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sell their daughters to the wealthy, || opposite house or from the street, to

send her a billet-doux, though he may never have spoken to her in his life; and it is as common for the lady to return an answer, either favourable or otherwise, but in general a promise of marriage is the condition on which she appoints interviews. How many fathers and mo

daughters to read and write, as the forming of clandestine connections is thereby facilitated! With Argus-eyes the mother watches her daughters, when she drives them before her af ter mass like a row of organ-pipes, for the youngest always goes first, and the rest, be they ever so nume

and concern themselves very little about the other qualities of a son-inlaw: a previous acquaintance of the parties is totally out of the question. It appears that this practice has long existed in Portugal; for the Portuguese legislature has taken it into consideration, and confined the authority of parents within the narrow-thers repent having taught their est limits. If a suitor solicits the hand of a young lady, and the parents refuse their consent, the lover, provided that he has arranged matters with his mistress, may obtain the assistance of justice to remove her from the house; he then places her in a convent, or with some female of his acquaintance, produces evidencerous, follow in rotation singly, never before the court that he is able to maintain her, and the church dares not withhold the nuptial benediction, whether the father assent to it or not. I have seen many such instances, and experience teaches that these marriages are in general happier than || those which are contracted by pa


walking two together. While they pick their way with incredible skill, in silk stockings and shoes, through the mud in the streets, and, with downcast looks, seem wholly estranged from earthly thoughts, the young hypocrites will contrive to conceal in their bosoms, or perhaps in their handkerchiefs, the billets, which, in spite of all their mother's vigilance, their inamoratos find means to slip into their hands. Though far from

females on the score of these secret connections, still I cannot help admitting, on the other hand, that they have frequently no alternative, if they would not remain all their lives under the paternal roof. Even in company they have no opportunity whatever of conversing with persons of the other sex; for their mothers escort them wherever they go.

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When the sex is treated in such a despotic, mistrustful, and degrading manner as here, it is no wonder that it should seek opportunities of reta-attempting to justify the Portuguese liation. While the Portuguese husband scarcely knows conjugal fidelity even by name, his wife makes not the least scruple to risk her reputation, Young females, often by way of pastime, and often too in hopes of being released from parental authority, ogle every man they see, and return the salutations of perfect strangers, totally regardless of the opinion of their neighbours. The language of the hands supplies the place of words. It is quite customary here for a man who has thus exchanged amorous glances with a female, either from an

Foreigners are not in ill repute, with the fair sex at Lisbon; but the Portuguese seldom afford them access to their houses: indeed hospitality is not one of their virtues. The

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term estrangeiro-foreigner-is fre- || fewer opportunities they have of apquently used in a somewhat contemp-pearing in public. It is inconceiva➡ tuous signification, as if foreigners ble how many fathers can support the were inferior to, or worse than, the luxury displayed by the female part natives. A Brasilian, in whose coun- of their families when they go abroad. try hospitality is more practised, Those who are really wealthy are though the fair sex is kept quite as fond of glistening in diamonds; but much secluded, lately expressed his these are not requisite on all occas astonishment to me at the answer of sions, and a lady of rank is content a Portuguese, to whose house he had with its being publicly known that been invited to see a procession pass she possesses them. On the other along." I thought," said the Bra- hand, at least one Indian shawl is an silian to his host," that I should article without which a lady who has have brought a foreigner with me, any pretensions to gentility would but." - Without suffering him feel herself miserable. Among the to finish, the other replied: "You women the prevailing fashions are did quite right to come without him, the French, among the men the Eng for I have several daughters at home." lish. Whether the former, upon the -The retired life which the fair sex whole, dress to advantage, I shall not is destined to lead, whether volunta- pretend to decide; though if I were rily or not, has, however, the effect obliged to state my private opinion of producing in the majority domes on that subject, it would be to the tic virtues, which are more rare in contrary. Here, as among all souththe principal cities of Spain; but an ern nations, the women are too fond ambition to shine is the more conspi- ofea gaudy variety of colours. cuous in the Portuguese ladies, the

