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able to the parties engaged in it, and may it is thus allowed to wanton in scurrility, be expected to revive, in its greatest vi- so long will the people of England, whether gour, during the proceedings of Congress, they visit France on business, or for amuseto the great annoyance of the people in this ment, feel the effects of this insolent and country. Those, however, who are such unprincipled conduct. Much as we profess fools as to be duped out of their money, to be indignant at libels against indivi after they have been so frequently apprised duals, and severe as our law is against of of their danger, deserve no more compas-fenders, we seem yet to be ignorant of the sion than the dog in the fable, who, snatch-gross iniquity there is in libelling a whole ing at the shadow, which appeared in the people. In the one case, the feelings of only water, of what he held in his mouth, lost one person is injured, and whatever may the substance altogether.


be the consequences to him, society runs no risk of being disturbed. But in the other, entire millions are outraged, and a bloody war may be the consequence, unless some atonement is made for the offence, and the practice altogether abandoned.

STATE OF FRANCE.-Notwithstanding the deplorable situation in which France was represented to be by the late Exposé of her Government, every day brings us fresh accounts of the flourishing state of her agriculture, and of her manufactures. AMERICA. It would seem that the neParis Papers, so late as Tuesday last, reached town yesterday, from which it ap-American Commissioners, have been sudgociations lately opened at Ghent with the pears, that the French Funds are also in a most prosperous condition." The rise in the Funds," says the editor of the Gazette de France, "continues.-Among the number of English now in our capital, several have made large purchases. This confidence in Funds our proves better than all possible reasoning the solidity of our financial system.". The Courier seems much dissatisfied with this statement, as it always has been with every thing that indicated prosperity to France. This improvement," observes the hypocritical writer of the Courier, " in their financial situation, ought to operate, though we are far from thinking it will, as an inducement to the nation to remain

denly broken off; and although nothing. official has transpired on the subject, this unexpected rupture has been attributed to which are held entirely inadmissible on some fresh demands of our Government, the part of America. The following statement, which was copied into the Courier of last night, as a leading article without any comment, appeared in the Morning Chro nicle of yesterday:

"Advices reached us yesterday from Ghent to the 30th ult. from which there seems to be no

longer any question regarding the rupture of the Negociation. It is said that, in the first instance, which was to be considered as preliminary to the the British Commissioners submitted a project, general objects of the Negociation. This being rejected, a second series of proposals were made, at peace."-Certainly not, if it is in demands, with some fresh propositions. These which contained the substance of the preliminary the power of the Courier or the Times new terms were judged to be more objectionable to persuade the French Government to than the former; and to both of them, in this stage of the business, the Republican Plenipotenrenew the war; their exertions have tiaries gave a long but decisive answer, in which not, nor will they be wanting. The were examined all the leading subjects of difconstant theme of these journals is,ficulty and litigation between the two countries, Since that communication was made, we are inin fact, of a nature to provoke and formed there have been no conferences, and we irritate the French to acts of hostility; only for a formal notice from our Commissioners, believe that the American Agents are waiting and it cannot be a matter of surprise to that the discussions are terminated. It is said any one to hear, as we are almost every that the American Commissioners have not al day doing, that the people of France have lowed the introduction of any other propositions than those which were originally alleged to have ot only prevented the exportation of corn been the object of examination. Orders were destined for this country, but, in a variety expected at Ghent for the return of the British of instances, have insulted our countrymen, hier and Mr Goulburn have already quitted that Commissioners, and the report is, that Lord Gam and compelled them to return merely because city, in consequence of instructions from this they were Englishmen. This treatment, Government. Nothing has yet been published from a nation so celebrated for good breed- of the Negociation, and the reason assigned for at Ghent, officially, or otherwise, of the rupture ing as the French have always been, can the silence of the Commissioners of the Repubbe attributed to no other cause than the lic, in a letter before us, is, that the odium of the cessation of the discussions may be thrown abuse of our corrupt press; and as long as where it ought to lie'."

