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Rules of Practice.

shall be confined to the points of law arising from the facts of the cause that have been determined by the Court.

And the syllabus shall be submitted to the Judges concurring therein, for revisal, before publication thereof; and it shall be inserted in the book of reports without alteration, unless by the consent of the Judges concurring therein.



When an application for leave to file a petition in error has been made in vacation to a Judge of the Supreme Court and disallowed, no other application therefor shall be made, except to the Court in session.

An application for a rehearing will not be entertained when made at a term subsequent to that at which the judgment is rendered, notwithstanding such rehearing is requested by one of the Judges.



In cases where leave of the Court or a Judge to file a petition in error is required, notice in writing of the intended application, briefly specifying the errors relied on, shall be given to the adverse party, or his attorney, at least ten days when made to the Court, and five days when made to a Judge, before the application shall be acted on, unless, in view of special circumstances attending the case, the Court or Judge should determine that justice required the time of such notice to be abbreviated or such notice to be dispensed with.

Rules of Practice.

A copy of such notice, with the proof of the service thereof, and petition in error, shall accompany the application.



After the decision of a cause in the Supreme Court, in which a final record is not required to be made in that Court, the original papers shall be returned to the Clerk of the proper Court; when so returned, the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall seal them up and direct them to the Clerk of such Court, and forward them as said Clerk may in writing direct. If not so directed within a reasonable time.

they may be sent by express.



The papers in cases heretofore or hereafter disposed of (and not returned to the counties or withdrawn by leave of the Court), shall be filed away in convenient packages by the Clerk, with a label on each package, on which shall be written or printed, "Cases Decided," "General Docket," or "Motion Docket" (as the case may require), and also the term at which the same were disposed of, and the numbers of the cases in each package; which numbers shall correspond with those of the docket of said term.

The papers in cases on the General Docket shall be put in separate packages from those on the Motion Docket, and the papers of one term shall, as far as

Rules of Practice.

may be practicable, be kept in different pigeon holes
or places of deposit from those of any other term.


All causes disposed of on the General Docket
without report, except such as are dismissed by the
consent. of parties, or for failure to file printed
record, or for want of preparation, shall be published
in the reports of decisions of this Court, by giving
the style of the case, the character of the suit, the
judgment of the Court, and the cases cited, if any,
as authority for the decision, and the attorneys of
the parties.



There shall be kept by the Clerk a book, to be
called the Minute Book, in which shall be separately
entered every cause and motion hereafter docketed
in this Court, except motions in pending causes,
which latter motions shall be noted in their respec-
tive causes, but shall not be separately entered in
said book, and also the date of docketing the same,
and the payment of fees and by whom paid.

He shall also briefly note therein the issuing and
date of all process sued out of this Court, the return
day thereof, when returned, whether served or
not, and the date of service, if made; also, under the
proper dates, the filing of all pleadings, depositions,
briefs, or other papers that may be filed in the cause,
in this Court; and briefly note all motions in the
cause that may be placed on the Motion Docket; and
all orders and judgments of this Court in the cause,
with a reference to the journal and page where the

Rules of Practice.

same may be entered, and to the volume and page of the complete record thereof, if there be one.

He shall also note therein by whom and when any papers may be taken from his office, and when returned.



After a cause has been decided and reported, counsel may withdraw manuscript briefs from files.



In cases decided before the first of May in any term, if complete records therein are to be made in this Court, they shall be completed before the first day of the ensuing October.



SECTION 1. Except as provided in section 560 of the Revised Statutes concerning persons who have been admitted and practiced in the highest court of another state, or in the Supreme Court of the United States, for a period of five years, no person shall be admitted to the bar except upon an examination and certificate of the Standing Committee on Examinations.

SECTION 2. There shall be appointed, to take effect on the first day of January, 1901, ten discreet and judicious attorneys and counselors-at-law to be known as the Standing Committee on Examinations. Two members of the committee shall be appointed

Rules of Practice.

for one year, two for two years, two for three years, two for four years, and two for five years. Their successors shall be appointed for a term of five years each.

SECTION 3. The Standing Committee shall hold an examination of applicants for admission to the bar in the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday of each June and December. No other examinations will be held. Examinations must be conducted under the direction of the committee, a majority of whom shall report in writing for or against the admission of each applicant.

SECTION 4. No applicant shall be admitted to the bar unless a majority of the members conducting the examinations shall certify that they find him to have a competent knowledge of the law and to have a sufficient general learning to discharge the duties of an attorney and counselor-at-law, and shall recommend his admission. Such certificate shall not be made unless the applicant has sustained on his written answers to the printed questions of the examiners an average grade of 75 per cent. on an examination embracing the following subjects: The law of real and personal property, torts, contracts, evidence, pleading, partnership, bailments, negotiable instruments, agency, suretyship, domestic relations, wills, corporations, equity, criminal law, constitutional law and legal ethics.

No one will be admitted to the examination who has not attained the age of twenty-one years. The printed interrogatories and the answers of applicants thereto shall be submitted to the Court with the report of the examiners, and, together with all

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