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Abbas Hilmi, 233
Abd-el-Aziz, 201
Abd-el-Kader, 189

Abd-el-Krim, 217

Abdul Hamid, 240, 241, 244

Abruzzi, duke of, 137


Abyssinia, 136, 139, 141-42, 144-45,
148-50, 156-59

Adalia, 260, 474
Aden, 19
Adowa, 149

Aehrenthal, 250

Afghanistan, 38-39, 274-79, 287-88
Africa, chs. v-x, 20, 21, 473-80, 482-
83, 498-506, 511, 552, 558-60, 563-
64; see also East, South, South
West, and West Africa; also Al-
geria, Congo, Egypt, Libia, Mor-
occo, Tunis, etc.
Afrikander Bond, 177, 182
Agadir, 212, 213
Aguinaldo, 394, 396
Alaska, 412, 524

Albania, 258, 461

Algeciras, conference and treaty of,
204-208, 217-18, 475-76, 528
Algeria, 42, 67, 188-91, 194, 216,
527, 529, 533

Algiers, 22, see Algeria
Ali Dinar, 156
Allenby, General, 233, 234
Alliance-Anglo-Japanese, 341, 344,
346, 356, 404; Franco-Czechoslo-
vak, 464; Franco-Polish, 464-65;
Franco-Russian, 203, 247, 251;
Russo-Japanese, 354; Triple, 53,
54, 150, 197, 219, 259; see also
Entente; Anglo-Russian Agree-

Alsace-Lorraine, 256, 460, 461
Amanulla, 287

Amazon, 29

America, see Central and Latin

America; United States; Canada

Amritsar, 303-304

Amur River, 325

Anatolia, 261, 262, 267, see Turkey
Anatolian railways, 240, 262

Anglo-French Agreement (1899),
154; (1904), see Entente Cordiale
Anglo-German Agreements, 96-97,

118-20, 126-27, 171-72, 254-55, 337
Anglo-Persian Oil Co., 255, 264, 267,

Anglo-Russian Agreement, 278-81
Angola, 118-20, 560, see Portugal
Angora, 241, 261

Angra Pequena, 102, 105
Annam, 314-16, 320
Anti-imperialism, 13-24, 473-77
Arabi, Ahmed, 226-27
Arabia, 262, 267, 269-72

Arabs, 111, 267, 269-72; in Sudan,
142-43; Algeria, 190; Morocco,
198, 216; Libia, 220; East Indies,
375; "A" mandates, 487-98
Areas of colonial empires, 515
Argentine Republic, 409, 444, 452
Armaments, 61, 532

Armenia, 238, 260, 261, 262
Autocracy, and mercantilism, 13
Australia, 15, 19, 356, 374, 381-82,
386, 387, 503, 564

Austria, 471; see Austria-Hungary
Austria-Hungary, 55, 238, 249-51,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bechuanas, 161

Beer, George Louis, 478, 485
Beit, Alfred, 164

Belgian Congo, see Congo
Belgium, imperialism, 55, 514, 556,
559 (see Congo); mandate, 498,
502; neutrality, 207; and Chinese
railways, 337-38
Benadir Coast, 137

Bengal, 299-300, 302, see India
Bentham, Jeremy, 17

Berbers, 111, 190-91, 198, 220

Berlin, Act, 83-85, 476, 528; Con-
ference (1884-85), 82; Congress
(1878), 38, 193, 237-38
Bessarabia, 238
Binger mission, 107

Bismarck, 23, 24, 38, 47, 51-53, 83,

102, 103, 105, 122, 123, 126, 193,
235, 238, 239, 257, 386-88, 516, 518
Bismarck Archipelago, 388
Blachford, Lord, 19

Blackbirding, 384, 386
Black Flags, 315

Blaine, J. G., 453

Bleichröder, 49, 52

Blignières, M. de, 225

Boers, 20, 161, 162, 167-68, 173-86
Boer War, 180-81, 275-76
Bokhara, 522

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Chang Tso-lin, 351, 359
Charles X, 22, 189

Chartered companies, see Companies
Chautemps, 44

Chester Concession, 263-65
Child, Sir Joshua, 12

Chile, 409, 444, 452, 453

China, 276, 277, 279, 288, 314, 315-
16, 318, 320-72, 561

China Development Co., 367
Chinese Eastern Rwy., 333, 335,
344, 359, 368
Chosen, see Korea

Choshu, clan, 328, 329, 363
Christmas I., 387

Chromite, 543, see Raw Materials
Chun, Prince, 369

Cilicia, 262

Civilizing Mission, 43, 73, 136, 558-

Clapperton, H., 78

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 424

Clemenceau, 46, 194, 261, 479,

Cleveland, Grover, 390, 401, 413
Coaling stations, 43, see Naval bases
Cobden, Richard, 17-18; treaty, 22
Cochin-China, 22, 23, 314, 316, 560;
see Indo-China

