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Bee Culture


January 1, 1909

No. 1


The Rapid Destruction of a Bee Flora by Forest Fires

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How To Raise Them? That's the question!

Nearly every person can hatch chicks with hens or an incubator, but very few can raise the chicks. Very few know how to get them through the chick period to the dollar bringing time. Very few know how to make money by raising p ultry. But there is big money in poultry and we can tell you how to get your share.

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Dr. A. A. Brigham, the acknowledged poultry authority, has written a wonderful book, entitled, "Chick Culture." It covers everything from the egg to the mature fowl. It tells among other things how to hatch chicks successfully; how to quickly develo them; what to feed them and how to feed; how to construct serviceable, inexpensive houses and furnish them at ittle cost. It is plainly written, easily understood. It is full of practical poultry knowledge from cover to cover. Invaluable to any one who will follow its practical teachings. A full size book which thoroughly covers the subject of chick culture from beginning to end.


Dr. Brigham.

$1.75 and "Chick Culture" For $1.00 POULTRY HUSBANDRY is a leading poultry monthly magazine, edited by men well known to the profession, and contributed to by leading experts. It is always well-printed and profusely illustrated. A year's subscription is 50 cents.

FARM PRESS is published monthly, 160,000 copies and edited for the farmers all over America. Every farmer, big or little, should read Farm Press. Its many departments make it interesting to every one on the farm. One year, 25c. GREEN'S FRUIT GROWER, a high grade monthly magazine for the fruit growing farmer and his family. Owned and edited by Charles A. Green, one of the greatest Horticulturists of the day. One year, 50c.

VICK'S MAGAZINE, for over 30 years has been recognized as one of the leading family journals. It goes to over 100,000 homes every month. Every issue is a special number and its several departments are always of interest to every member of the arm family. It especially appeals to the women and young folks. One year, 50c.

"CHICK CULTURE", the great poultry book, needs to be seen to be fully appreciated by the poultryman who needs help and advice with his chickens. It covers poultry raising from A to Z. Its information is clearly tol and logically arranged so as to be easily found. "Chick Culture" is worth a gold dollar to every poultry raiser, even if he has only a very small flock.


All for



An arrangement has been made which admits of the above liberal offer being made the readers of this publication. It means that you will receive for the low price of $1.00, one of the very best poultry papers in the country, a high grade farm paner, a horticultural, and a home magazine, all for one full year, and a copy of Dr. Brigham's book "Chick Culture." This is one of the most liberal offers ever made. Take advantage of it now: Send emittance of $1.00 in any convenient way to

Hawkins Publishing Company, Dept. B Waterville, N. Y.

P. S. The above special offer is open to our old subscribers to POULTRY HUSBANDRY as well as new ones. Send us your order at once and we'll advance your subscription one year.


Building Material


An Illustration from our "Rook of Plans"

A modern up-to-date barn, one of many illustrated and fully described in our free "Book of Plans." It can be readilly constructed by an ordinary mechanic with the aid of our simple plans & specifications, furnished free of charge. In referring to this design mention "J F1."

Greatest Offer



The Chicago House Wrecking Co. is the most wonderful institution in the world. We offer you an opportunity to make an enormous saving in the purchase of building material and supplies of every kind. Read our new 1909 offer carefully. It is something that every man with an immediate or prospective building idea must carefully consider. We say that, quality considered, we can undersell any concern in existence on any lumber or building material needed for construction of any house or building.

100,000,000 Feet $650 Buys all the Material to

of New Lumber at Wrecking Prices!

We purchased direct from the Mills, at various Forced Sales, thousands of carloads of high-grade, first-class, brand new Lumber. We bought it at sacrifice prices and we are offering it for sale at a reasonable margin of profit. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to buy the vey best Lumber manufactured at prices less than the dealer or jobber can ordinarily buy it for.

As to quality, rest assured nothing better is manufactured. Don't listen to what unscrupulous dealers may tell you. Our material is guaranteed to be clean, new. fresh lumber- not wrecked material in any sense of the word - just as good as you can buy any. where and it is sold under a positive, binding guarantee that protects you absolutely.

