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Another very well painted picture, || seems to be pronouncing after her:

representing a girl who has won the prize at a rose-feast, receiving the crown on her knees from the hands of a gentleman, decorates the shopdoor of a marchande des modes. The girl looks so innocent and devout, that young persons without experience, of whom, however, there are none in Paris, might be deterred by it, and induced to pass on and buy their gloves at another shop.

A dealer in birds draws attention by a painting representing Noah's ark. The whole prologue of the deluge is comprised in it. The ark lies quite comfortably on dry ground, waiting till the water shall come to set it afloat. Father Noah is playing with an ape, and looks very cunning: he alone knows what is about to happen. The four-footed animals are coming in endless procession to save themselves in the ark. They walk two and two, but without any regard to rank, as is usual in cases of emergency: the lion follows the horse, the fox precedes the ass, and the hare trots after the dog.

I have been particularly amused by a picture which a professor of the German language, and to judge by his name, a native of Germany, exhibits before his residence in the Palais Royal. A man in the prime of life, no doubt Mr. Professor himself, is sitting in an arm-chair, with a book in his hand, hearing a boy who stands before him say his lesson. A little farther back sits a young female of extraordinary beauty, and behind her, bending over her chair, stands an officer of the Red Hussars, who, according to all mimic probability, is making a declaration of love. The girl is pointing with her finger at a place in the book, and the French

hussar, with his hand on his heart,

Ick liebe (Ich liebe, I love). The professor himself seems to have profited by his residence in Paris, for in his own country he would never have acquired the assurance to make known by a show-board that he kept a school for mutual instruction between young females and officers of the Red Hussars.

I must not omit the shop of M. Franchet, jeweller, in the Rue Vivienne. The workmen were employed six months upon this shop, and the happy mortals who had the good fortune to get a peep behind the curtains that were hung before it, could not sufficiently extol the wonderful sight. At length, about three weeks before the birthday of the little Duke of Bordeaux, the shop was opened. I should have observed that M. Franchet is jeweller to the Duchess of Berry. This shop, a room of at the utmost 20 feet in length, cost 40,000 francs; such is the magnificence with which it is fitted up. Over the entrance from the street there are two coats of arms, painted with great care, encompassed in gold circles. One of these coats emblazons the united arms of the houses of France and Naples; those in the other are of a rather mystic nature. They are the points of crystallization of future glories, embryos of kingdoms, crowns in the egg-shell-in short, something more is meant than meets the eye; but it has all some reference to the Duke of Bordeaux. The political representatives of other powers, who understand their business, will certainly not have failed to send forth their spies to discover whether something edifying and instructive may not here be decyphered.

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THE Journal of a Tour through portly man, whose whole person had Norway in the year 1817, by Mr. F. at the first glance something uncomBoie, gives the following curious pic-monly imposing, entered the house. ture of a Norwegian bishop, whom He wore a short jacket, and we the author chanced to meet with in should scarcely have guessed whom the island of Tiötoe. we had before us, had we not been apprized that it was Mr. Krogh von Belsvaag of Alstenoe, the right chivalrous Bishop of Nordland, to say nothing of his Danish and Swedish orders of knighthocd. He had on a hat, jacket, and breeches of goatskin, the genuine Norwegian maritime dress; and a bold and almost en

up from the Fierring, attended by only one young fellow. He is a handsome man of seventy, though apparently much younger, and who can still make so free with his constitution, that being too warm when in company at Christiana, he rubbed his face and breast with snow. He has lately been to that city, where he sat as a member of the Storthing.

The wind increased in violence, it began to rain, the sea ran very high, and we were compelled to land at Tiötoe. Wet through with rain and the spray of the waves, and chilled by the wind, we here felt with double force the comfort of the patriarchal custom of not shutting up the house even at night, but giving a hos-thusiastic seaman, he had just come pitable reception to the stranger, without so much as inquiring his name or his errand. The island is considered as the finest property north of Numedalen: indeed, few houses in Drontheim can compare with the magnificent mansion of M. Brodkorb; and you may imagine how surprising such a phenomenon must appear in these parts. We requested the servants not to awake the master of the house; and though unknown and wet, were conducted into the handsomely furnished apartments appropriated to strangers, where we passed the rest of the night in an ill-humour at this new delay. I was, indeed, apprehensive of being obliged to remain longer here, recollecting an anecdote which was related to us concerning the late owner of Forviig, who, on the arrival of strangers, caused the rudder to be taken from their boat, that he might detain them at least so long as it would require to make another.