Сосоа, 116-17

Coconut and oil, 30, 387, 406
Colbert, 12

Colby, Bainbridge, 486

Colombia, 409, 424-27, 450-51, 530
Colonies, area, 1, 513, 515; com-
merce, 519; population, 513, 516;
value, 526-57; see also Anti-im-
perialism; Mercantilism; and un-
der names of countries
Colonial Conferences, 40
Companies, chartered, Benadir and
others, 137; East Africa, British,
125, 128-30; East Africa, German,
123; East India, Dutch, 375;
East India, English, 291-94, 375,
381; New Guinea, 388; North
Borneo, 385; Royal Niger, 100,
102; South Africa, 169-70, 172-
Concessions, in Abyssinia, 148, 157;
Bagdad Rwy., 241-44; Battle of,
338; in Belgian Congo, 90, 92,
93; Chester, 263; in China, 333,
336-42, 367-71; in Colombia, 450;
in Congo Free State, 86-90; in

Costa Rica, 428-29, 486; in Dutch
East Indies, 380; in French
Congo, 113-15; in Haiti, 486; in
Draq, 266; in Korea, 344; in
Latin America, 414; Lo Bengula,
169, 192; in Mandates, 489; in
Mexico, 439, 441, 446-49; in Mor-
occo, 206, 210; in Persia, 274,
280, 286; in Russia, 466-69; in
Sakhalin, 469; in Tunis, 195; in
Turkey, 262, 263, 268; in Vene-
zuela, 451; see also Investments,

in Anglo-Egyptian
Sudan, 154-56; in New Hebrides,
392; in Samoa, 390; compare Tan-
gier, 218
Conferences, see Algeciras, Berlin,

Brussels, Peace, Colonial, Impe-
rial, Washington, etc.
Congo, ch. v (75-97), 65-66, 546-47;
basin, 29, 83; Belgian, 60, 91-98,
116, 120-21, 514, 530, 531, 556,
559; Free State, 85-90, 145-46,
147; French, 81, 98, 108, 113-15,
120, 212, 213, 214

Consortium, 369-72; world, 539
Constans, M., 245
Constantine, 258

Constantinople, 256, 260, 261

Cook, Capt., 381

Coolidge, Calvin, 398

Coolies, 182, 384

Copper, in Katanga, 92; in Mexico,

Copra, 387, 406

Corn Is., 430
Corvée, 231

Costa Rica, 409, 428-29, 453, 486
Cotton, production of, 29, 93, 127-
28, 155, 224, 232, 235, 552; in-
dustry, 15, 25, 26-27, 36, 59-60,
196, 291, 309-10, 317, 533, 538
Courbash, 231

Court, Central American, 430, 432,
433; World (Permanent C. of
Int. Justice), 266, 453
Cowdray, Lord, 428, 438, 441, 442,
443, 448, 450
Cox, Sir Percy, 495
Crimean War, 237

Crises, caused by imperialism, 3-4;
see Wars

Crispi, F., 54, 136, 144, 148, 149
Cromer, Lord, 228, 230-32
Cruppi, M., 211

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dominions, British, 521-22, 564; see
Australia; Canada; Newfound-
land; New Zealand; South Africa
Drago Doctrine, 452

Drang nach Osten, 249
Druses, 490-92

Dual Control in Egypt, 226, 230
Dufferin, Lord, 230
Durbar, 295

Durham Report, 15

Dutch colonies, see Netherlands
Dyarchy, 303

Dyer, General, 303-4

Earle, E. M., 254

East Africa, ch. vii, 122-38; Brit-
ish, 125, 128-33, 520, 562, 563,
564; German, 121, 122-23, 125,
127-28, 183, 474, 483, 498; Portu-
guese, 122 (see Mozambique)
Easter I., 374

East India Co., Dutch, 11, 375, 376;
English, 291, 292, 294

East Indies, 10, 11, 14, 373-406;
Dutch 30, 374, 375-81, 406, 528,
547, 549, 550, 560, 561

Economic causes of imperialism, 25-
32, 58-62; criticism, 526-57
Ecuador, 409

Education, in general, 558-61; Bel-
gian Congo, 96; Bengal, 319;
Burma, 319; China, 342, 364-65;
Dutch East Indies, 378; Egypt,
232; Hawaii, 402; India, 308-9;
Madagascar, 136; Mandates, 500,
510; Philippines, 396; Porto Rico,
423; Siam, 319

Egypt, 20, 21, 29, 36-37, 62, 139,

150, 153, 155, 156, 166, 200, 223-
36, 249, 262

Emigration, 69-70; see Population;

Emin Pasha, 126

England, 14, see Great Britain

Entente, Anglo-Russian, 278-81;
Cordiale (Anglo-French), 200,
235, 318, 346; Little, 464

Enver Pasha, 259

Equatorial Africa, French, 113-15,
529; see also Congo

Eritrea, 144; see also Italy, Mas-


Estrada, J., 429

Ethiopia, see Abyssinia
Europe, 457-72

Explorers, 65-66, 76-79, 381
Export duties, 548, 550-51
Exports to colonies, 5, see Markets
Extraterritoriality, 319, 322, 326, 327

