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Assault, with intent carnally to know a Child under ten Years. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty. eight, at -, in the said county, did assault one C. D., a girl under the age of ten years, to wit, of the age of nine years, with intent her the said C. D., then and there, feloniously and unlawfully carnally to know and abuse. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

Forcible Abduction of a Woman on account of her Fortune. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at, in the said county, feloniously did, from motives of lucre, take away and detain one C. D. against her will, she the said C. D. being theu [a woman having an interest in certain real" or "personal property," or, "the heiress presumptive to a person having an interest in certain real property," or, "the next of kin to a person having an interest in certain personal property], with intent her the said C. D. [to marry" or, defile," or, "to cause to be married to" or "defiled by some other person unknown]: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

See stat. 9 Geo. 4, c. S.

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Abduction of a Girl, under sixteen, from her Parents, &c. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of -, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, unlawfully did take one C. D. out of the possession and against the will of J. D., her father ["father, or mother, or any other person having the lawful care or charge of her"], she the said C. D. then and there being an unmarried girl, under the age of sixteen years, to wit, of the age of years against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper” &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

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Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

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the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty

eight, at in the said county, a certain male child, under the age of ten years, to wit, of the age of seven years, named H. N., the son of one J. N., then and there feloniously and maliciously, by force and fraud, did lead, take, and carry away, with intent, by concealing and detaining the said child from the said J. N. its parent, to deprive the said J. N. of the possession of the said child; against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end. See stat. 9 Geo. 4, c. , S. ·


Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

day of


the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at ———, in the said county, feloniously and unlawfully did marry and take to wife one E. F., C. B., his former wife, to whom the said A. B. was previously married, being then alive: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

See stat. 9 Geo. 4, c. 8. •

Assault and Battery.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at, in the said county, did assault and beat one C. D. And you the said keeper' &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

False Imprisonment.

day of


Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at —, in the said county, did assault and beat one C. D.; and did then and there unlawfully and injuriously, and against the will of the said C. D., and without any legal warrant, authority, or reasonable or justifiable cause whatsoever, imprison the said C. D. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

Arresting a Clergyman during Divine Service. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of. the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty


eight, at in the said county, unlawfully did arrest one C. D., a clergyman, upon civil process, [whilst he the said C. D. was performing divine service;" or, "whilst he the said C. D. was going to perform divine service, he the said A. B. then and there well knowing that the said C. D. was so going to perform divine service as aforesaid;" or, "whilst be the said C. D. was returning from the performance of divine service, he the said A. B. then and there well knowing that the said C. D. was so returning from the performance of divine service as aforesaid]: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

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Assaulting or wounding a Privy Counsellor in the execution of his Duty.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

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day of ▬▬▬▬▬▬, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, unlawfully and feloniously did assault one C. D., and him the said C. D. did then and there [strike and beat," or, wound," or, attempt to kill], he the said C. D. being then one of the Most Honourable Privy Council of bis present Majesty, and in the execution of his office of a Privy Counsellor [in council, or, in a committee of council], then and there being against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

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Assaulting or wounding Magistrates or Others, in the execution of their Duty in saving shipwrecked Property.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

day of

in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, unlawfully did assault one C. D., and him the said C. D. did then and there [strike and beat," or, "wound], on account of the exercise of his the said C. D.'s duty in and concerning the preservation of a certain vessel, then and there in distress, ["of any vessel in distress, or of any vessel, goods, or effects wrecked, stranded or cast on shore, or lying under water"] he the said C. D. being then and there [a magistrate," or, "officer," or, "person] lawfully authorized in that behalf: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as in the form, ante, p. 19, to the end.

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Assault, with intent to commit Felony.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the

day of


the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, unlawfully did assault one C. D., with intent" [here state the felony generally]: "against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

And you

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Assaulting a Peace-officer, or Revenue-officer, in the execution of

his Duty.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the



day of the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, in and upon one C. D., [a constable," or, "an officer of excise," or, an officer of the customs], did make an assault, and him the said C. D. did beat, he the said C. D. being then in the execution of his duty as such [constable," 66 officer of excise," or, or, officer of the customs] as aforesaid: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.


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Assault, with intent to resist Apprehension. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the


day of. the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, unlawfully did assault one C. D., with intent then and there to resist and prevent the lawful [apprehension," or, "detention] of him the said A. B.," [or, "of one E. F.], for [felony]: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

See stat. 9 Geo. 4, c. S. •

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Assault, in pursuance of a Conspiracy to raise Wages. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the


day of


the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, unlawfully did assault one C. D., in pursuance of a conspiracy between him the said A. B. and others, to raise the rate of their wages: against the form of

the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

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Assaulting Seamen or Ship-carpenters, to prevent them from* working.

Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of ――, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at ———, in the said county, [unlawfully, and with force did prevent and obstruct one C. D., a seaman, (“ seaman, keelman, caster, or ship-carpenter,”) or, "unlawfully did beat, wound, and use violence to one C. D., a seaman, (&c.) with intent to deter, prevent, and obstruct him] from working at and exercising his lawful trade, business, and occupation : against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end. See stat. 9 Geo. 4, c. , S. ·



Forcing Seamen on Shore, or refusing to bring them Home, Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at, beyond the seas, being then master of a certain merchant vessel called The -, did, whilst he was abroad aforesaid, [unlawfully force on shore one C. D., a seaman belonging to the said vessel," or, unlawfully and wilfully leave behind him one C. D., then a seaman belonging to the said vessel,” or, "unlawfully refuse to bring home with him again one C. D., then a seaman belonging to the said vessel, whom he the said A. B. had carried out with him, and who was in a condition to return, when the said A. B. was ready to proceed on his homeward bound voyage]: against the form of the statute in that case made and provided. And you the said keeper" &c. as ante, p. 19, to the end.

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Assault, with intent to spoil the Clothes of Another. Commencement, as ante, p. 18.] on the day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyeight, at in the said county, in a certain public street and highway there situate, called Fleet Street, feloniously, wilfully,

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