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100.) and fo purchafed his peace. Thus the Bishoprick as well as the Bishop were punished, who wifhed in his heart he had never taken this preferment to foile himselfe in his decrepid age, with that stain, that all his life he had abhorred, and to be made an inftrument of another mans facriledge, and used like a leaden conduit pipe to convey waters to others, and drinke nothing but the dreggs and droffe and ruft it felfe, wherefore right honeftly and modeftly and no leffe learnedly writes his owne fonne of him in the forenamed Treatife, O illum fælicem fi fælix manere maluiffet, quam Regiminis ecclefiaftici labores tum fufcipere, cum laboribus impar fractus feno neceffum illi fuerit aliorum uti auxilio, &c. O happy he if he would rather have remained happy (where he was) then to undergoe the labours of ecclefiafticall government when he grew unable to travell, broken with age, constrained to use the help of others, who though their duty required a care of fo good a natur'd old man, yet they proving as moft do, negligent of others good, and too greedy of their owne, overthrew both; for my part, though I loved him well and fome of his, yet in this cafe I can make no other apology for him, nor use any other plea in his defence but fuch as able debtors doe, that when they are fued upon juft occafions plead per minas, or rather to liken him to an husbandman, that dwelling neare a judge that was a great builder, and comming one day among divers other neighbours with carriages, fome of stone, fome tin: The steward, as the manner of the country was, provided two tables for their dinners, for thofe that came upon requeft, powdered beefe and perhaps venifon, for those that came fore hire, poor-john and apple-pies, and having invited them to fit downe in his Lordship's name, telling them one boord was for them that came in love, the other for those that came for money, this husbandman and his hind fate not downe at either, the which the steward imputing to fimplicity repeated his former words againe, praying them to fit downe accordingly, but he answered (for there is craft in the clouted fhoe) he faw no table for him, for he came neither for love nor money, but for very feare; and even so I dare answer for this Bishop, he neither gave Wilfcombe for love, nor fold it for money, but left it for fear.

Hów ftrangely he was entrapt in the unfit marriage I know not if it may be called a marriage.

Non Hymenæus adeft illi, non gratia lecto.

Himself protefted to me with tears in his eyes, he tooke her but for a guid of his house, and for the reft (they were his owne words) he lived with her as Jofeph did with our lady. Setting this one difgrace of his afide, he was a man very well efteemed in the country, beloved of all men for his great hofpitality, of the better fort for his kinde entertainment and pleasant discourse at his table, his reading had beene much, his judgement and doctrine found, his government mild and not violent, `his minde charitable, and therefore I doubt not but when he lost this life he wonne heaven according to his word, Win God, win all. This I fay truly of him which his fonne was not fo fit to fay for feare perhaps of the foolish faying, yet wife enough if it be well understood. Nemo laudat patrem nifi improbus filius.

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But what ftile fhall I use to set forth this Still, whom well nigh thirty yeeres fince my reverent tutor in Cambridge ftil'd by this name Divine Still, who when my felf came to him to fue for my grace to be Batchelour, firft he examined me ftricktly, and after anfwered me kindly, that the grace he granted me was not of grace, but of merit, who was often content to grace my young exercises with his venerable prefence, who from that time to this hath given me fome helpes, more hopes, all encouragements in my beft ftudies. To whom I never came but I grew more religious, from whom I never went but I parted better inftructed. Of him therefore my acquaintance, my friend, my inftructor, and laftly my Diocafan, if I fpeake much, it were not to be marvelled, if I fpeake franckly, it is not to be blamed, and though I speake partially, it were to be pardoned, yet to keep within my proportion, cuftome, and promife, in all these I must fay this of him, his breeding was from his childhood in good literature, and partly in mufick, which was counted in those dayes a preparative to divinity, neither could any be admitted to primam tonfuram, except he could first bene le bene con bene can, as they called it, which is to read well, to confter well, and to fing well, in which last he hath good judgement, and I have heard good mufick of voyces in his houfe. In his full time more full of learning, he became Batchelor of Divinity, and after Doctor, and fo famous for a preacher, and especially a difputer, that the learned'ft were even afraid to difpute with him, and he finding his owne ftrength could not stick to warne them in their arguments to take heed to their answers, like a perfect fencer that will tell aforehand in which button he will give the venew, or like a cunning chefs-player that will appoint aforehand with which pawne and in what place he will give the mate; and not to infift long in a matter so notorious, it may fuffice that about twenty yeeres fince when the great dyet or meeting fhould have beene in Germany for compofing matters in religion, Doctor Still was chofen for Cambridge, and Doctor Humphrey for Oxford, to oppofe all commers for the defence of the English Church, for this his knowne fufficiency he was not long unfurnish't of double honour. The puritans in Cambridge wooed him, and would fain have woone him to their part; and feeing they could not, they forbare not in the pulpit after their fashion to glaunce at him among others with their equivocations and epigrams. There was one Mr. Kay that offended them, and one faid in a fermon, that of all complexions the worft neare fuch as were Kaycold, and in the fame fermon and the like veine he said that some could not be contented with a living worth 100l. a year, another worth 1201. but Still will have more. But howfoever they fnarl'd, this Still was counted worthy of more, fo as in the year 1592. being the 34. of the late Queen, he was prefer'd to this Sea after it had beene vacant well nigh three yeeres; during the vacancy I can well remember there was great enquiring who should have it, and as if all Bishops fhould now be fworn to follow ufum Sarum, every man made reckoning that the mannour house and park of Bamwell fhould be made a reward of fome courtier, it encreast also this fufpition that Sir Thomas Hennage an old cour tier, and a zealous Puritan, was faid to have an ore in the matter, whose confcience, if it were fuch in the Clergy, as that was found in the Dutchy, might well have digefted a better booty than Bamwell. But