We don't ask for money in advance. You can buy it without sending one cent of money with your order. All we require is a guarantee as to your responsibility. Money refunded if material is contrary to our representation. We have a capital stock and surplus of over $1,000,000.00. We refer you to any bank or banker anywhere. Or you can write direct to the Great Stock Yards Bank, The Drovers Deposit National Bank of Chicago.


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for Our Estimate!

We urge you to send us your carpenter's bill for our estimate. Have him make up a list of every single item you will need and send it to us. We guarantee to go over it carefully and itemize it fully and to send you a clear concise statement of just what we will furnish and the prices will be so low as to secure your order. You can include in your list of material everything needed; that means even plumbing and heating material, furniture, rugs, etc.


We make our quotations Freight Prepaid. That means delivered free of all charges to your railroad shipping point. No trouble with the Railroad Companies for you. We assume every possible risk. We guarantee safe, sound and prompt delivery and if any material reaches destination damaged, we make good at once and assume all your claims against the Railroad Co.


Send me free of all cost your Wonderful
Catalog and Building Offer, as advertised.
I saw your advertisement in GLEANINGS.

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Barn Sash.... $ 0.36

Panel Doors

Storm Sash..


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Window Frames
Door Frames...
Base Angles
Corner Blocks..
Base Blocks..
Stair Rails..

Porch Balusters .05

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We publish a book of some 500 pages, containing a general record of our goods and showing millions of dollars worth of merchandise secured by us at Sheriffs' Sales, Receivers Sales and Manufacturers' Sales. It lists Building Material and Supplies, Machinery, Roofing and Wire, Structural Material, Hardware of all kinds, Furniture and Office Fixtures, Belting and Rubber Hose, Plumbing and Heating Apparatus, Pipe, Valves and Fittings, Wire and Manila Rope, Electrical Apparatus, Safes and Vault Doors, Tanks, etc., etc.

In addition to this General Catalog we publish a "Book of Plans," It shows illustrations of modern houses and barns; gives illustrations from life as well as floor plans; it explains our unique offer to furnish all material needed to construct any buildings shown in our book. You can get a complete set of plans, specifications and bill of material for $2.00. Or, furnished free with your order. We also publish a Furniture Catalog showing handsome designs in Household Goods, Furniture and Office Supplies. Write us your wants save you big money. We illustrate rugs, carpets and linoleum in exact colors. Ask for Catalog No. 688. We have an immense stock of Imported Oriental Rugs. Write for prices. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO., 35th & Iron Streets, CHICAGO

We can

Honey Markets.

The prices listed below are intended to represent, as nearly as possib e, the average market prices at which honey and beeswax are selling at the time of the report in the city mentioned. Unss otherwise s'ated, this is the price at which sales are being m de by commission merchants or by p oducers direct to he retail mr. bant. When sales are made by commission merchants, the us al commission (from five to ten per cent), cartage, and freight will be dedacted, and in addition there is often a charge for storag by the commission merchant. When sales are made by the producer direct to the retailer, commission and storage, and other charges, are eliminated. Sales made to wholesale houses are u-ually about ten per cect less than those to retail merchants.

INDIANAPOLIS. As a rule, the honey market is dull during December; but the demand is holding up remarkably well this season. Producers are not now offering honey freely; and while wholesale houses are well stocked, the indications are that honey will be scarce before the arrival of the new crop. Some fancy white comb is being offered by producers at 12; No. 1 white at 12; white clover, extracted, in 5-gallon cans, at 7. Some amber honey is being offered, but the demand is so slight that the prices are irregular. Beeswax is steady at 28 cts. cash, or 30 in exchange for merchandise. Dec. 15.

WALTER S. POUDER, Indianapolis.

KANSAS CITY.-We quote extracted honey as follows: Fancy white in 24-section no-drip flat cases, $3.00 per case; No. 1, from $2.75 to $290; No. 2, $2.50. Extracted No. 1 white, in 60-lb. cans, 8 cts. per lb.; amber, 7%. Our market is well supplied at present with both comb and extracted honey. While there is a fairly good movement of honey, there is enough to supply the demand for some time to come. Beeswax is in demand at 25 to 28. C. C. CLEMONS PRODUCE Co.,

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ZANESVILLE.-The fact that money is being spent in other channels now immediately before Christmas has made the demand for honey abnormally light. For fancy to No. 1 white comb the jobbing trade are offering 13 to 14 delivered, and 8 for the best grade of extracted. There is not much change in the wholesale market. For good clean beeswax 1 offer 29 cts. cash or 30 in exchange for bee-supplies. E. W. PEIRCE, Dec. 19. Zanesville, O.