Printed and Published by J. MORTON, No. 94, Strand.

VOL. XXVI. No. 11.] LONDON, SATURDAY, SEPT. 10, 1814. [Price 15.






these editors, and even the " undaunted sons of Neptune," garbed in blue and gold,

AMERICAN WAR.-The Times news-exclaiming against the size of the Ameripaper, which was one of the loudest cla- can frigates and the number of their crews! mourers for this war, now observes, "with We should have thought of all this before.. deep regret, that it has lingered on, for we talked of annihilating the American so many months, without being distin- navy in a few weeks.-The merchants and "guished by any memorable stroke.". underwriters are now petitioning the Lords If the inflammatory and malicious writer of of the Admiralty and the Prince Regent to that paper already experiences disappoint-protect them more effectually against this ment, what will he experience during the "contemptible American navy," which, it months, yea, and, perhaps, the years, of seems, has already destroyed their property this war, which are yet to come? He, to the amount of millions, and some of the when urging on the nation to this enter- ships of which are said to blockade, in some prize, told them, with the utmost confi- sort, part of our harbours in England and dence, that, in a few weeks after war Ireland, and are capturing our ships within should be commenced," the boasted Ame- the sight of land.-These gentlemen should rican navy would be annihilated." Not have petitioned against the war. So far only has that navy not been annihilated, from that, many of them were eager for the but it has very much increased. It has war; and, do they think, that they are to annihilated some hundreds of our merchant enjoy the gratification of seeing the Ameri ships, and has defeated several of our ships can towns knocked down without paying of war, some of which, after victory over some little matter for it? That the Admi them, gained in the most wonderful man- ralty are employing a great many ships and ner, it has added to its own number.-It is sailors in this war our next year's taxes and said, that we are building ships to carry loans will fully convince us; but numerous 64 guns, for the express purpose of com-as their ships and sailors are, they are not, bating the American frigates. Ours, it and cannot be, sufficient to cover all the seems, are to be called frigates also. This ocean.The farmers, and land-holders, is to avoid the awkwardness of acknow- and fund-holders, are sighing for the repeal ledging, that our frigates are not able to of taxes; but how are they justified in cope with American frigates. Now, if it this wish, when it is well known that, to should happen that one of these new "fr-carry on the war, taxes are absolutely negates" of ours is beaten and captured by an American frigate, what will then be said For my part, were it with me to carry on the war, I would, after what has passed, resort to no such perilous expedient as this, but would, at once, send ships of the line against those formidable frigates, without making any apology for so doing.-Before the war began, not a word were we told about the formidableness of these frigates. The editors of the Times and the Courier were only impatient, that these frigates should meet ours upon the sea. They said nothing about their stout decks, and their heavy cannon, and their great big balls." But, the moment that the Americans beat and captured one of our frigates with one of theirs, then we heard

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cessary; and when it is also well known, that these persons were, in general, anxious for the war?-Some of them want war to prevent their produce from falling in price; others liked peace with France well enough; but, then, they wished "to give the Yankees a drubbing." Therefore, if to keep up the price of produce, and to give the Yankees a drubbing, taxes are wanted, with what decency can these persons expect that taxes will be taken off?-Do we obtain any thing that we want without paying for it, in some way or another? If we want food, or raiment, or houses, or pleasure, do we not expect to pay for th? Can we go to see a play or a puppet s without money? Why, then, are we to ex pect the greater pleasure of seeing the L


gone into the American service to fight against their country, that country being under the legitimate sway of the glorious and beloved House of Brunswick!-The

the country, is, probably, the reluctance which our naval officers have to confess defeat at the hands of those Yankees, whom we were so desirous to see drubbed. To avoid this painful acknowledgment, it has been asserted, that we have not been beaten by the Yankees, but by our own brave countrymen. But here again a difficulty arises; for how comes it to pass, that our own brave countrymen have more success on board of Yankee ships, than on board of our own heart of oak? How comes it to pass, that the men on both sides being of precisely the same race and education, those in the Yankee ships should beat those in "the wooden walls of Old England?" It has been observed, that