when it was notified once who was named to it, I had better conceit, and ftraight I wrot to him as of old Cambridge acquaintance, and in fuch rufty Latin as I had left, gave him warning of this rumour, which he tooke exceeding kindly at my hands, though fome others frowned on me for it many months after. So that for his entry to it I may boldly fay that I faid before of his predeceffor, that he came cleerly to it without any touch or fcandall, that he brought a good report from the places where he had lived, fhewed himselfe well natured and courteous to the kindred of his predeceffor, had a farre greater fame of learning and merit, and which the Queen liked beft of all, was fingle and a widdower. Nay I may compare them yet further, he married alfo foone after he was fetled, and the Queene was nothing well pleased with his marriage. Howbeit in all indifferent cenfures this marriage was much more justifiable than the other age, for ufe, for end; he being not too old, nor the too young, being daughter to a worshipful knight of the fame country and a great houfekeeper, and drawing with her a kinde of alliance with Judge Popham that fwayed all the temporall government of the country. Thefe refpects though I will not ftrive greatly to praife in a Bishop, yet the common fort will allow no doubt for wife and provident, fo as the Queene's difpleafure (your times being fomewhat more propitious and favourable to Bishopricks fince Bishop Wickham's fermon) was the easier pacified without fo coftly facrifice as a whole mannour, and the contented her felfe onely to breake a jeft upon the name of the Bishop, faying to Sir Henry Barckley, it was a dangerous name for a Bishop to match with a Horner. Since which time he hath preached before her more than once, and hath received good teftimonies of her good opinion, and God hath also bleft him many wayes very greatly to fee his children well brought up, well bestowed, and to have an unexpected revenue, out of the entrails of the earth (I mean the leaden mines of Mendip) greater then his predeceffor had above ground, fo as this Bishop feemes to be bleft with Jofeph's bleffing, Benedictionibus cæli furfum, benedictionibus abyffi jacentis deorfum, benedictionibus uberis & vulva, with bleffing from heaven above, bleffing from the deepe that lyeth beneath, bleffings of the breasts and of the wombe, with fortunate increase of living hapning to a provident man that was ever homo frugi, it is fuppofed hath brought him to a great ability. In fo much that his Church of Bath feemes to conceive fome hope that he will have compaffion of her ruines at the leaft (as Sir Arthur Hopton a good Knight of the Bath was wont between earnest and sport to motion unto him to give toward it, but the lead to cover it which would coft him nothing, but he would reply againe, well faid gentle Sir Arthur, you will coffe me as you fcoffe me, which is no great token that he liketh the motion. Yet at his being at Bath he promised them very faire, which they are bound to remember him of fometime by their friends. One trifling accident hapned to his Lordship there that I have thought of more confequence, and I tell him that I never knew him Non plust in argument but there. There was a crafts man of Bath a recufant Puritan who condemning our Church, our Bishops, our facraments, our prayers, was condemned himselfe to dye at the affizes, but at my requeft Judge Adderton reprieved him, and he was fuffered to remain at Bath upon baile. The Bishop confer'd with him in hope to convert him, and firft my Lord alledged for the authority of the Church St. Auguftine; the fhoomaker answered Austin was but a man, he produced for antiquity of


Bishops the fathers of the councell of Nice, he answered, they were also but men, and might err; why then faid the Bishop thou art but a man and mayeft and doeft erre. No Sir, faith he, the spirit beares witnesse to my fpirit I am the child of God; Alaffe faith the Bishop thy blind fpirit will lead thee to the gallowes : If I die faith he in the Lord's caufe I fhall be a martyr. The Bishop turning to me ftirr'd as much to pitty as impatience; This man, faid he, is not a fheepe ftrayed from the fold, for fuch may be brought in againe on the fhepheard's thoulders, but this is like a wild buck broken out of a parke, whofe pale is throwne downe, that flies the farther off, the more he is hunted. Yet, this man that stopt his eares like the adder, to the charmes of the Bishop, was after perfwaded by a lay-man, and grew comfortable; but to draw to an end (in one queftion) this Bishop whom I count an oracle for learning, would never yet give me fatisfaction, and that was when I afkt him his opinion of witches. He faith, he knowes other mens opinions both old and new writers, but could never fo digest them, to make them an opinion of his owne. All I can get is this, that the Devill is the old Serpent, our enemy that we pray to be delivered from daily; as willing to have us think he can doe fo much as to have us perfwaded he doth nothing. To conclude of this Bishop without flattery, I hold him a rare man for preaching, for arguing, for learning, for living; I could onely with, that in all these he would make leffe ufe of logick, and more of rhetorick.