He speaks French and English fluently, and during the war with England, he once endeavoured to profit by the latter in order to make prize of a hostile ship off Drontheim. A vessel namely was discovered, that was manifestly unacquainted with the channel, and which it was of course considered could be no other than an enemy. General consternation ensued: Krogh quickly formed a plan for running the ship ashore; disguised himself, and rowed in a boat on board the supposed privateer, pretending, in order to gain confidence, that he was an English sailor who had escaped from a wreck. His plan

Previously to breakfast we were introduced to the family, the pro-succeeded according to his wishes; prietor of the island and his son, who is likewise married. About noon a

but it presently turned out that the ship was not an enemy, but a native

vessel, and the affair terminated in a hearty laugh.

On another occasion, the bishop thought to surprise some visitors whom he expected. Perceiving their sailing-boat at a distance, he swam towards her, and concealed himself among the sea-grass on a jutting cliff; a joke for which, however, he had well nigh paid dearly, for one of the company, mistaking him for a seal, was just going to point his gun, when the bishop deemed it advisable to make himself known.

We heard many more such-like anecdotes of this prelate, whenever

he became the subject of conversation. His blunt jovial manner, which in the capital produced a general prepossession in his favour, cannot derogate in the least from his episcopal character in his diocese: it would be extremely difficult to find a person better suited to the post. Here example alone can operate powerfully; and how could the Norwegian feel such enthusiastic affection and respect for a bishop, who neither knew how to brave the sea, the peculiar element of the people, nor to accommodate himself to the manners of the country?


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ed, and a collar of pearls hanging down upon his breast. He wore besides, like the ladies of his court, a small toque, over which he himself frizzed his hair, and three bands of fine linen, two of which were plaited into ruffs, and the other inverted. These bands occasioned the remark, that his head looked like that of John the Baptist presented to King Herod upon a charger. When Sully was admitted to an interview with him in 1586, he had a toque on his head, a tippet on his shoulders, and a broad ribbon round his neck, from which was suspended a basket full of puppies.

The favourite occupations of Henry III. consisted in dressing his own and the queen's hair, and in starching and plaiting his own ruff and that of his consort. These employments took up so much of his time on the day of his coronation, and afterwards on that of his nuptials, that the procession could not repair to the church before six o'clock, and the lateness of the mass caused the Te Deum to be forgotten to be sung. At balls and other diversions, he appeared habited as an Amazon, in fe- Notwithstanding these follies, Henmale attire, with his bosom uncover-ry III. introduced into the etiquette

As Henry assumed the female attire, so he enjoined the ladies of his court to adopt the dress of men.. They were obliged to obey, and attended at a grand entertainment in male apparel made of damask of two different colours.

of the court many regulations, which continued for a considerable time after his death. He made the dress worn on extraordinary occasions by members of the Parliament much more splendid than it had ever been before. He set the first example of mourning in black on the death of his brother; the Kings of France having previously been accustomed to wear violet-coloured clothes for mourning. The ladies mourned for husbands and lovers in brown apparel, with death's heads or floods of tears painted or wrought in gold on

their collars or bracelets. By way of second mourning, they exchanged the death's heads and bones for miniatures of the deceased, which they wore at their breasts, but which were still surrounded with representations of showers of tears.

Had Henry's character betrayed no worse propensities than these puerilities bespeak, it would have excited pity, instead of being devoted, as it is, to universal abhorrence and execration. I am, &c.


(Extracted from Letters written in 1821 and 1822.)
Nov. 1821.