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MADALENA, OR THE CONSEQUENCES OF ELOPEMENT. To our fair readers in early bloom || probably, was aiming at wealth, while no service more essential can be ren- he pretended homage to love. A dered, than to assist their inexperi- fine fellow in pursuit of affluence as ence in discriminating the motives of the means of commanding pleasures, their adulators; and we would beg and a husband in full possession of leave to admonish an heiress, before the prize, are two characters distinct she allows her imagination to be fas as a fawning sycophant and a despot. cinated by the obsequious blandish- The fate of Madalena Ormond has ments of a swain, whose fine person, numerous parallels. Indeed the feelshowy accomplishments, and elegant ings and habits of a lady cradled manners are his sole estate, that she and reared amidst opulence and remay spare herself a life of hopeless finement, and those of a man, who, misery, by weighing against roman- since he could act for himself, has tic credulity this sacred truth-that, been struggling to support the apin general, no sacrifices are so ill re-pearance of a gentleman, must be so quited as the renunciation of prudence and filial duty, to become the dependent of a spouse, who, most

intrinsically different, not to say discordant, that manifold causes for dissension may be expected to arise in

their conjugal association. To remove those contrarieties and assimilate their tastes, it would be necessary for both to new-mould their long-formed propensities and customs-a task which few indulged girls, or selfish men, will be likely to undertake.

than Madalena Ormond: she per ceived in the young heiress a generous and amiable, though misdirected mind, and without appearing to reprove, or to dictate, led her to some perceptions of merit and happiness superior to the ambition of excelling her schoolfellows as a musician, a paintress, a dancer, or to eclipse them in finery. Lady Melbourne was going to the south of France for the recovery of her health, and Lady Jemima saw her young friend no more, until lamentable changes affected her condition. She went home to celebrate her fifteenthi birthday, and had been but a short time returned to the seminary at Hampstead, when the particular intimate of her father came to make known the sad tidings, that both her parents had been carried off by a pu

Madalena Ormond was the only child of a plain uneducated pair, who, from small beginnings, by cautious speculation and unremitting frugality, accumulated an immense fortune; and notwithstanding their parsimonious habits, they spared no expense in giving Madalena an education suitable to her pecuniary rights, and to the distinguished endowments of her person and mind. Yet soon after she entered her teens, Mr. and Mrs. Ormond painfully apprehended they had not only lost all points of communion with a creature in everytrid fever; and the contagion was so respect so dissimilar, so elevated above them, but that the dashing, fashionable, giddy heiress of all they had amassed with toilsome anxiety, might bestow herself and her property upon some artful pennyless admirer, who pretended to agree in her high-flown notions. To deter Madalena from a foolish marriage would perhaps be out of the power of a father: he could, however, take effectual measures to disappoint the miscreant who should steal her heart, while he designed to filch her purse.

Indulged at home, caressed and flattered at school, the aspirings of Madalena's noble nature had been excited only to puerile display; till, in her fifteenth year, she was invited to spend a vacation at the seat of Mr. Burlington, where a younger sister of Lady Susan Burlington also passed some weeks. Lady Jemima Milbourne was three years older

virulent, that they had forbidden their beloved child to be exposed to it in taking a last farewell. Not to have seen her fond father, her idolizing mother, before they expired, was a severe aggravation of Madalena's loss. Her passions were not violent, but her feelings were susceptible of poignant and profound impressions. Mr. Jessop wished her to accompany him to town for some months; but the governess, Mrs. Gilman, represented to him the dan ger of infection from the malady which had proved fatal to Mr. and Mrs. Ormond, and which still raged in London; and she assured him of her utmost endeavours to sooth and exhilarate the mind of her charming pupil.

Mrs. Gilman literally performed this engagement, and a nephew of her late hushand's was the most conspicuous personage in all the musical entertainments, or rural ex

cursions, intended to amuse the heiress. Captain Gilman was about the age of thirty; and if a faultless form, with the most beautiful features, adorned by insinuating manners and graceful accomplishments, were sure indexes of merit, we might congratulate Madalena on her conquest. He had been educated for the medical profession, and attended a young invalid nobleman on his travels. The constitution of the titled traveller was supposed to have benefited much through Mr. Gilman's prescriptions and assiduous care; but averse to the fatigues that must be endured by a general practitioner, Gilman accepted a commission in the army, and had repeatedly been distinguished in military exploits.