Yankees drubbed, without paying for that I be true, our countrymen have voluntarily
too?The public seem very impatient to
see the drubbing begin. The Times and
the Courier have been endeavouring to
entertain them for a long while, and until
they, as well as the audience, appear ex-origin of these accounts, so disgraceful to
hausted. But is it not reasonable, that
the public should, in this case, as well
as in all others, put down their mo-
ney previously to the drawing up of
the curtain? In a year or two, perhaps,
we shall see the drama commence in good
earnest. But, is it not enough to be
amused with a little dancing and tumbling
on the outside before we have paid our
money? “Send! Send away," says the
eager editor of the Times, "Send away a
force to crush them at once!" But not
a word does he say about the tares, neces-
sary to pay for the sending and keeping up
of such a force. Our Government is com-
posed of wonderfully elever men; but
they are not clever enough to make sol-
diers walk upon the waters over the Atlan-they fight more desperately, knowing that
tic, nor to enact, at a word, loaves and they fight with a halter about their necks
fishes to sustain them after their arrival. What an aspersion on "the sons of Nep-
To be able to send that "overwhelming tune!" As if the sons of Neptune, the gallant
force," of which the Times speaks, the Go- Jack Tars of Old England, wanted a halter
vernment must have money? and, as in all round their necks, and the gallows and exe
other cases, they must have the money cutioner's knife before their eyes, to make
first. In short, it is unreasonable in the them do more in battle than they are
extreme to expect the war in America to ready to do for the sake of their King and
be attended with any very signal result, country, and from a sentiment of honour!
until we have liberally paid two or three This is, really, giving a cruel stab to the
years of taxes.The assertion is again character of our sailors; but such is the
made, that the American ships are manned sorry malignity of those who publish these
principally with English, Irish, and Scotch. accounts of treasonable practices, that
I find this assertion in the Morning they entirely overlook these obvious infe
Chronicle of the 6th instant. If this were rences, in their anxiety to get rid of the
true, as I hope it is not, what a pleasant supposition that any thing praise-worthy
and honourable fact this war would have belongs to the character of the enemy.
brought to light? No other than this: If these accounts be true, as I hope they
that many of our own seamen, our 66
gal-are not, why are not the traitors tried and
lant tars," the" undaunted sons of Nep-executed? Why are they suffered to re-
tune," not only have no dislike to the
Americans, but actually have run the
risk of being hanged, drawn and quartered,
for the sake of fighting in the Ameri-
can service against their own country!
If the world believe these accounts,
what must the world think of us? Dur-
ing the long war in winch France was
engaged, no Frenchmen were ever found
in arms against their King and country.
Some of them, indeed, embodied themselves
under foreign banners to fight, as they pre-
tended, at least, for their country, and
against those whom they called the usurpers!
of its Garment, But, if these accounts

main in the American service? why are
they suffered to go on thus, shooting at, board-
ing, and taking our ships, insulting our
gallant officers, and putting our men in
irons? why are they not, I ask again, tried
and hanged? why are not their warm bowels
ripped out and thrown in their traiterous
faces? why are their bodies not cut into
quarters, and those quarters placed at the
King's disposal?But, I had forgotten,"
that before these things can be done, we
must capture the ships in which they sail
Is there no other way of coming at them?
It were well if those, whose business it is
to enforce the law against state-criminals,