THE Portuguese apply to their capital the well-known saying, "Who- | ever has not seen Lisbon has not seen any thing beautiful." Many of them are even perfectly well disposed to believe the assertions of their historians, that Lisbon was founded by Ulysses, and Setuval, a port not far from it, by Tubal, the son of Noah. Be this as it may, we must do Ulysses the justice to admit, that he shewed great judgment in his selection of a site for the capital of the Lusitanian monarchy.

Situated in the 38th degree of north latitude, Lisbon enjoys a healthy climate, neither too hot nor too cold, a fertile soil, delightful environs, and a favourable position for the commerce of the old and new world. The majestic Tagus, on the shore of which the city stands, about twelve miles from its mouth, is capable of admitting the largest fleets, and ships of war of all demensions can lie at a short distance from the quays. In some parts the river is

rather narrow, but towards the east end of the city it forms a spacious bay, which, however, is not very safe for vessels in the winter season.

The city, built upon hills, extends, with the suburbs, nearly nine miles || along the river; and that portion of it which is on the left bank presents a view that is highly picturesque. In general, it is irregularly built, with the exception of that part which was destroyed by the earthquake of 1755, and succeeded by handsome regular streets. To this quarter belongs a fine square, composed entirely of public edifices, which are not yet quite finished. To these belong the Exchange, the Custom-House, the India-House, the offices of the six ministers, the Junta of Commerce, the Town-House, and several courts of justice; and in the centre of the square is an equestrian statue in bronze of King Joseph I. The south side of the square is bounded by a fine quay; on the west begins the great arsenal; and from the north run three regular, broad, and pretty long streets to

the Rocio-square, which has recent- || sort of filth but is allowed by the poly acquired some political celebrity lice regulations to be thrown out of from the assemblage of the troops the windows after ten o'clock at night. who complied with the call of their How often this operation is performcomrades at Oporto. Here too stood ed without the three warnings rethe structures in which the Inquisi- quired by law, or how frequently it tion and the Regency had fixed their may take place at an earlier hour respective seats. The dungeons of than it ought, may be conceived by the former are demolished, and with those who are acquainted with the their ruins the Rocio-square has been supineness of the police. Dead dogs, levelled; even the statue represent-cats, and even asses and horses, may ing Faith has been taken down from the building, after long preparations. A few days before its removal, I was looking at these preliminary opérations, when a person behind me remarked to another, "Christian Charity is already gone, Faith is going; so that we shall have nothing left us but Hope." In the middle of the square, the foundation has been laid for a monument commemorative of the regeneration of Portugal*; but unluckily the subscriptions have not come in so freely as to allow the work to be carried on with activity; neither have I yet seen the plan for this monument, but as a national concern, it will of course be the work of a native artist. A member of the Cortes even proposed that the iron railing, by which it is to be surrounded, should be brought from San Paolo, in Brasil.

Near these two squares there are several other regular streets; but the old town presents a spectacle equally irregular and disgusting. The nastiness of the streets of Lisbon is known all the world over, and there is no

As these letters were written previously to the last political revolution in Portugal, there can be no doubt that the monument in question, if completed at all, will be devoted to a purpose the very reverse of its original destination.-EDI


be seen lying in the streets for days together. Some of the streets have sewers, and others none. Troops of dogs without owners rove about in quest of food; and when they meet with a scanty supply, you are disturbed the whole night by the howling of the hungry creatures. The French killed thousands of these beasts; but in the present filthy state of the streets, the Portuguese consider them as necessary animals; so that at every open shop you see a bucket of water placed for these destitute creatures, lest they should perish with thirst.

About ten o'clock the streets of Lisbon become quite dull, and in this particular it forms an exception to all the large cities of the south of Europe. All the shops without distinction, all the taverns and coffeehouses must then be shut up, agreeably to the regulations of the police; universal silence pervades the streets at the hour of ten, and during the rest of the night, it is only here and there that you meet persons returning from the theatre or from private parties.

Robbery and murder are not rare, especially in winter. The town is tolerably well lighted. The pavement is throughout wretched, and the public squares are not paved at all: in some of them, previously to the entry of the French, there were

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