Fabri, F., 49, 50
Faidherbe, Gen., 98
Falkland Is., 411

Far East, ch. xiv, 320-72; map,

Fashoda crisis, 3, 151-53

Feisal, Emir, 271, 489, 490, 496
Fernando Po, 110

Ferry, Jules, 27, 43-44, 45, 46, 83,
105, 194-95, 316, 534

Fez, 208, 211, 212

Fiji Is., 19, 20, 36, 374, 384, 528
Filipinos, see Philippine Is.
Filonardi, 137

Firestone, Harvey, 110, 549
Fisher, Lord, 62

Florida, 412

Fondachi, 9

Fonseca Gulf, 415, 430
Forbes, W. C., 397

Formosa, 331, 360-61, 528, 541,

Forster, W. E., 40

Free trade, 50; see Laissez-faire ;
Mercantilism; Open Door; Tariffs
France, imperialism of, 41-47, 460-
65; colonies, 1, 4, 14, 21-23, 41-
47, 517-18, 527, 533, 543, 554-55;
Algeria, 42, 67, 188-91, 194, 216,
527, 529, 533; Congo and Equa-
torial Africa, 81, 98, 108, 113-15,
120, 212, 213, 214, 529; Indo-
China, 312-17; Madagascar, 133-
36; Mandates, 481, 484, 489-92;
Morocco, 197-218; Oceania, 391-
92; Somaliland, 141; Sudan, 107-
8, 110, 111, 139-56; Syria, 489-
92; Tunis, 41-42, 43, 44, 58, 191-
97, 218, 262, 527, 529, 559; West
Africa, 106-9, 110-13, 116; rela-
tions with and interests in Burma,
317; China, 323-25, 330-31, 332,
335, 337, 340, 341, 356, 359;
Egypt, 223, 225, 226, 227, 235-36;
Germany, 4, 83, 108, 193, 197,
202-14, 216-17, 247, 253-54, 461-
64; Great Britain, 200, 235, 318,
346; Italy, 192-95, 197, 199;
Japan, 328, 331; Latin America,
409-11; Near East, 237, 238, 239,
241, 245, 247, 251, 252, 253-55,
260-61, 264, 265, 267; Pacific,
391-92, 402; Siam, 318; see also
Abyssinia; Fashoda; Ruhr; Rus-
sia; and other special topics
Freycinet, C. L. de, 227
Froude, J. A., 36
Fuad, King, 234

Fukien, 353, 354

Gabun, 22, 113

Gadsden Purchase, 412
Gambetta, 44, 99

Gambia, 76, 115

Gandhi, M. K., 290, 305-7
Garnier, F., 314-15

Genoa Economic Conference, 468
George V, 295

George, David Lloyd, see Lloyd

Georgia, 469

Germany, anti-imperialism in, 23;
imperialism and colonies of, 47-
53, 461, 516, 528, 531, 540-41,
543; in East Africa, 121-23, 125,
127-28, 183, 474, 482, 498; in
Pacific, 386, 387-91, 474; in West
Africa, 117-21; in Near East, 238-
60, 262; interests in and relations
with Belgian Congo, 120-21;
Boers, 167-68, 175-76, 180; Dawes
Plan, 470, 471; Far East, 331-32,
334-35, 337, 340, 341, 343, 344,
351, 355; French colonies, 4, 212-
14; Italy, 150, 193, 219; Morocco,
198, 202-7, 209-14, 216-17; peace
treaty, 463; Portuguese colonies,
118-20; Spanish-American War,
393-94; Tripoli, 219; Tunis, 193,
197; surplus population of, 69;
see also Camerons, France, South
West Africa, Shantung, Togoland,
Gezira, 234

Gibraltar, 21, 198, 200, 218
Gilbert and Ellice Is., 387
Gin, 48, 84, 500, 510

Gladstone, W. E., 15, 17, 20-21, 36,
37, 38, 39, 82, 99, 103, 105, 227-28,
229, 275, 384

Godeffroy, 49, 51-52, 387
Gokhale, G. K., 297, 300
Gold, in Rhodesia, 172; in Trans-
vaal, 165, 173-74, 187

Gold Coast, 14, 115, 116, 560, 564
Goldie, Sir Geo. T., 99-100
Gordon, Maj, C., 143, 327
Gorst, Sir Eldon, 155
Gouraud, Gen., 490
Grant, J. A., 78

Granville, Lord, 21, 105, 227-28, 235
Great Britain, colonies and imperial-
ism, 14-21, 25-41, 518-22, 528, 532,
534, 556, map facing 520; in Bur-
ma, 317; in East Africa, 122, 124-
33; in Egypt, 223-36; in India,
290-312; in Mesopotamia (Iraq.),
254-55, 264-67, 495-98; in Pacific,
381-87, 390, 392, 403; in Pales-

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