would fall upon some scheme to reach them. I peater of what he heard in almost all the
Cannot the Parliament, which has been public-houses, resorted to by politicians of
called omnipotent, find out some means the most numerous class.-But the people
of coming at them?-In short, these ac- are not to be blamed for this delusion.
counts are a deep disgrace to the country; They had it given them, in the report of a
and, I do hope that the Lords of the speech of one of the Lords of the Admi-
Admiralty, who published that eloquent ralty, not long ago, that we were about to
paper, stimulating the sailors to fight undertake the deposing of Mr. Madison;
against the Americans, will fall speedily and who can blame them, if they believe
upon some means of putting an end to so that this deposition has taken place?-
great a scandal.—I have not time, at My friend, the serjeant, on whom I be-
present, to enter so fully into the subject stowed my benediction, will, however, I
of the American war as I shall in my next; am afraid, find, that this work of deposing
but, to the loose observations that I have Mr. Madison will give more trouble than
made, I cannot refrain from adding a word he appeared to expect; my reasons for
or two on the rupture of the negociations at which I shall state in my next:
Ghent, which is said to have taken place.
Who, in his senses, expected any other re-
sult? It was manifest, from the moment and in all countries, there have been vi
that Napoleon was removed from France, sionaries, prophets, and inspired. It would
that the war with America was destined to have been singular, therefore, if, in this
become a serious contest. There were all age, which has produced so many wonders;
sorts of feelings at work in favour of such which has given rise to the most astonish-
a war. There was not a single voice (mine ing events recorded in history, there should
only excepted) raised against it. Was it not also have started up some pretender to
to be supposed, then, that peace would be extraordinary gifts; some individual pos-
the work of a few months? Yet this rup- sessed of more shrewdness, of more cunning,
ture of the negociations appears to have than the generality of people, who are al-
excited a good deal of surprise, not wholly ways disposed to listen to any one capable
divested of a small portion of alarm. It was of exciting their wonder, and gratifying
expected that the Yankee Commissioners their unquenchable desire for the marvel-
would jump at peace on any terms. There lous. It would, I say, have indeed been
were thousands of persons, and well-dressed extraordinary, if this new era" had not
persons too, who said that the Yankees produced a person of this description; and
would not hesitate a moment to depose Mr. as this age has far surpassed every other in
Madison, and send him to some little un- the magnitude of its political occurrences,
inhabited island. About a fortnight ago, it would have been equally surprising if
some rifle soldiers were passing my house, in that individual had not boasted of superior
their way from Sussex to Plymouth, to endowments, far transcending those of his
join their corps, bound to America. A predecessors who, like him, pretended to
serjeant, who was at a little distance behind have received peculiar favour from on high.
the party, stopped at my door and asked Ecclesiastical history presents us with in-
for some beer. While the beer was draw-numerable instances of the rise and fall of
ing, I observed to him, that Jonathan must these favourites of heaven; many of whom
take care now what he was about. "No," succeeded, even without the aid of the
said the serjeant,
"I do not think it will sword, in attaching vast numbers to their
come to any head; for we learned the day cause; and, perhaps, might have ultimately
before yesterday, that Madison had run triumphed over the rival systems, had they
away." I asked him, if they had been been supported by a power like that which
informed whither he had run to. He re- gave consequence to the temporal sway of
But, amongst all
plied, that he had run "out of the country." the Roman Pontiff.
He further told me, that we were to have these parties, I have not been able to dis-
an army of 50,000 men for the conquest cover one whose plans appeared so well
of America; and that, if they were not laid, or whose claims to the possession of
enough, Russia had 60,000 men ready to supernatural powers, were better calculated
send to our assistance.From this the to arrest attention, than those of Joanna
Americans will judge of the opinions of Southcott. The greater part of her former
the people here; for, I dare say, that this competitors for this sort of fame were timid
serjeant was no more than the mere re- and irresolute; their claims to divine inter-