SAN FRANCISCO.-There is no stock of water-white honey, either comb or extracted, on this market, and the white grade is moving fairly well at prices formerly quoted. Prices are still maintained on the lower grades, but they are moving off very slowly. We quote white comb at 15; white extracted, 7 to 8; light amber, 61⁄2 to 7; dark amber, 4% to 5%; candied, 4% to 5.-Pacific Rural Press, Dec. 19.

CINCINNATI.-With the close of the year the demand for both comb and extracted honey is very quiet, for all buyers wish to rid themselves of their stock to begin anew when business opens up again. Our prospects for the future are b ignt, and we look forward to a marked increase over the past four or five months' business. Amber extracted honey is selling by the barrel at from 5 to 62. according to quality and quantity pur hased. Extracted white-clover honey sells at 8. Fancy comb honey is moving freely at 14 to 142. We can use quite a lot of that a ticle; and if any one has some to dispose of, he will find us buyers. For good to choice yellow beeswax we are paying 27 to 28 delivered here. THE FRED W. MUTH CO., Cincinnati, O.

Dec. 22.

NEW YORK.-The demand for comb honey is only fair, and that only for fancy and No. 1 white. Low grades are dragging. and the demand for these, even at low figures, is next to nothing. While we have no overstock of No. 1 and fancy white, we can not encourage shipments of mixed or off grades. If the demand for white honey will continue fairly good during the next four months we do not think that there will be any carried over so far as our market is concerned, unless some shipments should arrive from the West, where, as we understand, there are large quantities held back. Extracted honey is in fair demand with sufficient sufficient supply. We quote California white sage at 9 to 92; light amber, 8 to 8%; amber, 7 to 7%. Southern and other grades, in barrels, 60 to 75 cts. per gallon, according to quality. Beeswax is quiet at 28 to 29.

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ST. LOUIS.-The honey trade during the last few months has been dragging, and the little that was sold changed hands at low rates. Stocks are not large, but somewhat in excess of the limited demand. We quote fancy white comb honey at 12 to 122: choice amber, 11 to 12; dark amber, 9 to 10. Broken or leaking honey sells at considerably less. Choice amber honey, in barrels and half-barrels, sells at 5% to 6; in five-gallon cans, 6 10 62. Dark and inferior grades are entirely neglected, and would sell at considerably less. Beeswax sells at 29 cts. for choice pure; all impure and inferior, less. St. Louis, Dec. 21.


BUFFALO. The honey market is about as dull as I ever saw it. No one seems to want honey. There may be a little demand after New Year's day. We quote No. 1 to fancy whiteclover comb at 14 to 15; No. 2 ditto, 10 to 12; No. 1 buckwheat. 11 to 12; No. 2 ditto, 9 to 10; white extracted, 8 to 9; dark, 61⁄2 to 7; white honey in jelly-tumblers, 85 to 90 cts. per dozen. Beeswax, 28 to 30. W. C. TOWNSEND, Buffalo, N. Y.

Dec. 21.

CHICAGO. The past two weeks trade in comb honey has eased off considerably, but we look for a reaction after the first of the year. as a good many of the stores and jobbers are reducing their stocks as much as possible for the inventory period. The Chicago market is amply supplied with comb honey, but there seems to be a shortage of white-clover and basswood extracted. Demand for these is quite active at the present time. We quote extra fancy white comb honey at 14 to 14%; fancy and No. 1 white. 13 to 14, No. 2 white and light amber, 11 to 12%; other inferior grades at correspondingly low prices. White-clover and basswood extracted, in 60-lb. cans, two to the case, 7% to 8; in barrels. 1⁄2 ct. per lb. less. Bright pure beeswax, 30 to 32. Chicago, Dec. 22. S. T. FISH & Co.

LIVERPOOL.-The market for all descriptions of honey is very firm, and stocks are still small. Chilian, 41⁄2 to 6 cts.; Peruvian, 3 to 42; California, 8% to 10%1⁄2: Jamaican, 4 to 5; Haitian, 5 to 7. Beeswax-African, 26 to 2; American, 30 to 33; West Indian, 29 to 32; Chilian, 30 to 36; Peruvian, 33; Jamaican, 34 to 35. TAYLOR & Co.. 7 Tithebarn St. It ap

Dec. 16.

