smokers, veils, and all the necessaries that belong to the bee industry.


Write for quotations on finest white-clover extracted honey in five-gallon cans. am supplying many up-to-date beekeepers with this fine honey, thus enabling them to hold their established trade. Send me your beeswax. I pay 28c cash or 30c in trade.

I am running full blast in my new building, where I have increased facilities for handling this particular line of business. In fact, I claim to possess the most perfect and complete distributing house in all the world, outside of the large factories.

Every communication sent here receives an immediate and courteous reply.

Walter S. Pouder,

859 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana


and What They Did

Dear Friend Hilton:-The two three-frame nuclei I received of you May 21 were received in fine condition, and the red-clover queens proved themselves worthy of the name. I never saw finer or gentler bees. They were transferred to ten-frame hives and full sheets of foundation. I now have four strong colonies, with plenty of stores for winter, and have taken 195 lbs. of fine extracted honey, mostly clover. I want two more nuclei for next spring delivery, and my neighbor wants another. You may use this letter or any part of it as you choose. Gratefully yours, Rhinelander, Wis., Sept. 14, 1908. G. C. CHASE.

In addition to the above I have sold friend Chase about $200 worth of ROOT GOODS, which deserve some credit for the above results-the best of every thing is none too good. ROOT'S GOODS and GLEANINGS helped. If you are not taking GLEANINGS, WHY NOT? For an order of $10.00 before Jan. 1 I will give GLEANINGS one year; $20.00, two years; $30.00, three years; or you may have GLEANINGS from now to the end of 1909 for $1.00; two years for $1.50; three years for $2.00. SEND FOR MY 40-PAGE CATALOG. CASH FOR BEESWAX, or will exchange goods for it.



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With the side grate combines hot and cold blast deflecting part of the air back and over the fuel; COOLS as it expels the smoke, while part fans the side and bottom till all consumed. The Double-walled case, 31⁄2 inches in diameter, has asbestos-lined sides and bottom, keeping all cool.

The projecting hinge-strap protects the smoke exit, and renders easy opening the one-piece cap.

THE VALVELESS metal-bound bellows combines simplicity, utility, and durability.

Five years increasing sales justify us in extending our GUARANTEE of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for full satisfaction or REFUND of price on all our smokers sold by US OR OTHERS.

Price, $1.00; two, $1.60; mail 25c each extra. DAN-ZE HIVES with metal Propolis-proof Guards. ROOT'S Goods at Root's prices, early-order discounts. Write us for any thing you need. Free circulars for yourself and your friends.

If you want a home in this genial Sunny South Land, we will help you find it. F. Danzenbaker, Norfolk, Va., or Medina, Ohio

W.H.Laws is again on hand with his famous stock of

bees and queens for the season of 1909. Fine well-bred queens are his specialty; and in all the queens mailed during the past 18 years there is not a displeased customer that I know of. On the other hand, letters of praise come from every source. Mr. Wm. Hughes, of Washington, D. C., writes that he has been handling queens for the past twenty years, and he has never found any that equal or please him so well as the two dozen he bought of me last season. I can and do mail queens every month in the year, California and Cuba taking over 100 in the past month of December. I will mail queens from now on at the one price of $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Breeding queens, each, $5.00. Write for prices on quantity lots. Address W. H. LAWS, Beeville, Bee County, Texas.

Oldest Bee-paper in America





If not now a subscriber and you want one of the
most helpful aids to successful bee-culture-a paper
that tells how to make your bees pay-you should
subscribe for the


A 32-page illustrated 75-cent monthly. It tells all
about the best way to manage bees to produce the
most honey; with market quotations, etc. A dozen
different departments-one for women bee-keepers.
Best writers.

It Will Increase Your Honey-Money

If you will send us your name and address with 40 cents (stamps or coin) together with this coupon, we will send you a trial trip of our Journal for 12 months. Order now and let us begin with this month's fine number. Address, American Bee Journal, 118 West Jackson, Chicago, Illinois

Now in its 48th Year

New Goods for 1909

Good News for the Southwestern Bee-keeper

The strenuous season of 1908 left our stock of bee-supplies in a depleted condition. We have now replenished our stock with large shipments of the finest bee-goods ever seen in the Southwest. These are

Root's Goods Exclusively

"as fine

We have not dared to experiment with any other line of bee-supplies; and from the looks of our new goods we shall never need to. They are as silk." We should be glad if our customers would come and see them. You will be pleased with the best ever. Come along and enjoy a day in San Antonio, picking out what you want while your wife goes shopping. Seeing is believing, and we would far rather hear you puff our goods than do it ourselves. But we honestly believe we have not only the largest line of bee-supplies in Texas, but also, by far, the best in quality.

Shipping-cases for Comb Honey.

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If you can use any of the cases in the foregoing list we will quote very attractive prices to clean them up. Please write at once if you want any.

Early-order discount-2 per cent for February.

Beeswax Wanted.

We are in fine shape to use large supplies of beeswax. Bee-keepers in Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Louisiana should bear this in mind In our foundation department we have a force of expert workmen who thoroughly understand their work. In working the beeswax they are careful to retain fhe original fragrant odor of the hive. It takes skill and care to do this, but we do it, If you desire your beeswax worked up in this way send it here. We buy wax outright for cash, and we also do considerable trading for bee-supplies.

Toepperwein & Mayfield

Write to us
your wants.

1322 South Flores St.

San Antonio, Texas

Catalog free.



You can make no better investment than to take the discounts I am offering on bee-keepers' supplies. These discounts will diminish as the season advances; so the earlier you send in your order the better the investment You can not afford to miss this special offer. Send in the list of the goods you want and get my net prices by letter.

My stock of Root goods is the largest and most complete carried in the West, and with carloads continually being added I am in position to meet every want of the bee-keeper, with promptness and satisfaction.

Write to-day for new prices and catalog.


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Do not fail to write us for catalog and terms. February discount, 2 per cent, besides some low prices on odd stock not much called for, but may just suit your wants.

We keep in stock Root Co.'s perfect goods, "the standard." We equalize freight rates with St. Louis and Kansas City points on all shipments of 100 lbs. and over. Send us your inquiries early.




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