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course were asserted in a manner so secret | England, many of whom have considerable

property, and are looked up to as men possessing a large portion of understanding. From a short account published of Joanna's life, and which, at the time I write, has already reached the fifth edition, it appears, that she was born in Gettisham, a village of Devonshire, in the month of April, 1750; so that she is now fully 64 years of


as to excite suspicion; and what they were
sometimes induced to declare openly, was
done in so ambiguous a way, that even
their most intimate followers found it diffi-
cult to ascertain the meaning of the oracles
which they delivered. But in Joanna there
is no want of courage. She seems to have
been sufficiently aware that she lived in an
enlightened age, in a country where learn-age. At an early period of her life, she is
ing abounds, antongst scholars, and with a
people accustomed to investigate and to
criticise. Nothing of concealment has
marked her progress. From the commence-
ment of, what she considers, her divine in-
spirations, she has boldly announced them;
she has challenged inquiry; she has held
public conferences; and she boasts of the
fulfilment of predictions-not uttered in
secret, but in the presence of thousands of
her enemies, who now rank themselves
among her disciples and warmest supporters.
In introducing Miss Joanna to the notice
of my readers, I readily acknowledge, that
I have no wish to make them converts to
her faith. I am not a convert myself; and
probably some of her admirers will say,
that this arises from my never having seen
the lady, or perused any of her books. As
to visiting the holy dame, I feel no incli-
nation; and as to her books, I think it
would be a punishment rather than a plea-
sure to be compelled to read them; for I
am informed, that if all the "Books of
Wonders," published by Joanna, were col-
lected together, they would make no less
than eight or ten volumes octavo! The
works of this inspired maiden have, in fact,
been bought up with such avidity, that, ad-
mitting I were inclined to look into them,
bookseller says a copy of them is not to
be had for love nor money. But although
I have no desire to make proselytes for the
sainted Joanna, notwithstanding the many
proofs she has given of her divine mission, I
have thought it proper not to let a system
pass altogether unnoticed, which, from the
great interest it has excited, and the nume-
rous disciples Joanna has obtained, may, it
is not impossible, prové a formidable rival, to
perhaps totally supercede, all other systems
of religion. Not being one of the sealed,
I do not pretend to say that it will have
that effect; but it seems pretty evident, if
Joanna's pregnancy does not fail, that it
will be somewhat difficult to prevent the
increase of her followers, who, it is said,
already consist of entire counties, besides
umerous individuals, in all quarters of

described as having been very devout, and
of having, at a more mature age, in conse-
quence of attachment to religion, refused
to enter the matrimonial state, although
she entertained a mutual affection for a
young man who had offered her marriage.
In the year 1792, she first announced her-
self at Exeter as divinely inspired.
gave herself out to be the Bride, the
Lamb's wife," and " the Woman cloathed
with the Sun," mentioned in the book of
Revelations. On this occasion, her rela-
tions accused her of being insane, and she
appears to have suffered greatly from the
malignity of her persecutors. From that
time to 1801, she busied herself, contrary
to the usual practice of religious reformers,
in endeavouring to gain over the dignita-
ries of the church, and in making converts
in the higher circles. Finding it difficult,
however, to combat long cherished preju-
dices, by verbal expostulation, or by letter,
she availed herself of the press; and, in the
year 1801, gave five different tracts to the
public. These appear to have attracted the
attention of several gentlemen, among whom
were three clergymen (Dissenters, I pre-
sume,) who visited her at Exeter. After
continuing with her for seven days, they
left her, under the firm conviction, which
they then declared, that her mission was
divine. In the month of January, 1803, we
find our prophetess engaged in a public
controversy at a house in Paddington.
This meeting had been previously advertised
in the newspapers, and "those (as her
biographer says) that disapproved of Joanna
as a messenger from God, were desired to
attend and produce their reasons." None
of her opponents, however, appeared. The
consequence was, that the meeting unani-
mously declared in her favour. Another
public meeting was called in December,
1804. The conferences on this occasion
also continued seven days; at the end of
which, such was the power and influence
of Joanna's eloquence, that all present,
among whom were several clergymen, you
luntarily subscribed a paper, in which they:

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