Madalena's grief, composed and inobtrusive, preyed upon her health, and Captain Gilman recommended the most palatable medicaments to restore the lovely roseate of her complexion: he would intrust the ministration of cordials to no other hand; she ascribed her convalescence to his skill and attention, and he had continual access to his fair patient, We shall not deform and debase our pages by enumerating the artifices Gilman employed in making himself necessary to the happiness of an inexperienced girl; it will be enough to say, that the term of mourning for her parents was not half expired, when he convinced her that his prolonged existence depended upon her condescending to accept his nuptial vows. His regiment was under orders for foreign service, and unless his martial ardour should be restrained by calling the angelic Madalena his own, he would, as formerly, volunteer on every post of extreme danger; and since without her life

must be insupportable, he would seek death as the only remedy for his woes. Madalena, weeping, trembling, and overwhelmed by tumultuous emotions of tenderness and apprehension, was enticed by her lover to elope with him, and her destiny was fixed before her guardian, Mr. Jessop, overtook her at Edinburgh.

Gilman was now lord paramount of the heiress: he inquired of Mr. Jessop what allowance she was to have during her minority; and Mr. Jessop produced a duplicate of Mr. Ormond's last will, from which he read: " If my daughter Madalena Ormond shall not marry with the full consent and in presence of her sur viving guardian, her income shall be limited to two thousand pounds per annum, to be paid to her quarterly; with an increase of five hundred pounds per annum for each living child born by my said daughter; and all the said sums shall be for her own use and at her disposal. The remaining property, of whatever kind, shall continue under the management of my executors, to accumulate for the child or children of my daughter Madalena Ormond until they are of age."

Gilman's face was in a glow of rage, but he commanded himself to say, "And if my Madalena shall have no children, will she not have a right to dispose of her inheritance?"

Mr. Jessop again read: "If Madalena Ormond, my foresaid daughter, shall die without heirs of her own body, the whole amount of my effects shall be vested in the following institutions: Three-fifths shall be appropriated for storing grain to relieve the poor in times of scarcity; one-fifth shall be paid into the funds of the Guardian Society; and the

other fifth applied to establish cheap libraries, adapted for the lower orders within the city and liberties of London and Westminster. The sagacious friend who advised this bequest has convinced me, that if the rule and direction of low-priced pamphlets belonged to one individual, he might sway the public mind to good or evil; and the regulation of instruments so powerful should not be left to chance, but ordered and controuled by the piety and wisdom of leading members of the community."

Gilman's politeness with difficulty constrained him to forbear interrupting Mr. Jessop. He seized the first pause, to inquire if Mr. Ormond's will restricted his daughter in case she became a widow. Mr. Jessop replied by reading from the duplicate: "If Madalena Ormond becomes a widow, her whole fortune shall revert to her own disposal. One rash marriage seldom fails to provide caveats to prevent a second folly."

Gilman blustered; but Mr. Jessop coolly reminded him, that the paragraph was read in answer to his own queries; and as this mild explanation seemed but to encourage the stormy passions of the benedict, Mr. Jessop shewed him, that a sober citizen, without going further than the Exchange or Temple-Bar to learn how the equipoise between individual dignity and respect to others should be adjusted, was fully competent to assert his manhood, though unaided by the phraseology or graces of high fashion. Madalena, in sorrowful alarm, interposed; but saw with secret anguish that the ceremony of marriage had taken from her the power of moving by a look, or a few words, her arbitrary spouse-a power she had fondly

hoped for ever to retain, and which one little week had, alas! destroyed. Gilman, in a harsh voice, told her he had no time for foolery; he must return to head-quarters with the ut most expedition. This excuse for abruptly leaving Mr. Jessop proved true. They travelled post to headquarters, and Gilman waited on the commanding officer just as he received the route to Portsmouth for immediate embarkation. On the journey, Gilman apologized to his wife for the irascibility he had shewn, and obtained from her a considerable sum Mr. Jessop gave her, as due of her usual allowance for pocket-money. At his return to their lodgings, hé apprized her of the orders to embark; but mitigated her distress, by a proposal for accompanying him to Portsmouth, where, perhaps, they might be weeks detained by adverse winds, and even the embarkation countermanded.

Alighting at an inn on their way, Mrs. Gilman recognised Lady Melbourne's coach, Lady Jemima Melbourne observed her from a window, hurried down stairs, and warmly embraced her in the lobby; but her ladyship changed countenance when Madalena introduced Captain Gilman as her husband. However, she conducted both to Lady Melbourne, and they were invited by her ladyship to dine with her. While they retired to dress, the countess and her daughter expressed to each other their regrets for Madalena's imprudent marriage, and Lady Melbourne said she was too young and too volatile to have an establishment of her own during Gilman's absence. Her unreasonable fastidious dislike of her father's worthy city friends would expose her to the triumphant artifice

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