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ST. MARGARET'S, THE SEAT OF THE EARL OF CASSILLIS. THIS beautiful villa, the South Front of which is represented in the annexed Engraving, is situated on the banks of the Thames, in the parish of Twickenham. It bore at one time the name of Isleworth Park, and at another the New Park of Richmond. The old house belonged successively to the Countess of Charleville, Lord Muncaster, and the Duchess of Manchester. The whole property, with what was called Twickenham Park, was purchased by Francis Gosling, Esq. who added a portion of the park to the grounds of St. Margaret's. This has been rendered classic ground by the residence of Sir Francis Bacon, who here passed many of his happiest days: here he pursued his first studies in the great book of Nature. Here imagination may picture to itself the great man making the meads Vol. III. No. XVI.

and neighbouring glades his study, far from the scenes of bustle and ambition that surrounded him in maturer life. Here he had the honour of entertaining Queen Elizabeth; and it was here that he had hopes of forming a mineralogical society, as appears from a paper in the British Museum, wherein he observes:"Let Twitnam Park, which I sold in my younger days, be purchased, if possible, for a residence for such deserving persons to study in, since I experimentally found the situation of that place much convenient for the trial of my philosophical conclusions, expressed in a paper sealed to the trust, which I myself had put in practice, and settled the same by act of Parliament, if the vicissitudes of fortune had not intervened and prevented me."


This society he intended to be for

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the express purpose of exploring charming anti-room which connects abandoned mineral works. the suite of apartments. The Drawing-Room also contains some fine

After Sir Francis sold the estate of Twickenham, we find that it pass-paintings; and connected with it is a boudoir of singular beauty.

ed through various hands, and at last became the property of Lucy, the ad

The Drawing-Room occupies the

mired but extravagant wife of Ed-west wing, commanding views over ward Earl of Bedford. She gave it, the Thames to the south; while the in 1618, to Sir William Harrington, windows to the west reach down to who sold it to John Lord Berkeley of the ground, laying the apartment Stratton. It was purchased, in the open to the verandah and pleasureyear 1743, by Algernon Earl of grounds, which form a fine foreMountrath, from whom it passed to ground to the sweetest view. The Sir Wm. Abdy. The estate being silvery Thames in all its beauty is divided into lots, and put up to sale, seen issuing from beneath Richmondthe greater part was purchased by bridge, which is surmounted by the Francis Gosling, Esq. who pulled far-famed Richmond-Hill, gemmed down the old mansion in Twicken- with villas rising from luxuriant woods ham Park, and attached a consider- up to the very top. The middle disable portion of the grounds to St. tance is composed of delightful meaMargaret's, as has been before stat-dows of the richest verdure, embeled: but this beautiful villa, as it now stands, owes its present splendour and delightful arrangement, both in the house and grounds, to the noble proprietor, who has displayed great judgment in forming out of old build-lished surface of the Thames, form ings, by combining them, the very de- a scene seldom rivalled, lightful villa that now constitutes the chief ornament of Twickenham Park, and of the view down the river from Richmond, from which it is seen to great advantage.

lished with some fine trees; while the other side of the river is ornamented with villas. These, combined with the pleasure-boats and craft that are continually gliding along the po

A terrace-walk extends along the water to a pleasing octagon pavilion, at the extremity of the grounds, from which the views are equally delightful. Isleworth, with its ivied

Sion, appears to great advantage from this spot. From this walk the home scene is full of interest, commanding a sweet lawn, embellished with an elegant green-house to the right, while to the left the out-houses are formed into the semblance of a chapel, surmounted with a picturesque tower.

In the interior arrangement, fitting-church, backed by the rich woods of up, and combination of furniture, it vies in elegance with any thing of the kind in the kingdom. In fact, it is so exquisite and chaste, that in admiring the suite of apartments, we forget the splendour that pervades it. The Dining-Room occupies the east wing, extending along the south front: it is a fine room, lofty, and finished with a dome, from which is suspend- The lawn is divided by a bridge ed a beautiful chandelier. Several ofconsiderablemagnitude, overgrown fine pictures, by the old masters, ornament this apartment, as well as the

with ivy, which has all. the appearance of bold Gothic ruins; while

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not only affording a perpetual spring walk, but being an elegant screen to the offices.

through the arches is seen a fine || connected with a very delightful avenue of limes of considerable green-house as to form a pleasing length. The whole has a sequestered and dry walk, when the weather preand monastic appearance, that well vents out-door exercises. This greenaccords with its name of St. Marga-house is most judiciously arranged, ret, which seems to imply that the spot has been dedicated to religion. The walks and drives over the bridge extend to the Entrance Front, which furnishes our Second View for this month. It is equally pleasing with the South Front. A colonnade extends from side to side, and is so

The kitchen-gardens are extensive, well walled, and abounding in fruit-trees, possessing also a handsome range of hot-houses and limepits.

No. VII.

I was acquainted some years ago with a Frenchman who used gravely to insist that the English in general, however well informed they might pretend to be, were very imperfectly acquainted with their native language. I remember we used to contest this point very obstinately; but one only of the arguments that he employed is present to my recollection, and that is, the frequent misapplication of the term honest fellow. I had forgotten my acquaintance and his singular opinion altogether, till they were recalled to my mind by an invitation I lately received to dine with a party of honest fellows. Three of these gentlemen were successively announced to me by my host as an honest fellow, a very honest fellow, and the honestest fellow in the world; and certainly when I came to make inquiries into their respective claims to these titles, I could not help acknowledging, that those people who bestowed it upon them might be fairly said to fall under the Frenchman's censure of not understanding English.

low, is remarkable for drinking more wine and saying fewer words over it than any man in England. He is now about forty-five, and in the whole course of his life has never been distinguished by any other circumstance than the two I have mentioned. He has a very good estate, from which nobody but his wine-merchant derives any benefit; and a number of poor relations, none of whom have any reason to complain of his partiality, since he treats them all with equal neglect. No one would think of asking his opinion on any other subject than the quality of wine, and nobody would ever dream of requesting any favour from him, unless it was to assist their judgment in purchasing it; and yet this animal, such as he is, is very generally complimented with the title of an honest fellow.

It is now some years since Bob Ranter exhausted both his fortune and credit; but he is, as he himself says, a man of ways and means, which he proves by keeping up a very stylish appearance without a sixpence

Mr. Guzzlemore, the honest fel- of revenue. He has a very numer

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