(Continued from page 142.)




HIS Prophetic Pfalm, forms an additional link to that illuftrious chain, characteristic of the MESSIAH, furnifhed by the foregoing prophecies of Nathan, Ethan, and David *; in which the Royal Pfalmift, proceeds, (in continuation, as it were, of the Second Pfalm) to defcribe the stability and permanence of the MESSIAH's delegated dominion; the voluntary adoration of his fubjects, " in the day of his power;" his primæval birth; his royal and perpetual priefthood; the exemplary vengeance to be inflicted on the heads of his foes, "in the day of his wrath ;" and his perfonal fufferings, as the fource of his tranfcendant exaltation.

Its exclufive application to the MESSIAH, was the unequivocal doctrine of the Primitive Jewish Church:-1. The Pharifees confeffed it, when they were filenced, OUR LORD applying the Pfalm to himself, Matt. 22. 44. 2. Peter, appealed thereto, as incontrovertible evidence, in that noble Difcourfe, on the day of Pentecoft, which wrought the conversion of 3000 fouls, Acts, 2. 34. and 3. Paul, in his masterly Address to the Jewish Converts, Heb. 1. 13, and 10. 13. And alfo to the Gentiles, 1 Cor. 15. 25. And 4, inftead of the prefent reading of the Chaldee Paraphrafe, "THE LORD faid in his Oracle," (n), Galatinus cites," to his Oracle," (mn) conformably to the Original," to the Regent" (78), which it well explains; and the emendation is fupported by refpectable Jewish evidence, the author of Kabotfim, reading

2 Sam. 7-Pf. 89-Pf. 2.


also, n'\n'nb. - 5. The Midrash Tillim on Pf. 2. 7, faith, the affairs of THE MESSIAH are fet forth in the Hagiographa, in thefe words, Pf. 110, THE LORD faid, &c. And on Pf. 18. 36, further faith, R. Joden, in the name of R. Chama, faid, that in the time to come, Gop fhall Set King MESSIAH at his right hand; as it is written. Pf. 110. The Lord faid unto my Lord; &c. And 6. R. Obadiah Gaon, not only faith, the Pfalmift compofed the Pfalm of THE MESSIAH; but adds, that GoD further faid,

Sit thou at my right hand, and the ministering Angels at my left." And 7. R. Saodias Gaon, on Dan. 7. 13. faith, This is THE MESSIAN OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, as it is written

Pf. 110. The Lord faid to my Lord, &c.

But the later Rabbins

Etas parentum pejor avis, tulit
Iftos nequiores-

endeavouring to evade its force, have recourse to their grand faftness, the double fenfe; and variously apply it, to Abraham likewife, as R. Joden, Solomon Jarchi, and Lipmann; or to Mofes, as Arama; or to David himself, as David Kimchi, and Aben Ezra; or to Hezekiah; or to Zorobabel; or to the people of Ifrael; according to Justin Martyr, Chryfoftom, &c.-All" toffed to and fro"-And" reeling in their expofitions, like drunken men," (ws oi μedvoiles) as Chryfoftom remarks.



1. THE LORD fpake unto THE REGENT; "Sit thou at my right hand, Until I make thine Enemies, a ftool for thy feet."

2. THE LORD fhall fend forth the fceptre of thy might from Sion: Rule thou in the midft of thine Enemies.

3. In the day of thy power, fhall thy people [offer]

Free-will offerings, in the beauties of holinefs:

From the womb, before the morning ftar, [was] the dew of thy birth.

4. THE LORD fware, and He will not repent;

"Thou art Prieft for ever, according to the order of Melchifedck." 5. THE LORD on thy right hand, in the day of his wrath,

6. Shall crush Kings; He fhall judge

Among the Gentiles; He thall heap up the carcafes;

He fhall crush the Head over many countries :

7. He shall drink of the brook, in the way;

Therefore fhall he lift up his head.


Aben Ezra, obferves of the title of this Pfalm, 110 115, that 17, does not fignify, "Of David," intimating a Pfalm of his compofition, (although he was certainly the author, Matt. 22. 43), but that it was penned "for David," or in honour of David; agreeably to the Septuagint rendering; Yaλμ Tw Aavidi;-but 717, here, as in feveral other places, is not a proper name, denoting the Pfalmift himself, but an ap


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