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and maliciously did assault one C. D., with intent the garments and clothes of her the said C. D. to tear, spoil, cut, and deface, ["tear, spoil, cut, burn or deface"], and that the said A. B. did then and there feloniously, wilfully, and maliciously tear, spoil, cut, and deface certain garments and clothes, to wit, one silk gown, and one cotton shawl, the clothes, garments, goods and chattels of her the said C. D., and on the person of the said C. D. then and there in wear being: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

See stat. 6 Geo. 1, c. 23, s. 11.

5. Offences against the King and his Government.

day of

High Treason, by compassing the King's Death. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, maliciously and traitorously did compass, imagine, devise, and intend to depose our sovereign lord King George the Fourth, from the royal state, title, power and government of this realm, and from the style, honour, and kingly name of the imperial crown thereof, and to bring and put our said lord the King to death: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

High Treason, by levying War.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

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day of


the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, together with divers other false traitors unknown, armed and arrayed in a warlike manner, and unlawfully, maliciously and traitorously assembled and gathered together, most wickedly, maliciously, and traitorously did levy and make war against our sovereign lord King George the Fourth, within this realm: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.


High Treason, by adhering to the King's Enemies. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day ofthe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, and on divers other days as well before as after, during an open and public war between our sovereign lord King George the Fourth, and · King of · contriving and intending to aid and assist the said King of - in the prosecution of the said war against our said lord the King, maliciously and traitorously was adhering to and aiding and comforting the said King of - -, so being then an enemy of our said lord the King. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.



Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

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the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, ten pieces of false, feigned, and counterfeit money, to the likeness and similitude of the good, legal, and current money and silver coin of our lord the King, called shillings, falsely, deceitfully, feloniously and traitorously did forge, counterfeit and coin: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 18, to the end.

See stat. 25 Ed. 3, st. 5, c. 2.

Counterfeiting Copper Money.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

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the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, one piece of false, feigned and counterfeit copper money, to the likeness and similitude of the good, legal, and current copper money of this realm, called a halfpenny, feloniously did make, coin, and counterfeit: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

See stat. 11 Geo. 3, c. 40, s. 1.

Clipping, Rounding, and Filing the current Coin. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

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day of, in

the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyin the said county, ten pieces of the proper

eight, at

monies and coins of this realm called sovereigns, then and there falsely, deceitfully, and traitorously, and for wicked lucre and gain's sake, did clip, round, and file: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

See stat. 5 El. c. 11, s. 2.

Uttering counterfeit Money.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at ———, in the said county, one piece of false and counterfeit money, made and counterfeited to the likeness and similitude of the good, legal, and current money and silver coin of our lord the King of this realm, called a shilling, as and for a piece of such good, legal, and current money and silver coin called a shilling, then and there falsely and deceitfully did utter and tender to one C. D., he the said A, B., at the time he so uttered and tendered the said piece of false and counterfeit money as aforesaid, well knowing the same to be false and counterfeit: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper” as ante, p. 19, to the end. See stat. 15 Geo. 2, c. 28, s. 2.

Subsequent Offence.

Same as the last, to the words "well knowing the same to be false and counterfeit; and he, the said A. B., having been before [twice] convicted for a similar offence: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end. If it be the third offence, it should be stated to have been done “feloniously.”

See stat. 15 Geo. 2, c. 28, s. 2.

Uttering twice within two Days. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, one piece of false and counterfeit money, made and counterfeited to the likeness and similitude of the good, legal, and current money and silver coin of our said lord the King of this realm, called a shilling, as and for a piece of such good, legal, and current money and silver

coin, called a shilling, falsely and deceitfully did utter and tender to one C. D.; he the said A. B., at the time he so uttered and tendered the said piece of false and counterfeit money as aforesaid, then and there well knowing the same to be false and counterfeit ; and that the said A. B. afterwards, and within the space of ten days next after he the said A. B. so uttered and tendered the said last-mentioned piece of false and counterfeit money as aforesaid, to wit, on the - day of, in the year aforesaid, at aforesaid, in the county aforesaid, one other piece of false and counterfeit money, made and counterfeited to the likeness and similitude [&c. &c. as above], did utter and tender to the said C. D." [or, "to one E. F.], he the said A. B., at the time he so uttered and tendered the said last-mentioned piece of false and counterfeit money, well knowing the same to be false and counterfeit: against the form of the statute in such case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

See stat. 15 Geo. 2, c. 28, s. 3.

Uttering counterfeit Money, having other counterfeit Money in his Possession.

Same as in the last form to the asterisk, and then thus:] and that the said A. B., at the time he so offered and tendered the said piece of false and counterfeit money as aforesaid, had about him, in his custody and possession, a certain other piece of false and counterfeit money, made and counterfeited to the likeness and similitude of the good, legal, and current money and silver coin of our said lord the King of this realm, called a; he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the said last-mentioned piece of false and counterfeit money to be false and counterfeit: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end. See stat. 15 Geo. 2, c. 28, s. 3.

Putting off counterfeit Money at a lower Rate than by its Denomination it imports.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, ten pieces of false and counterfeit milled money, made and counterfeited to the likeness and similitude of the good, legal, and current milled money and silver coin of our said lord the King of this realm, called a shilling (the said several pieces of counterfeit money not being then


cut in pieces), feloniously and unlawfully did pay and put off to one C. D., at and for a lower rate and value than the said pieces of counterfeit money, by their denominations, did then and there import and were respectively coined and counterfeited for: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

See stat. 8 & 9 Will. 3, c. 26, s. 6.


Procuring Counterfeit Coin, with intent to utter it. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of, the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at, in the said county, unlawfully did procure and obtain certain pieces of false and counterfeit money, made and counterfeited to the likeness and similitude of the good, legal, and current money and [silver] coin of our said lord the King, called a [shilling], (he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the said pieces of false and counterfeit money to be false and counterfeit), with intent the same as and for pieces of good, legal, and current money and [silver] coin, called [shillings], falsely and deceitfully to utter, tender, pay, and put off. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

This is a Misdemeanor at Common Law.

Having Coining Tools in his Possession.

Commencement, as ante, p. 19.] on the

day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, knowingly, feloniously, and traitorously had in the custody and possession of him the said A. B., (without lawful or sufficient excuse for that purpose), one die, made of iron and steel, in and upon which were made and impressed the figure, stamp, resemblance, and similitude of one of the sides or flats of the lawful silver coin current within this kingdom, called a shilling, and which said die would then and there make and impress the figure, stamp, resemblance, and similitude of one of the sides and flats of the said lawful silver coin current within this kingdom, called a shilling: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

See stat. 8 & 9 Will. 3, c. 26, s. 1.

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