ELKIN. Comparatively little honey is on the market. pears that this year's crop is about all exhausted. White section honey sells at 25; sourwood chunk honey, 16 to 17; red or dark honey, none offered at present. This town has about 1800 inhabitants, and I have sold 3500 lbs. this fall; and while I am entirely out, orders are coming for more sourwood honey. There was a fine crop of honey in this section this year. Beeswax is firm at 26. G. F. JONES. Dec. 14. Elkin, N. C. See next page for balance of Honey Market reports.

If your honey crop is short, and you need something fine
to supply your customers, write to us, for we have it.

FINEST Water-white Mountain-sage Honey (extracted).
BEST White-clover Honey (extracted).
WATER-WHITE Sweet-clover Honey (extracted).

Also Fancy Comb Honey. WRITE US FOR PRICES.




All in crates of two 60-lb.



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of the different grades and kinds

If you have any to dispose of, or if you intend to buy, correspond with us.

We are always in the market for WAX at highest market prices.


265-267 Greenwich St.. 62-66 Murray St.


Light amber, good flavor, 8c lb.; bbls., 7% to 8c lb. Sample,10c. No. 1 comb honey, $3.60 case. Catalog of apiarian supplies f ee. I. J. STRINGHAM, 105 PARK PL., NEW YORK CITY




Honey, Beeswax, Maple Sugar and Syrup, etc

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Honey Market Reports continued from page 4. TOLEDO.-The market on comb honey at this season of the year is rather quiet; and owing to the good demand that we have had for the last two or three months dealers seem to be well filled up, and do not wish to add to their stock until after the first of the year. We are quoting strictly fancy white-clover comb honey at 15 to 151⁄2: No. 1, 141⁄2 to 15. We have no No 2 to offer, but it would bring, perhaps 1⁄2 ct. per lb. less. Extracted white-clover honey would bring 7% to 8 in small lots. California light amber, 6% to 7 in small lots. Good yellow beeswax is bringing 28 to 30 in trade. The above are our selling prices, and not what THE GRIGGS & NICHOLS CO., Toledo, O.

we pay.

Dec. 22.

NEW YORK.-The market is pretty well stocked with comb honey; but the demand for clover comb honey is very slow and unsatisfactory, presumably on account of the scarcity of money, which has not as yet adjusted itself since the financial trouble of last fall. Extracted honey has been in better demand up to about three weeks ago for manufacturing purposes, but is now slow, with stock fairly well cleaned up. Buckwheat, comb and extracted, is not as plentiful as clover, with demand fair and stock diminished. California is not very plentiful, particularly white. Considerable Southe n honey is ffered. We quote extracted clover at 7% to 8; amber ditto, 6% to 7; buckwheat, 6% to 7; fancy white comb honey, 13 to 15; No. 1 dito, 12 to 14; No 2 ditto, 10 to 12; buckwheat, 9 to 12. Beeswax, 28 to 31. CHAS. ISRAEL & BROTHERS, Dec. 23. New York

SCHENECTADY.-Our market is now very quiet, as is usually the case during the holiday season. We have some call for extracted buckwheat in 60-lb. cans and 160-lb. kegs. There is no change in prices from last quotation. CHAS. MCCULLOCH, Dec. 21. Schenectady, N. Y.

ST. PAUL.-Receipts of honey are very light; demand moderate and prices steady. The prices below represent those obtained for shipment in small lots. Fancy white-clover and basswood, new, 13 to 14; buckwheat. 10 to 122: extracted, in 60-lb. cans, 7 to 8.-Beard of Trade Bulletin, Dec. 21.

ALBANY.-We have to quote a nominal honey market now. Stocks are not large, but the demand is light and the general quality not fine. We quote extra white clean comb, 15; No. 1, 14; mixed, 11 to 13: buckwheat, extra, 12; medium, 10 to 11. The demand for extracted is better at present than for comb. We quote white clover at 8 to 81⁄2; mixed, 7 to 7%; buckwheat, 7. Beeswax, 30 to 3.-receipts light. Dec. 23.

H. R. WRIGHT, Albany.

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